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Since entering Nine-Nether Yellow Spring, everyone has been fighting and fleeing. The blood, dirt, dust, etc. on their bodies have never been cleaned.


When she saw the puddle, Shen Mei wanted to wash.

Of course, this is understandable.

After all, as a woman, she is still a beautiful woman, who loves beauty and loves clean nature.

Shen Mei added: “If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter, I can stick to it.”

“It’s okay, and I think everyone really should wash.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, jumped from the stone, and cautiously walked towards the pool.

Before that, he didn’t really care about these things, but when Shen Mei said, look at everyone’s unkempt appearance, and it really should be cleaned.

However, under the water, any crisis may exist, so it must be investigated first.

The puddle is not far, and Qin Feiyang walks to the puddle soon.

The deep water is clear, can be 56 meters wide, and the edges are all overgrown with grass, but the bottom of the pool cannot be seen.

Qin Feiyang observed the meeting, the water surface was always calm, giving a sense of tranquility.

But he did not rush, and found a large stone beside him, and threw it into the pool.


Water splash 4 splashes.

The stone sank quickly towards the bottom of the pond.

But in the middle of the ring, I didn’t see it sink to the end.

“Will you go down and see?”

Qin Feiyang was hesitant.

At last.

He clinched the teeth and jumped into the puddle with a sharp leap, sinking quickly towards the bottom of the pond.

Unexpectedly calm in the water, not even half a creature.

But the more so, the more cautious Qin Feiyang was, even taking out Azure Snow in case of accident.

After about 2 100 breaths, he finally saw the bottom of the pond.

The moment he saw the bottom of the pond, he stopped immediately, his eyes full of astonishment!

bottom of the pond, unexpectedly piled with a lot of bones!

The stone that was thrown into the puddle before is now on that bone.

Qin Feiyang one after another glanced over and couldn’t help scalp tingling.

These white bones, including human skulls and Vicious Beast’s skulls, are like hell in Hell.

This is sufficient proof that the puddle is not safe.

But where is the danger?

Because in the bottom of the pond, Qin Feiyang only saw the bones and no other creatures.

Qin Feiyang was eager to find it, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that he couldn’t go down and risk.

After a moment of groaning, he swam decisively towards the water.

But suddenly.

He stopped again, looking towards the left side of the bottom of the pond, his eyes a little stunned.

There seemed to be one strand glow, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Qin Feiyang frowned.

However, next moment, the glow appeared again and disappeared.

“Not an illusion!”

Qin Feiyang Jing God One vibrates. When he swims to the left, he does not enter the bottom of the pond, keeping a distance from the bottom of the pond.

This flickering glow is likely to come out of a treasure!

As they approached each other, the glow became more and more obvious.

Faintly, Qin Feiyang saw a blurry glow in the bottom of the pond!

“There is a treasure!”

Qin Feiyang was overjoyed, but he didn’t lose his mind because of this. He approached slowly, holding Azure Snow tightly in his hand.

After the interest rate.

He finally saw the glower.

That unexpectedly is a flower!

This flower, rooted on a piece of mud, can have a large palm and is shaped like Snow Lotus.

But it has only 3 leaves, and each leaf is carved like a crystal without any flaws.

In addition, the whole body flickers with hazy rays. Although it is rooted in the sludge, it does not stain the slightest dirt, and it is exceptionally beautiful.

Qin Feiyang can see God, what flower is this? Unexpectedly growing in such a place? Looks familiar?

But surely, this flower is by no means an ordinary thing!

After carefully observing all around, Qin Feiyang approached the flower slowly when there were no other creatures.

But at the sight of it, he seemed to have found something terrible, quickly retracted his arm, and dashed towards the water without thinking!

And just as he retracted his arm, the mud near that flower tumbling up.

Sou! ! !

Follow closely.

A group of mysterious creatures rushed out of the sludge and rushed towards Qin Feiyang like lightning.

These mysterious divine objects can have long chopsticks, thick thumbs, whole body pitch-black like ink, and look like snakes, but not snakes.

Because they don’t have snake scales or eyes.

However, they can clearly sense the presence of Qin Feiyang and keep up with it.


“How come there are these ghosts?”

Qin Feiyang looked down towards those mysterious creatures, his face turned blue.

These creatures are fast, but they are a bit worse than Qin Feiyang.

A moment passed.

Qin Feiyang rushed out of the water and quickly climbed ashore.

After landing, he did not continue to escape, stood on the shore, glanced at the lake, and Scarlet Sword Qi surged all over.

“what happened?”

Suddenly suspicious, fatty three people rushed towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang said without looking back: “Don’t come over and be ready to escape at any time.”


three people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is there any Vicious Beast in lakebed that fails?

Thinking of this, Ren Wushuang shivered and shouted: “If there is a situation, everyone is alert.”

For a moment, all of them opened their eyes, and got up to enter a state of alert.

Sou! ! !

Almost at the same time.

The group of mysterious creatures rushed out of the pool, and a gush of their brains rushed towards Qin Feiyang.


“Black Demon Lotus!”

See you.

Not the fatty and the others of the distant place, all are bewilderement.

Black Demon Lotus, like Blood Locust, can penetrate into the living creature’s inside the body and absorb the blood of the living creature until the end of life.

But Black Demon Lotus is more terrifying than Blood Locust.

Because their bodies are very tenacious, it is difficult for ordinary sharp weapons to break their defenses.

And most importantly, they can not only suck blood, but also battle Qi!

fatty cried, “Boss, don’t entangle them, quick go!”

“Can’t go yet.”

Qin Feiyang whispered, Scarlet Sword Qi turned into a torrent and rushed towards Black Demon Lotus.


Those Black Demon Lotus started to absorb his Battle Qi!

But a portion of the Black Demon Lotus was cut into pieces and crashed into the puddle.


These Black Demon Lotus, also known as Undying Body!

Even if they are chopped into fragments, they will rise again.

And it is forming a brand new independent individual.

For example, if there is only one Black Demon Lotus, if you cut it in half, it will become two.

Unless you burn it to ashes, you will only kill more!

This is where Black Demon Lotus is most scary!

“Qin Feiyang, these ghosts, you can’t kill them, and quickly retreat with us.”

Dong Zhengyan yelled anxiously.

“This may not be the case.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Scarlet Sword Qi converged, Flame Battle Qi emerged, and earth-shattering was gone.


Crowds of Black Demon Lotus, going on and on, burned one wave after another and surged up.

And even if it is Flame Battle Qi, they dare to absorb it.

The most amazing thing is that with the continuous absorption of Battle Qi, their body size has become larger and larger, and more and more embarrassing!

Several Black Demon Lotus have swelled to thick arms, letting one have one’s hair stand on end!

“They can absorb Battle Qi, but they can’t absorb real flames. Just put setting on fire them?”

Someone suggested.

“Putting setting on fire can only deal with ordinary locusts.”

“But these Black Demon Lotus can’t even cut off their flesh, let alone ordinary flames.”

Dong Zhengyan rejected the proposal right now.

Shen Mei frowns saying: “Putting it that way, doesn’t Black Demon Lotus have an invincible body?”

“It can be said like this.”

Dong Zhengyan nodded.

“Setting on fire?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, which reminded him.

Common flames don’t work, Flame Battle Qi doesn’t work, what about Pill Fire?

Pill Fire does not belong to any Battle Qi, can it effectively prevent these Black Demon Lotus from being reborn?

the thoughts got to this point.

He thought, and Underworld Demon Flame appeared.

The temperature released by Grade 5 Pill Fire is amazing.

When the Underworld Demon Flame recovers, the temperature between Heaven and Earth will soar, and it will instantly become a great stove!

All the shrubs and weeds dried up at the speed visible by naked eyes and burned instantly.

A few breathed in the past.

This place becomes a sea of ​​fire!

“How many Pill Fire is this?”

“The temperature released is unexpectedly unbearable to me?”

Wu Yan and the others at the resting place were horrified by 10000 points.


Lu Xingchen looked at Underworld Demon Flame, pumps stood out and said, “If I didn’t judge wrong, then Pill Fire should be Grade 5!”


“Grade 5!”

Everyone was stunned.

The whole Ling Prefecture has only the highest grade of Pill Fire in the inner palace, but only Grade 4.

Qin Feiyang, where did you get the Grade 5 Pill Fire?

Is it Yun Prefecture?

The emergence of Underworld Demon Flame has indeed played a significant role.

Those Black Demon Lotus are not as crazy as before, some are surrounded by Qin Feiyang all around, some are afraid to approach.

Part of it returned to the water pond and floated on the surface.

Only a small part of the Black Demon Lotus is still rushing towards Qin Feiyang. The black Demon Lotus with thick arms is among them, and a kind of Qi of King has been faintly emitted.

Qin Feiyang’s gaze was also locked on them, his eyes filled with murderous intention.

Because they can no longer be allowed to continue to grow, otherwise it will inevitably pose a threat to him.

铿 clang!

Just as the Black Demon Lotus was approaching, he raised his arm, waving Azure Snow in his hand, and the Black Demon Lotus was cut into fragments on the spot.

Follow closely.

He lost his mind, and Underworld Demon Flame pounced.

The terrible heat shrouded away, and those fragments quickly burned to ashes!

This scene seemed to frighten other Black Demon Lotus and retreat towards the water pond.

“hmph! ”

Qin Feiyang coldly snorted, with a wave of his hand, Underworld Demon Flame turned into a stream of light, and went directly into the puddle.


The deep water began to boil, bubbling, and transpiration of one strand of white mist.

“What does he want?”

Everyone was shocked.

Lu Xingchen said: “It should be to evaporate the water in the pond.”

“Why did he do this?”

“Just for Black Demon Lotus? Not boring?”

Everyone couldn’t help frowning.

“hmph! ”

fatty in the dark coldly snorted, disdainful.


It’s a joke.

Boss never does anything meaningless. Under the water pond, there must be something that makes Boss be emotional?


He made a short stride and swept towards Qin Feiyang.

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