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Wolf King evilly smiled, “Wan Qiu is crazy, I’m afraid to start Battle Soul.”

Qin Feiyang said: “When he starts Battle Soul, you will find a chance to give him Deprivation.”

“Do you still use this?”

Wolf King glanced at him.

The Great Battle of Nine Prefectures, with the strength of Wan Qiu, can be regarded as the peak powerhouse.

If you drop his Battle Soul Deprivation, then he is considered a 3-Star Battle Ancestor and has the Perfection Supplement Battle Art, which is not a concern.


With a big wave of Wan Qiu, a blood light rose up against the tide like a tide, condensing a sea of ​​blood above his head, exuding a towering baleful qi!

“What is this Battle Soul?”

Wolf King was surprised.

I didn’t see anything other than the sea of ​​blood. Wouldn’t Wan Qiu’s Battle Soul be the sea of ​​blood?

Fat said, “This is not Battle Soul, but his Battle Art.”


Half barely fell.

A roar like wild beast rang out in the sea of ​​blood.

Follow closely.

A colossus growled from the sea of ​​blood.

This is one giant beast!

The whole body seems to be piled up with rocks, with dozens of zhang high, like a towering daylight, running at high altitude!

All over, filled with a violent rampant and blood-reeking qi!

Fat explained: “This Battle Art is called Hell Stone Beast. When we went ashore, when Fat Master and him played against him, he used this Battle Art and the killing power was not bad.”


With a roar, Hell Stone Beast towards the sky dived towards the woman.

But the woman’s complexion was still calm, and she didn’t seem to mind.

Hell Stone Beast killed instantly, baleful qi monstrous!

铿 clang!

It is also at this time.

The woman made a sudden attack, with a wave of jade hand, sword qi surged, and a thin sword condensed instantly.

“One Sword Breaking Soul!”


The woman grabbed the hilt of the sword, slashed into the air, and with a mourning, Hell Stone Beast immediately became two and a half.

“I go!”

fatty pupil contracted.

“This is also Perfect Battle Art!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes fluttered, this woman unexpectedly mastered 2 Perfection Slaughter Battle Art!

It’s too incredible, too incredible!

Wolf King said: “This time, Wan Qiu only has the chance to win the Battle Soul. Maybe even if the Battle Soul is turned on, it may not be the opponent of the naughty little girl.”

The strength shown by women is quite daunting.


Wan Qiu launched Battle Soul!

Oh la la !

Pieces of blood light constantly emerged from behind Wan Qiu, gathered at high altitude, forming a surging sea of ​​blood.

“Hell Demon God!”

With his angry roar, the sea of ​​blood quickly gathered together, condensing a blood shadow of as much as hunted zhang!

The blood shadow is a human form, but it has no face and only one outline, but it is like one True Demon breaking from the world, exuding a monstrous demon might!

Qin Feiyang frowned, looked towards Wolf King: “He Battle Soul, does it seem similar to your Battle Soul?”

“You’re blind. Except for not having a face, what is similar to you?”

Wolf King fiercely glanced at him, and immediately said: “But this Battle Soul is generally heaven defying.”

“How to say?”

Qin Feiyang several people looked at it suspiciously.

“Brother studied it for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that the reason why Brother Battle Soul can’t manifest the true body is because brother’s strength is not enough.”

“Brother expected it to be the same for Wan Qiu’s Battle Soul.”

Wolf King.

Qin Feiyang several people pupil contracted.


A loud boom exploded.

Then Qin Feiyang several people felt that there was a surge of tearing the heavens and splitting the earth, earth-shattering.

Several people looked up, and saw the sword light behind the woman!

In the sword light, there is a small pocket-sized sword with a thumb, crystal clear and near-transparent, carved like crystal.

“Is this her Battle Soul?”

Qin Feiyang several people stumbled.

What’s the point of view, this small pocket sword can’t be compared with Wan Qiu’s Battle Soul!


However, to their surprise, when the 2 great battle souls met, Wan Qiu’s Battle Soul was directly suppressed by the small pocket sword.

Dong Zhengyan sighed, “This woman is amazing!”

Wolf King said: “Little Qinzi, she will definitely be our enemy. Would you like to kill them together?”

Qin Feiyang hasn’t spoken yet, and fatty said: “nonsense, of course, Brother Wolf, Deprivation of their Battle Soul!”

Everyone who enters Nine-Nether Yellow Spring has only one purpose, to enter Imperial Capital.

In order to enter Imperial Capital, both the people of the Great Prefecture and the same sect around them are enemies!

“Wait a minute again.”

Qin Feiyang sound transmission.

This is not the best time to take an action.

Over the plain, due to the fierce collision of 2 great battle souls, one after another terrible destructive power was born, and the earth was shaking, cracking, and collapsing!

After the interest rate.

Wan Qiu’s Battle Soul is finally defeated, and there is a tendency to collapse.

This is absolutely not allowed.

Because once Battle Soul disintegrates, Wan Qiu will surely cause fatal harm!

“Innate Divine Ability, Demon God’s Hand!”

His face was bleary, and the thes roared towards the sky, standing in the high-altitude Hell Demon God, suddenly probing into the giant hand, and patted at the pocket sword.

demon might billow, shake all directions!

At the same time, the giant hand waved out a hidden invisible force, rushing towards the woman.

The moment she was shrouded in invisible force, the woman was bewilderement!


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

You know, from beginning to end, this woman looks like a serene, but now she has changed her face. What happened?

fatty said solemnly: “She’s Battle Qi within the body has been imprisoned.”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, frowns saying: “How do you say?”

“Wan Qiu, the Innate Divine Ability of Battle Soul, has a very terrifying power.”

“Everyone who wins the battle, Qi Sea and Battle Qi within the body will be imprisoned and cannot be used.”

“When Fat Master fought against him, he didn’t know beforehand and almost lost a lot.”

Fatty road.


“Isn’t this similar to Gravity Divine Iron?”

Dong Zhengyan exclaimed.

Fatty nodded.

Qin Feiyang asked, “How can I crack this Innate Divine Ability?”

If you cannot use Battle Qi, you cannot evolve Battle Art.

In other words, even though the woman had Perfection Battle Art, she has no use now.

“There is only one way to destroy his Battle Soul.”

“He Innate Divine Ability, although terrifying, also has a shortcoming. It can only imprisonment Battle Qi and cannot imprisonment Battle Soul.”

“But ahead of time, you have to have a stronger Battle Soul than him, otherwise all means will be in vain.”

Fatty road.

Wolf King said: “In this case, the Battle Soul of the naughty little girl should be able to do it.”

“Who knows?”

fatty shrugged.

Wan Qiu’s strength, he has personally taught, and is definitely not comparable to average person.

As for the woman, who has never met in person, it is difficult to assert.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Hell Demon God’s giant hand seems to have fallen above the woman’s head.

The horrible demon might make the earth here sink constantly!

The woman looked up, looking at the falling giant hands, and the pump tightened tightly together.

But suddenly.

She glanced back and looked towards Wan Qiu, saying: “Your strength is not bad, no wonder you dare to strike the people of Ling Prefecture repeatedly.”

Wan Qiu said with a malicious smile: “Since you mentioned Ling Prefecture, I will tell you that soon, Feng Prefecture will be your next Ling Prefecture!”

“is it?”

“But how do I see that you You Kong and Kong Prefecture were killed by Qin Feiyang of Ling Prefecture and fled?”

The woman laughed.

As soon as he heard the name Qin Feiyang, Wan Qiu had a strong hate in his eyes.

Feng Huo, Feng Wuxie, and the twin sisters were also angry.

Dong Zhengyan said with a smile: “It seems they are very dissatisfied with you!”


“Why am I always hurt?”

Qin Feiyang sighed helplessly, and suddenly he thought of someone, Lu Xingchen!

Lu Xingchen is one step ahead of him, but why hasn’t he come yet?

What are you planning for in the dark?

Just as he was meditating, the woman on the battlefield also took action.

She waved jade hand and shouted low: “Innate Divine Ability, Sword Domain!”

Although Battle Qi within the body is imprisoned, her body is not at all imprisoned.

铿 clang!

As soon as the voice started, the small pocket sword trembled from the sky, blooming with the brightness of ten thousand zhang.

Follow closely.

One strand word qi emerged, going all directions wildly shooting on 4 sides.

But at the moment, a sword qi Array full of several hundred zhang was born, leaving Wan Qiu and Hell Demon God inside.

“Does it make sense?”

Wan Qiu sneered.

“Does it make sense, you will know at once.”

The woman glanced at him lightly, looking at void, and expression gradually became sharp.

Clang! ! !


It turns out that the void of nothingness actually surfaced countless Battle Swords!

Each Battle Sword has three chi long, 3 fingers wide, and the whole body seems to be cast from cold iron, exuding a sharp edge like world extinguishing!

Sou! ! !

Follow closely.

That piece of Battle Sword turned into a stream of light, welcoming the hell of Demon God.


The two collided like a comet, shaking the sky!

In terms of formidable power alone, Battle Sword is not as good as the giant, but the number of Battle Sword is huge, going forward and going, boundless!

five breaths less.

With a loud noise, the giant hand collapsed!

Immediately, the densely packed Battle Sword swarmed towards Battle Soul ‘Hell Demon God’ in Wan Qiu!

Hong long!

Hell Demon God did not reach five breaths, and collapsed.

Wan Qiu’s body shook, and a wow was a spurt of old blood, her eyes were incredible!

What made him most unacceptable was the Battle Sword in the Sword Domain.

“These Battle Swords, each formidable power is comparable to Perfection Battle Art.”

“And even if it’s broken, it only takes a second of my heart to reappear.”

“You can understand it this way, as long as Sword Domain is not broken, Sword Soul Inextinuishable, Battle Sword will be boundless.”

“This is my Innate Divine Ability, Sword Domain. How does it feel?”

The woman stood proudly and looked at Wan Qiu indifferently.

The expression of contempt and his arrogant attitude made Wan Qiu extremely angry and shouted: “Then I will break the Sword Domain, smash the Sword Soul, and let you die without a burial site!”


He was completely insane.

2 Battle Qi poured out from within the body like a torrent.

A barrier to Battle Qi exploded towards Sword Domain.

Another Battle Qi, exploded towards a small pocket sword suspended in the middle of the sky above Sword Domain.

“give up!”

“Every attack is here, unless you have absolutely overwhelming power.”

The woman shook her head, the Battle Sword floating in the air, dispatched together, and hurriedly rushed towards the 2 Battle Qi.


The 2 Battle Qis were all wiped out before they came close to the pocket arrows and the Sword Domain barrier.

“Fuck, is this naughty little girl too tough?”

Watching this scene, Wolf King eyeball almost stared out.

Qin Feiyang several people are also stunned.

Until now, they all think that You Prefecture and Kong Prefecture are their biggest threats.

But now I know that the real threat is Feng Prefecture!

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