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The entire group descends before a stone ladder.

The stone ladder is more than ten meters wide and 20 meters high, and there are about fifty-sixty steps, full of an ancient aura.

And above the stone ladder, there is a stone tablet standing!

Stone tablet Gundam more thant 10 zhang, whole body snow white, like White Jade Stone.

There are 2 big characters engraved on it!

——Divine Palace!

These two words, like a silver hook with an iron hook, exude an air of majesty.

Behind the stone tablet is a splendid great hall.

Some are as high as several dozen meters, some are as high as several hundred meters, and even some great halls are towering into the clouds.

“This is Divine Palace?”

Everyone glanced at those buildings, their eyes were full of novelty.

Including fatty and Wolf King.

Only Qin Feiyang, there is no wave.

After all, he was born at Imperial Capital and is not too new to Divine Palace.

fatty in the dark asked, “Boss, do you know what this Divine Palace does?”

“What else can you do, just like Sacred Palace, cultivate talented and play for the Great Qin Empire.”

Qin Feiyang sound transmission, with a slight disdain in his tone.

“This way!”

fatty mumbled, and then said, “Is Divine Palace also divided into Martial Palace and Pill Palace?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Is there a Spirit Power limitation?”

fatty asked.

Sacred Palace’s Pill Palace is subject to Spirit Power restrictions and can only be accessed by reaching Level 5 Spirit Power.

“I don’t understood this.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

fatty stared blankly, surprisedly said: “You are not from Imperial Capital, how could you not know?”

“Is someone at Imperial Capital, you must know?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him.

in fact.

Divine Palace has a very high status at Imperial Capital.

Because the master behind Divine Palace is the current Emperor!

Therefore, even the princes will scramble to enter Divine Palace.

Even the Prince of Imperial Palace will enter Divine Palace.


Qin Feiyang was different then.

the first.

Although all Princes are children of Emperor, Qin Feiyang is lucky and has an Empress mother.

as everyone knows.

Empress’s status will be higher than the Imperial concubine of Three Palaces Six Courtyards.


Qin Feiyang’s status at the Imperial Palace at the time was also higher than other Princes.

2nd .

At that time, Qin Feiyang was deeply loved by Emperor. Emperor often taught him cultivation in person, and there was no need to enter Divine Palace.


Even if he wanted to enter Divine Palace then Emperor and Empress would not allow it.

and so.

For Divine Palace, Qin Feiyang knows only one.

As for the details, he didn’t know.

of course.

He did not bother to ask about these things.

“Da da!”


A steady and powerful footstep came from above the stone ladder.


A black clothed big middle-aged man enters the sight of Qin Feiyang and the others.

This big person, 1.9 m left and right, is full of muscles and bulges, full of wild aura.

Seeing this person, the crowd shrinks.

Because they were unexpectedly completely unable to see through the cultivation base of this person!


The big person also bowed his head and looked at Qin Feiyang and the others. He had no expression on his rough face. No one knew what he was thinking.

Dong Zhengyan looked towards black robe old woman, whispering: “Senior, do you know who he is?”

“do not know.”

black robe old woman shook her head.

If you do n’t know the identity of the other party, you do n’t know how to call the other party.

So for a while, the ugly old woman six people was also a little helpless.

A big middle-aged man suddenly said, “Are you from the Nine Great Prefectures?”

The sound was loud, shaking everyone’s eardrums.


Ugly old woman six people respectfully nodded.

The big middle-aged man said: “My name is Yue Ming, and it is the Law Enforcement Elder of Divine Palace Law Enforcement Palace, which is specifically to pick you up.”

“Meet Elder Yue Ming.”

Six people immediately bowed to worship.

Qin Feiyang and the others also bent over and saluted.

“follow me.”

Yue Ming said something lightly, then turned and left.

The ugly old woman six people took Qin Feiyang and the others and hurriedly boarded the stone ladder and headed up.

Wolf King in the dark asked suspiciously: “Little Qinzi, what is the Law Enforcement Palace?”

“The presence of Law Enforcement Palace is dedicated to maintaining the order of Divine Palace.”

Qin Feiyang said.

Divine Palace’s disciple is countless.

Therefore, in order to maintain the order of Divine Palace, Divine Palace has set up a Law Enforcement Palace.

Everyone at Law Enforcement Palace is very powerful.


They have the power to kill and kill Divine Palace disciple.

Even the princes disciple, they dare to kill.

Therefore, their status in Divine Palace is very high, and it is also the most feared existence of Divine Palace disciple.

“I go.”

“Don’t dare to kill the princes?”

Fat and Wolf King were stunned.

“They have this power because Law Enforcement Palace is under the jurisdiction of Divine Palace Palace Lord.”

“The Divine Palace Palace Lord is the Imperial Preceptor.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Imperial Preceptor?”


“Imperial Preceptor is the Great Qin Empire today, with the highest status besides Emperor and Empress.”

“Also, he is the Master of current Emperor.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Emperor’s Master!”

fatty and Wolf King looked at each other in blank dismay, their eyes were full of shock.

Wolf King asked, “Is the Imperial Preceptor stronger than the current Emperor?”

“I don’t understood this.”

“This Imperial Preceptor is very mysterious, and Divine Dragon has never seen anything.”

“I’ve seen it in one’s childhood.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Fat sound transmission said: “Fat Master dare to conclude that the strength of this person must have reached the point of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, and it is likely to be an obstacle to your revenge in the future.”

“He wants to be nosy, so I will not show any mercy.”

Qin Feiyang sneered.


Fat and Wolf King couldn’t help shaking their heads and laughing.

Qin Feiyang’s ability, they never doubted.

Although it is definitely not an opponent of the Imperial Preceptor now, in the future, this person can be stepped on.

Fat said: “Boss, Law Enforcement Palace is so horrible, it should be difficult to enter Law Enforcement Palace!”


“How difficult it is, I dare not say.”

“But as far as I know, the number of Law Enforcement Palace is always controlled at 99 people.”

“Adding the Palace Lord of the Law Enforcement Palace, it’s exactly 100.”

Qin Feiyang sound transmission.

fatty said: “That is to say, despite being eligible, I cannot enter the Law Enforcement Palace?”


“Unless someone is killed at Law Enforcement Palace.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.


“I’m afraid no way!”

“After all, this is Imperial Capital, who dares to attack them?”

Fatty shook his head.

Talk room.

The entire group has boarded the stone ladder, and a square is in sight.

The square was large, but empty, and looked extremely deserted.

Opposite the square is an ancient great hall.

great hall 绾 ﹁帿 鍗 佸 嚑 绫 抽 珮 锛 珮 锛 hole body 嗛 粦 锛 岄 嗛 粦 锛 岄 € 嗛 粦 锛 岄 嗛 粦 锛 岄 嗛 粦 锛 岄 ч 澶 ラ 殣 绾 ︾ 湅 瑙 侊 纴 inside the palace憃 ld man 銆

Yue Ming

The layout inside the great palace is equally simple, with only one desk and 2 chairs.

Key to borrow the old man to study gallium.

Yue Ming 璧 埌 妗 屽 墠 锛 屾 暡 浜 嗘 暡 妗 岄 埌 妗 屽 墠 锛 屾 暡 浜 嗘 暡 妗 岄 锛 岄 锛 岄 锛 岄 锛 岄 渌 渌 渌 Guy Guy 锛 岀 粰 浠 栦 锛 岀 粰 浠 栦 锛 岀 粰 浠 栦 锛 岀 粰 浠 栦 锛 岀 粰 浠 栦 锏 锏 € € € € 嬨 嬨

锏 bord 彂 old man 鎱 ㈡ 偁 镇 犵 殑 eyes opened 锛 岀 灖 浜 嗙 溂 Yue Ming 锛 屽 张 鐪 嬩 简 鐪 糛 in Feiyang and the others 锛 宨 ndifferently said 锛 气 € 姤 姤 姤 婂  钖 嶏 纴 cultivation base 銆傗 €

Woman womanold woman’s death


“You don’t report your name, how did the old man register you? And how did you give you an identity token?”

锏 borrow old man

 涞 hu Yue tar tar Battle Ancestor 銆 傗 €

Old woman picking umbrella


Qin Feiyang 鍜 宖 atty 锛 屼 锛 屼 olf King 锛 岀 洰 鍏 夌 殕 鏄  竴 棰 ゃ €

didnâ 檛 expect 杩 欎 杩 欎 old witch 锛 采 nexpectedly 鏄 tar Battle Ancestor 锛 岃 窛 绂 籅 attle Saint 涔 熶 粎 浠 呭 彧 鏄  浉 宸  竴 姝 ュ 晩 锛


锏 borrow 彂 old man 浠 庝 功 妗 屼 笅 闱 ㈢ 殑 鎶 borrow 眽 锛 屽 彇 鍑 hite token 銆


彂 borrow old man 鎸 囧 drum battle Qi 娑 屽 姩 锛 屽 湪 token simple study 鍑 犱 笅 锛 屼 oken gallium flag 粰 妗 岄 婏 纴 阆 掳﹃ € 傗 €

The ugly old woman stepped forward consciously, grabbed the white token, then stepped aside, looking at the token in her hand, expression was quite excited.

锲 犱 鍙 ︼ 杩 檌 鍙 ︼ 杩 檌 鍙 ︼ 杩 檌 Identity token 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 钖 庡 钖 庡 钖 庡 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 兘 姘 兘 姘 兘 姘 鐣 椤 湪 鐣 椤 湪 鐣 椤 湪 Imperial Capital 銆

He Prefecture 锛 孻 ou Prefecture 锛 孎 eng Prefecture 锛 孠 ong Prefecture 锛 孻 u Prefecture 镄 刾 revious Mansion Lord

9-Star Battle Ancestor 銆


渚 胯 新疆 鍒 癚 in Feiyang and the others 銆

Qin Feiyang 掍 篃 娌 $ 潃 Lu Xingchen and the others 棰 嗗 彇 identity token 銆

Probably hundred breaths passed.

€€ somesomeone 閮 must present 锛 屽 彧 宸 甉 简 in Feiyang ol 学 olf King 銆

”Net in Feiyang tar tar Battle Ancestor 銆 傗 €

Qin Feiyang

锏 Bold 彂 old man 浠 € 涔 堥 兘 娌 ¢ 棶 锛 岀 洿 鎺 ユ 妸 identity token 缁 欎 简 Qin Feiyang 銆


锏 borrowed by old man

Wolf King frowned 锛 岄 棶 阆 掳 渂 rother 镄 刬 dentity token  纻

”Icious Beast 娌 ℃ 湁 銆 傗 €

锏 By 彂 old man 娣 ℃ 贰 镄 勫 簲 浜 嗗 彞 銆

Wolf King


The white-haired old man suddenly opened his eyes, and two cold lights came out.

this moment.

KingWolf King 锛 屽 NH 杩 濹 in Feiyang and the others

Old woman six people

But very soon.

锏 boring 彂 old man 灏 卞 啀 娆 ″ 悎 婄 溂 銆

Qin Feiyang 褰 揿 嵆 渚 縡 iercely 鍦 dress 灙 钖 慦 olf King 锛 宨 n the dark

“Know it!”

Wolf King

Man fried 墠 杩 欎 kettle old man 锛 岀 湅 婂 幓

Yue Ming 夋 列 夋 夋 繁 鐪 糤 olf King 锛 岄 棶 阆 掳 细 滀 綘 浠  綋 € 涔 涔 lchemist 锛 熲 €

Woman noold woman nodded and said 锛 气 € 湁 锛 孮 湁 锛 孮 in Feiyang 灏 灏 槸 銆 傗

 €€ 傗 €

”Lchemist 铡 籔 ill Palace 鎶 ラ 死 銆 傗 €

 淢 artial Artist 灏 卞 幓 Martial Palace 鎶 ラ 銆 傗

 € ¢ ivine Palace 锛 宒 涔 嬮 棿 鍧 isciple 涔 嬮 棿 鍧 喅 绂 佹  喅 绂 佹  喅 绂 佹  and and and wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒倏 缃 氥 € 傗 €

Yue Ming 阆 撱 €

“disciple remember.”

浼 椾 汉 鎭  暚 镄 勫 簲 浜 嗗 彞 銆

 € ”by borrowing money

Yue Ming  镌 € several people

Let me talk about it.

WomanGaN 嬩 竴 鎸 ワ 纴 渚 倒 甫 镌 € old woman six people 锛 岀 灛 闂 存 锛 岀 灛 闂 disappear without a trace 銆

“Is this gone?”

Qin Feiyang and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

镙 BRA Umbrella 镙 锋 妸 浠 栦 滑 ㈠ 湪 杩 欙 纴 this person

鏄  笉 鏄  ソ 姝 看 篃 寰 楀 憡 璇 変 粬 浠  竴 Martial Palace 鍜 孭 ill Palace 镄 勪 綅 缃  纻


Zhao Yu asked.

Everyone was at a loss.

Luo Dan pointed at the white-haired old man sitting at the desk and whispered, “Would you like to ask him?”

“I can not.”

Feng Ranran shook his head.

Ling Yu clenched the teeth, “Let me ask.”

But before Ling Yu spoke, the white-haired old man said, “Go find it yourself. If you can’t find even Martial Palace and Pill Palace, it means that you are too stupid. I don’t welcome stupid Divine Palace.”


Everyone couldn’t help but feel a little anger.

Anyway, they are also well-known figures of the Nine Great Prefectures. Not only are there no guides, but they are also said to be too much?

Even Qin Feiyang was extremely upset!

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