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imposing manner from City Lord Mansion!

And this imposing manner is getting stronger and stronger, and there are faint signs that it is about to climb to Battle Saint.

And this imposing manner, Qin Feiyang is no stranger, it is the imposing manner of the city owner.

He was shocked in his heart.

Is the Lord of the City about to break through?

If this is the case……


There was a hint of play in the corner of his mouth.

No matter which realm breakthrough, the most taboo is to be disturbed.

Because if you are disturbed, you will probably fail the clearance and fail.

Then, we have to start again from the beginning.

All he thought at the moment was to go to City Lord Mansion to spoil the game.

If the city owner fails to battle Battle Saint, it will be more painful than killing him directly.


Just do it.

He unfolds the Phantom Step, leaving one after another phantom and rushing towards City Lord Mansion.

“What is he going to do?”

When the crowd below saw this, they could not help but look confused.

Middle-aged married woman three people are also puzzled.

But suddenly.

Black Mountain Chief seemed to be thinking, and the surprised and angry roared: “Stop him, he will prevent the Lord from attacking Battle Saint Realm!”


“What a damn!”

Middle-aged married woman and Quicksand Chief, also immediately bewilderement.

Sou! ! !

The three people didn’t dare to delay for a moment, and quickly dragged their seriously injured body and chased Qin Feiyang.


The 3 of them are definitely not Qin Feiyang’s opponents.

But as long as the Lord breaks through to Battle Saint, killing Qin Feiyang is as simple as killing a dog.

and so.

The Lord of the City must not happen unexpectedly, saying that he must hold back Qin Feiyang.

Although three people are seriously injured, after all, the cultivation base is far superior to Qin Feiyang, plus they all have High Class auxiliary Battle Art, so Qin Feiyang suffers from speed.

Within a few blinks of an eye, the three people were standing in front of Qin Feiyang.

The middle-aged married woman stared at Qin Feiyang, saying, “You can’t think of it!”

“With you?”

Qin Feiyang was disdainful.

“I admit that you are strong.”

“But as long as we don’t face you, there will be no use for your kind of Battle Art that can rebound!”

middle-aged married woman sneer.

“You’re quite smart.”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.

That’s right!

The ability of Return Character Art is to cure itself in its own way.

To put it in popular terms is to use strength to work hard.

If you ca n’t afford to borrow, Return Character Art is like a dummy, with no effect.


He means more than Return Character Art!

“Want to haunt me? Then see if you have this ability.”

Qin Feiyang smiled, and volleyed into the air.

铿 clang!

With a loud sound of Tearing the Heavens and Splitting the Earth, a three feet azure edge appeared out of thin air!

It was the Sacred Artifact snatched from the hands of Mu Qing’s clansman!

As soon as Battle Sword appeared, a terrifying sacred might, like the tide, hiding the sky and covering the earth’s gushing all directions!

Whether it is a middle-aged married woman three people, or the people below the city, it feels like being in abyss in hell, and the whole body is getting cold!


That white clothed woman pupil also shrank slightly.

“I got you in Heavenly Thunder City, so from now on, you’re called Heavenly Thunder Sword!”

Qin Feiyang rubbed his blade and muttered to himself.

The movement is extremely gentle, as if caressing his child.

The words fall.

He suddenly looked up, vision like electrivity, and glanced at the three people.

“If you can, you take my sword!”

He held Heavenly Thunder Sword in the air, and a dazzling sword qi immediately ran out, slashing towards three people frantically.

Black Mountain Chief said solemnly: “This sword is unusual!”

Quicksand Chief nodded, exclaimed: “Viewing this imposing manner, it seems like a sacred might, is this sword a Sacred Artifact?”

But the voice did not fall, a clear and pleasant voice sounded.

“It doesn’t seem like it was a Sacred Artifact. Avoid it.”

It was the white clothed woman who was talking, and when she saw her face now, she was full of dignity.

“Sacred Artifact!”

Hearing these two words, middle-aged married woman three people shivered.

Unexpectedly, even Sacred Artifact, who is this little bastard?

The formidable power of Sacred Artifact is comparable to 9-Star Battle Saint.

Even if there is no recovery, it can only play 10% of the formidable power, which is enough to kill them!

Dare not to neglect, the three people quickly dodged!

Although the three people dodged, the sword qi, like a hot knife through butter, was cut down towards the city!

If no one stops, Cold Ice City will be destroyed!


And just as the three people flashed away, Qin Feiyang swooped down, looting lightning towards City Lord Mansion.

He didn’t care about the sword qi.

Because he knew that someone would solve it.


The white clothed woman who had been watching, watching Qin Feiyang’s rushing back, couldn’t help frowned.



She flickered and crossed under the sword qi.


She raised her arms and spread her palms, and Battle Qi was surging.

A white ball of light, quickly condensed.

The light ball can have a large palm, an arc flash on the surface, and emit an unparalleled devastating aura.

“go with!”

The white clothed woman looked up towards the sword qi, shouted in a low voice, and the white ball of light in her hand, like a meteor, met away.

Hong long!

In an instant.

The white light ball and sword qi met at a high altitude, and immediately burst into a thunderous sound.

Countless people’s ears are spurting blood at this moment.

In my head, rumbling!


at the same time.

The white clothed woman also spit out blood, her face paled quickly.

Seemingly thin lovable body, also cold coldly!


This collision also brought her very serious trauma.

However, the sword qi also collapsed in the loud noise, and finally prevented the calamity.


But at the same time.

Over the City Lord Mansion, a terrifying qi wave erupted.

Everyone looked, complexion greatly changed.

Especially middle-aged married woman three people, a face as pale as paper.

I saw Qin Feiyang, proudly standing above the City Lord Mansion, black hair flaunting, and clothes hunting, as if one Battle God was born.

At this moment, he raised his arm, pointed his index finger to the City Lord Mansion, and filled his fingertips with a terrifying imposing manner!

“Qin Feiyang, I beg you, don’t …”

exclaimed middle-aged married woman, her face pleading.

But Qin Feiyang turned a deaf ear, and an invisible force spewed from his fingertips, imposing manner violently toward the City Lord Mansion.

“No, I beg you, please do me a favour, let him go …”

Middle-aged married woman immediately paralyzed in void, with despair on her face.

But seeing that the City Lord Mansion was about to be destroyed, the white clothed woman was just a few steps away and landed on top of the City Lord Mansion.

“Qin Feiyang, don’t do too much, if one can let people off, then spare them.”

She said something coldly, and raised her hand, and the invisible force collapsed and dissipated to invisible.

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, looking at the white clothed woman seriously.

This woman’s aura is not average strong.

In his judgment, he would definitely surpass Pagoda Lord in Heavenly Thunder.



He stared at his eyes, looking at the white clothed woman’s eyes, his face a little stunned.

How could this woman’s eyes and expression have a familiar feeling?


He remembered it.

Heavenly Thunder’s Pagoda Lord!

This woman is very similar to Pagoda Lord in Heavenly Thunder City!

How could this be?

Is there any relationship between these two people?

Just as he was in doubt, a mighty sacred might, centered on the City Lord Mansion, rolled in all directions!


Qin Feiyang frowned.

“haha ……”

“The city owner broke through.”

“Qin Feiyang, your time of death is here!”

Middle-aged married woman three people are also fine God One, laughing.

Qin Feiyang was too lazy to bother them, and directly looked towards white clothed woman, saying, “I don’t kill them, they will kill me. Is this what you want to see?”

The white clothed woman said, “You slaughter Min, Wang and Li three great tribes, 300,000-400,000 people, and you should be stunned.”

“Ha ha.”

Qin Feiyang smiled and shook his head. “I thought you were a reasonable person, but didn’t expect it too.”

white clothed woman black eyebrows For a moment, there was obviously a trace of discomfort between expressions.


At this time.

A white silhouette snatched out of the City Lord Mansion and stood opposite Qin Feiyang, rolling in an imposing manner.

It is the owner of Cold Ice City!

He looked at Qin Feiyang as if looking at a dead man and said, “How do you want to die?”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “Don’t be so confident, Battle Saint may not be invincible.”

The middle-aged married woman suddenly screamed, “He killed our son, you must kill him!”


The city’s complexion changed, looked towards middle-aged married woman, anxiously said: “What about corpses?”

“Sir, Young City Lord is here.”


A guard rose into the air, holding the body of a purple clothed youth in his hand.

“Damn badard!”

The lord of the city growled, seeing in anger, and filled with a substantial Murderous Aura.

“Little bastard, today I want you to have no chance to even welcome a ghost!”

He stepped towards Qin Feiyang step by step, like one crazy wild beast, sacred might shock the world!

“That’s a try!”

Qin Feiyang coldly smiled, grabbing Heavenly Thunder Sword, and swiped into the air.

铿 clang!

A sword qi rushed out, sharp-earth-shattering, and even void was twisting wildly!

Seeing this, the middle-aged married woman hurriedly reminded: “Be careful, he’s Sacred Artifact, he can’t compete!”


“Even Sacred Artifact!”

The lord of the city was terrified, and quickly stepped on auxiliary battle Art to avoid it.

But the white clothed woman was desperate again.

Because if you don’t stop the sword qi, Cold Ice City will suffer again.

Now, the city owner has red eyes.

Qin Feiyang obviously doesn’t care about the life and death of people in Cold Ice City.

So she can only manage it.

However, she can barely catch a 2 sword qi. After all, the unrecovered Sacred Artifact can only use 10% of the formidable power, but if there are more, then I am afraid she will explain it here.


After dissolving the sword qi, she looked up towards Qin Feiyang and the city owner, shouted: “You all give me a hand!”

The owner shouted, “It’s impossible, he killed my son, and Deprivation my Battle Soul. Today he must die!”

“Come on!”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

Pagoda Lord frowned, said solemnly: “Go outside the city, don’t hurt innocent here!”

“Some follow me!”

The city owner glanced at Qin Feiyang coldly, and flew Murderous looking outside the city.

“Dare to be rude to Young Master, die!”

But it is at this time.

An ice-cold shout exploded.

Follow closely.

A white clothed married woman appeared in front of the city lord out of thin air.

Exactly that mysterious Madam!

As soon as she appeared, she waved her hands, and a terrifying might emerged, which was actually killing the city owner alive, blood dying the vast sky!

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