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Two Winged Snow Eagle was also surprised.

I thought that this person would not be very strong, but didn’t expect, unexpectedly and it was comparable.

“jié jié ……”

black clothed old man After stabilizing his body, he stared at Two Winged Snow Eagle with a smirk, but also stuck out his tongue and licked the blood at the corner of his mouth.


Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, flying high, standing in front of Two Winged Snow Eagle, arching: “Senior, it was just a misunderstanding just now, and please invite Seniors to show mercy.”


Two Winged Snow Eagle frowned, and sound transmission said, “What do you mean, are you afraid of him?”

“I’m not afraid of him. I have a lot of questions to ask him.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.

This person will be here and must be very familiar with this place, so he wants this person to answer his doubts.


Seeing the appearance of Qin Feiyang, the black clothed old man flashed a strange mang in his eyes, and said, “Old man doesn’t think this is a misunderstanding.”


Two Winged Snow Eagle screamed, and still kicked nose up?

Qin Feiyang is also frowned, reaching out to stop the irritable Two Winged Snow Eagle, looking at the black clothed old man said with a smile: “Senior, we meet each other, lacking hatred and enmity, it really doesn’t have to be annoying.”


He added: “Besides this, this is Senior, you are wrong.”

The black clothed old man’s face immediately raised an angry look, pointing at Two Winged Snow Eagle, angrily: “It sneak attacked me, and said I was wrong?”

“It sneak attacks you, it’s my idea.”

“But I’m also curious, why does Senior follow us sneaky?”

Qin Feiyang.

The black clothed old man said with confidence: “Suddenly a stranger came, of course the old man must investigate.”

“A good reason.”

Qin Feiyang was seriously nodded, and then said: “Then I ask Senior again, if it is you, and you find someone following, will you find a chance to fight back?”


Black clothed old man nodded.

“That’s right!”

“You follow us, we fight back, it’s common sense, what’s the point?”

Qin Feiyang.

“It seems to be the truth.”

black clothed old man thoughtfully.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Look, do we …”

The black clothed old man thought for a while and said, “It’s not impossible for the old man to forgive you for your stupid behavior …”

“My temper is not over yet, is it?”

Before waiting for the black clothed old man to finish, Two Winged Snow Eagle fluttered its wings, and vicious aura rushed up.

“don’t be impatient.”

Qin Feiyang dragged it back, looking at the black clothed old man, said with a smile: “What does Senior want?”

“Life Extension Pill.”

black clothed old man.


Qin Feiyang mumbled.

This person is about to come, only Life Extension Pill can give him life.

However, one thing made him wonder.

Life Extension Pill is precious, but it doesn’t seem like much to one Battle Saint, right?

Why ask him?

“Life Extension Pill, I have.”

“But Senior has to answer me a few questions before I can give you.”

Qin Feiyang.


black clothed old man expressing boundless happiness, again and again nodded and said: “Okay, you ask.”

Qin Feiyang asked, “Where is this place?”

Black clothed old man stared blankly, wondering: “Don’t you know?”

“do not know.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“Tsk tsk tsk!”

The black clothed old man kept talking, looking at one person and one eagle, the expression was quite weird.

I do n’t even know where this is, unexpectedly dared to run in, really new calves do not fear tigers!

“This place is not unusual.”

“It’s called Black Dragon Glacier. It’s Forgotten Continent’s famous forbidden land.”

black clothed old man.

“Black Dragon Glacier?”

Qin Feiyang and Two Winged Snow Eagle looked at the same time.

“Let me tell you this, even if 9-Star Battle Saint enters this place, it will be difficult to go out alive.”

black clothed old man teased.

“is it?”

Qin Feiyang glanced suspiciously at all around, not even a living creature, how could it be dangerous?

And along the way, I have not encountered any crisis!

But look at the expression of this person, it doesn’t seem to be a joke.

Qin Feiyang arched, “Please also enlighten me.”

“According to legend, a long, long time ago, there was a Black Dragon flying from the sky and falling here.”

“It is said that this Black Dragon is one God, body like a mountain, two eyes like the moon.”

“But when it fell here, it was seriously injured and died here.”

“There are rumors that this black glacier is what its body is transformed into.”

“That’s why the later talented named Black Dragon Glacier.”

black clothed old man explained.


One person and one eagle looked at each other in blank dismay.

The black clothed old man glanced at them and said, “This is just a very old legend. Is it really impossible to verify, but there is a bit of old man to be sure.”


Qin Feiyang asked.

black clothed old man said with a malicious smile: “You will all be stuck here forever like me.”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

I didn’t expect that Pagoda Lord was so vicious, unexpectedly gave him such a coordinate.

“What should we do now?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle looked at Qin Feiyang in anxiety and asked.

Qin Feiyang said: “Don’t panic, there is always a way.”

“No way, Black Dragon Glacier is shrouded in a layer of mysterious power. It can only enter, not out, unless …”

black clothed old man.

“Unless what?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle Jing God One vibrates, looking at him expectantly.

The black clothed old man grinned and said, “Unless God comes.”

“Fuck, you play me!”

Two Winged Snow Eagle exasperated.

I dare not say it before, but how can God exist in this world?

The black clothed old man asked, “I’m curious, how did you get in?”

“Bad by someone.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle angrily said.


black clothed old man stumbled, shook his head said with a smile: “Then you are really stupid.”

“You are courting death, aren’t you?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle was already very annoyed. If black clothed old man said these words again, wouldn’t it mean pouring oil to the fire?

black clothed old man disdain: “jié jié, you want to kill the old man, you don’t have this ability yet.”


Two Winged Snow Eagle laughed extremely loudly, shouting: “Come and come, this Sovereign now let you see, what is really awesome.”

“Okay, two less sentences will die?”

Qin Feiyang stared at it, looking at the black clothed old man and saying, “Senior, don’t mind, it’s such a character.”

The black clothed old man said: “This character is not good. If it is not disciplined, it will cause you great disaster sooner or later.”

“Senior is saying.”

Qin Feiyang laughed and said, “So Senior, now that you know Black Dragon Glacier is so dangerous, why come in?”

As soon as he heard this, black clothed old man expression became angry and said, “This is also related to a damn legend.”

“What legend?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“Someone said that before the death, Black Dragon left a lifetime of inheritance. As long as it gets its inheritance, it will become God in the future.”

“It was for this legend that I ventured into the Black Dragon Glacier.”

“But when I came in, instead of finding the so-called inheritance, I was stuck here and couldn’t get out.”

“It’s all greed!”

Black clothed old man sighs.

“This ridiculous rumor, you also believe that we are stupid, and I see you as stupid than us.

“No, you simply have no brain.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle seized the opportunity to turn on taunt mode.

But beyond expectation, the black clothed old man is not only not angry, but also agrees with nodded.

On the face, it was full of remorse.

Qin Feiyang also sympathizes with this person.

For a misty legend, it is worthless to let yourself fall into this desperate situation.


Is it really a legend?

There is a saying well, without wind there cannot be waves.

There must be some reason for the birth of this legend.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Have you looked everywhere?”

“Looked for it.”

black clothed old man nodded, after thinking about it and saying, “But there is one place I haven’t been to.”


Qin Feiyang asked.

“In the center of the Black Dragon Glacier, there is a giant peak, which is full of mysterious power. Once people approach, it will change dramatically!”

black clothed old man said, talking like something, with a look of panic on his face.

“What upheaval?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

The black clothed old man said: “The lifespan of the Deprivation living creature, grows old step by step until it finally dies.”


Both Qin Feiyang and Two Winged Snow Eagle are overwhelming.

Two Winged Snow Eagle asked, “Do you look like it has to do with that place?”


black clothed old man nodded, looked towards Qin Feiyang: “When I first entered here, although I was not as young as you, I was also in my prime.”

“But when I went to climb the giant peak, it took less than 1 breaths to unexpectedly take away almost all my lifespan and made me look like this.”

“I hate it!”

black clothed old man sadly shouted.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes fluttered and he said, “When did you come in?”

“half year ago.”

black clothed old man.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

black clothed old man does not have Life Extension Pill and can finally be explained.

A man in his prime and still in Battle Saint, living 10,000 years is not a problem. How can he carry Life Extension Pill with him?

I’m afraid he didn’t even think about it before entering Black Dragon Glacier.

So, without Life Extension Pill, it is normal.

“oh! ”

The black clothed old man was deeply sighed, and said, “I can clearly sense that there are a few more hours to live, so Little Brother, I ask you to give me Life Extension Pill anyway.”

The more he talked, the more painful he was. At the end, he knelt on void and pleaded with Qin Feiyang.

“Senior, that makes it impossible, get up.”

Qin Feiyang rushed forward and supported the black clothed old man.

But just as he took the take action, the black clothed old man saw a sudden surge of cold light in his eyes.

The old big hand, like a fatal claw, pierced the heart of Qin Feiyang!

On the face, an extremely fierce smile appeared.


Qin Feiyang surprised and angry, at the crucial moment, disappeared instantly without a trace.


black clothed old man turn pale with fright.

What about people?

The black clothed old man suddenly made a sneak attack, which also made Two Winged Snow Eagle completely unexpected.

But wait for it after returning to his senses, those sharp eagle eyes, piercing the sharp Murderous intention.

“Old dog, you are dead today!”

It’s angry roar, Heavenly Thunder Sword appears, and sacred might roam all directions.


Followed by.

With a loud noise, Heavenly Thunder Sword cut through the sky, carrying a world extinguishing-like edge, and raged towards the black clothed old man.


“This, this, this is Sacred Artifact!”

Look at that cold light flashing Heavenly Thunder Sword, black clothed old man body trembling, and quickly turn around and run.


It is also at this time.

Qin Feiyang reappeared, with a face glomy to the extreme.

If it were n’t for Ancient Castle, this time it would surely have died in the hands of this old bastard.

And for those who want to hurt him, he will not show mercy!

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