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unconsciously, a month passed.

On this day, Dong Zhengyan six people boarded a soil bag with a diameter of thirty zhang left and right.

In fact, it is just an island.

“Fuck, when is the head?”

Murong Xiong turning one’s head glanced at the crocodile group behind him, and couldn’t help yelling.

Dong Zhengyan several people are also covered in dirt, and their faces are not good-looking.

Although there is a medical pill to supplement Battle Qi and physical strength, but for a month in a row, and still forced to leave, the mind and spirit are undoubtedly suffering.

Therefore, their mood is very upset.

In my heart, there is endless anger accumulated, which may erupt at any time!


At this time.

The six heads of Crocodile King, roaring all over, all look vicious glint.

Murong Xiong jumped up and shouted, “Fuck, urging us to leave again, it’s really intolerable, who will accompany me to go through them?”


No one talked.

Shen Long and Jiang Wei are the bridge to each minding their own business.


Crocodile King with 6 heads of Battle Ancestor Realm, Fierce Crocodile with 500 heads of Battle Sovereign Realm, plus swamp, run to fight them, simply is about about one’s own destruction.

“You guys are all King in the inner palace, but now each and everyone are gutless, I am really sad for you!”

Murong Xiong sneered.

“To shut up!”

“Do you know what’s happening now?”

“With their current lineup, killing us is easy!”

“So now, instead of making a move, we must pray to heaven. They don’t attack us actively.”

Dongfang Wuhen was angry, and his face was iron blue.

Murong Xiong frowned, but said nothing more.


He wouldn’t dare to let him go.

The reason why I was so irritable was because I felt uncomfortable in this month and wanted to vent.

At this time.

Shen Long said: “The bridge is ready, let’s go!”

The entire group is on its way again.

Dong Zhengyan came to the end and asked, “How much of your Battle Qi Pill is left?”

“I’m gone.”

“me too.”

Shen Mei and Shen Long followed.

“I have a dozen left.”

Jiang Wei followed.

“We don’t have much left.”

Dongfang Wuhen said.

Dong Zhengyan looked at Dongfang Wuhen and frowns saying, “You are also the first Alchemist at inner palace. Why don’t you prepare more before you leave?”

“How do I know that Nine-Nether Yellow Spring is so cruel?”

“Moreover, I’m no longer qualified and called the first Alchemist.”

Dongfang Wuhen laughed at himself.

Before Qin Feiyang appeared, he considered himself in Ling Prefecture, and Pill Refinement innate talent was unmatched.

But as soon as Qin Feiyang appeared, his glory was directly masked.

This is the main reason why he wants to kill Qin Feiyang.


In fact, there are many Battle Qi Pills on him, but in order to force Qin Feiyang to go out, he concealed them.

of course.

These Dong Zhengyan don’t know.

When he got to the next stop, he asked Shen Mei to call Qin Feiyang.

To this day, Shen Mei naturally has no objection. Take out the wrapped clothes from heaven and earth bag and say, “Qin Feiyang, come out quickly.”


The voice has not fallen.

The clothes all split up and in pieces, Qin Feiyang appeared in front of the six people.

“How are they here?”

As soon as he appeared, he sensed the auras of Fierce Crocodile, and looked down, seeing the crowds of Fierce Crocodile, immediately bewilderement!

“You know them?”

Dong Zhengyan six people stared blankly, immediately looked at Qin Feiyang in suspicion.

Although they have been in contact with these Fierce Crocodile for more than a month, they still cannot tell what kind it is.

“This is Dragon Crocodile, cruel and cunning.”

“Also, they are very powerful and their defense is extremely amazing. Someone in the same realm is their opponent.”

“How did you meet them?”

“Why don’t they kill you?”

Qin Feiyang looked at six people suspiciously.

Heaven and earth bag is soundproof, so Qin Feiyang knows nothing about what happened during this time.

“Things are like this…”

Shen Mei was going to explain to Qin Feiyang right now.


But it is at this time.

Those 6 heads of Crocodile King started roaring again, vicious aura rang!

“Bastard, I, your father kill you sooner or later!”

Murong Xiong said fiercely and helped Shen Long and Jiang Wei bridge.

Shen Mei glanced at the crocodile group, and her eyes were full of anger, and she said to Qin Feiyang, “Let’s talk as we walk.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, with a doubt in his stomach, set foot on the bridge.

On the road.

Shen Mei gave Qin Feiyang a detailed account of what happened during this time.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized, but then frowned.


See you.

Shen Mei asked.

“As far as I know, Dragon Crocodile is very selfish, and whenever he encounters a prey, he will rush into it after he quarrels.

“Now the six Crocodile Kings drive you together, totally inconsistent with their personalities.”

“And, with their current lineup, we can easily solve us, but hesitate to make a move.”

“I don’t think it’s normal.”

Qin Feiyang said.

After hearing these words, Dong Zhengyan six people looked simultaneously, and couldn’t help getting nervous.


Qin Feiyang asked, “You are here, haven’t you met another Vicious Beast?”


Shen Mei shook her head.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “It looks like this, pretty close.”

“what’s up?”

Six people are surprised.

Qin Feiyang said: “Dragon Crocodile is selfish, but very loyal to their Sovereign. If I am not mistaken, I am afraid that there is a stronger Dragon Crocodile!”


six people turn pale with fright.

Dong Zhengyan said: “Do you mean that their purpose is not to consume us, but to dedicate us to their Sovereign?”

“When it came to prey, the six Crocodile Kings did not fight, but united as one. Only this explanation can make sense.”

Qin Feiyang.


The eyes of six people are glomy.

Shen Mei asked, “What should we do now?”


“Only by killing them first, and waiting to enter the domain of Crocodile Sovereign, we can hope to survive.”

“Conversely, if we don’t kill them now, when they merge with Crocodile Sovereign, then we will have no chance of winning.”

“And none of us knows, is there any other Crocodile King in front of it? There is no natural best, but if there is, it will be more troublesome.”

Qin Feiyang sees cold light surging.

This is by no means a child’s play, and before it encounters Crocodile Sovereign, all the hidden dangers must be eliminated.

But his suggestion did not make Dong Zhengyan six people agree.

“I know your concerns. Fighting them in swamp will not only have no advantage, but you may also lose your life.”

“But I want to tell you, this is the only way.”

Qin Feiyang.

“I have endured them for a long time.”

“I listen to you, kill them all, and leave none!”

Murong Xiong was the first nodded.

Dong Zhengyan glanced at Murong Xiong and Qin Feiyang and said, “Do you have certainty?”


Qin Feiyang shook his head.

In such an environment, no matter who is replaced by is who, I dare not say that there are full certainty.

Dong Zhengyan sank.

This is really a difficult choice.


Dongfang Wuhen opened the mouth and said: “Actually, I want to fight with them, I do n’t object, but what you said about Crocodile Sovereign is purely speculation, if not by any chance before? Then if we do it now, it will not look very silly?”


“But you know, even without Crocodile Sovereign, they won’t let us leave this swamp alive.”

“Fighting is just a matter of time.”

“Of course, dealing with them is not as difficult as you think. As long as you are willing to listen to my arrangements, I can minimize the danger.”

Qin Feiyang.


six people Jing God One.

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “If you don’t kill yourself, then I can’t help it.”

Six people laughed dumbly.

In the world, I’m afraid no one wants to bring about one’s own destruction.

Dong Zhengyan said with a smile: “You arrange it!”

Qin Feiyang’s face was sullen and he said, “Shen Long, Shen Mei, you are responsible for protecting this wood and the island, and at the same time find a way out. As long as I speak, at once bridge. Whether you can live or not depends on you, cut Don’t panic. “

two people nodded.

Qin Feiyang also looked towards Dong Zhengyan, Jiang Wei, Dongfang Wuhen, Murong Xiong, and said: “You are responsible for killing, and don’t consider anything else.”

“it is good.”

Four people answered.

Qin Feiyang said: “When we get to the next stop, we make a move.”

“Wait a minute.”

Dongfang Wuhen frowned, said: “You have arranged for us, what do you do?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “As for me, what can the cultivation base do? Of course, it’s only responsible for command.”


Six people stumbled, and immediately his face couldn’t help twitching.

Obviously possessing the strength of Battle Ancestor, but still pretending to be weak, is it too hypocritical?

more than ten breaths later.

Seven people jump on an island.

This small island, with a diameter of more than 50 feet, is the largest island they have encountered along the way.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the island, turned and looked towards crocodile group, expression became sharp sharply, saying: “Start!”

Half barely fell.

Shen Long erected ancient wood, and urged Battle Qi to protect ancient wood and the island, and then she and Shen Mei searched for the next island.


at the same time.

Dong Zhengyan four people took a step forward, stood on the edge of the island, stared at the crocodile group, surrounded by murderous aura!

And the six Crocodile Kings, seeing the seven people stopped on the island, and immediately roared.

Qin Feiyang whispered: “Took out your Battle Art, full power bombing and fast, if it is slow, wait for them to hide under the swamp, then no matter how powerful a killing move, you can’t kill them!”

four people nodded, imposing manner erupted, hands waving, Battle Qi wildly rushing forth.

“Celestial Demon Seal!”

“Hurricane Slash!”

“Savage Ox Strike!”

“Sun Breaking Arrow!”

In a blink of an eye, the 4 great battle trick evolved.

The terrible imposing manner looted over this swamp, the mud rolled and set off huge waves!

See you.

Those 6 Crocodile Kings also showed a ferocious color.

Including the more than 500 Dragon Crocodile behind them!



One Crocodile King roared, dived into the swamp quickly, and disappeared.

The other 5 heads of Crocodile King and Dragon Crocodile also dived downward.

“Sure enough, I want to hide below.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, with a big wave of his hand, he said, “Kill!”

Dong Zhengyan four people looked simultaneously, hands pushed out side by side, 4 great battle tactics, like 4 brilliant meteor stars, cut through the sky, and blasted into the swamp like lightning!

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