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Ancient Castle.

Although it was overcrowded at the moment, it was extremely quiet.

Everyone’s eyes are on Qin Feiyang and Wolf King, full of incredible.

Change to someone else, in the face of the situation just now, too late to run.

Dong Zhengyan three people is the best example. There is no courage to fight.

But this one man one wolf, without any flinch, had to kill the two people.

As a result, not only did they successfully kill the two people, but they also escaped safely. These amazing means and courage, who can compare?

No wonder Qin Feiyang and Wolf King have what they have today.

Wolf King glanced at everyone and proudly said, “Do you think brother is handsome now? Do you want to be a little attendant for brother?”


Someone is wrong.

Someone shook his head silently.

Wolf King chuckled: “Just say what you want, don’t hold it in your heart, uncomfortable.”

Speaking of this, it turned a word again, disdainful: “But as for your goods, don’t put brother.”

As soon as this word came out, everyone immediately angry stared at it.


“Do you forget whose domain this is?”

The Wolf King stood up, grand and heroic glanced at everyone.


Everyone complexion changed.

“Brother Wolf, don’t get angry!”

“Yeah, you are so wise and handsome, handsome and handsome, and you are so concerned about nobody, that’s too much identity.”

“Neither do we want to be your little attendant. We are self-aware and do not qualify.”

“Right right, it’s not even worth mentioning to your old fellow.”

Someone went up to flattering smile again and again.

“This is almost the same.”

Wolf King laughed and fluttered, enjoying the feeling of being complimented.

Seeing this, Qin Feiyang could not help rolling his eyes.

Dong Zhengyan looked at Wolf King, expression also with a bit of scorn, and then looked towards Qin Feiyang, seeing Qin Feiyang’s hands shattered, and his body was also bloody, frowns saying: “Are you okay?”

“Nothing serious.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, closed Battle Character Art, and even after a dizzy blurred vision, his body wobbled.

Supported by Battle Character Art before, he didn’t feel anything.

But as soon as Battle Character Art stopped running, he felt extremely weak.

Seeing that he was about to fall, Wolf King hurried forward, holding Qin Feiyang and shouting, “fatty, get medicinal pill!”

Fat one shivered, quickly pulled out Regeneration Pill and Healing Pill, got up and stuffed it into Qin Feiyang’s mouth.

The medicinal pill melted at the entrance, turned into a pound of energy, and poured into the 4 limbs of Qin Feiyang’s limbs.

Qin Feiyang immediately felt that his body was like a dry desert, absorbing this energy frantically.

The state is gradually improving.

He shook his head vigorously, looking towards fatty and Wolf King. “I’m fine, you go to cultivation, don’t waste time.”

“Then you pay attention.”

Wolf King told him that it would become a big slap and land on the sacrificial platform. While cultivation, it is also convenient to monitor everyone.

Qin Feiyang also sat on the floor cross-legged and quietly healed.

Lu Xingchen came up and sat next to Qin Feiyang, said low with a smile: “Brother Qin, this time you are really awesome, not only saved us, but also killed them many people.”

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head glanced at Lu Xingchen, indifferently said: “Should you show something? After all, I am your life-saving benefactor.”


Lu Xingchen laughed suddenly, shaking his head: “You owe it first, maybe you will need my help someday.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “If it’s that day, I just hope Brother Lu doesn’t take advantage of people.”

“Am I the kind of person?”

Lu Xingchen shook his head said with a smile.

“A heart grows in the stomach, who knows?”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, the words are somewhat meaningful.

Lu Xingchen nodded and said: “This is also the future, no one can say for sure.”


The two people went silent, the cultivation of the cultivation, the healing of the wounded.

But Dong Zhengyan and the others looked suspiciously at two people.

How does this conversation sound so awkward?

Is there anything unknown between these two people?

But everyone did not ask about it.

After a while.

Suddenly a horror sounded outside.

“Why did you come back? Dongfang Wuhen and Murong Xiong?”

This is Feng Huo’s voice.

“It’s gone.”

Feng Wuxie’s voice followed, with a bit of coldness.

“It really looks like a conspiracy.”

“Insignificant a Ling Prefecture, I have fun with you, you Kong Prefecture, it is a joke.”

This is Wan Qiu’s voice, full of irony.

Feng Wuxie coldly snorted and said: “This thing is indeed too much of us, but you You Prefecture also good can’t go anywhere, otherwise they won’t see their conspiracy until now.”

Wan Qiu expressionlessly said: “I don’t talk to people who have no brain.”

“Who are you talking about?”

Feng Wuxie eyebrow raised, Bing coldly said: “Do you want to have another fight?”

“Okay, don’t make a noise.”

Feng Huo was shouted at this time, and expression was quite angry.

But it was not against Feng Wuxie, nor was it against Wan Qiu, because it was Dongfang Wuhen plot against, and I felt very uncomfortable.

Feng Huo said: “Although we were plot against this time, we still have a bargaining chip.”

“Bargaining chip?”

Feng Wuxie and the others stared blankly.


Qin Feiyang in Ancient Castle also raised a hint of doubt.

Dong Zhengyan and the others also frowned.

What bargaining chip do these people have?

“Our bargaining chip is Ren Wushuang.”

“Wan Qiu, you may not know, this Ren Wushuang is the granddaughter of Ling Prefecture Mansion Lord.”

“As long as we hold her firmly in our hands, Qin Feiyang will come to us sooner or later.”

Feng Huo said.

“Mansion Lord’s granddaughter?”

Wan Qiu slightly stared blankly, nodded and said: “This is really an unexpected surprise, go, find them, they should be near here.”

So the entire group turned around and looked for the little canyon.

Inside Ancient Castle!

Qin Feiyang and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

It turns out that this is the bargaining chip that Feng Huo said.

“When they find that gorge, they will look very good when they see the situation there.”

Shen Long Said with a smile.

Jiang Wei said, “Shall we go out and see?”

Everyone looked towards Qin Feiyang.

When they came to this Ancient Castle, they could not go out if they wanted to go out. Only Qin Feiyang could send them out.

“Don’t go joining in the fun.”

“Although we won this time, Kong Prefecture has 2 2-Star Battle Ancestor and 3 1-Star Battle Ancestor.”

“You Prefecture also has a 2-Star Battle Ancestor and 3 1-Star Battle Ancestor.”

“And Yun Prefecture.”

“Mo Wushen and Yan Tianfeng are veteran Battle Ancestor and may break through to 2-Star Battle Ancestor at any time.”

“As for Liu Yunfeng and Pei Sanshi, although they have just broken through to 1-Star Battle Ancestor, their strengths cannot be underestimated.”

“The most important thing is that the people of the 3 Great Prefectures now have indisputable enemies against us.”

“Our current situation can be said to be surrounded by enemies, which is very bad.”

“So time is very important to us.”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

Everyone was hearing this, and their faces were sad.

Qin Feiyang also said, “Of course, we are not without odds.”


Everyone looked surprised towards Qin Feiyang.

In this situation, they have no hope of winning, but why dare to say so?

Qin Feiyang said, “I don’t want to say much, but I can tell you with certainty that the final victory belongs to us, Ling Prefecture.”

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

But gradually, the fire of hope was burning inside.

They would still doubt other people’s words, but the words that came out of Qin Feiyang’s mouth seemed to have a magic power that made people involuntarily believe.

“Qin Feiyang, don’t kill you, I won’t be Wan Qiu!”


A angry growl sounded outside.


Wan Qiu and the others have found that canyon.

Ren Wushuang frowned, sighing: “It seems that the hatred between us and You Prefecture cannot be resolved.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “It doesn’t matter, sooner or later, either you will die or i will die.”

Ren Wushuang said: “So what do we do next?”

“All we have to do now is to hide our strength.”

“Although this way, we will lag behind the other 8 Great Prefectures, but there is a benefit.”

“People from Yun Prefecture, Kong Prefecture, and You Prefecture have appeared one after another, which means that several other people from Great Prefecture may also have entered the Swamp of Death.”

“As long as they meet, a fight is bound to be inevitable.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Do you want them to fight first, and we’ll finally go out and pick up the bargain?”

Dong Zhengyan asked.


Qin Feiyang nodded, said with a sneer: “As long as you want to go to Imperial Capital, no one wants to be alone.”

In fact, his real purpose was to wait for Wolf King.

As long as Wolf King breakthroughs to Battle Ancestor, even Wan Qiu, who holds Perfection auxiliary battle art, is not a concern.

Ren Wushuang groaned a little and said, “Okay, just listen to you, let’s hide our strength first.”

Everyone was preparing to retreat, but just then, a familiar voice sounded outside.

“Qin Feiyang, are you there?”

It’s Dongfang Wuhen!

Dongfang Wuhen knew about Ancient Castle, so after Wan Qiu and the others left, he took Murong Xiong to the place where Qin Feiyang disappeared.

“What is he doing?”

Dong Zhengyan frowned immediately.

Shen Long and Jiang Wei also looked disgusted.

Even Wu Yan and Xu Yang were indignant.

Someone said with a sneer: “I think they must be desperate before they came back to us.”

“Senior Brother Qin, when they left us ruthless, and killed us that many people, now we don’t care about their life and death, let them live on their own!

Someone followed.

Jiang Wei and Shen Long both agreed nodded.

Because they all know Dongfang Wuhen’s wolf ambitions, these two people can never be brought closer to everyone.

Qin Feiyang shook his head: “No, I think they can get in.”


“Are you stupid?”

Shen Long two people looked at him in disbelief.

“Rest assured, I have my plans.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, and said to two people: “I will go out and meet them first, and you will tell them the conversation on the mountain at that time, and let everyone have a mental preparation.

“What conversation?”

Ren Wushuang and the others are suspicious.

Shen Long coldly said with a smile, saying: “The people of Kong Prefecture are brought by them, and their abacus is also very good. I want to sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits, kill us …”

Shen Long and Jiang Wei, let me tell you every word.


Qin Feiyang also flickered and left Ancient Castle.

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