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Guard Commander is crazy.

Unexpectedly, he said that he invited to humiliation to oneself.


With a loud roar, a huge giant tiger rushed out from behind him.

giant tiger whole body golden, body like mountains, exuding fearful might.

Two Winged Snow Eagle sighed, “You are really won’t shed tears until entering the coffin!”

“Less nonsense, die!”

Guard Commander suddenly shouted.


That giant tiger towards the sky screamed, carrying the world extinguishing aura, and rushing towards Two Winged Snow Eagle.

“hmph! ”

Two Winged Snow Eagle’s eyes were cold, and two light wings emerged from behind.

Adding its 2 pairs of wings, it now has 6 wings.

With 6 wings spreading around, the giant tiger flashed around and landed directly above Guard Commander’s head.

“That speed!”

Guard Commander immediately turned pale with fright, and quickly retreated suddenly.

“how about it?”

“Remorse it now!”

“Compare Battle Soul with this Sovereign, aren’t you looking for abuse?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle contempt smiled, and quickly caught up, sharp claw glowing with cold light, grabbing at Guard Commander’s head.

“Do not kill me……”

The bitter murderous intention made Guard Commander tremble physically and mentally, yelling in horror.

“If you can still meet in your next life, this Sovereign will definitely kill you, but today, you must die!”

Flickering with solemn light in the eyes of Two Winged Snow Eagle is like a blade, making Guard Commander desperate.

“Let’s be merciful!”

But this time.

Qin Feiyang reached out.


Two Winged Snow Eagle stared blankly, puzzled looked towards Qin Feiyang.

“I have a few questions for him.”

Qin Feiyang stepped forward and landed in front of Guard Commander, saying, “You have no way back, put away your Battle Soul, don’t play tricks.”

“Yes yes yes.”

Guard Commander was nodded again and again, and the giant tiger disappeared out of thin air.

Qin Feiyang said: “Do you know a person named Pei Changfeng?”

“Pei Changfeng …”

Guard Commander groaned a little and shook his head. “I haven’t heard of it.”


Qin Feiyang’s eyes were slightly cold.

Guard Commander pointed at the sky and said, “I swear, I didn’t lie to you.”

Qin Feiyang frowned, took out Pei Changfeng’s identity token, pointed to the python pattern above, and said, “Have you ever seen this pattern?”

Guard Commander looked down, immediately changed color, cry out in surprise: “This is Tribe’s Totem!”


Qin Feiyang frowned.

“do not you know?”

Guard Commander looked at him in horror.

Even Perfect Battle Art, the identity of this group of people is definitely not simple, but why doesn’t Totem even know?

“Just let you say, why are there so many questions?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle shouted.

“Okay, I said I said.”

Guard Commander is frightened by 10000.

“I once heard Pagoda Lord mention that those powerful Tribes in the depths will have their own Totem.”

“This Totem is their belief and a symbol of their identity, which is very important.”

“But not every Tribe is eligible for Totem.”

“It is said that only Tribe who has reached 1000000 people and owns one 9-Star Battle Saint can set up their own Totem.”

Guard Commander.

“Is there still this?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised and asked, “Are the 1000000 people and 9-Star Battle Saint indispensable?”


“If a Tribe has 1,000,000 clansman, but there is no 9-Star Battle Saint, you cannot set up Totem.”

Guard Commander nodded.

Qin Feiyang said: “Is there such a Tribe in the Third Region?”

“is it possible?”

“Apart from the Pagoda Lord, the Third Region is the strongest, the 3-Star Battle Saint.”

“Even the Three Great Super Tribes like Azure Sea, Scarlet Mist, and Black Lion have only 1-Star Battle Saint keeping watch.”

“I estimate that even the Fourth Region and Fifth Region may not have Tribe of Totem.”

Guard Commander.

Qin Feiyang and Two Winged Snow Eagle looked simultaneously. It seems that the origin of Pei Changfeng is not easy!

Two Winged Snow Eagle looked towards the Guard Commander, saying: “You just said, Azure Sea Tribe, Scarlet Mist Tribe, Black Lion Tribe, are these Three Great Super Tribes in the Third Region?”


“Their Chief and High Priest are both 1-Star Battle Saint.”

“But strangely, I received a message yesterday saying that Three Great Tribe’s Chiefs seemed to be missing.”

Guard Commander frowns saying.

Two Winged Snow Eagle chuckled: “It’s not missing, it’s killed.”


“Who killed it?”

Guard Commander looked at Qin Feiyang and Two Winged Snow Eagle in surprise.


He found a smile between the expressions of one person and one eagle.


He had a terrifying thought in his mind, and said, “Is it you?”

“You said it, we didn’t say it.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle evilly smiled.

Guard Commander dumbstruck.

Obviously, Three Great Tribe’s Chiefs were killed by this group of people.

But how did they do it?

Qin Feiyang is a 7-Star Battle Ancestor. The wolf and the fatty are just 6-Star Battle Ancestor.

This Snow Eagle has just broken through to Battle Saint.

With this lineup, can you kill 3 1-Star Battle Saints?

is it possible that Battle Saint with one terrifying still hidden around them?


Isn’t there a black robe old woman beside this person?

Think of this.

Guard Commander was even more panicked, and quickly said, “I have answered your questions truthfully. Would you please let me go?

“Last question, do you know the coordinates of the Fourth Region?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

Guard Commander said: “This kind of thing is only known to Pagoda Lord.”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow and said, “What is the cultivation base of Pagoda Lord?”

“4-Star Battle Saint.”

Guard Commander without the slightest hesitation.

“4-Star Battle Saint, it’s not easy to deal with!”

Qin Feiyang in the dark mumbled, two Winged Snow Eagle nodded.

Two Winged Snow Eagle comprehended it, and dived abruptly. The sharp eagle claw directly caught the head of Guard Commander.

“With this strength, I dare to chase and kill us. It is a courting death.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle dismissed a smile and turned into a big slap, floating in front of Qin Feiyang, saying, “Do you want to go to the trouble of Three Great Tribes?”

Qin Feiyang groaned a little and shook his head: “It’s not necessary, it’s important to rush to the Fourth Region.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle said: “Then go to Pagoda Lord for coordinates, 4-Star Battle Saint, and it is not invincible.”

“So confident?”

Qin Feiyang was startled.

“Just kidding, don’t look at this Sovereign is who?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle proudly said.

in fact.

It wouldn’t dare say such a big thing if it hadn’t broken through.

But now, it has also stepped into Battle Saint.

Although there is still a big gap with Pagoda Lord, it has an advantage that Pagoda Lord does not have, Sacred Artifact Heavenly Thunder Sword.

If you give it a full power, maybe it will give a glimmer of hope.

Even more how, Qin Feiyang has Mu Tianyang’s rib on him.

At the beginning, in Heavenly Thunder City, Mu Qiuyu faced the 2 Battle Saints of the Mu Family. They were not opponents at all.

But when Qin Feiyang gave her the rib, she was like Fiendgod’s possession, killing those two people.

and so.

You can try it.

Even if they couldn’t beat it, Pagoda Lord couldn’t hurt them with the Ancient Castle.

Qin Feiyang groaned for a moment and looked up at Two Winged Snow Eagle, said with a smile: “If you can get the coordinates, count your great merit.”

“Is there a reward!”

Two Winged Snow Eagle evilly smiled.

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “Yes, reward you with a Healing Pill.”


“You send beggar!”

Two Winged Snow Eagle looked at him scornfully.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled, his face sulking: “Since going to go, do it quickly, or wait for the city lord to come back, a 4-Star Battle Saint, plus a 3-Star Battle Saint, basically no hope.”

“What about coming back? This Sovereign is true!”

Two Winged Snow Eagle coldly snorted and said.

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched. The guy had swelled, but didn’t say much. He waved his hand and opened a transmission gate.

The next moment.

One person and one eagle appeared over the snowy field outside Heavenly Yang City.

“It’s Qin Feiyang!”

“He came unexpectedly again!”

The pedestrians below were immediately rioting.

Sou! !

Qin Feiyang and Two Winged Snow Eagle ignored them, turned into a stream of light, broke into the city, and stormed towards Pill Pagoda.


A group of guards rose into the sky, crossing in front of Qin Feiyang two people.

These guards are at least 7-Star Battle Ancestor, and they are extremely powerful.

Between expressions, there is a strong murderous intention!


But Two Winged Snow Eagle just suddenly shouted, sacred might hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the guards splattered into the sky.

“really strong !”

“It was unexpectedly one Battle Saint!”

Looking at this scene, everyone in the city is frightened, and no one dares to come out of the way again.

Sou! !


Qin Feiyang and Two Winged Snow Eagle land right in front of Pill Pagoda.

Two Winged Snow Eagle shouted: “Pagoda Lord, get out and die!”

Hong long!

Not a moment.

The pagoda gate opens slowly.

A middle-aged man wearing a fiery-red gown appeared in the sight of Qin Feiyang and Two Winged Snow Eagle.

It’s Pagoda Lord!

Pagoda Lord stepped out of Pill Pagoda and stood in front of the gate. Gloomy looked at one person and one eagle and said, “Heavenly Yang Flame has been snatched by you, what else do you want?”

“2 things.”

“The first one, Heavenly Thunder Flame, Cold Ice Flame, Heavenly Yang Flame, what secret is hidden?”

“The second thing, the coordinates of the Fourth Region.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Sure enough, I don’t know the coordinates.”

Pagoda Lord in the dark mumbled, but this first thing made him wonder.

Now that you don’t know the secrets of these Pill Fires, why bother robbing them?

“I don’t know the secret of Pill Fire.”

“And I know the coordinates of the Fourth Region.”

“However, it depends on your ability to let me speak out.”

Pagoda Lord sneered.

“Yo, are you still up?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle groaned, and the light wings emerged, turning into a panic, and looting toward Pagoda Lord.


Pagoda Lord’s face was full of disdain.

Insignificant a 1-Star Battle Saint, also delusional to fight with him, I really do not know how to write the dead words.

He stood motionless, and the expression of contempt was like looking at a tiny ant.

But if you look closely, you can see that Yu Guangzheng glanced at all around in the dark, with a hint of vigilance hidden in his eyes.

Not to be wary of Two Winged Snow Eagle and Qin Feiyang, but to be wary of black robe old woman.

However, he did not know that his worry was completely superfluous. There was no old woman at all around Qin Feiyang.

See you.

Two Winged Snow Eagle couldn’t help laughing.

The more arrogant this person is, the easier it is.

Although Heavenly Thunder Sword is Sacred Artifact, it has no ability to recover. If the Pagoda Lord is fully alert, it cannot really do it quickly.

Now, Pagoda Lord’s thoughts are not on him at all. If he suddenly removes Heavenly Thunder Sword, he can guarantee a hit.

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