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With the opening of the Pill Pagoda assessment, the deserted Heavenly Thunder City has once again become very busy.

Both inside and outside the city are a sea of ​​people.

Spring Rain Building.

It was also overcrowded at the moment, with four noises.

In one corner, a white clothed youth sat alone at a dining table, drinking in silence.

This person is exactly Qin Feiyang.

After leaving the Glacier Forest, he came directly here.

of course.

He also changed his appearance and hid the cultivation base.

When it comes to Spring Rain Building, he is just trying to try one’s luck.

But obviously, his luck was not good.

Sitting here until dark, there is no news of Mu Qing.

at dusk!

He got up and checked out, and appeared directly in the City Lord Mansion.

An inside the great palace.

Qin Feiyang sits on the main seat, and the city owner stands beside him respectfully.

And there was no one else in the great hall except them.

“Say it!”

Qin Feiyang drank tea and looked at the main road.

City main road: “All the people who participated in the assessment have checked the subordinate, and there are basically no problems.”

Qin Feiyang frowned, asking, “Have you checked everything?”


“The time is too short to check one after another.”

The city owner shook his head.

Qin Feiyang frowned, and said, “Is there really no suspicious person?”

“Not found yet.”

“Or else, I’ll send someone to check it later, and try to finish one after another before dawn?”

The city owner asked cautiously.

“it is good.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, his eyebrows stretched out, lightly said with a smile: “As long as you can do it well, I will definitely be rewarded.”

“Many thanks master!”

The owner of the city quickly bowed his thanks.

However, in my heart, I didn’t care.

In charge of Heavenly Thunder City for so many years, what treasure has he never seen?

He didn’t believe what Qin Feiyang could come up with to make him feel good.

But suddenly.

He stared at Qin Feiyang, his eyes startled with horror, and said, “Master, why is your aura different from the previous one?”

“I’ve stepped into 5-Star Battle Ancestor, and of course it’s different than before.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.


“Are you breaking through?”

The town owner was stunned and shocked.

After a while.

He swallowed saliva and said, “Master, can you tell subordinate how did you do it?”

“I’ll tell you when you do this.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, then flickered into Ancient Castle, and transcribed Kill Character Art fourth stroke.


The city owner was both skeptical and excited.

Surprisingly, how exactly did Qin Feiyang do it?

The excitement is that if he can master this method, wouldn’t he be as fast as Qin Feiyang?

I can’t help thinking about it.

“Must work for him.”

Both of his hands stunned, with a firm rays of light in their eyes.

Before, he was forced to do nothing.

But now, he is following Qin Feiyang sincerely.


time flashing past, dawn is coming!

The lord hurried into the great hall and exclaimed, “Master, there is news.”

All night he ran outside and didn’t know how many places he had been to, but he was not exhausted at all.


The voice has not fallen.

Qin Feiyang appeared out of thin air, looking at the main town expectantly, “Say.”

“Subordinate found that one person was very suspicious.”

“This person is Tang Hai, and according to our survey yesterday, it’s Tang Tribe.”

City main road.

“Tang Tribe?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

“Tang Tribe is just a small Tribe. It’s remote, and not many people know it.”

“But the problem lies here.”

“Not long ago, subordinate went to Tang Tribe in person, but guess what? There is no Tang Hai at all.”

City main road.

Qin Feiyang came to Spirit in a moment.

“Subordinate guessed that this person must also have adjusting one’s head and turning one’s face, and like the master, he knew the coordinates of the city and escaped the investigation of the city gate Heavenly Eye Stone.”

The city owner said again.

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed and asked, “What does Tang Hai look like?”

As soon as the city owner waved his hand, Battle Qi emerged, and a silhouette quickly manifested itself in void.

This is a young man wearing leopard skin, almost 20 years old, short and thin, looking a bit fragile.

Qin Feiyang looked at the silhouette of the young man and asked, “How is his cultivation base?”

City main road: “According to subordinate investigation, it is only 9-Star Battle King.”

Qin Feiyang groaned a little, cold light flashed in his eyes, and said, “Okay, let’s focus on this person!”

The city master was nodded and asked, “The assessment is about to begin, should the master also participate?”

“It’s not necessary.”

“Along with Pill Refinement, Pagoda Lord couldn’t teach me at all.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

He is no better than Pagoda Lord than cultivation base, but he is not worth anyone to Pill Refinement.

The lord of the city stared blankly, and his mouth immediately burst into a smile.


Level 20 Spirit Power is rare in the world. Who can compare with him?

And, once Pagoda Lord also said that the master in front can refining the medical pill of five Pill Marks.

What is this concept?

It is simply not human!


Qin Feiyang seemed to be thinking again, and asked, “Well, what about Pagoda Lord’s cultivation base?”

“It seems I heard her before, it is 9-Star Battle Ancestor, but in the past few years, if there is a breakthrough to Battle Saint, the subordinate is not understood.”

The town owner thought about it, said.

“9-Star Battle Ancestor …”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered.

The last time I came to Forgotten Continent, he only had the Battle King’s cultivation base. The powerhouse at the level of Battle Ancestor was to him like a god.

but now.

He has stepped into 5-Star Battle Ancestor. If Pagoda Lord does not use Battle Art, with Battle Character Art and Return Character Art, he will have certainty to kill him.


If Pagoda Lord uses Battle Art, he will have to escape.

After all, there are 4 small realms between two people.

“Well, I’ll go to Pill Pagoda first. If I take an action, remember to pretend to stop me.”

Qin Feiyang.


The Lord of the City is nodded.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, he opened a transmission gate and looked towards the owner, saying, “Yes, prepare me some transmission gates.”


The Lord replied respectfully.


Qin Feiyang turned around and walked into the transmission gate, appeared in a dark alley, and then sorted out the state and walked out of the lane.

Although it is still dawn, the street is already a sea of ​​people, and people are full of voices.

And everyone is going in the same direction.

Pill Pagoda!

Qin Feiyang was in the middle of the crowd and came to a square soon.

Many youngsters have gathered on the square.

Both are between teens and almost 20 years old.

These all are the people to take the assessment.

Those who did not participate in the assessment could only stand outside.

Qin Feiyang glanced over and found that there were many familiar faces in the crowd.

These people have come to the previous time.

Because Pill Pagoda, not at all stipulates that people who have participated in the last time will not be able to participate again next time.

and so.

Every time Pill Pagoda is evaluated, many people will try again.

However Qin Feiyang did not find Tang Hai.

One breath breathes away.

Just before the assessment was about to begin, a youth wearing leopard skin strode into the square.

Qin Feiyang’s gaze was also instantly locked on this person.

This person is thin and short, almost 20 years old, and Aura is at 9-Star Battle King.

This is exactly what Tang Hai said!

I saw Tang Hai enter the square, and did not say hello to anyone, alone stood in a corner.

Qin Feiyang has been staring at him, trying to find some clues from the expression or expression of this person.

But as a result, he found that both the temperament and expression of this person were completely different from Mu Qing.

Isn’t it him?

Shua! !


Two middle-aged man descend on the step in front of the square.

It’s the city owner and Guard Commander!

As soon as the two people arrived, the audience quieted down instantly.

“Nonsense doesn’t say much.”

“At once begins the first test of willpower.”

“People who can hold ten breaths without falling under the pressure of Guard Commander, enter the next level of assessment.”

“Conversely, eliminate!”

“As for those who have not yet arrived, disqualify directly!”

After the city owner spoke, he nodded to Guard Commander.


Guard Commander also immediately released the prestige, covering everyone in the square!

For a moment.

Many people feel that, like a towering mountain, they are pressed down from the top of their heads, their legs are trembling, their complexion is pale, and big beads of sweat are emerging!

Three breaths can’t.

The people on the field fell down one after another, their faces full of unwillingness.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the audience and looked towards Tang Hai again, and his eyes immediately climbed up with a little suspicion.

Under the pressure of Guard Commander, Tang Hai was also shaking, and sweat was flowing directly on his forehead.

However, in his expression, Qin Feiyang found no panic and was calm.

This is obviously unusual!

Because Guard Commander has 9-Star Battle Sovereign’s cultivation base, any 9-Star Battle King will be instinctively afraid of his pressure.

and so.

This person is increasingly suspicious.

But he did not act and continued to observe.


ten breaths In the past, there were only over 1000 people left in the square.

Next is the assessment of the second test Spirit Power!

Qin Feiyang looked at Tang Hai. If he remembered correctly, Mu Qing was Level 13 Spirit Power.

If Spirit Power can match, then this Tang Hai is most likely Mu Qing.

It didn’t take long for Tang Hai to test Spirit Power.

Weng! ! !

The Spirit Stone trembled again and again, and the rays of light emitted became brighter.

But in the end.

Spirit Stone only trembled twelve times.

In other words, this Tang Hai is Level 12 Spirit Power.

“Isn’t it really him?”

Qin Feiyang frowns.

Tang Hai’s Level 12 Spirit Power also caused a sensation on the scene.

The city owner and Guard Commander also praised him.

Tang Hai also showed a flattering look.

“Don’t wait.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Waiting in this way, there will be no results at all, it is better to force Tang Hai original size appear directly.

He took a Restoring Appearance Pill in the dark and held it in his palm.


Cold light flashed in his eyes.


At the next moment, he unfolded the Phantom Step, like a ghost, and darted toward Tang Hai.

To know.

Now he is 5-Star Battle Ancestor, and with the increase of Perfection auxiliary Battle Art, the speed is comparable to 9-Star Battle Ancestor!

Before the people present had responded, he landed in front of Tang Hai.

Tang Hai watching this man who suddenly appeared in front of him is also instinctively stared blankly.

But immediately following.

There was a look of horror in his eyes, and there was a hint of panic!

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