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When Pagoda Lord enters Pill Pagoda, the city owner looks back, lowers his head, and glances at the city.

At this moment, Heavenly Yang City was broken and in a mess, and looked at it for a while.

“It’s really frustrating.”

The lord sighed and looked towards the people outside the city, loudly said: “It’s safe, come back!”


The crowd rushed into the city from all directions on 4 sides.

“Don’t be idle, let’s make a move together, and repair the broken place as soon as possible.”

As the Lord of the City finished speaking, people began to get busy.


The town owner seemed to think of something, looked towards not a distant place, a guard, saying, “Come here.”

“Sir is all right?”

The guard flew over, wondering.

City Lord: “What about Commander?”

The guard slightly stared blankly and asked, “Isn’t he taking someone to find you?”


The owner of the city, frowned, said, “I haven’t seen him!”

The guard said: “Then he might not catch up with you, or would you give him a summoning?”


The Lord of the City was nodded and waved, “Go ahead!”


The guard responded, then bowed back.

The lord of the city immediately took out the image crystal stone and summed it up for the Guard Commander.

But it is at this time.


With the sound of breaking the sky, a middle-aged robust man dressed as a hunter fell lightningly in front of the city master.

“you are?”

The city owner looked at him suspiciously.

In fact, this robust man is also a resident of Heavenly Yang City, but as the city owner, it is impossible for everyone to know.

“Sir City Lord, it’s not good.”

The middle-aged robust man panicked, as if he had seen something terrifying, and his face was pale.

“What to make a fuss about nothing?”

The owner frowned.

Middle-aged robust man said, “Guard Commander, they were all killed.”


Bewilderement, the lord of the city, said angrily, “Who did it?”

“Qin Feiyang!”

Middle-aged robust man said.

The town’s pupil shrank, and said, “Give me more details.”

“Not long ago, I was hunting for prey in deep in the mountains, and suddenly I heard the sound of fighting.”

“At first I thought Vicious Beast was killing me, so I ran over to see if I could find a bargain.”

“But when I rushed, I found out that it was Qin Feiyang who was fighting the Guard Commander.”

“Their means are so cruel, it simply doesn’t have humanity.”

“That Snow Eagle, that’s when it broke through to Battle Saint.”

“And I also heard them say that Scarlet Mist Tribe, Black Lion Tribe, and Azure Sea Tribe Chief died in their hands.”

The robust man said, expression was full of terror.


The town owner was furious.

He thought that Qin Feiyang went directly to the Fourth Region, so he followed it all the way.

But didn’t expect, not only did he not go to the Fourth Region, he also killed Guard Commander and the others, and also returned to Heavenly Yang City, copying his hometown.

This scoundrel, why is it so cunning?


He looked up at the robust man, suspiciously, “They didn’t find you?”

“I was terrified, hiding in the distant place, and I didn’t dare to say anything, so I wasn’t found.”

Middle-aged robust man said.

“Although he hasn’t had much contact with Qin Feiyang, it can be seen that he is a very alert person.”

“You can escape his perception, indicating that you also have several points of ability.”

“Your strength is OK, 5-Star Battle Ancestor.”

“Let ’s do this, I will make you a guard of City Lord Mansion.”

City main road.

“many thanks Sir.”

The middle-aged robust man was overjoyed, and immediately knelt down and kowtowing to thank.

As a Heavenly Yang City person, he knew the rules of City Lord Mansion.

To be the guard of City Lord Mansion, the minimum is 7-Star Battle Ancestor.

And also have to pass the layer upon layer assessment.

So for him, this is undoubtedly a great good fortune.

The city owner said with a smile: “Get up, do it well, I am optimistic about you.”


The middle-aged robust man got up and said, “Would you like to find Qin Feiyang?”

“no need.”

“Because the name Qin Feiyang will soon be forgotten.”

The lord sneered.

“Forget it?”

Middle-aged robust man is puzzled.

“Don’t ask.”

“Now go to Three Great Tribes and tell them about the killing of Three Great Chiefs, lest they look around.”

Founder instructed.

“Okay, go here.”

The middle-aged robust man responded respectfully, then turned into a stream of light, and soon disappeared into the sight of the city owner.

“Black Dragon Glacier …”

“This place, even if Battle Saint enters, it is nine deaths and still alive, Qin Feiyang, you wait for despair!”

The city owner retracted his gaze and looked up at Northwest, muttering to himself, his face full of coldness.



Inside Pill Pagoda.

Pagoda Lord is sitting in the Pill Refinement Room, holding the image of crystal stone, and his eyes are flashing with strange rays of light.


The image of the crystal stone shone brightly, and an illusory shadow quickly emerged.

It was a middle-aged man, wearing a golden robe with a lifelike giant tiger embroidered on it, exuding an astonishing King’s power.

His facial features are straight, eyebrow-shaped, and the dark pumps give a sharp edge.

The golden robed man, like one king, looked down at the Lord of the city and asked, “What’s the matter?”

The voice was full of air, with a huge prestige.

“The situation has changed.”

According to Pagoda Lord, there is a bit of awe among expressions.

“What changes?”

golden robed man frown.

Pagoda Lord said, “I lied to Qin Feiyang to Black Dragon Glacier.”


golden robed man surprised.

Pagoda Lord nodded.

golden robed man said with a smile: “This is a good deed, so we don’t need to take action.”

“Do not.”

“We need to take action, and we can’t alarm the great character above.”

Pagoda Lord eyes flashed, Tao.

“What do you mean?”

golden robed man stared blankly, his face was full of confusion.

“Qin Feiyang has 2 Sacred Artifacts!”

Pagoda Lord said word by word, with greed in his eyes.


The golden robed man also changed color on the spot and said, “Can it be true?”

Pagoda Lord nodded and said: “I saw it with my own eyes, 1000 is indeed 10000.”

“2 Sacred Artifact …”

“What on earth is this brat?”

The golden robed man was incredible, saying: “You mean, we two enter the Black Dragon Glacier and snatch these 2 Sacred Artifacts?”


“Although Black Dragon Glacier is dangerous, it is worth the risk for Sacred Artifact.”

Said Pagoda Lord.

golden robed man frowned, worriedly said: “This will kill you.”


“It’s very likely that we will be buried in Black Dragon Glacier, but there is a saying that is good, there is no risk, where is the gain?”

“As long as we can get those 2 Sacred Artifacts, we can get a place anywhere we go.”

“Even then, with our own capabilities, we may be able to enter Central Divine Kingdom.”

Pagoda Lord tempted.

Black Dragon Glacier is a dangerous place, and he dare not go in alone.

So anyway, he has to convince this golden robed man.

The Central Divine Kingdom is undoubtedly the best bait.

Although these Pill Pagoda Pagoda Lords are highly respected in their respective jurisdictions, the mysterious Central Divine Kingdom is an impossible dream for them.

If you live step by step, it is estimated that your life is hopeless.

So, find a shortcut.

The appearance of Qin Feiyang made him see hope.


Hearing Pagoda Lord’s words, the golden robed man was also radiance, apparently a little emotional.

But he did not take a stand.

Pagoda Lord hit the iron while he was hot, encouragingly: “Brother Wang, don’t let slip an opportunity, no longer come, please be surety!”

golden robed man clenched the teeth, nodded and said: “Okay, just do what you say, but I have a proposal.”

Pagoda Lord smiled and said, “Brother Wang, please, listen to yourself.”

“Qin Feiyang has 2 Sacred Artifacts, which are not easy to deal with, so we have to arrange some people to go to the Black Dragon Glacier first.”

golden robed man said.

The so-called lead is tantamount to cannon fodder.

“good idea.”

“When Sacred Artifact is in hand, we kill everyone, and then we will have no idea about Sacred Artifact.”

Pagoda Lord said with a laugh.

The golden robed man laughed too, but the smile gave a thrilling chill.

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