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As the first monster of Imperial Capital, the person most likely to inherit the emperor can be said to be a collection of 10000 1000 beloved in one body.

But in the end.

Not only was the cultivation base abolished, but it was also expelled from Imperial Capital.

In the five years at Iron Ox Town, Qin Feiyang was like an ant living in a dark area, struggling to survive.

After all, he got up.

After numerous calamities and setbacks, he finally returned to Imperial Capital as he wished.

But what is facing is Emperor’s ruthless attitude and means.

To make matters worse, Emperor unexpectedly abolished his mother’s position of Empress.

He even got his mother into Divine Prison.

With other people, facing this heavy blow, it has already collapsed.

But Qin Feiyang is still working hard and never gives up.

For a man who works so hard, why should God be so cruel to him?

Recalling these things, Wolf King and fatty and the others felt uneasy for Qin Feiyang.

“If the sky has eyes, can you take more care of this pitiful person?”

“Let him wake up!”

“He still has a lot of wishes, but he hasn’t finished!”

Everyone prayed and called in their hearts.

Everyone’s voice seems to be heard by God.

Qin Feiyang within the body suddenly overflowed with a trace of life fluctuation.

Heartbeat, breathing, comes along.

Although weak, it does exist!

“Is it wrong?”

Everyone noticed it immediately but couldn’t believe it.

“Not an illusion.”

Lu Hong shook his head.

Qin Feiyang is in her arms.

So, with every heartbeat, every breath, she can really feel it.

“God shows up?”

Fat and Wolf King looked at each other in blank dismay, followed by ecstasy in their eyes.

Huang Tian lives up to the caring person, and finally has hope!

Time passed day by day.


this day!

Qin Feiyang yelled suddenly.

Lu Hong and the others were startled and looked at Qin Feiyang in a hurry.

I saw Qin Feiyang tightly clenched with both hands, the pale face was even distorted!

But without eyes opened, it was like a nightmare, full of pain.

Lu Hong grabbed Qin Feiyang’s hand and said, “Don’t be afraid, we are all there.”


“Do you think that I am dead?”


Qin Feiyang didn’t seem to hear it. The more he growled, the more excited he became, the more angry he became.

At the same time, he grabbed Lu Hong’s jade hand with his backhand, as if holding a life-saving straw, and let go.

Lu Hong had some pain.

But he didn’t draw back the jade hand and continued to soothe quietly.

“What the hell is Boss?”

Looking at Qin Feiyang’s painful expression, fatty could not help but make an amazing murderous intention!

no doubt.

Qin Feiyang will have such a reaction, and it must be related to the sneak attack on him.

“Is it Emperor?”

Black Dragon Snake guesses.


“Emperor didn’t even know we were at Forgotten Continent.”

“Not to mention that even if he knew, he would not come in person.”

“But it has to do with Emperor …”

Wolf King.

With the comfort of Lu Hong, Qin Feiyang gradually calmed down and continued to fall asleep.

But his brow kept locked.

The pain between Meiyu has always existed, it is difficult to erase, and she still holds Lu Hong’s hand tightly.


Without waiting for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief, Qin Feiyang snarled again and again: “I’m not convinced!”

As the roar sounded, he rushed out of a restless qi and hate.

There is also an amazing baleful qi!

at the same time.

His pitch-black long hair quietly began to change.

Black hair, gradually crawling a trace of blood.

As soon as this blood color appeared, it quickly spread all his hair like a plague.

“Look at you!”

fatty was the first to notice Qin Feiyang’s anomaly.

Lu Hong and Wolf King were horrified when they looked towards Qin Feiyang’s hair.

What is going on?

At this moment, Qin Feiyang’s consciousness was caught in a strange space.

This space is boundless, and nothing exists.

“Where is this?”

Qin Feiyang stood in void and stared at all around confused.

“This is my World.”


A glomy sound sounded.

“Who is speaking?”

Qin Feiyang shouted.

Ka-cha !

Hong long!

But the voice didn’t fall, the wind surged from the sky, and the lightning flashed.

The original white clouds quickly became blood red.

Oh la la !

Follow closely.

The sky was pouring down.

But the scary thing is that this rain is actually a blood rain!

This piece of Heaven and Earth was instantly stained with blood.

Qin Feiyang stood in the blood rain and soon became a blood man.

He took a take action, and blood rain gathered in his palm.

He could clearly feel that every drop of blood rain was filled with an amazing baleful qi.

But these baleful qi, he felt very kind, like a part of him within the body.

“Is it very kind?”

The gloomy’s voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Qin Feiyang turned abruptly, and now he was astonished, suddenly retreated away.

I saw void behind him, standing proudly in a bloody clothed youth!

And this bloody clothed youth, whether in shape or appearance, is exactly the same as him.

The only difference is that bloody clothed youth has one blood red hair, and a pair of blood red eyes, like a sea of ​​blood floating up and down.


He is like a 10000 evil incarnation, exuding a strong evil spirit.

Bloody clothed youth said: “I am your incarnation, what are you afraid of?”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, frowns saying, “Who the hell are you, where is this?”

“Here is the World in your heart.”

“And me, it’s your response qi.”

“To be straightforward, I’m your Heart Demon.”

bloody clothed youth gloomy said with a smile.

“Heart Demon !”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes shook.

Last time in the illusion of the Bridge of Helplessness, he had appeared Heart Demon, and it was only then that he had to destroy that Heart Demon.

But didn’t expect, and now unexpectedly there is Heart Demon again.

And it seems that the Heart Demon that appeared this time is more terrifying than the Heart Demon that appeared last time.

bloody clothed youth said with a smile: “You’re right, I’m better than the Heart Demon that appeared last time.”


Qin Feiyang was shocked, unexpectedly knew what he was thinking?

Bloody clothed youth also said: “I and you are one, of course, I know what you think.”

“Then why do you think, I don’t know?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“Because I am the incarnation of the residential qi, it can isolate your perception.”

“Of course, if you really want to know, I can make you feel it.”

“After all, we are the same person!”

bloody clothed youth chuckled.

Qin Feiyang glanced down and said, “I don’t care what incarnation you are, at once disappear for me!”


“After all, I was born, how could it disappear?”

“Not to mention this flesh body, you are not qualified to continue to drive.”

“Do you know why?”

bloody clothed youth sneer.


Qin Feiyang asked.

“Because you are too weak and too incompetent.”

“This flesh body could have been stronger, but in your hands, it was so unable to withstand a single blow.”

“It’s really wasteful, you’re recless waste of natural resources.”

“So, I want to capture this body and become a brand new Qin Feiyang!”

“I want to make this Heaven and Earth, and all living creatures of this Heaven and Earth, acknowledge allegiance at my feet!”

“And you, disappear from now!”

“You also rest assured, your wish, I will one after another to help you complete.”

“What shit Emperor, will come to your funeral soon.”

The words fall.

The body of bloody clothed youth burst into pieces, turned into a bloody wave, and flew towards Qin Feiyang.

“You can’t think about it!”

Qin Feiyang suddenly shouted and immediately launched a counterattack.

But he was shocked to find that the blood rain was like iron chains, which locked his body and couldn’t move.

at the same time.

The long hair outside Qin Feiyang has turned into a blood red!

Lu Hong and the others watching this scene, don’t know what to do?

inner world!

“Don’t struggle, it’s useless.”

“Every drop of blood here is transformed by your response qi and hostility.”

“Although they were born for you, they are all for me to use at this moment.”

“So now, in this inner world, I am the ruler!”

Heart Demon’s overbearing voice came from the waves of blood, ringing through the sky.


“You look down on you too.”


Qin Feiyang growled.

A mighty will, like a volcanic eruption, rushed out of him within the body.

That binding with his blood rain, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke instantly!

Follow closely.

His body also burst into pieces, turning into a white wave, rushing towards the blood waves transformed by Heart Demon!


Qin Feiyang’s hair outside gradually began to fade.

“What is going on?”

Lu Hong and the others anxious 10000 points.


inner world.

Two blood waves slammed together, and this void trembled.

“give up!”

“If this inner world collapses, we will all disappear.”

“Do you know what it means to disappear?”

“Meaning, your consciousness will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!”

Heart Demon sneered, with an incomparable madness.

Qin Feiyang didn’t say a word, and the white wave that was transformed, with a determined will, slammed into the blood wave frantically.

Hong long long !


one after another loud, shocking.

void, also cracked.

“Are you really not afraid of death?”

Heart Demon’s voice came out, with a hint of panic.

“If you can’t do it yourself, what’s the point of living?”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

“You’re not just a lunatic, but a fool!”

Heart Demon is furious.

“Crazies are also good, fools, anyway, they won’t let you succeed!”

Qin Feiyang shouted.

The mighty will, the monstrous imposing manner, was the defeat of Heart Demon.

hundred breaths over!

Qin Feiyang’s inner world seems to be fragmented and about to collapse.


Heart Demon quickly retreated suddenly, turned into a human figure, and stared angrily at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang also paused to void, condensed the human body, and sarcastically said, “A Heart Demon is unexpectedly still so afraid of death. Who is more weak and incompetent?”

Heart Demon frowned, helplessly said: “Okay, I’m afraid of you, how about we talk?”

“Do you think it is necessary?”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

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