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Dong Zhengyan stared blankly, frowns saying: “Are you sure now?”

The fight between You Prefecture and Kong Prefecture has just begun. Do n’t you just jump out now to find a fight?

Because it can be expected that as soon as they show up, the people in the two states will definitely stop fighting and instead join forces to suppress them.

He was just a headache from one state, not to mention the people from the two states joining forces.

“You misunderstood me.”

“I’m not trying to fight them, I’m preparing to save people.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Save people?”

Dong Zhengyan stared blankly.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

You Prefecture’s 9-Star Battle Sovereign and Battle Ancestor are now held by the people in Kong Prefecture, and only the 8-Star Battle Sovereign guards.

Although there are 8 20-Star Battle Sovereigns, they pose no threat to Qin Feiyang.

Besides, there are 3 1-Star Battle Ancestor on their side.

Dong Zhengyan, Shen Long, Jiang Wei.

With the strength of three people, for a group of 8-Star Battle Sovereign, still and to spare.

Understanding Qin Feiyang’s meaning, Dong Zhengyan will naturally have no objections.

The two people retreat quietly, bypassing Wan Qiu and the others, to the back of the battlefield, looking for footprints.

One of the biggest benefits of Nine-Nether Yellow Spring is that no matter how fast the opponent runs, they will leave footprints on the ground.

Even if there is no footprint, there are traces.


Qin Feiyang found a lot of footprints.

Following the trail, after a moment’s work, two people found a small canyon outside of the several hundred meters.

There are 2 white clothed man guards at the entrance to the canyon.

A ‘You’ character is embroidered on the chest.

It’s You Prefecture!

Dong Zhengyan’s eyes were cold light flashed, and he whispered, “You are waiting here, I will kill them all!”

“do not.”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly stopped him and shook his head: “It is not far from Wan Qiu. If they cry out for help, Wan Qiu will definitely hear it, so we must kill them unexpectedly and not give them a chance to speak.”

“It makes sense.”

Dong Zhengyan was nodded, but suddenly his eyes fluttered and he was stunned: “Do you still plan to deal with the people of You Prefecture?”

He thought that after seeing the power of Wan Qiu, Qin Feiyang would give up the trouble of finding You Prefecture first.

But now listening to Qin Feiyang’s words, it seems that he has not given up.

Because if you give up, Qin Feiyang will not worry so much. If you save someone and leave directly, Wan Qiu may not be able to catch up.

“Let them not pay a price, how?”

Qin Feiyang sneered.


Dong Zhengyan was wrong, and he was right.

What kind of person did you say? willfully going towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers, Qin Feiyang is such a person.

Big and daring!

“oh! ”

He sighed secretly and whispered, “Hurry up.”

Qin Feiyang said: “You wait here, and when you hear something happening in the canyon, you immediately make a move.”

Dong Zhengyan nodded.

Qin Feiyang looked at the valley.

In addition to the entrance, the other three sides are mountains, there can be several hunted zhang high left and right, ancient wood lush, wild grasses.

Qin Feiyang rounded to the foot of the mountain on the left, like a flexible ape, quickly climbed to the mountain summit, stood behind a bush, and looked down.

The situation in the canyon immediately entered sight.

The canyon is small, about three-four hundred meters long, and there are many broken stones stacked in it. Between the gaps of the stones, some green weeds grow, swaying with the breeze blowing from the entrance.

And Ren Wushuang and the others, right now in the middle of the canyon.

They sat back to back together, someone angrily glanced at the people in You Prefecture, someone desperately silent, and someone whispered and whispered.

As for the 20 8-Star Battle Sovereign of You Prefecture, except for the two people who are standing at the entrance, the rest are gathered at Ren Wushuang and the others all around.

“You guys, Senior Brother Wan Qiu, can they fight?”

“I am also thinking about this issue. Although there are not as many people in Kong Prefecture as in You Prefecture, the overall strength is better than us.”

“Yes, especially the twin sisters. The feeling of aura is similar to Senior Brother Wan Qiu. It is estimated that they are 2-Star Battle Ancestor.”

There are 3 young man saying, expression is full of worry.

“You are worrying blindly, you know?”

“Even if they are both 2-Star Battle Ancestor?”

“Don’t forget, our Senior Brother Wan Qiu, but holds the Perfection auxiliary battle art. No matter how strong they are, they can only be abused.”

“Not only that, let alone a Kong Prefecture, even people in several states can easily deal with the ability of Senior Brother Wan Qiu.”

When even someone talks disdainfully.

All of this, Qin Feiyang looks in his eyes and can’t help feeling sorry for these people.

Because they are too dependent on Wan Qiu.

If Wan Qiu leaves, or if he is killed unfortunately, the rest of You Prefecture will never be able to turn around again.

But it is not easy to kill Wan Qiu.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, Shen Long, Jiang Wei, and Wolf King appeared out of thin air.

Qin Feiyang pointed down the canyon and said, “Shen Mei is underneath.”

When Shen Long looked down and looked at Bloodstain, Shen Mei, who was in a difficult situation, the murderous intention in his eyes immediately emerged.

Qin Feiyang looked towards Wolf King again, saying: “You lurk first and wait for my instructions.”

“Small meaning.”

Wolf King laughed, a small slap-like body swept into the grass, and soon entered the canyon, lurking in a stone gap in the Ren Wushuang and the others undistant place.

Probably passed breathe.

Qin Feiyang looked back and looked towards Jiang Wei and Shen Long, saying: “Be sure to kill yourself with one hit.”

“You and Dong Zhengyan’s conversation, we all heard it inside.”

“Rest assured, but a group of 8-Star Battle Sovereign will not give them a chance to speak.”

Two people spoke one after the other, their voices extremely cold.

Qin Feiyang nodded, waved his hand, shouted: “make a move!”

Sou! !

Shen Long two people immediately stepped forward and went wildly shooting down.


The two people didn’t hide it deliberately, so before they came to the canyon, the people of You Prefecture and Ren Wushuang and the others discovered them.

But the difference is.

Ren Wushuang and the others are all happy.

Someone even cried!

However, people in You Prefecture, when seeing the ‘Ling’ character on the chest of Shen Long two people, turned pale with fright!

“Why are people in Ling Prefecture here?”

“Their aura is very strong. They must all be Battle Ancestor. Call for help from Senior Brother Wan Qiu!”

A group of people immediately lose one’s head out of fear.

However, some individuals were slightly calmer and immediately spoke for help.

But Wolf King lurking in the stone gap did not give them a chance to call for help at all.

At the same time as Shen Long two people were spotted, it stormed out on the Sky Evasion Step, with two small paws holding onto two white Sensen ribs.

Sky Evasion Step is Perfect Battle Art!

Now its cultivation base is also 9-Star Battle Sovereign, and even half of its feet have stepped into Battle Ancestor!

It is conceivable how fast it is?

In a blink of an eye, it swept in front of two 2-Star Battle Sovereigns, raised a rib and knocked at the heads of those two people.

Click! !!

The rib can tear even the defense of Battle Ancestor, let alone the 8-Star Battle Sovereign.

No suspence!

With a harsh sound, the heads of two people burst on the spot, and blood 4 splashed!

Kill two people and it immediately kills the people next to it.

at this time.

Shen Long and Jiang Wei also killed each other, taking action relentlessly, like two death gods, harvesting a life crazy!

at the same time.

The two people guarding the entrance heard the movement inside and immediately turned around and ran towards it.

“Wait a minute!”

But suddenly.

A cold voice sounded in the jungle ahead.


two people startled.

Follow closely.

They saw a white silhouette, rushing out of the jungle and heading for them.

And it’s very fast!

With their eyesight, the true appearance of this person could not be captured.

in a blink.

The white silhouette was only a dozen meters away.

At this moment, they finally saw the person’s face and saw the character on the person’s chest. It was a ‘Ling’ character!

Unexpectedly, someone from Ling Prefecture!

Two people immediately panicked and were ready to speak for help.

But the man didn’t give them a chance either, his hands protruded like eagle claw, grabbed two people’s necks, and twisted hard!

Ka-cha !

Two people’s necks were broken on the spot!

Bang! !


Two people fell to the ground, dying!

That’s right.

This person is Dong Zhengyan!

After killing two people, Dong Zhengyan didn’t stay for a while and swept directly into the canyon.

The battle in the canyon has also ended.

The eighteen 8-Star Battle Sovereigns were all in a pool of blood. Most people had their heads blooming, and the bloody scene made one’s hair stand on end.

Without a doubt, this is definitely a masterpiece by Wolf King.

“What a cruel guy.”

Dong Zhengyan murmured in his heart, ran to Ren Wushuang and the others, glanced at everyone, and cared, “Is everything okay?”


Everyone shook his head.

Shen Mei bowed her head and blame herself, “I’m sorry, I’m giving you trouble.”

Hearing this, everyone else bowed his head, his face apologized.

Including Wu Yan and Xu Yang.

There is one person who behaves like Serene, Lu Xingchen.

Shen Long said: “The people in You Prefecture are too strong, and there is nothing you can do to meet them. You don’t have to blame yourself.”

Shen Mei looked at Shen Long in amazement.

Shen Long was laughing at her right now.


Shen Mei was completely dumbfounded.

what’s the situation?

I usually don’t want to take a closer look at her cousin, but unexpectedly laughing at her at this moment?

Ren Wushuang next to him looked strangely at Shen Long.


She knew about Shen Mei and Shen Long.

Watching the response of the two women, Shen Long secretly sighed, walked to Shen Mei, said with a smile: “little sister, brother was wrong before, brother apologized to you, and brother will definitely protect you in the future.”


Shen Mei didn’t react for a while.

what happened?

Shen Long’s attitude has changed too much, right?

“Let’s talk next.”

Shen Long smiled bitterly.

If he didn’t explain it clearly, I’m afraid the cousin would still suspect him of ulterior motives.

Shen Mei turned to Ren Wushuang for help.


Ren Wushuang pats her shoulders.

Although I don’t know why, Shen Long’s transition is a good deed for Shen Mei.

Siblings walked aside and whispered.

Ren Wushuang glanced at Dong Zhengyan and Jiang Wei, turning one’s head looked towards Wolf King, and asked, “What about Qin Feiyang?”

“It’s us who saved you, why didn’t you ask us first?”

“To be honest, do you have any plans for Little Qinzi?”

“Don’t blame my brother for not telling you that Little Qinzi is already a wife and can’t like other women anymore.”

“Of course, if you have to come up, brother also supports it.”

“Keep the goodies within the family after all!”

Wolf King chuckled.


Ren Wushuang stared blankly, when was Qin Feiyang married, how did she not know?

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