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But it is not without gain.

At least enough time for Dong Zhengyan and Ren Wushuang and the others to escape.

Now, it is impossible for Mo Wushen several people to continue to pursue them.

Qin Feiyang did not continue to delay, said with a smile: “4th place, the mountains will not change, we will meet again next time.”

“Wait a minute!”

Mo Wushen hurried.

“What else?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

Mo Wushen said solemnly: “Where is Pan Wuyan? Give her to us.”

“she was?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, shaking his head, “I don’t know if she is dead now, but I can return it to you.”

While talking, Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and a bloody person appeared immediately on the ground.

It’s Pan Wuyan!

But at this moment, Pan Wuyan aura was completely gone, his face was pale, and he was clearly dead!

“Sorry, my fat brothers! It was too heavy to kill her, accidentally killed her, you find a place to bury, goodbye!”

Qin Feiyang teased with a smile and waved at four people, and then disappeared without a trace with a blink.

Looking at the frosty corpse of Pan Wuyan, the expression of four people was rather ugly.

Especially Yan Tianfeng!

He has the best relationship with Pan Wuyan, and is a partner for a long time. Now that Pan Wuyan is dead, he is alone, how can he fight with Mo Wushen and Liu Yunfeng two people in the future?

“Liu Yunfeng, Pei Sanshi, I know that I have no right to blame you for what is happening today.”

“After all, we used to bully you, and it’s normal for you to have a response qi in your heart.”

“But I still want to say one thing, you are indeed wrong.”

“You know, this time Yun Prefecture only has 5 of us coming to Nine-Nether Yellow Spring. Any one of our five people is extremely important.”

“But now, only after entering Swamp of Death, Pan Wuyan died, and only 4 of us are left.”

“This is not good news for us.”

“So I hope that before we reach the other shore, we can let go of our gratitude and grudges and stop killing each other.”

Mo Wushen said bitterly.

“Okay, we’ll listen to you.”

“But only if you stop pointing at us.”

Liu Yunfeng two people groaned for a while and took the lead in making their statements.

Yan Tianfeng glanced at the three people, coldly snorted and said: “Do I still have a choice now?”

Mo Wushen said: “Now that we have reached an agreement, let’s let her rest in peace!”

After burying Pan Wuyan, Pei Sanshi frowns saying, “What about the strange flower under the pool?”

“Forget it, Qin Feiyang won’t give up, we can’t snatch him at all.”

“In the future, we will rarely mess with him.”

“We set off immediately and rushed into the depths of Swamp of Death to get to the other shore first.”

Mo Wushen said.

Liu Yunfeng three people nodded.

Qin Feiyang is obviously more important than Imperial Capital.

Mo Wushen said: “It’s not too late, let’s go!”

Sou! ! !

Four people plunged into the jungle and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

This place quickly fell into a deadly stillness.

Inside Ancient Castle.

Qin Feiyang only realized when he heard the conversation of four people.

He was already weird, why did Mo Wushen and the others get into Swamp of Death so fast and find a good place to ambush them in advance?

It turned out that only their five people came to the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures.

The people in Yun Prefecture are also smart, knowing that people under Battle Ancestor who enter Nine-Nether Yellow Spring can only act as cannon fodder, and give up at all.

This makes Mo Wushen five people easier.

On the other hand, people from Ling Prefecture rushed in and rushed in, but what happened?

I do n’t even know what the Swamp of Death is, so I lost my life for nothing.

“oh! ”

Qin Feiyang was deeply sighed and looked towards fatty said: “The situation in the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures is far beyond my expectations. Before breaking through to Battle Ancestor, you should not go out again.”

Fatty nodded.

Although he is usually timid and afraid of things, with his current strength, he is definitely capable of dominating the battle under Battle Ancestor.

People like Wu Yan won’t be his opponents even if they add up to ten.

But facing the powerhouse above Battle Ancestor, his strength is not enough.

and so.

Breakthrough to Battle Ancestor has become a priority for fatty.

As for Wolf King, it has already broken through to 9-Star Battle Sovereign, and it is not far from breakthrough Battle Ancestor.

And Mountain Piercing Beast, Lu Hong, Luo Qianxue, Lin Yiyi have also made great progress, but in Nine-Nether Yellow Spring, it is obviously impossible to help Qin Feiyang.

What can help him are only fatty and Wolf King.

Just as Qin Feiyang was preparing to leave Ancient Castle, Lin Yiyi suddenly said, “Big Brother Feiyang, don’t you say, is there a surprise for me?”


Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, immediate pats forehead, shaking his head said with a smile: “Look at me, I’m so busy that I almost forgot about it, you wait.

Let me talk about it.

Qin Feiyang went to the sacrificial platform and started Pill Refinement.

More than ten breaths, a Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill of four Pill Marks is released.

Qin Feiyang grabbed the medical pill, walked to Lin Yiyi, said with a smile: “Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill is different from Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill. The Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill of four Pill Marks is enough to let you break through 5 small realm. “

“5 small realm!”

Lin Yiyi’s eyes shook, and it turned out to be a big surprise.

Qin Feiyang said: “Actually you don’t have to think so much, I believe I have the ability to protect you.”

Lin Yiyi took the medical pill and bowed his head, “But I want to protect you and help you.”


Qin Feiyang stumbled.

Wolf King chuckled said: “Little Missy, it’s not brother that hits you. Your strength will never help us.”

Lin Yiyi was lost for a while.

“Don’t talk, nobody treats you dumb!”

Qin Feiyang fiercely stared at Wolf King, looked towards Lin Yiyi said with a smile: “Don’t listen to it nonsense, I believe that one day you can protect me, but I am afraid that when others will say that I rely on women to eat Soft rice. “


Lin Yiyi burst into tears for a moment.

“Well, you cultivation, I’ll go out and see if I can get the strange flower.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, left Ancient Castle, and walked towards the pool.

There is always a feeling in his heart, if he misses the strange flower, he will regret it all his life.

The strange flower was a little familiar to him, but he couldn’t remember the name for a while.

After a while.

He came to the puddle, but when he looked at the current puddle, he was startled.

The previous battles not only caused serious damage to the land, but the water pond was beyond recognition at this moment.

Qin Feiyang was worried that the strange flower was also affected.


He jumped in without hesitation.


Just before jumping into the water, more than a dozen Black Demon Lotus swarmed up and stuck to him.

He felt right now that these disgusting insects were sucking his blood frantically, and desperately drilled towards him within the body.

Anyone in this situation can’t help scalp numbness, and Qin Feiyang is no exception.

He quickly climbed ashore, summon out the Underworld Demon Flame, I’m afraid the high temperature immediately enveloped all directions.

A dozen Black Demon Lotus, immediately left his body in panic, and darted toward the puddle.


Qin Feiyang one finger clicked, Scarlet Sword Qi raged away, instantly tore their flesh, and then combined with Pill Fire’s incineration, soon burned to ashes.

Qin Feiyang looked at the dozen blood holes in his body, and he was afraid for a while.

Fortunately, I reacted in time, otherwise when Black Demon Lotus got into the inside of the body, he would be a delicious cake, and he could only let them suck.


Without hesitation, Qin Feiyang took Underworld Demon Flame and jumped into the puddle again.

Underworld Demon Flame is in a semi-recovery state. As soon as it enters the water, the deep water starts to heat up.

Qin Feiyang was afraid that something unexpected would happen to the strange flower, he quickly sank to the bottom.

On the way, the Black Demon Lotus he met never dared to approach him, but all followed him behind.

After a while.

Qin Feiyang finally came to the bottom of the pond.

Sensen bones, horrible to see!

One by one Black Demon Lotus crosses the strange flower all around, which is very resistant to the stranger Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang looked at that strange flower, and let out a long relaxed breath.

Although the previous battle fluctuations were terrifying, fortunately, the puddle was deep and did not reach the strange flower.


He was calm, and gradually approached the strange flower.

The Underworld Demon Flame in your hand exudes a hot wave, and the Black Demon Lotus in the strange flower all around is forced to retreat continuously.

Seeing this situation, Qin Feiyang was quite excited. Without unexpected, he would surely get the strange flower.


Unexpected happens.

When he was only one meter away from the strange flower, the repelled Black Demon Lotus did not fear the high temperature of Underworld Demon Flame and wrapped the strange flower again.

Obviously, they swear to keep the strange flower!

Qin Feiyang had to stop, and expression was quite annoyed.

But also reflected from the side, this strange flower is definitely not an ordinary thing.

How to do it?

While he was thinking of a solution, there were two faint sounds from above, as if something was falling into the puddle.

“Don’t Mo Wushen four people give up yet?”

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart, immediately looked up and stared up, his eyes full of vigilance.

But as time passed, Qin Feiyang gradually felt wrong.

It is now over 300 years old. If it is Mo Wushen several people, it must have come to the bottom of the pond.

But now, no one is down, I can only feel the water moving above.

What happened?

Qin Feiyang frowns, but suddenly thought, shouldn’t someone be bathing on it?

If that’s the case, it’s definitely not Mo Wushen several people.

But then again, this person is really careless.

With the Underworld Demon Flame in, the water in the puddle is still heating up, and it is easy to detect that it is unusual.

If it were him, he would definitely come down and check it.


Perhaps to this person, this is a natural hot spring.

Think of this.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed.

When are you unexpectedly still thinking about these?

He bowed his head again, looking towards those Black Demon Lotus.


He bit his teeth, stretched out his left hand, and went straight into the group of Black Demon Lotus, then grabbed the strange flower.

Immediately !

A heart tearing pain came from the arm.

He felt that at this moment, there were dozens of Black Demon Lotus attached to his arm!

But he ignored it, pulled up the strange flower vigorously, and quickly entered Ancient Castle.

Entering Immediately of Ancient Castle, he took out Azure Snow, without any hesitation, cut it off to the left shoulder!


Cut your arm right now, blood like a waterfall!


The broken left arm fell to the ground, dozens of Black Demon Lotus crawled out one after another, and immediately moved away towards everyone.

See you.

Lin Yiyi and Lu Hong immediately countenance turning pale.

Even Luo Qianxue is no exception.

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