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At this moment.

Qin Feiyang is too late to escape!

In his eyes, a wave of madness emerged.

Hold the dagger and meet the 3 arrows in front.

Clang! ! !

Between the sparks flying in all directions, 2 arrows were bounced off and flew past his ears, leaving 2 streaks of blood on his face!

But one of the arrows, with a bang, inserted into his right shoulder!

And at the same time.

He lifted his left foot, and the three arrows that were shooting at Wolf King went straight through his lap and got stuck between the leg bones.

Severe pain, distorted Qin Feiyang’s face!

He gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrow on his right shoulder. The pestle was on the ground, supporting his body and glancing forward.

“White-Eyed Wolf, I know, you are weak now, but if you can escape, you can only rely on you. I saved you. Don’t leave me.”

Qin Feiyang said deep.

The voice has not fallen!

A black clothed man walking out of a bush 100 meters away.

Behind a bush of bushes, a young woman also walked out!

The looks of the two people are both 18-19 years old left and right, and they look good.

Women are beautiful, men are handsome.

The clothes on your body are made of silk. You can tell at a glance that it is the Disciple of the Great Family.

“Lin Gu, Lin Guo!”

Qin Feiyang glanced back and forth, and the pump tightened tightly.

These two people, he is no stranger.

Because it is the younger generation of the Lin Family.

But the two people are both 7-Star Martial Artists, not to mention he is injured now, even in the heyday, he may not be the opponent of the two people.

Two people have a pitch-black iron bow in their hands, and Lin Guo’s iron bow will be slightly smaller, carrying a dozen cold light glittering arrows on his back.

Lin Guo faced the cold frost, pulled out three sharp arrows, pulled the bow and drew the arrow, aimed at Qin Feiyang, shouted sharply: “You are such a big thief, unexpectedly dare to kill Lin Feng and Lin Shi, now you only have one Chances, obediently surrender, come with us and wait for Patriarch to take off! “

Lin Gu also pulled 3 arrows from the back, facing Qin Feiyang, ready to go!

“What if I say no?”

Qin Feiyang gloomy looked at the two people, didn’t expect unexpectedly would be hit by these two people, it’s really bad luck.

Lin Gu said with a sneer: “If you dare to say half a word, I promise that your body will appear a blood cave next moment!”

Qin Feiyang yelled, “White-Eyed Wolf, how long will you rest?”

Wolf King lay on the ground, and seemed to be suffocating, but Qin Feiyang knew that this guy must be pretending.

Lin Gu said, “You are unexpectedly associated with a wolf. No wonder you can do such bad things as bastard.”

Hearing this sentence, Wolf King glanced immediately at vicious glint.

Qin Feiyang said with a sneer: “What about being a wolf? Although the wolf is cunning, in my eyes Qin Feiyang is 10000 times better than you hypocrisy.”

“Then I can only kill you and kill Iron Ox Town!”

Lin Gu pulled the bow hard, blinking in one’s eyes murderous intention.

“If it wasn’t for Lin Yiyi, you might have killed me long ago. If you want me to die, just say, do n’t look for these dignified reasons, okay?”

Qin Feiyang is ironic.

Lin Family, except Lin Yiyi, he doesn’t like anyone.

“It’s stubborn, let me die!”

Lin Guo in one’s eyes cold light, with a violent surge, a loose hand, 3 arrows, like lightning, cut through the sky and went straight to Qin Feiyang.


It is also at this time.

Wolf King howled at Qin Feiyang and stood up sharply.

Qin Feiyang 2 said nothing, sitting directly on Wolf King’s back, clutching the fur on Wolf King’s neck tightly.



Wolf King opened at full speed, swept into a bush, and ran towards the depths of jungle.


Lin Gu suddenly shouted, iron bow pulled to the extreme, 3 arrows with a harsh breaking the sky sound, shot at Qin Feiyang and Wolf King!

“Be careful!”

Qin Feiyang reminded.

Wolf King flickered to the left, and 3 arrows missed, and with a click, he sank into the thick trunk of a bucket.

“Really strong killing power!”

“They have spared no effort!”

Qin Feiyang took cold sweat.

If this shot on him, wouldn’t he be killed on the spot?


Lin Guo waved.

Two people unfolded extremely fast, while chasing, looking for opportunities, as long as there is a good time, they will release the arrows without the slightest hesitation!

Wolf King was carrying Qin Feiyang to the west, only counting ten breaths, he was already tired of breathing.

Qin Feiyang shouted, “White-Eyed Wolf, can you hurry up?”

Lin Guo and Lin Gu are 7-Star Martial Artists, and they are faster than them. If they continue to do so, they will catch up soon.

Hear roar.

Wolf King’s copper bell-lile big eyes, immediately climbed a trace of anger.

If it can speak, it will definitely act violently on the spot and swear at Qin Feiyang.

You’re comfortable on it, you don’t have to do anything, but what about me? I still have to hold you heavyweight, I can maintain this speed, it is very difficult, how can I speed it up?

of course.

These words, it is impossible to say.

In fact, Qin Feiyang’s weight is at most 110 jin, which is not a heavyweight, but for a wounded and physically and mentally tired Wolf King, it seems to be no different from carrying a cow.

“Today you have no way to heaven, no way to the ground!”

“Qin Feiyang, don’t struggle anymore!”

Lin Guo two people murderous looking, as long as Qin Feiyang and Wolf King stop, they will shoot mercilessly!

Qin Feiyang Sen coldly said: “Lin Guo, Lin Gu, you wait for me, and your end will be worse than Lin Feng two people!”

“It’s still hard to die!”

Although Spirit Fruit is a woman, the hostility is full, pull the bow and drop the arrow, and it’s done in an instant!



The arrows traveled through the void at high speed, shattering shrubs and weeds, Qin Feiyang felt sharp and biting!

“what happened?”

But at this moment, he couldn’t care less about the arrows behind him.

He surprised and angry looked ahead, where unexpectedly was a cliff!

Most importantly, facing the cliff ahead, Wolf King didn’t stop at all.

“White-Eyed Wolf, stop, I don’t want to die yet …”

“don’t, don’t, don’t ……”

Qin Feiyang yelled anxiously, but Wolf King turned a deaf ear, let alone hesitation, and jumped off the cliff!

“White-Eyed Wolf, I hate you …”

Qin Feiyang’s roar came from under the cliff, echoing in this section between Heaven and Earth, for a long time.

Lin Guo two people stopped by the cliff, looked down, and frowned tightly.

“How to do?”

Lin Gu asked.

“Underneath, there is no doubt they will die if they jump like this.”

Lin Guo’s mouth was raised, his eyes were extremely cold and severe.

Lin Gu nodded, said with a sneer: “Dare to kill my Disciple of the Lin Family, even if Qin Feiyang is dead, Qin Yuan must not forgive easily, go, go back and report Patriarch.”

The two people turned around, went into jungle, and quickly disappeared without disappear without a trace.


“It’s really not saved now.”

“I haven’t returned to Imperial Capital!”

“White-Eyed Wolf, I know you’re tough, but you don’t need to!”

Now, Qin Feiyang could not care about the arrow injury on his right shoulder, and hugged Wolf King sternly, looking at the ground below, his eyes were full of worry.

Is there any way out after this fall?

“Yi! ”


There was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

On the ground of underneath, he unexpectedly saw a river.

Could it be that……

Qin Feiyang was overjoyed.

The Wolf Valley is in the vicinity. Of course, Wolf King is very familiar with this area. It must be because if there was a river below it, it jumped without the slightest hesitation.

“Scared me.”

Qin Feiyang is finally relaxed.

It fell to the ground without any suspence, and fell into a pool of flesh on the spot.

Falling into the river, with his current 6-Star Martial Artist’s physique, there are definitely risks, but at least there is a chance to survive.

Now the only thing to pray is that 10000000 is not a river only a few meters deep, or the bottom of the river is full of reefs.

In this case, the result is still dead!


After the interest rate.

a man and a beast is like two big rocks, both of them falling into the river, splashing the waves of several meters high!

I can imagine how terrifying the inertial force generated by falling from high altitude!

The moment he was in contact with the water, Qin Feiyang felt like his body was all split up and in pieces, a piercing pain, like a tide, and drowned him instantly!

“You can’t be unconscious now!”

Qin Feiyang bit his tongue hard, and realized a lot of consciousness.

He knew nothing about this river.

if by any chance What powerful Water Beast is lurking, wait for him to pass out, or become a good meal in the eyes of Water Beast?

Even if there is no Water Beast, such a sinking will sooner or later be drowned.

He endured the sever pain and moved his hands and feet.

No problem with both hands.

But the left leg kept calling.

He looked wide open and found that his left leg had been fractured, and the fracture was even torn skin and gaping flesh, blood dyed a large red river.

“Okay, just broken legs.”

Instead Qin Feiyang was relaxed, biting his teeth and swimming towards the bottom of the river.

Because Wolf King was unconscious, he was sinking downward.

The river is deep, at least until now Qin Feiyang has not seen the bottom of the river.

Of course, the river is clear.

After he chased down, he grabbed Wolf King’s tail, then turned around and swam up quickly.

He lived by the lake for 5 years, and his water was naturally equal. Even if he broke a leg, he would not be slower than ordinary people. He just suffered inhuman pain during the swim!

more than ten breaths later.

He finally surfaced, breathing greedily in the air.


His face turned green immediately.

There is not only air in the nostrils, but also a pungent fishy smell!

“Water Beast!”

His body shook, and a thought crawled into his mind that made him almost desperate.

If you meet one Water Beast now, then he and Wolf King really only have dead end.

He cautiously looked towards all around, his eyes suddenly locked on the left.

On the water, there is a huge body!

Qin Feiyang felt at first glance that he met a colossus!

He looked up along the torso, and when he could see the true face of the colossus, his body was rigidly frozen, his face pale.

That’s more than a colossus, I don’t know how to describe it!

That’s a fish!

But not an ordinary fish, it has evolved into Water Beast!

Only half of the body is exposed on the surface, but it is as large as a house. It is hard to believe how big the entire body is!

Those dustpan-like eyes flickered with the scary vicious glint, which made Qin Feiyang’s scalp explode!

[This chapter is late. The new book, especially the beginning, is super brainy, brothers, forgive and forgive. Shameless ask for a recommendation ticket, can I have it? ^ _ ^]

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