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Seeing Qin Feiyang’s response, Dongfang Wuhen cautiously asked: “Is this true?”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “Is there anything that has nothing to do with you, you just talk about your plan.”


“My plan is to wait for me to tell people in Kong Prefecture, Ren Wushuang, they are important to you.”

“Knowing this, I think they will definitely find a way to capture Ren Wushuang as a bargaining chip to seduce and seduce you.”

“A fight will inevitably occur with those below.”

Dongfang Wuhen said.

Two people and a wolf simultaneously looked, let alone say, this method is really good.

On the one hand, it can save its own strength, on the other hand, it can weaken the heritage of the other Two Great Prefectures, which can be said to be kill two birds with one stone.

Qin Feiyang said, “So you have asked Murong Xiong to notify the people in Kong Prefecture?”


Dongfang Wuhen nodded.

“Okay, we’ll execute according to your plan, but don’t play tricks, otherwise you will have no way back.”

Qin Feiyang.

“I know.”

“Please rest assured, this time I really want to save everyone.”

Dongfang Wuhen solemnly said.

Qin Feiyang said: “Okay, let’s go down and explore the situation. When the people from Kong Prefecture come, you will directly encourage them to go down.”

“it is good.”

“You are careful.”

Dongfang Wufa nodded urged.

“As long as they don’t fight, even if they stand in front of them, they can’t move my hair.”

Qin Feiyang sneered, taking Dong Zhengyan and Wolf King down.


Two people and a wolf came to the foot of the mountain, sheltered with lush trees, and dived silently towards the lake.

After leaving.

Wolf King, lying on Qin Feiyang’s shoulder, suddenly said, “Little Qinzi, people from Kong Prefecture are at the forefront. Do we still need to check the situation?”

Dong Zhengyan was also puzzled.

“Of course it is necessary.”

“In the first place, the people on both sides are very strong and the destructive power must be terrifying. We must ensure the safety of Ren Wushuang and the others.”

“In 2 years, I don’t trust Dongfang Wuhen, I always feel that this is not so simple.”

Qin Feiyang whispered.

“You mean, Dongfang Wuhen has another plot against?”

Dong Zhengyan frowned.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “I don’t know, Dongfang Wuhen has more rigorous schemes and deep foresight than Murong Xiong. It is difficult to figure out the ideas in his heart. Now I just hope that I think too much.”

Wolf King coldly snorted and said: “If he dares to plot against us, brother promises to send him to hell this time!”

Dong Zhengyan’s eyes flashed with amazing cold light.

After a while.

Two people and a wolf lurked beside the lake, lying on a small hillside and looking towards the lawn beside the lake.



Qin Feiyang counted in silence in his heart, and finally frowned.

The other unexpectedly had 3 16 people, with a ‘You’ character embroidered on the chest, which shows that these people are from You Prefecture.

Wolf King whispered, “Dong Zhengyan, what is their cultivation base?”

Dong Zhengyan observed for a moment, sound transmission said: “5 1-Star Battle Ancestor, 9 20-Star Battle Sovereign, 8 1-Star Battle Sovereign.”

“5, ten, 20 …”

Wolf King lowered his head and groaned a little, and said, “Isn’t this just 35? And one more?”

Dong Zhengyan said, “There is another one that I can’t see through. It should be 2-Star Battle Sovereign.”


Qin Feiyang and Wolf King are surprised.


Dong Zhengyan pointed somewhere by the lake, and the expression was quite dignified.

One man one wolf looked down and saw a large round stone by the lake, a white clothed youth with red hair, and sat on the stone at this moment.

He is 1.8 metres left and right, his nose is tall, his eyes are as dark as ink, and his thin lips are faintly curved, giving a sense of coldness.

The aura emanating from him is not strong, but Qin Feiyang and Wolf King can feel the slightest threat.

Without a doubt, this is a sleeping lion.

By the time he wakes up, it is estimated that even this land will tremble for it.


Red haired youth seemed to feel something, turning one’s head and looking towards where the two people and a wolf were.

two people and a wolf immediately bowed their heads, using the thick weeds in front of them to cover up the silhouette.

Red haired youth glanced at the jungle, and a little doubt rose in his eyes, then he retracted his eyes and looked up at the sky.

At this time, it was noon.

The eyes of the red haired youth gradually sharpened and said, “If no one came to rescue them before dark, just kill them.”


In addition, the 3 14 people, at this moment, looked towards red haired youth in a respectful manner.


Red haired youth closed his eyes. Although he didn’t talk much, it was enough to make his character clear. He was a decisive and resolute person.

Dong Zhengyan pupil shrank, said solemnly: “They really use Ren Wushuang and the others as bait.”

Qin Feiyang looked up at red haired youth, and looked towards Ren Wushuang and the others, saying, “Think about it, is there any way to approach them.”

“They are only 100 meters away from the red haired youth, and 4 people are guarding.”

“These four people are also 9-Star Battle Sovereign. It may not be so easy to get closer.”

“However, I can give them sound transmission.”

Dong Zhengyan whispered.


Qin Feiyang patted his head in anger, why did he didn’t expect this?

Dong Zhengyan is Battle Ancestor. As long as it is within a certain range, he can directly pass the sound to the other person’s mind.

Qin Feiyang said, “You give Ren Wushuang summoning at once, make them not nervous.”

Dong Zhengyan nodded.

But just as Dong Zhengyan was preparing for sound transmission, Qin Feiyang reached out to stop him again, shaking his head and saying, “Let ’s forget it, if by any chance and wait for them to know that we are here, what kind of weak spot was revealed by the people of You Prefecture. Will undermine our plans. “

Wolf King said, “So what are we doing now?”

Qin Feiyang said: “You are watching here, I will go to Dongfang Wuhen to see.”

“Be careful.”

Wolf King urged.

Qin Feiyang nodded, slowly backing down the hillside and turning back.

Soon, he came to the mountain again, but did not show up, hiding behind a bush, staring at Dongfang Wuhen from a distance.

About half an hour passed.

The entire group climbed up the mountain to Dongfang Wuhen.

It is Murong Xiong and Feng Huo and the others!

“What about pervert?”

“Why didn’t you see him?”

The twin sisters looked at the condition of the lake below, and black eyebrows froze slightly.

Dongfang Wuhen shook his head and said, “Qin Feiyang hasn’t found it yet.”

A burly youth frowns saying: “Then why are you calling us here?”

“I asked you to come because Qin Feiyang didn’t come.”

Dongfang Wuhen laughed, pointing to Ren Wushuang and the others, saying: “Did you see them?”

The sisters are nodded.

Dongfang Wuhen said: “They are the other people in my Ling Prefecture. These people have a very good relationship with Qin Feiyang. As long as they are grabbed, they will not worry about Qin Feiyang not appearing.”

“This way!”

“Feng Wuxie, you take someone down and grab them.”

said the twin sisters.

“Xue Ning, Xue Ruo, wait a minute first.”

Feng Huo hurriedly stopped, then seriously looked at the situation by the lake, shaking his head and saying, “Can’t go.”

Xue Ning asked, “Why?”

“They were obviously imprisoned there.”

“And the group who held them, Aura is not weak, it should be someone from the other Great Prefectures.”

“If we are going to grab someone by myself, I’m afraid we will get into trouble.”

Feng Huo said.

“What are you afraid of?”

“No matter how strong you are, how can we be stronger than us?”

The twin sisters both showed disdain.

Feng Huo said bitterly: “2 great aunt, we are really strong, but you also need to know someone outside of them, there is a heaven beyond heaven.”

“It makes sense.”

The sisters are nodded.

But before Feng Huo breathed a sigh of relief, the woman named Xue Ning said again: “Since this is the case, let’s all go down and kill them.”

Feng Huo immediately seems like no choice but to suffer in silence, having unspeakable bitter suffering.


“Do you dare to have our sisters keep watch?”

“Feng Huo, when did you become so timid?”

The sisters scorned.

Feng Huo helplessly said: “This and timid it doesn’t matter …”

Before he finished, the woman named Xue Ruo said, “What does that have to do with it?”

Feng Huo was speechless for a while, and finally bit his teeth, nodded and said, “Well, just listen to you, go.”

“This is right!”

“Let’s go with us!”

The sisters waved their hands and walked down in spirited mood.

Murong Xiong followed him instinctively, but was dragged by Dongfang Wuhen and shook his head to stop.

See you.

Feng Wuxie dissatisfied: “What are you doing? Keep up!”

“We won’t go.”

“After all, we are from Ling Prefecture.”

“If you let Ren Wushuang know that we are with you to grab them, not to rescue them, and when we return to Ling Prefecture in the future, Mansion Lord will certainly not let us go.”

“So, please forgive me.”

Dongfang Wuhen arched, there was a plead of plea between the eyebrows.

Feng Wuxie raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t say anything, just let them stay here, anyway, they are not many, they are a lot less.”


The twin sisters didn’t look back, with a full contemp in their tone.

After a group of people disappeared into sight, Murong Xiong immediately exasperated: “Unexpectedly speaking of us is really bully intolerably!”

“Why are you angry?”

“The one who laughs last is the real winner.”

Dongfang Wuhen sneered.


Murong Xiong slightly stared blankly and whispered, “What the hell are you thinking about?”

“Certainly provoke their war.”

“Now they are underneath in Qin Feiyang. When the people in Kong Prefecture go down, there will be a big fight in the 3 parties.”

“Wait for them both sides suffer then, let’s go down and destroy them all!”

Dongfang Wuhen said, with a horrible solemn light flashing in his eyes.

Hearing this, Qin Feiyang standing behind the bushes, immediately could not help but chill the whole body.

He guessed what Dongfang Wuhen might be planning, but totally didn’t expect Dongfang Wuhen to play such a big game unexpectedly, the wolf is ambitious!


Murong Xiong was also stunned, and only returned back to his senses halfway, saying: “Are you not afraid that Mansion Lord will ask us to settle the bill?”

“What are you afraid of?”

“Just do it clean, who knows we killed Ren Wushuang them?”

Dongfang Wuhen smiled confidently.

Murong Xiong shook his head: “It’s so crazy, you are not afraid of the plan to fail? If it fails, we are in a courting disaster!”

“rest assured.”

“Qin Feiyang they don’t know my plan.”

“If the plan fails, we will go down and help Qin Feiyang to kill the people in Kong Prefecture and the group.”

“This way, maybe Qin Feiyang and Ren Wushuang will be deeply grateful to us!”

Dongfang Wuhen said with a laugh.

“It turns out you made 2 moves, Gao Ming.”

Murong Xiong suddenly realized that immediately thumbs up Dongfang Wuhen.

“Gao Ming?”

Qin Feiyang, standing behind the bushes, could not help twirling a hint of irony.

If you want to be a canary, you also need to see if you have this ability?

But he did not beat the grass to scare the snake, quietly retreated, and rushed to meet Wolf King and Dong Zhengyan.

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