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Qin Feiyang’s eyes sank, and he resolutely entered Ancient Castle.

arrow rain, cutting edge!

Shoot all branches!

For a time.

In this place, the leaves are flying like rain.

Dozens of people at Three Great Families looked up and stared at the treetops.


When the leaves are gone and everything is in sight, let alone people, not even a mosquito.

“Don’t you say he’s on it?”

“What about people?”

Everyone looked towards that black clothed youth.

“Sorry, I was mistaken, we continue to look for it.”

black clothed youth embarrased said with a smile.

But my heart was very confused.

There was sweat dripping, but why wasn’t anyone?

Dozens of people walked under the tree one after another and gradually went away.


They didn’t realize that a pair of faint green eyes always followed them.


“Where did Little Qinzi hide?”

“Yes, Ancient Castle!”

It walked under the big tree and whispered, “Little Qinzi, everyone is gone, and they can come out.”

The voice has not fallen.

Qin Feiyang appeared out of nowhere, looking up towards the flames in the jungle, and then he was afraid, “I’m glad I ran fast, otherwise I would be shot into a sieve.”

“Go, kill them all!”

Wolf King whispered, vicious aura is intrusive.

Qin Feiyang said: “No, no, no, we do n’t have time to spend with them now, go to the Black Bear, or else they will be preempted by the Three Great Families.”

Wolf King said suddenly: “Yes, Brother Wolf almost forgot the bear paw, walk around.”

One man one wolf turned around and chased Black Bear.

Wolf King’s nose is very smart, so Qin Feiyang has no worries about losing it.

All the way up.

Trees, stone mountain, and ground were severely damaged.

Apparently Black Bear and the ten different people played against each other.


Bang bang bang!

After the number of ten breaths.

Black Bear’s roaring and fighting sounds are within easy reach.

One man one wolf lurked over, lying on a boulder, looking at the probe.

I saw Black Bear trapped again, blood dyed red, already weak to the extreme!

As for those dozens of young men and women, look pale like paper, basically to the point of exhaustion.

“A total of ten three people, I have ten arrows here …”

“White-Eyed Wolf, you lurk forward.”

“When I finish shooting the arrows, we will scramble back and forth and leave them all here!”

Qin Feiyang’s murderous intention flashed.

“it is good.”

When Wolf King answered, he circled a large circle, lurking in a deep trench, waiting for opportunity.

Qin Feiyang stepped back from the boulder, stood next to the boulder, took out three arrows, put it on the bowstring, aimed at the three people, and pulled it full.

“The survival of the fittest, this World is so cruel, don’t blame me.”

He muttered to himself.

Hand loose!

The three arrows, like lightning, came in an instant, submerged within the body of the three people!

what! ! !

Three people immediately screamed.


“Why did someone put a cold arrow?”

“What the hell is, get out of me!”

The remaining ten were angry on setting fire day, stalking Black Bear while glancing at all directions.

Qin Feiyang hid behind the boulder, cold light flashed in his eyes, pulled out 3 arrows, and took the bowstring!


Taking a deep breath, he quickly turned around, pulled his bow and arrow, in one go!


But only 2 screams came out.

Only two people were shot, and the other one avoided the danger.

“Too hasty, not aiming, wasting one.”

Qin Feiyang was annoyed after hiding behind the boulder.

However, in such a situation, this will happen, and it is inevitable.


But it is at this time.

Two more screams came.

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, the probe looked.

It turned out to be the Black Bear. While the 8 people were in a panic, they fought back and killed two people.

That leaves only six people!

“Easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to avoid a stab in the dark, we quickly withdraw!”


“Bastard was badly hurt. I just retreated. I am not willing!”

“What can you do not reconcile? Keep going, we have to die sooner or later!”

“Leave the green hills here, don’t worry about the firewood, don’t fret, quickly go!”

“After dawn, let’s find that person slowly to calculate the account!”

Three young men turned around and started to flee.

See you.

In addition, the three people dared to stay, and fled!

Black Bear didn’t chase, because it couldn’t chase, it slumped to the ground and couldn’t move.


Qin Feiyang frowned.

This is a situation he did not expect.

“Able to kill one is one!”

He was so hard-hearted that he took out three arrows decisively and aimed at the three people behind him.

However the result.

All three arrows were missed.

“Scoundrel, don’t let me find out who you are!”

One of them roared.

Qin Feiyang drew the last arrow, but eventually let go of the iron bow, and said hoarsely, “Let them leave.”

He was talking to Wolf King, and he changed his voice slightly.

Although six people were seriously injured, being able to fight with Black Bear for so long is enough to prove that even if it is not 9-Star Martial Master, it is also 8-Star Martial Master.

Therefore, he did not have certainty, leaving all six people behind.

Rather than waste this effort, it is better to solve Black Bear first.

Qin Feiyang looked towards the Black Bear, stepped out, but suddenly pulled back, hiding behind the boulder.

He suddenly thought that six people would probably peep in the dark.

In this case, his identity will be exposed, and boundless retaliation will surely be faced!


He lowered his head and groaned for a moment. He tore off his shirt and covered his face, and then strode out.

Wolf King followed him out of the jungle.

Not a distant place, a torch is inserted, so the situation of Black Bear can be clearly seen by Qin Feiyang.

It is not difficult to kill it now.


Black Bear can also clearly see Qin Feiyang and Wolf King. Although it doesn’t even have the strength to get up, the vicious glint from the pump is enough to make anyone dare not care.

“He is who?”

“Unexpectedly associated with a wolf?”

The six people did not leave, hiding and peeping in a distant place.

But when I saw one man one wolf, I looked puzzled.

“Follow the wolf …”

One of the white clothed youth kept mumbled at this sentence, as if thinking something, but couldn’t remember what it was for a while?


His binocular radiance wildly shooting, whispered: “I thought of this wonderful combination, only them!”


Five people looked at him in surprise.

“Qin Feiyang!”

White clothed youth said word by word.

“It turned out to be him!”

five people body trembling.

at the same time.

Qin Feiyang and Wolf King simultaneously looked at each other, then approached Black Bear.

The thought of being able to eat a delicious bear paw at once, Wolf King couldn’t help putting his eyes out, and Harrah ’s flowing directly.


But it is at this time.

A loud roar, like a thunder, exploded in the jungle in the undistant place.

Wolf King was scared on the spot!

Dong!! !

Follow closely.

Then came the sound of one after another earth shaking.

Inside the Black Bear’s pump, a rush of joy immediately rose, stood up tenaciously, and made a growl.


one man one wolf turn pale with fright!

Because the sound of this vibration is the sound of footsteps!

In other words.

There is one unknown Vicious Beast, is coming this way!


It is not difficult to judge that this Vicious Beast is not only huge but also powerful!

“Not good, Beast King of Black Bear Mountain, quick withdraw!”


A terrified loudly shouted sounded.

Qin Feiyang followed.

Immediately I saw 6 black shadows, fast as lightning in the jungle, and soon disappeared.

“Sure enough to peep in the dark.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, I couldn’t help but be afraid after a while. Fortunately, I thought of this in advance, otherwise not only this fake identity will be exposed, but even the true body will be exposed.

After all, anyone who dares to work with the wolf looks at the entire Black Bear City, and he is alone.

“Beast King!”

But then he realized the point.

Come to Vicious Beast, unexpectedly is Beast King of Black Bear Mountain.

And look at the expression of Black Bear, it must be related to it.

Footsteps were getting closer.

Qin Feiyang can already clearly feel that the ground under his feet is shaking!

Don’t run at this time, when will it be?

“White-Eyed Wolf, quick go!”

Qin Feiyang drink low.

Wolf King unwillingly glanced at Black Bear, followed Qin Feiyang, and quickly evacuated.

Not to five breaths.

A colossus, Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood trampled the trees and rocks, and came to the Black Bear.

This is also one Black Bear!

But with a head and feet of more than ten meters, it looks like a mountain, exuding fearful might!

It is King of Black Bear Mountain, Black Bear King!

Qin Feiyang and Wolf King glanced back, their gallbladders were almost frightened, they quickly turned one’s head to escape, and even used the power of feeding milk.

The injured Black Bear yelled at the Black Bear King like it was talking.



Black Bear King roared, bare his breasts, hugged the injured Black Bear, and chased one man one wolf.

The speed is not comparable to Qin Feiyang and Wolf King.

five breaths!

Black Bear King was right in front of one man one wolf, then turned around, looking down at Qin Feiyang and Wolf King. There was a large pump with a basin and a vicious glint!

Wolf King hid directly behind Qin Feiyang, and his eyes, as big as bronze bells, were in one’s eyes.

“That one……”

“This is a misunderstanding……”

“You must believe me …”

Qin Feiyang is also cold sweat, and keeps going back.

Standing in front of the Black Bear King, it was like standing under a ten thousand zhang giant peak. An indescribable sense of oppression came out like a tide, and my heart felt a sense of smallness.

This time really played big.

Obviously, the injured Black Bear was the cub of Black Bear King.

I am afraid that even Black Bear Mountain and Black Bear City may be named after this Black Bear King.

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