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Qin Feiyang followed Luo Xiong three people to the high stage, and turned to look towards Ling Sheng. He really wondered, what is this guy doing in unbridled?

fatty didn’t go up.

He knows himself, and by virtue of his identity and status, he is not qualified to stand on it.

However, in the eyes of some people, Qin Feiyang is not qualified.

“Jiang Haotian, you go down!”

Patriarch Ling shouted.

The son hadn’t calmed down yet, and the dad rushed in again.

It seems that father and son are going to endlessly today.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Why should I go down?”

“Look at yourself, who is sitting, who is not a person with status and status? You, a little Martial Master, what qualifications are there for everyone?

Patriarch Ling disdain.

“That makes sense.”

Martial Palace Palace Lord nodded, indifferently said: “Jiang Haotian, you need to know the size of a person, go ahead!”

The town owner said angrily, “No rules at all, Luo Xiong, how do you educate the disciples?”

Luo Xiong said with a laugh: “How to educate is my Pill Palace. You do n’t care if you do n’t work, but for this discipline, this Highness and Old Feng, and Old Mo, are very satisfied.”

Feng Cheng two people nodded with a smile on his face.

“Jiang Haotian, ignore them, come and stand behind me.”

Elder Mo beckons to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang arched, “Many thanks Elder, but today I’m afraid I still need a chair.”


“Insignificant a disciple, unexpectedly wanting a chair, it’s really delusional!”

“It seems that you are not only unruly, but very uneducated!”

Every influential family’s patriarch immediately drank.


Hearing these two words, Qin Feiyang trembled suddenly.

Like touching his inverse scale, the temperament of the whole person changed instantly!

He is just like an enraged lion, exaggerated, glanced at all directions, said with a sneer: “I see the uneducated, unruly people, it’s you!”

“what did you say?”

“There is a kind of you to say it again!”

Those Patriarchs were full of rage. If it were not for the presence of Luo Xiong three people, I would have taken action against Qin Feiyang.

“I said, the uneducated, unruly people are you.”

Qin Feiyang said word by word.

“It’s really impossible!”

“City Lord, this child has no respect, so I suggest you go down immediately!”

Every influential family’s patriarch looked towards the Lord.

The city owner looked cold, said solemnly: “Jiang Haotian, today you don’t give this City Lord a satisfactory explanation. Don’t want to leave here!”

Qin Feiyang said: “Just now, I also need an explanation. May I ask Sir City Lord, why are you here today?”

City main road: “nonsense, of course, look at the battle between Ling Sheng and Ling Yunfei.”


Qin Feiyang nodded, saying: “I dare to ask again, the war book under is who, the Life and Death Agreement signed by is who?”

The owner of the city, frowned, did not understand why Qin Feiyang asked so, and said, “It’s you.”

“Yes, I signed the war books, and the Life and Death Agreement was signed by me. I am the guarantor of Ling Yunfei. Why not prepare a chair for me?

Why didn’t you let me come up?

If even my guarantor is not qualified to come up, what qualifications are there for those of you who are not relevant?

I want to ask, do you guys trifling matter, are you too busy?

Want to see the excitement? “

Qin Feiyang on the spot was a swearing rage.

What about the city owner?

What about Patriarch?

Think he’s weak, just bullying?

Trouble him everywhere?

Embarrass him?

Tell you, there are no doors.

Although it is now down, it has not fallen to the point that anyone can insult!

Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and returned to the calmness of calm and composed, turning one’s head looked towards Patriarch Ling, indifferently said: “You are also the guarantor of Ling Sheng. If I am not qualified to sit here, then shouldn’t you Get off? “

Patriarch Ling tightly clenched with both hands, gloomy to the extreme.

The city owner, Martial Palace Palace Lord, and other Patriarch, are even more angry.

In front of the eyes, unexpectedly, a junior was caught in the blood of a dog, really making a fool of oneself!

Those on the stage, although they feel that Qin Feiyang is a little arrogant, but what they say is very reasonable.

This is the personal gratitude and grudges of Jiang Haotian and Ling Family. Those who are not relevant should retreat aside and watch in silence. It’s better now. They are all very eloquent. They also have a big world, I, your father. attitude.

I’m really full, I’m looking for scolding!

Qin Feiyang looked towards Luo Xiong and Treasure Pavillion Pavilion Lord, arching: “You two are the most impartial people in Black Bear City. As for you, who is here? Is there no rule?”

“Unsound scoundrel brat!”

Two people scolded in their hearts.

This little sconerel is just a human being.

After thinking about it, Pavilion Lord said with a smile: “If it is normal, in public, Jiang Haotian is not qualified to sit on par with us, but now he is people involved, so to speak, he is now equal to master, we are equal to him Please come to watching a play guest, we really are not qualified to say more. “

“He should have a seat.”

Luo Xiong only said that, but it was enough to represent his position.

Qin Feiyang looked again towards the Lord of the City, said with a smile: “The Lord of the City, what do you think? I know, you can’t wait to kill me right now, but it’s fair and easy, if you are not afraid of others gossiping behind you, you can make a move.


“Boss is indeed Boss!”

“Boss, keep going!”

“ga ga ……”

There was a loud roar among the silent crowd.

I saw fatty standing in the front row, as if having beaten chicken blood, jumping up and down, groaning and laughing.

“Is this dead fatty courting death?”

Everyone looked weird.


Qin Feiyang coughed.

fatty one shivered, seeing that everyone was watching him, immediately cold sweat, his face pale, his head hurriedly lowered, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

“Say half a day, did anyone move a chair for me?”

Qin Feiyang shouted.

He became the focus of the audience again, but in fact he was helping Fatty make a clearance.

The city owner, Gloomy, with a face on his face, shouted: “Give him a chair.”

A guard hurriedly took a chair out of the heaven and earth bag and asked, “Where?”

Qin Feiyang sighed: “I was originally people involved and should be sitting in the middle, but everyone here is Senior, and I can only feel wronged, just stay aside!”

“Feeling wronged?”


Hearing this, the audience was speechless.

When I just screamed at their nose, why didn’t I see you as Senior?

For a chair, making this place not even the chickens or the dogs are left undisturbed, also called feeling wronged?

Good things make you say, bad things make you say, what do you want to do?

People, ca n’t be so shameless!

The guard was also speechless to the extreme. He had never seen anyone who was afraid of death, but those who took the initiative in courting death encountered it for the first time.

As soon as this matter is over, the relationship between this person and the city owner is even less likely to change.

After placing the seat, the guard stepped aside.

Gin grinned, Qin Feiyang walked over, and a buttocks sat on it, satisfied: “Cool, this is the right treatment, Sir City Lord, thanks!

The town owner turned his head and chatted privately with Martial Palace Palace Lord.

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, looking at the fat, the thumb gave him a thumbs up right now.

“Jiang Haotian, what about Ling Yunfei? I haven’t seen it yet, shouldn’t have been scared by me, dare not come?”

At this time.

Ling Sheng’s sneer sounded.

“What’s the hurry? Calm down before he’s here. Depending on your current state, I can kill you with one move.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

This person is too conceited, too arrogant, and the standard hedonistic son of rich parents, if it is not because he wants to save Ling Yunfei’s mother, he even thinks it is a waste of time.


Ling Yunfei’s mother?

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, ignoring Ling Sheng with an iron face, and looked towards Patriarch Ling.

I found Patriarch Ling, looking out at Black Bear Mountain, frowning crazily, looking a little irritable.

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed and asked, “Patriarch Ling, are you thinking, why is Steward Ling not back yet?”

“How does he know?”

Patriarch Ling was startled.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “On the night of the next battle, I accidentally saw that Steward Ling sneaky left the city and entered Black Bear Mountain. I was wondering, what did he go to Black Bear Mountain? Patriarch Ling, you know ?”

Patriarch Ling said solemnly: “I don’t know!”

Qin Feiyang play with taste: “Who doesn’t know that Steward Ling is your trusted aide? Wouldn’t you know?”

“If you don’t know, you don’t know, what are you doing with nonsense so much?”

Patriarch Ling was angry, but a feeling of anxiety rose in his heart.

The city owner and the others stopped talking, looking at two people, looking thoughtful.

It seems that there are still many unknown things.

Qin Feiyang waved: “Okay, I’m not nonsense, but I want to ask, what about Ling Yunfei’s mother? Why isn’t she here?”

Patriarch Ling dismissed: “One has to be patient, or wait until Ling Yunfei wins.”

“I’m afraid when the time comes, you go back on one’s word!”

It is at this time.

A cold voice sounded.

This piece of Heaven and Earth seems to be entering the cold winter moon, everyone feels inexplicably cold!

Qin Feiyang looked up, just behind the crowd, and saw a bloody silhouette.

Not Ling Yunfei and is who?

He is like the return of one Asura, filled with a towering murderous aura, and hostility all over him!


Patriarch Ling, and a group of Clan Elder from the Ling Family, all rised suddenly!

Eyes are incredible.

Because on Ling Yunfei’s shoulder, there is still a person carrying them, which is Steward Ling they are worried about!

The crowd hurriedly separated.

Ling Yunfei stepped towards the high platform step by step, and the bloody smell emanating from his body made him all around the crowd, terrified of 10000!


He jumped and landed on the high platform. First, he placed Steward Ling in front of the Ling Family, then stood beside Qin Feiyang, staring at Ling Sheng with a pair of eyes, like a wild beast awakening. !!

Patriarch Ling squatted on the ground, extended her take action, and placed it in front of Steward Ling’s nostril.


He trembled, raised his head and glared at Ling Yunfei, shouted: “Did you kill him?”

Ling Yunfei said, “Before speaking, I have to pass through my brain. Can a Martial Master kill him a Martial Ancestor? I just happened to run into it and couldn’t bear to see him in the corpse wilderness, so I brought you back. You should thank me That’s right. “

He now has no feelings for Ling Family, only hate!

Because if it weren’t for Black Bear King’s help, he would now have died under Steward Ling.

In fact, he didn’t know that it was Wolf King who really helped him.

Luo Xiong glanced at Steward Ling’s injury and said, “He did die by Vicious Beast and was killed by the Black Bear King, because he had the scars cut by the sharp claw of Black Bear King. Patriarch Ling, You are so brave, unexpectedly dare to provoke it. “

The last half sentence was ironic.

Patriarch Ling tightly clenched with both hands, ka beng ringing!

Not only did he not kill Ling Yunfei, but he also lost a Martial Ancestor. How can he not be angry?

He also knew that things would never be that simple.

But he had to bear it.

Because once you let everyone know that his cheap actions are not only him, even the Ling Family will become the target of criticism. I am afraid that even the city owner may not protect him.

However, this matter cannot be stopped!

He looked up towards Ling Sheng, with a one strand strand of Murderous intention in his eyes, saying: “Sheng’er, let’s get started!”

Ling Sheng nodded, turned and looked towards Ling Yunfei, shouted: “Come and lead to death!”

Qin Feiyang asked, “Are there certainty?”

“Just watch it!”

Ling Yunfei smiled coldly, strode to the middle of the high platform, and stood opposite Ling Sheng.

There are only five meters between the two!

Ling Yunfei said: “Is it possible to kill?”

Ling Sheng said: “Signing the Life and Death Agreement can certainly kill people, and I have no plans to let you go down this high platform alive!”

The next sentence, he spit out silently.

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