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high altitude.

The battle between Qin Feiyang and Ye Qi has entered a feverish phase.

The two people were scaly all over the body, blood was dripping, reflecting the sky.

“Didn’t expect your strength is so amazing, but today you must die!”

Ye Qi is getting crazy, hatred has blinded his reason.

He now has a single thought head.

That is the bastard who bullies his daughter, 10000 fragments.

“is it?”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

If it weren’t for trying to seduce the Black Cloud Tribe, he would have solved this person long ago.

Bang bang bang!

Two people keep colliding in void, and various Battle Art are applied to the extreme.

The terrible imposing manner, like the raging waves in the ocean, pounced on all directions, destroying everything.

Hong long!

Probably several hundred breaths later.

Two people collided again.

This collision was unprecedentedly fierce, two people flew out at the same time, wildly spurting blood in their mouths.

His face was pale and weak.

Qin Feiyang gloomy said, “It’s not my fault. Why don’t you listen to me?”

“Go to hell and explain to King of Hell!”

Ye Qi seething in anger, his body shakes, a terrifying aura, like a volcanic eruption, soaring heaven.

at the same time.

There is a huge beast shadow behind him, that is one giant tiger, enough for several ten zhang, the whole body is pure white.

It is like a towering Dayue, suspended in the air, exuding a shocking imposing manner.

Those big pumps are even more flashing with vicious glint!

“Battle Soul!”

Qin Feiyang pupil shrinks, and also opens Scarlet Sword Soul without the slightest hesitation.

铿 clang!

Sword Soul dashing above the skies, sword qi Ruhong, shake a side World!



Next moment.

Scarlet Sword Soul met the giant tiger at high altitude.

A world of extinguishing aura was born, using this place as the center, rolling away in all directions on 4 sides.


Qin Feiyang and Ye Qi also half-knelt on void at the same time, blood wildly spurting in their mouths.

On the body, it’s more drenched with blood!

Aura is also extremely unstable, apparently seriously injured and endangered!

“Didn’t expect, with my 9-Star Battle Ancestor’s strength, unexpectedly cannot kill you.”

Ye Qi was waiting desperately for Qin Feiyang, and expression was full of unwillingness.

“There are so many things you can’t think of in this world.”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

As he spoke, Yu Guang glanced down at the jungle below, and a glance of cold glow swept deep into his eyes.

Sou! !

The next moment.

Two figures rushed out of a jungle that was not a distant place.

It is the Chief and Husky fellow of the Black Cloud Tribe.

Watching the arrival of the two people, Ye Qi’s eyes brightened and he hurriedly said, “You are here just right, this thief has been seriously injured by me, kill him soon!”

Qin Feiyang glanced at the two people and said meaningfully, “I’m afraid they came, not just to kill me.”


Chief and Husky fellow of Black Cloud Tribe stared blankly.

What do you mean?

Does this person already know their conspiracy?

But the big picture is set, and it doesn’t matter if you know it.

Shua! !

Two people fell beside Ye Qi.

Chief of Black Cloud Tribe said with a smile: “Brother Ye, you work hard.”

“As long as he can kill him, it will be worth the hard work.”

Ye Qi said hatefully.

Husky fellow said with a smile: “Don’t worry, he will definitely die, but you must die before killing him.”


Ye Qi stared blankly, frowns saying: “What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang sarcastically said: “I don’t understand yet. They are trying to kill you and annex your White Cloud Tribe.


Ye Qi turn pale with fright.

The Chief and Husky fellow of the Black Cloud Tribe frowned, looking at Qin Feiyang suspiciously and asking, “How do you know?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Is this important?”

husky fellow frowned, said with a smile: “It really doesn’t matter, anyway, you will die at once.”


Facing this sudden situation, Ye Qi was still confused.

“oh! ”

Qin Feiyang was deeply sighed, slowly got up, looked at Ye Qi and said, “Let me tell you the truth, the man who is lustful is not me but his son.”

Ye Qi froze and shouted at the three people: “Tell me what is going on?”


The two big people who originally discovered Qin Feiyang also realized that they were not right and quietly retreated. They wanted to go back to the White Cloud Tribe for help.

But the Chief and Husky fellow of the Black Cloud Tribe have been paying attention to them.

Husky fellow When he turned one’s head looked towards two people, he said, “If you don’t want to die, just stand there and stay still.”

The two people were stiff, and did not dare to move, their faces were full of terror.


They are just 1-Star Battle Ancestor, and the Husky fellow is 7-Star Battle Ancestor. It is easy to kill them.

But looking at all this, Qin Feiyang has a hint of irony in his eyes.

Husky fellow’s thoughts at the moment, he can see through at a glance.

According to the Husky fellow, the overall situation is now fixed, and the plan to annex the White Cloud Tribe is unstoppable.

And the two big people, although they are White Cloud Tribe people, after the annexation, they are the same as his Black Cloud Tribe people.

of course.

If the two people are average, they won’t care and kill them.

But those two people are 1-Star Battle Ancestor.

It takes a lot of money and hard work to cultivate one Battle Ancestor!

That’s why the Husky fellow stayed that two people.


Qin Feiyang looked towards Ye Qi.

“The truth is that at the time, He Yu wanted to dominate your daughter. I just met her, and I took action to save her.”

“The thing that makes me didn’t expect is that you daughter unexpectedly requite kindness with enmity, secretly calculated me behind.”

“Of course I have to kill her.”

“After that, the people at Black Cloud Tribe found that your daughter was dead, and twisted the facts, saying that I wanted to plot against your daughter.”

“And they did it so that we could fight both sides suffer.”


“They will not only kill me, take revenge for He Yu, but also settle you together.”

“As long as you die, the White Cloud Tribe is what they have.”

Qin Feiyang.


Ye Qi looked dull, looking at the Chief of the Black Cloud Tribe, saying, “So, before your son approached my daughter, it was premeditated.”

“Ha ha.”

“Since everything is right, there is nothing to hide.”


“I wanted to annex your White Cloud Tribe very early.”

“But I know you won’t easily follow suit, so I let Yu’er approach your daughter.”

“But what makes me didn’t expect is that Yu’er will be so impulsive to deceive your daughter and take it forcibly.”

“What even made me didn’t expect that this little bastard would kill out halfway and destroy my son’s good deed.”

“But there is a saying well, mountains multiply and streams double back, there is no way out, every cloud has a silver lining, he unexpectedly killed you daughter.”

“I naturally have to use this to accomplish my ambitions.”

Chief of Black Cloud Tribe said with a laugh.

Although He Yu’s death made him a little uncomfortable, it was worthwhile to be able to annex the White Cloud Tribe and complete the long-cherished ambitions at the expense of a son.


“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Ye Qi growled at Qin Feiyang.

“I originally wanted to tell you that you didn’t let me say, who is to blame?”

Qin Feiyang shrugged.

“I hate it!”

Ye Qi growled, his face full of remorse.

The Chief of the Black Cloud Tribe, looked at Ye Qi disdainfully, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, saying: “brat, I’m curious, you obviously saved Ye Cai’er, but why did she requite kindness with enmity, secretly you?”

“Yeah, why?”

“It’s absolutely impossible for my daughter to do something like resetting kindness with enmity!”

Ye Qi shouted.

“Why can you?”

“It must be that after Yu’er left, he was also greedy for the beauty of Ye Cai’er and tried to be wrong.”

“As a result, Ye Cai’er would rather die than let him fly into a rage out of humiliation before he killed Ye Cai’er.

Husky fellow sneered.

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched. Why is this person’s imagination so rich?

He looked at the Husky fellow, corner of the mouth slightly lifted, and said, “Do you think you are smart?”

Husky fellow contemptly looked at him and said, “It’s all my idea, what do you say?”

Pa!! !

Qin Feiyang raised his hands to clap, shook his head and sighed, “A frog in well is really sad!”

“what did you say?”

husky fellow complexion sank.

This person thinks that he is very clever, but everyone knows that in the eyes of others, he is just a clown who is fooling himself.

Qin Feiyang ignored him, looked at Ye Qi and said, “You daughter accounted for me because she understood my true identity.”

“real identity?”

The Chief and Husky fellow of the Black Cloud Tribe are shivering in their hearts. Is this person really a big deal?

Husky fellow asked, “Who the hell are you?”

“Is who, it doesn’t matter, because you are going to die at once.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.


Two people looked simultaneously, and immediately could not help laughing, as if looking at an idiot.

“Just what you are now, you think you can kill me?”

Husky fellow sneered.

“Don’t say you, even if you call your 2 companions, there will be no return today because I am here!”

The Chief of Black Cloud Tribe followed proudly.

“So confident?”

Qin Feiyang stumbled.

“Yes, I just have confidence.”

“Your two companions can seriously hurt my big brother. It is really strong, but my big brother is just 2-Star Battle Ancestor.”

“And I, 9-Star Battle Ancestor.”

“In front of me, they are simply unable to withstand a single blow.”

The Black Cloud Tribe’s Chief contempt spoke, confident.

“Hearing these words from you, my 2 companions must be very angry now.”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.

Black Cloud Tribe Chief said: “Then call them, I just can solve the problem in one fell swoop.”

“Okay, I do what you want.”

When Qin Feiyang pupils radiance flashed and thoughts moved, Wolf King and fatty appeared out of thin air.


One man one wolf was full of anger.


At the same time, the body transformation was turned on, and the imposing manner suddenly doubled.

Wolf King grand and heroic stared at the Chief of the Black Cloud Tribe, and said, “Old dog, are you crazy?”

Looking at fatty and Wolf King body transformation, the Chief of the Black Cloud Tribe is also quite surprised.

But very soon.

This surprise was replaced by a strong contempt.

He looked at Wolf King said with a sneer: “Killing you like a dog, isn’t it? You already have a big wolfdog.”

“Big wolfdog?”

Fat expression was wrong, immediately glanced at Wolf King, and Chuckled said: “It seems that Fat Master take action is not needed.”

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