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Lake 4 is surrounded by mountains, wild beast can be seen everywhere.

As long as you have enough strength, you can hunt as many as you want.

But the meat is delicious.

Qin Feiyang searched for half an hour before he found one hairy pig.

The meat of the hairy pigs is good. Whether they are grilled, stewed, or noisy, the taste is delicious.


The hairy pig’s attack power is not strong, and with Qin Feiyang’s strength, it can be easily solved.

He hid behind a bush, his eyes locked on that hairy pig, and he approached silently.

This hairy pig is 2 meters long and has black hair all over it, like a steel needle.

Towards the end, Qin Feiyang kicked his legs and leaped out of the bush like lightning, slamming one fist, hitting the pig’s head, and the pig fell to the ground with a cry.

“If it was before, when I met this guy, I would have to go around. It feels good to have strength.”

Qin Feiyang licked his mouth, strode up, grabbed the front and back 2 feet of the pig with both hands, and raised it up, chuckled: “Good guy, 400-500 jin is enough for me and Uncle Yuan for a while . “

He picked up a pig and ran towards the lake, striding forward.



A loud Wolf howl exploded somewhere in the back, shocked by the wild beast of the jungle, and fled 4 times.


Qin Feiyang revealed radiance, suddenly made a sharp brake, stopped, turned and looked at the direction that the beast roar came.

This beast roar is full of vitality, shaking the mountains and rivers, still faintly in a hint of fearful might, which is enough to explain that it is one Vicious Beast!

Vicious Beast is different from wild beast.

Wild beast can only fight back by instinct, just like ordinary person.

But Vicious Beast, like Martial Artist, has mastered the cultivation method.

Previously at Imperial Capital, Qin Feiyang had seen many Vicious Beasts, not only possessing the wisdom of human beings, but also the ability to break the river and destroy the mountains and rivers.

Most importantly, Vicious Beast is more valuable than wild beast!

To Qin Feiyang’s current situation, nothing is more important than money.

Only by earning enough money can he buy more Body Tempering Pill!

“Let’s see first, what level of Vicious Beast is.”

Qin Feiyang, carrying a hairy pig, ran towards the place where the voice came.

Vicious Beast is also graded.

Initial Level Vicious Beast, Middle Level Vicious Beast, High Level Vicious Beast.

Of course, the same level of Vicious Beast also has strong and weak points.

The strength of Initial Level Vicious Beast, equal at 1-Star to 3-Star Martial Artist.

The strength of Middle Level Vicious Beast, equal at 4-Star to 6-Star Martial Artist.

The strength of High Level Vicious Beast, equal at 7-Star to 9-Star Martial Artist.

Qin Feiyang in silence pray, 10000000 don’t be one High Level Vicious Beast, otherwise even if he stands in front of him, he will only have to stare.

After dashing several hundred meters, he stood on a hillside and looked forward.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

On a dead leaf 50 meters away, there is a white wolf lying on his back.

But it was scaly all over.

I was lying on my own, licking the wound.

The wolf is a very cunning and fierce Vicious Beast. It does not rule out that it is deliberately pretending to be injured, and attracts prey to take the initiative.


Wolf, still a social Vicious Beast!

So when seeing a wolf, Qin Feiyang quickly withdrew from the hillside, gently laid the pig on the ground, and then climbed up the hillside again, hiding in the grass and watching quietly.


He felt that the wolf didn’t seem to be pretending.

Because every wound on it is torn skin and gaping flesh. In some places, even bones can be seen.

After 3 more confirmations, Qin Feiyang is ready to act.

This wolf, Middle Level Vicious Beast, can buy at least ten Gold Coins.

One Body Tempering Pill, the market price is 50 Silver Coins.

One Gold Coin is equal to 100 Silver Coins.

In other words, this wolf can get at least 20 Body Tempering Pills.

Really an unexpected great harvest.

“It’s there!”

But it is at this time.

A surprise shout never came from a distant place.

“Why is this sound familiar?”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly lay in the grass again, frowning slightly creasing.


After hearing the shout, the Whitehead Wolf stood up again and walked towards Qin Feiyang.

But didn’t take a few steps, maybe because the injury was too serious, it fell to the ground again and struggled hard.


It never stood up again, and his eyes quickly climbed a hint of despair.

Two youngsters of 2-14 year old girl, running from far to near, towards White Wolf.

“It turned out to be them.”

Qin Feiyang whispered, showing cold light.

Two people, one named Lin Shi and one named Lin Feng.

The former is a big tall and sturdy man, taller than peers, 1.85 meters left and right, full of muscles, full of explosive power.

The latter is relatively thin, with a height of 1.7 meters left and right, wearing a gray long coat, narrow eyes, like a pair of snake eyes, and one strand strand of cold light, which makes people disgusted at first sight. sense.

Both people are disciples of the Lin Family.

Because of his closer relationship with Lin Yiyi, the Disciple of the Lin Family didn’t treat him very much, especially the two people, who have not humiliated him for 5 years.

“Damn bastard, you keep running!”

As soon as the two people approached, one after the other blocked White Wolf and sneered.

“It looks like they hurt White Wolf badly.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Both people are 6-Star Martial Artists, and it is not difficult to join forces to deal with one Middle Level Vicious Beast.

But it can also be seen that White Wolf is not bad.

Because Lin Shi two people are also scarred, they look quite in a difficult situation.

Faced with the siege of two people, White Wolf’s despair is even stronger!

Lin Feng looked down at it, said with a sneer: “Unexpectedly dare to hurt us, and after killing you, we will go to Wolf Valley and slaughter your offspring and grandchildren. Over 50 Initial Level Vicious Beasts will sell a lot of Gold. Coin. “

“What? Unexpectedly is Wolf King in Wolf Valley!”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

The name of the Wolf Valley, he has long heard about it, is the most dangerous place in this area. There are long-term crowds of ominous wolf eating people who don’t spit out bones. If ordinary hunters enter, they will definitely die!

In these 5 years, he has never set foot.

Even outside Wolf Valley, he walked around.

But didn’t expect, today unexpectedly I will meet Wolf King in Wolf Valley!

Wolf King, worth ten Gold Coins.

White Wolf at Initial Level Vicious Beast, worth 3 Gold Coins.

Lin Feng said that Wolf Valley has more than 50 heads.

In other words, if you can kill them all, you can sell more than 100 Gold Coins in exchange for 200-300 Body Tempering Pills!

This is a great asset!

Just thinking about it, Qin Feiyang felt bloody.

At this time.

Lin Feng and Lin Shi have finally taken action.

It is easy to deal with one of the critically endangered Middle Level Vicious Beasts, even Wolf King.


Mutation appears!

The Wolf King who blew one breath suddenly jumped up, opened his blood and opened his mouth, tusks his teeth, and bit his head toward Lin Shi!


Lin Shi surprised and angry.

At the crucial moment, his head drifted slightly away from Wolf King’s assault.

Wolf King bite on his right shoulder.

Ka-cha !

Bone on the spot!


The entire arm was torn apart by Wolf King!

Blood, like gushing spring, comes out wildly spurting!


Lin Shi screamed endlessly, covering the bleeding wound, and loathing roared: “Lin Feng, kill him!”

Wolf King’s sudden attack also surprised Lin Feng.

Even instinctively, take a step back.

But when he heard Lin Shi’s roar, he was furious and rose up one fist, banging on Wolf King’s back.

“ao ……”

Wolf King wailed, and his whole body was like a meteorite, smashing a large bush, and slamming into a dirt.

Seeing all this, Qin Feiyang couldn’t help but take cold sweat.

The wolf’s cunning, the wolf’s fierce, and sure enough the name is not in vain!

Obviously he has suffocated one breath and forcibly tore off Lin Shi’s arm!

If it wasn’t for Lin Shi two people, it would be him now, assaulted by Wolf King.

Think about it and get scared!

But now, Wolf King is really unable to move.

Half of its body was drowned in the mud, staring at Lin Shi two people in a desperate expression, with a hint of pleasure.

That’s wolf’s natural instincts!

Death also costs the enemy!

“It’s time for me to take action. Conventionally in passing solves both Lin Shi two people!”

Qin Feiyang in one’s eyes cold light flickered, stood up from the grass without a mask, and strode toward two people.


Lin Shi Zheng was bandaging the wound, and suddenly saw Qin Feiyang popping up, and in his eyes, one strand emerged with a Murderous intention, shouted: “Why are you here?”


Lin Feng walking towards Wolf King, looking at this doubting turning one’s head, said with a sneer: “I said is who, it turned out to be your useless trash.”

Seems dismissive.

After speaking, he turned back and strode toward Wolf King, his solemn light blinked.

Qin Feiyang said nothing, the speed under his feet was getting faster and faster.

Lin Shi felt something wrong, shouted: “Qin Feiyang, what do you want to do?”

“kill you!”

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly, and walked away, running towards Lin Shi.

“kill me?”

Lin Shi slightly stared blankly, contempt, “Although I, your father has no arm, it is not your turn to be having atrociously. Lin Feng, continue to solve Wolf King, as for this trash, I will one fist smash him! “


Lin Feng nodded.

He didn’t mean to help.

Although Lin Shi was seriously injured, he was also a 6-Star Martial Artist. It was not easy to kill an incapable of cultivation trash?

“Try it!”

Qin Feiyang licked his mouth, and a blood-thirsty rays of light appeared in his eyes.

His five fingers clenched into a fist, power within the body was surging, and when approaching, there was no reservation, full power exploded towards Lin Shi.

Lin Shi disdains, but shows no mercy, one fist blasts out.

He has the same idea as Qin Feiyang. Since he met here, he will completely wipe it out!



The moment the two fists met, a painful scream rang suddenly.


Lin Feng was shocked.

Is this unexpectedly the scream of Lin Shi?

Turning sharply, he saw an unforgettable picture of eternal life.

In the trash in his eyes, Qin Feiyang unexpectedly stood firmly on the ground.

Lin Shi, whom he believed to be invincible, was lying on the ground at this moment, with blood dripping from his mouth!

And the other arm, unexpectedly has also been fractured, sharp bone spurs, punctured the skin, exposed, and blood rushed!

[Old Dream WeChat Shiyum888]

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