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Qin Feiyang looked at Lu Xingchen and frowned slightly. What did this person want to express?


He noticed the smile on Lu Xingchen’s face, and sound transmission said, “Do you have a way to leave the Sea of ​​Bitterness?”

Lu Xingchen groaned for a moment, nodded and said: “There is a way.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes brightened.

Lu Xingchen: “But I have one condition.”


Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, saying: “If I didn’t save you, now you have become a Blood Puppet, don’t you think it’s overkill to talk to me about the conditions now?”

“One yard owned by a yard.”

“Your life-saving grace, I will slowly repay it in the future.”

Lu Xingchen said.

Qin Feiyang said angrily, “You’re in the dark.”

“Do not.”

Lu Xingchen shook his head said with a smile: “I’m negotiating with you, there is no threat. Even if you don’t agree in the end, I will take you away from the Sea of ​​Bitterness, but Wolf King and fatty them, I have no obligation help.”

Hearing this, Qin Feiyang immediately became extremely angry.

Is this not a threat?

Even a fool can hear it!

Qin Feiyang held back the anger, said solemnly: “What conditions do you say?”

Lu Xingchen said, “After entering Imperial Capital, I need you to do one thing for me, and as for what I will tell you.

Qin Feiyang’s eyebrows tightened, so vague, how dare he agree?

Lu Xingchen looked at Qin Feiyang’s expression and knew what Qin Feiyang was worrying about. He said, “You can rest assured that I will never let you do anything harmful.”

Qin Feiyang clenched the teeth, nodded and said: “Okay, as long as it doesn’t hurt the law, I can promise.”

Lu Xingchen said with a smile: “Brother Qin really is an easy person.”

“Boss, are you frowning with Lu Xingchen, aren’t you planning something unseen in the dark?”

fatty notice two people for a long time.

“nonsense more!”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him and looked towards Lu Xingchen. “Further, Mo Wushen, they may have reached the summit.”

“Three people have to be eliminated.”

Lu Xingchen pupils solemn light flickered, his hands waved, and a mysterious power, immediately moved towards Qin Feiyang.

Next moment.

Qin Feiyang just felt light and appeared in a strange place.

He looked in horror all around.

Here is a completely closed private room, which can have hunted zhang left and right, but there is nothing in the huge space.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Is this your Space Divine Object?”


Lu Xingchen nodded.

Qin Feiyang said suspiciously, “What about Crocodile King?”

Lu Xingchen said: “It’s outside the private room.”


Qin Feiyang’s eyes fluttered and he was startled, “You mean, you Space Divine Object, more than this space?”


“The outside space is more than that.”

Lu Xingchen said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang was immediately surprised.

Lu Xingchen shook his head said with a smile: “Don’t think about it, I won’t take you there.”


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

“There are some secrets in that space that you can’t know.”

Lu Xingchen mysterious smiled.


Qin Feiyang was a little confused. What secret could he not know?

“Don’t think about it, you will never think of it until you see it with your own eyes.”

Lu Xingchen grinned and waved his hand, and the void immediately in front of him shook.

Follow closely.

Under Qin Feiyang’s surprised eyes, a picture appeared in void.

In the picture, unexpectedly is a sea of ​​blood surging undercurrent!

“As a Space Divine Object, I can not only see the situation outside, but also navigate it going up to Heaven or down to Hades.”

Lu Xingchen explained.

“Going up to Heaven or down to Hades?”

Qin Feiyang immediately felt incredible.

“Actually, as far as I know, every Space Divine Object can do these 2 things, but the strange thing is, why is your Space Divine Object not working?”

Lu Xingchen looked at him puzzled.

“I do not know either.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes are full of confusion.

Is Ancient Castle a lower grade than Lu Xingchen’s Space Divine Object?

He shook the head and stopped thinking about these boring questions, saying, “Let’s go!”

Even if Ancient Castle is the lowest-level Space Divine Object, he will cherish it as much as his life, because it was left to him by Uncle Yuan.

Lu Xingchen immediately took control of the Space Divine Object and swept towards the sea.

Although in the private room, Qin Feiyang can’t sense anything, but from the picture in void, it can be found that the Space Divine Object is indeed moving.

Probably thirty breaths left and right.

The sea of ​​Bitterness appears in the picture ahead.

In other words, the Space Divine Object has now left the deep sea and floats on the surface.

With a wave of Lu Xingchen, all around appeared three more pictures.

In this way, the left and right scenes outside and outside are all visible to their eyes.

That stone ladder is in one of the pictures.

Lu Xingchen immediately took control of the Space Divine Object and swept towards the stone ladder.

After approaching the stone ladder, he grabbed Qin Feiyang and immediately left the Space Divine Object, landing on the first step of the stone ladder.

Lu Xingchen said with a smile: “It’s easy!”


Qin Feiyang nodded, looked up towards the stone ladder.

Mo Wushen three people, it seems that they have climbed to the position of one third.

As for Tan Wu, he has climbed to 2/3.

Lu Xingchen points to the sea ahead, said with a smile: “Look, Wan Qiu, they’re here too.”

Qin Feiyang looked, and sure enough, he saw four small boats three-four hundred meters ahead.


They do n’t have 5 people, why are there only 4 small boats?

Qin Feiyang took a closer look and found that Feng Huo was missing from the five people, and it seems that this person has also fallen on the way.

For a time.

Qin Feiyang couldn’t help feeling sad.

How many young talents were buried in this place?

Is it worth entering Imperial Capital?

Lu Xingchen pats his shoulder, said with a smile: “Everyone has his own life, and the other people will increase their sorrow. Quickly take back your Ancient Castle and chase Mo Wushen.”

“Retract Ancient Castle?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, suspiciously: “What do you mean?”

Lu Xingchen said, “Your Ancient Castle is still under the sea.”


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“If you go directly into my Space Divine Object, then Ancient Castle will definitely not be separated from you.”

“But just now, you entered my Space Divine Object from Ancient Castle, and exposed Ancient Castle, naturally still on the sea floor.”

Lu Xingchen said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized that carefully, Ancient Castle really wasn’t in the body of him.


His mind moved slightly.


On the calm sea surface, there was a circle of subtle ripples.

Qin Feiyang thought again, a slap-up Ancient Castle, immediately manifested in front of void, exuding a mysterious aura.

When Lu Xingchen saw the true appearance of Ancient Castle, the pump shrank slightly, and the sound transmission said, “Brother Qin, you Ancient Castle is not an ordinary thing.”

“How come you see?”

Qin Feiyang wondered.

“I don’t know either, it may be an intuition or it may be because of the aura it emits.”

Lu Xingchen said.

Looking at Ancient Castle, Qin Feiyang also felt that Ancient Castle was like a mysterious veil, making it hard to see through.

“Perhaps it really isn’t an ordinary thing.”

When Qin Feiyang mumbled, Ancient Castle was brought to eyebrows.


Two people chased after Mo Wushen three people, their eyes became sharp.

But suddenly.

Lu Xingchen stopped, and sound transmission said, “Would you also learn Mo Wushen, and they would like Wan Qiu several people to be buried in the Sea of ​​Bitterness?”

“Is this necessary?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

Lu Xingchen stared blankly, shaking his head said with a smile: “It really isn’t.”

With their current overall strength, to deal with Wan Qiu several people, these despicable means are not needed at all.

“Mo Wushen, don’t you wait a minute for us?”

Two people continued to swipe upwards while Lu Xingchen loudly shouted.


Mo Wushen stared blankly, sounds familiar?

He stopped, looked down, his face changed instantly, and exclaimed, “How is that possible?”

“What happened so make a fuss about nothing?”

The golden haired youth two people frowned, and they also stopped to look down towards Qin Feiyang two people, and their faces also climbed up instantly incredible.

unexpectedly not dead?

Is it alive?

The two people rubbed their eyes hard and looked at Qin Feiyang two people again.

Really dead!

In the hearts of the two people, when even the perilous situation is set off!

Falling into the Sea of ​​Bitterness unexpectedly undead, how did they do it?


Tan Wu at the top stopped his pace and looked at Qin Feiyang two people in amazement.


The golden haired youth asked, “Mo Wushen, are there any special treasures in them?”

“A very special treasure?”

Mo Wushen frowned, “I only know that Qin Feiyang has a Space Divine Object that can hide, and a dagger with a cutting iron like mud. As for the other person, I don’t know very well.”

“I think they can escape from the Sea of ​​Bitterness, it must be because of Qin Feiyang’s Space Divine Object, or that dagger.”

golden haired youth is full of greed.

Mo Wushen was startled, “What do you mean?”

“Killing seizing treasure!”

The golden haired youth said word by word, revealing the bitter murderous intention.


“Don’t you see the guy next to Qin Feiyang? His aura is as strong as you. I’m afraid it will be a both sides suffer situation.”

“And Qin Feiyang’s method is also quite good, not easy to deal with!”

Mo Wushen shook his head, eyes full of worry.

I made a move to Qin Feiyang before because I had the best time and the right people.

Now that Qin Feiyang has landed, their advantages are gone, and it is no easy task to deal with Qin Feiyang again.

“both sides suffer?”

“Are you laughing?”

“Even if that person is a 3-Star Battle Ancestor?”

“We have two 3-Star Battle Ancestor. Can’t we beat him?”

“As for Qin Feiyang, the significant 1-Star Battle Ancestor, it’s not a concern at all.”

“Get out if you’re afraid.”

“Wait for killing them anyway, you don’t want to get anything.”

golden haired youth two people contempt.

“Arrogant’s stupid, sooner or later will lose little life.”

Mo Wushen secretly sneered, nodded and said: “OK, then I wish you good luck.”

Having said that, he turned directly and ran up without looking back.

Green haired youth glanced at Mo Wushen, dismissive: “It’s a timid trash.”

The golden haired youth shook his head and said, “Such a person can’t become a climate even if he enters Imperial Capital.”


Two people stood on the step, both hands crossed near chest, waiting to overlook Qin Feiyang and Lu Xingchen.

That arrogant gesture, the expression of contempt, is like waiting for prey.

But who is the prey?

At this point, two people never thought about it.

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