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at the same time.

Ling Yan enters Pill Refinement Room in Cheng Yi.

Cheng Yi put down his business and asked, “How about asking?”

Ling Yan shook his head and said, “This Jiang Haotian is too alert, no matter what I do, I can’t get any news out of him.”

Cheng Yi’s eyes fell.

Ling Yan thought for a while and encouraged: “Senior Brother Cheng Yi, you have a higher status in Pill Palace than you, or would you please ask him in person? I believe he will definitely not refuse.”

“Go in person?”

Cheng Yi frowned, but he couldn’t fit this face.

“Senior Brother, for the future, in fact, occasionally bowing his head once in a while, it doesn’t matter much.”

Ling Yan flattering smile.

“Take me to find him!”

Cheng Yi groaned for a while, and finally planned to meet this person in person.



In the room.

Feng Cheng put down his pen, relieved, said with a smile: “Jiang Haotian, come here!”

Qin Feiyang got up and walked quickly to the desk.

There are 4 bamboo slips on the table.

Feng Hua pushed all four bamboo slips in front of Qin Feiyang, explaining: “The four Pill Recipes are Healing Pill, Bone Replenishing Pill, Body Tempering Pill, Qi Gathering Pill.”

Qin Feiyang one after another took it in his hands and looked at it carefully.

Each medical pill requires several medical ingredients to be refining.

“The method of refining, the old man has already indicated, so don’t say more, the old man only says a little.”

“During the entire process of refining medicinal pill, bear in mind cannot be distracted, nor can you be impatient, or change the steps of refining without authorization, otherwise all the medicinal ingredients will be scrapped.”

“One more thing, and the most important one.”

“Everyone’s Spirit Power is limited, even if you own a Level 9 Spirit Power.”

“In future Pill Refinement, if Spirit Power is about to run out, it is better to give up than to continue to force refining.”

“Because the consequences are serious, it will hurt the soul!”

Feng Cheng Ding Dong.

“It hurts the soul!”

Qin Feiyang was startled, nodded and said: “Remember, disciple.”

Feng Cheng asked, “Is there anything else you don’t understand?”

“Yes, what about the medicinal ingredient?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

Feng Cheng said with a smile: “It’s up to you to figure it out.”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, frowns saying: “Did Pill Palace not provide the medicinal ingredient?”

Feng Cheng joked: “In the future, if you look for wife, will Pill Palace also provide you? Do you want Pill Palace to help you when you enter the cave?”

Qin Feiyang immediately climbed a row of black lines on his forehead, turned the eyeball, and chuckled, “Elder, do you have a granddaughter?”

Feng Cheng nodded and said: “Yes, what’s wrong?”

Qin Feiyang playing the profound thinker thought for a while and said, “If not, let your granddaughter marry me. After all, my innate talent is not low, and my looks are not bad. Your granddaughter is not bad for me.”


Feng Cheng stumbled.

“Smelly brat, I think you’re looking for a puppet!”

Immediately furious, grabbed the ring on the table and smashed at Qin Feiyang!

“Elder, you think about it, your granddaughter is marrying me.”

Qin Feiyang turned his head away, after avoiding the flying platform, grabbed 4 bamboo slips, left a word, and hurriedly slipping away.

“Git brat, run if you have the ability!”

Feng Cheng got up angrily and stared with a beard.

“It’s silly not to run.”

Qin Feiyang ran out of the room without turning his head, pulled the door with his backhand, and closed it with a bang.

“Smelly brat, I have a chance to clean up and take care of you …”

“But you can really think about it, match them up …”

Feng Cheng returned to his seat and lowered his head to think.

If Qin Feiyang heard this, he would have to hit the wall.

Get out of the great hall.

Qin Feiyang saw Ling Yan and Cheng Yi.

“Jiang Haotian, come here, let me introduce you, this is Senior Brother Cheng Yi, our Black Bear City Pill Palace, only one after another Level 6 Spirit Power Alchemist.”

Ling Yan seemed to be meeting with old friends, and immediately greeted him, kindly pulled Qin Feiyang and walked in front of Cheng Yi, introduced.

“Level 6 Spirit Power!”

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart, glanced at the two people, his heart was immediate and bright, and he arched with a smile: “it’s an honor to meet you Senior Brother name, and I look forward to taking care of Senior Brother.”

Cheng Yi said with a smile: “We are all Pill Palace disciple, don’t be so polite.”

“Another dagger hidden in smiles.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark was defamatory, and the personality of the person was judged at a glance. He asked, “I wonder if Senior Brother came to me or Elder Feng?”

Ling Yan said with a smile: “Jiang Haotian, Senior Brother Cheng Yi is here to find you. I heard you came to Pill Palace. He immediately came over and wanted to invite you for a drink.”

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple to drink!”

Qin Feiyang in the dark sneer, nodded and said: “Senior Brother is kindly invited, Junior Brother dare to refuse, please!”

Cheng Yi smiled even brighter.

Ling Yan had previously invited, and the person did not agree, but he invited, and agreed without saying 2 words, indicating that his status in Pill Palace is indeed to stand out from the masses.

Under the vanity of the vanity, he felt very face-saving.

After three people left Pill Palace, they talked and laughed all the way into a restaurant.

Cheng Yi not only has a high status in Pill Palace, but also has a certain prestige throughout Black Bear City.

When entering the restaurant, the waiter entertained warmly.

But Qin Feiyang is a bit unsettled.

Along the way was also criticized by many people, but he has been deaf.

He didn’t know about it and was deliberately spread by Three Great Families, which has already spread in Black Bear City.

Moreover, everyone counted the deaths of those people on his head.

If it weren’t for that, he is now a disciple of Pill Palace. If it wasn’t for Pill Palace Three Great Giants to support him, I am afraid that people in the city would not let him go.

The waiter took three people and walked towards the private room on the second floor.

But just after reaching the stairs, a loudly shouted sounded in the lobby, very harsh.

“Waiter, give me another pot of wine!”

This sound is very familiar.

It’s Ling Yunfei!

Qin Feiyang stopped, turning one’s head and looked at the sound, and saw Ling Yunfei sitting in a corner of the lobby, panicking down, drunk.

“Well, why is he here?”

Ling Yan was surprised.

“Did he not enter the Martial Palace under the referral of the city owner? Why are you still drunk here alone? Ling Yan, you are the Disciple of the Ling Family, do you know what happened?”

Cheng Yi wondered.

“Ling Family disciple.”

In the depths of Qin Feiyang pupils, immediately glanced over a radiance.

“I haven’t been back today. I don’t know what happened.”

Ling Yan shook his head.

“Why not drink it, afraid I can’t afford it? Tell you, Young Master, I have money!”

Ling Yunfei shouted.

“Hurry up, come at once!”

A waiter roared impatiently behind the counter, twisted a jug, and glanced at Qin Feiyang standing at the entrance of the staircase. There was a bit of disgust in the expression, and then he walked towards Ling Yunfei in a hurry.

Cheng Yi said with a smile: “Junior Brother Jiang, there is no need to sympathize with such people, let’s go up!”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Someone knows not to report, although it is abominable, but the person who betrays his friends is even more hateful. This kind of scum does not need to sympathize.”

The waiter who led the way, walking in front of the sandy road, was full of contempt.

“What’s the matter, when we don’t exist? Talk nonsense again, be careful I’ll ruin you!”

Ling Yan said solemnly.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, small blunder, please forgive Young Master.”

Waiter was stiff, turning hurriedly to apologize.

“lead the way!”

Ling Yan waved impatiently.

The waiter never dared to talk much any more, leading the three people into a private room and asking, “3 people, what do you need?”

Cheng Yi said with a smile: “Good wine and good dish, all up.”

“Okay, let’s arrange for the little ones, wait a minute.”

With a waiter flattering smile, turn around and exit the room.

“Brother Sheng, come, congratulations, enter Martial Palace!”

“Brother Sheng, tonight we are not returning without getting drunk!”

“Okay, let’s toast!”

“haha ……”

There was a loud laughter next door.

The walls are soundproof and a bit fuzzy, but Qin Feiyang three people all heard them clearly.

“It’s Ling Sheng. When did he enter Martial Palace?”

Ling Yan frowned, got up and said: “Senior Brother Cheng Yi, I’ll go next door and see, you guys talk first.”

Cheng Yi nodded.

After Ling Yan left, Cheng Yi said with a smile: “Junior Brother Haotian, I have heard about you. For Ling Yan, you still have to watch out.”

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang is a bit wrong.

Dare to love this Cheng Yi, and still play an emotional card with him?

Now that you want to play, have fun!

He pretended to be puzzled and asked, “What do you say?”

Cheng Yi whispered: “You and the people in the Ling Family have resentment, they will certainly not give up easily, Ling Yan is now trying to approach you, 100% unwilling.”

Qin Feiyang wants to laugh.

This person really plays.

If you change your mind, you will surely believe Cheng Yi, and then be tottaly devoted to him.

However, Qin Feiyang is not so stupid, nodded said with a smile: “Senior Brother makes sense, I will be careful in the future.”


Cheng Yi nodded, said with a smile: “If there is any difficulty in the future, even if you come to me and can help, I will not quit.”

Qin Feiyang is grateful: “many thanks Senior Brother.”

Cheng Yi said: “Junior Brother Haotian, there is something I can’t figure out, can I ask Junior Brother to tell the truth?”

“Is it finally?”

Qin Feiyang in the dark sneered, saying, “Senior Brother can do it.”

Cheng Yi wondered: “Two Elders will give you a protector at the same time. This has never appeared in Pill Palace. Your Spirit Power must not be low. Of course, if Junior Brother doesn’t want to say, I will not force it.”

Qin Feiyang carefree said with a smile: “What’s hard to say, frankly, my Spirit Power is only Level 5.”

“Level 5 ?”

Cheng Yi stared blankly.

What kind of joke?

Level 5 Spirit Power, use Palace Lord to offer rewards for thousand thousand Gold Coin?

Level 5 Spirit Power, use Two Great Elders to protect yourself?

Go to the devil!

“Senior Brother, I didn’t lie to you. It’s really just Level 5 Spirit Power. As for Palace Lord, they are good to me, purely because of the granddaughter of Elder Feng, and I have engagement with me.”

Qin Feiyang blushed and said heartbeat.

“Is there still this?”

Cheng Yi was surprised.

Qin Feiyang nodded, said with a bitter smile: “Senior Brother, I’ll tell you what to say, in fact, I don’t like his granddaughter at all, but his granddaughter has to haunt me, and I am helpless!”

“It turned out to be just a relationship household, and I was so conscientious that it was a waste of time.”

Cheng Yi mumbled disdainful, but at the same time envious.

Elder Feng does have a granddaughter. Not only is he beautiful, but the innate talent of Martial Dao Road is exceptional.

Earlier the year before, Elder of Martial King Palace came to Black Bear City in person and took her to Yan City.

Seen by such a proud daughter of heaven, it is the blessing of any man, but this scoundrel, unexpectedly still not willing?

I really do n’t know how to be in the blessing!

I do n’t know if Elder Feng was thinking about it, why did he see this useless trash?

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