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Two Winged Snow Eagle looked at him puzzled and asked, “What the hell are you doing?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Slave Seal.”

“Slave Seal?”

“This Sovereign also listens to fatty. They said Slave Seal, isn’t it only useful for cultivation base weaked than you talented?”

“Cultivation base is better than you, it seems to be backlash!”

Two Winged Snow Eagle.


“That’s why I forced him to abolish the cultivation base.”

“Because as long as the Slave Seal is completed, even if he restores the cultivation base of 8-Star Battle Saint, it is under my control.”

“Instead, if his cultivation base is still there, I will be backlashed.”

Qin Feiyang.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle suddenly realized, “It doesn’t need to be so troublesome. By our means, we must abolish his cultivation base and easily do it.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “We want to serve people with virtue.”


Two Winged Snow Eagle stumbled, immediately rolled his eyes.

Still serve people with virtue?

It’s really shameless.


The black clothed old man flew behind Qin Feiyang and begged, “Please, help me.”

Qin Feiyang turned around, said with a smile: “I will definitely help you when you abolish the cultivation base.”

“Hope you can talk.”

black clothed old man clenched the teeth, one fist patted on the lower abdomen, and a blood spurted out immediately.


With a click, Qi Sea shattered.

Qi Sea is broken and the cultivation base is lost!

At this moment, he is an ordinary person, without any trace of aura.

“Congratulations, it’s a trick.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle grinned, but with a disdain.

Qin Feiyang didn’t mind, an imposing manner emerged, supporting the black clothed old man.

Because of losing the cultivation base, the black clothed old man cannot stand in void.


With his hands emblazoned, a hint of faint aura permeated from both hands.

Not long after.


An immense light emerged, and a baby’s slap imprint also manifested.

“Relax, don’t resist.”

Say a word to the black clothed old man. With a wave of Qin Feiyang, imprint turns into a stream of light, grabbing into the top of the head of the black clothed old man.


black clothed old man immediately roared in pain, and his face was distorted.

He now had only one feeling, his head was about to explode.

The pain from the Sea of ​​Consciousness made him wantless!

“Look, Qin Feiyang is there!”


A violent loudly shouted sounded.

“Also someone?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, looking at the sound.


He was just above an icy peak in the distant place and saw three old men wearing black clothed.

aura is unfathomable!

And behind the three people, there are 3 middle-aged men.

They all wore gorgeous robes and stood proudly in the air, expressing extreme coldness!

And the aura they emit is stronger than the three old men!

“They are who?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle was surprised.

Qin Feiyang said with a sneer: “I can recognize me at a glance, who else can you say?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle said, “You mean, they’re from the Third Region?”

Qin Feiyang nodded.


Two Winged Snow Eagle shook his head.

“Where is it wrong?”

Qin Feiyang looked at it suspiciously.

“Have you forgotten? Guard Commander told us that besides the Lord of the City and Pagoda Lord, the strongest is Black Lion, Scarlet Mist, Azure Sea Three Great Tribe’s Chiefs and High Priest, all 1-Star Battle Saint. “

“But the three middle-aged men are 3-Star Battle Saint, and the three Old Guys are also 2-Star Battle Saint.”

“This is the first doubt.”

“Second question, what is this place? This is Black Dragon Glacier, Forgotten Continent’s famous forbidden land.”

“Pagoda Lord in the Third Region certainly knows this, or he won’t lie to us here.”

“Now that you know, there’s no need to send someone in to kill us at all, anyway, we will all be trapped here?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle analyzed, and the analysis was logical.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

But if it ’s not from the Third Region, who is it from?

Sou! ! !

The six people cut through the sky and rushed towards Qin Feiyang like lightning, all over looking Murderous.

“hmph! ”

Two Winged Snow Eagle coldly snorted, spreading its wings and crossing in front of Qin Feiyang, shouted: “Who are you?”

“People who want your life!”

One of the old man coldly shouted could not help but say, the old big hand waved, Battle Qi surged, a black giant sword, and appeared in an instant.

This is Battle Art!

Five people also evolved Battle Art at the same time.

Bang!! !

one after another terrible imposing manner, immediately centered on this place, rolling away in all directions on 4 sides.


Hong long!

Before the battle had begun, the glazier all around had collapsed.

“I think you are going to heaven!”

Two Winged Snow Eagle’s eyes were cold, and the Azure Eagle Hegemon Body was instantly turned on. The whole body was blood red, and the imposing manner doubled!


That six people did not have the slightest unexpectedness, nor did they have the slightest panic. It seems that it has long been known that Two Winged Snow Eagle is in control of Perfection Battle Art.


With their sternly shouted, the 6 great battle tactics with a horrible edge, kill two Winged Snow Eagle.

“You are going to die!”

Two Winged Snow Eagle anger soaring heaven, a blood-red Battle Qi rushed out of it within the body, and rushed wildly towards 6 great battle.

Hong long!

Can’t blink.

6 great battle and Battle Qi met in a bang, like a comet colliding, a world extinguishing qi wave, hiding the sky and covering the earth, flocked to all directions!

Along with the loud noises, the square of several dozen li was directly razed to the ground, full of devastation!



Two Winged Snow Eagle spit out blood, and the huge body was shaken flying, quite in a difficult situation.

Opposite the six people, only those 3 old men were badly hit.

Although their cultivation base is equal to Two Winged Snow Eagle, but Two Winged Snow Eagle masters Perfection Battle Art, the battle strength will naturally be higher than them.


The three middle-aged men were not harmed in the slightest.

They are both 2-Star Battle Saints, and they both master High Class Battle Art.

Individual combat strength alone is enough to compete with Two Winged Snow Eagle, let alone three people.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes sank slightly.

Although the cultivation base of the six people is not as good as the Pagoda Lord and Lord of the Third Region, it is better than many people.

The most important thing is that the six people seem to know them well?

At the beginning.

Against Three Great Tribe’s Chiefs, and in Heavenly Yang City, when facing the city owner and Pagoda Lord, they can win, but it is not relying on strength, but on means and strategies.

but now.

This six people understands them, and their strategies and methods are no longer available.

If there were only those 3 old men, they would not be afraid of hard work, and they could even fight back.

But the three middle-aged men are too strong, and with the help of the three old men, I am afraid that even if they take out Heavenly Thunder Sword and Ice Blade, they will not be able to block them.

After all, neither Qin Feiyang nor Two Winged Snow Eagle have the ability to revive these two Sacred Artifacts.


Now Qin Feiyang is holding a more scary ace!

It’s too late, it’s fast!

The Slave Seal was completed at the same time Two Winged Snow Eagle was bombed.

Qin Feiyang can clearly feel that the fate of the black clothed old man is now under his control.


He took out a Spirit Sea Pill and threw it to the black clothed old man.

“This, this, this unexpectedly is four Pill Marks!”

The black clothed old man caught Spirit Sea Pill, and his old eyes were full of horror.

“Don’t grind, fix Qi Sea, and wait for you to play!”

Qin Feiyang urged.

This Spirit Sea Pill was his previous refining.

Wouldn’t it be even more surprising if the black clothed old man knew that he could now refining the medicinal pill of the five Pill Marks?


black clothed old man shivered and quickly put Spirit Sea Pill in his mouth.

That’s not enough, Qin Feiyang took out Fire of Life again.

Because it takes time to repair Qi Sea.

Although Spirit Sea Pill is a four Pill Marks, the effect is doubled, but the current situation, the faster the better.

Fire of Life’s repair ability is even more terrifying than Spirit Sea Pill. The combination of the two will undoubtedly shorten the time.

of course.

black clothed old man During the repair of Qi Sea, two Winged Snow Eagles had to be dragged.

铿 clang!

It stabilized the huge body and took out Heavenly Thunder Sword decisively, terrifying sharp earth-shattering!

One of the middle-aged man, a taunt of ridicule creeped up, said to the three old men: “Let ’s drag that head bastard, you kill the old bastard, and then solve Qin Feiyang.”

Those 3 old man nodded.

Sou! ! !

The six people were dispatched almost at the same time, divided into 2 sets, killing Two Winged Snow Eagle and Qin Feiyang two people.

Because they have cryptically guessed, the black clothed old man may be one Hegemon.

If he waits for Qi Sea’s repair, maybe he will turn back.

Two Winged Snow Eagle stared, and said to Qin Feiyang sound transmission: “This Sovereign can only deal with 3 of them, and those 3 old dogs, you have to find a solution yourself.”


Qin Feiyang nodded.


Two Winged Snow Eagle When the Battle Soul is turned on, kill the three middle-aged men.

铿 clang!

Hong long!

A bloody battle begins!

three people A hawk fought wildly in the sky.

For a while, this place Collapsing Mountain Splitting Earth, void shock!


The three middle-aged man, but never clashed with Heavenly Thunder Sword, just entangled with Two Winged Snow Eagle.

Because they don’t dare.

Heavenly Thunder Sword without recovery, although it can only play 10% of the formidable power, but it is very hard.

And very sharp.

It is no exaggeration to say that even 8-Star Battle Saint will suffer a lot if it bumps into Heavenly Thunder Sword, let alone 2-Star Battle Saint.


If the three people are not head-to-head, Two Winged Snow Eagle can’t take them either.

Because three people also have auxiliary Battle Art, although it is only High Class, the cultivation base is a small realm higher than Two Winged Snow Eagle.

So their speed can be as fast as the Two Winged Snow Eagle with Battle Soul on.

of course.

If there is only one person, relying on Heavenly Thunder Sword, Two Winged Snow Eagle will certainly be able to crush it by Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood, but unfortunately, the other party is the three people.

all in all.

Three people join forces with Two Winged Snow Eagle, and no one can help.


Qin Feiyang is also without the slightest hesitation in front of the black clothed old man, looking at the three imposing manner of the old man.

One of the old men said with a sneer: “Just because you want to protect him?”

“Yes, by me.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“haha ……”

Three people laughed openly.

Qin Feiyang was unmoved, indifferently said: “I have a treasure that I can hide, and I can take them with me first, but you know why I don’t do this?”

“Hidden treasure!”

Three people are shivering, and their eyes are full of doubts.

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