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Heavenly Tiger Tribe!

The apron child is like one king, appearance proudly, 睥睨 all directions, aura envelops the audience.

“You do such a desolate thing, and sooner or later you will be punished!”

The clansman of the Heavenly Tiger Tribe stared at him, with hate rays of light in his eyes.


“I tell you, you will all die when Qin Feiyang arrives!”

The bellyband child sneered, full of hostility.

Everyone trembled physically and mentally.

This Mu Family is really vicious!

In the eyes of this Mu Family, their Heavenly Tiger Tribe is just a piece of chess that lured Qin Feiyang.

“Don’t be afraid.”

“Soon you will forget what it means to be in pain.”

“Here, it will soon become a cemetery.”

The child in the bellyband licked his mouth, his eyes glowed with blood light, just like one demon, it was horrifying.

“You’re wrong!”

“This is not their graveyard, it is your graveyard!”


A cold voice sounded.

3 silhouettes, falling from above Tribe.

It is Qin Feiyang, Yan Wei, mysterious Madam!

“courting death !”

The child in the bellyband looked cold and looked up.



He flinched and locked his eyes on mysterious Madam.

“Just such a child?”


Qin Feiyang is also looking at the dudou children, and the expression is a bit wrong.

“Don’t look down on him.”

“Listen to me clansman said that my Tribe’s Battle Saint, including High Priest, died in his hands.”

“I also suffered a great loss because I was confused by his appearance.”

Yan Wei whispered.


Qin Feiyang was stunned.

He clearly remembered that Yan Wei had told him that his Heavenly Tiger Tribe had a total of 100 Battle Saints.

And High Priest is 8-Star Battle Saint.

didn’t expect, unexpectedly all would die in the hands of this child.

“Oh it’s you.”


The sound of mysterious Madam sounded.

“you know?”

Qin Feiyang asked.


“His name is Mo Tong.

“And often use this face to confuse others.”

“As for his strength, he is very strong, Second only to Mu Family’s Great Ancestor and Second Ancestor.”

mysterious Madam said.


Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Yan Wei also trembled physically and mentally, and his whole body became cold.

He thought that this person was strong, but didn’t expect it to be so strong.

“What the hell are you?”

“Why do I have to fight my Mu Family repeatedly?”

Mo Tong frowns saying.

“What is Mu Family?”

mysterious Madam said.

In this word alone, Zhang bragged with unparalleled domineering.


A terrifying imposing manner, rushed out of Mo Tong within the body.

He gloomy stared at mysterious Madam, blood light flickered, like a sea of ​​blood floating up and down.

But at the same time, there is a hint of fear.

“You are also the backbone of Mu Family.”

“If I kill you today, I believe Mu Family Great Ancestor and Second Ancestor will definitely regret it.”

mysterious Madam pursing lips smiled.

However, this smile is as if Death God was smiling, making people’s hearts feel queer.


She took a step.

For a moment, she landed in front of Mo Tong, raised the white jade hand, and leaned towards Mo Tong’s head.

Mo Tong complexion changed and quickly suddenly retreated.

“I’m here, you don’t want to leave!”

mysterious Madam incomparably domineering.

Strong pressure emerged, forcing the Mo Tong up, dashing above the skies.

“Shit woman, don’t bully intolerably!”

Mo Tong was furious.

Blood light was flowing all over, one fist backhand shot to mysterious Madam, Battle Qi growled all directions.

“What about bullying you?”

mysterious Madam sneered, one fist who didn’t dodge shot.


2 The moment the palms intersect, void is distorted, and Heaven and Earth are discolored.

A devastating qi wave, like a tsunami, earth-shattering towards all directions.

Fortunately, two people played against the sky.

Otherwise, this battle wave is enough to make Qin Feiyang and the others, and the entire Heavenly Tiger Tribe, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke instantly!


At the same time.

Mo Tong was shot directly by mysterious Madam to one fist, and blood was wildly spurting in his mouth.

On the other hand, mysterious Madam stands firmly on the top of the sky without any movement.

“Brat, you go back and drink milk!”

mysterious Madam shook her head, her face full of contempt.

“you are courting death !”

When Mo Tong heard this, it was as if someone had stepped on a dog’s tail, and immediately the dog jumped off the wall.


Behind him, a huge silhouette was vacated.

That’s a human shaped Battle Soul!

In appearance and body, it is exactly the same as the Battle Soul of black clothed old woman.

Also, it is impossible to see through the true appearance of the human shaped Battle Soul.

But the difference is that the human shaped Battle Soul of Mo Tong, whole body blood, is like blood condensed, exuding a towering baleful qi.

“Overestimate one’s capabilities, talking about someone like you.”

Mysterious Madam contempt glanced at Mo Tong, and looked towards that human shaped Battle Soul, with cold light in his eyes!



As soon as she raised her hand, a bright light beam sprayed out from her fingertips, cut through the sky, carrying the power of world extinguishing, exploded towards that Battle Soul!

Hong long!

With a thunderbolt-like noise, the Battle Soul immediately annihilated!


Mo Tong was bloody wildly spurting again, his small body flew out like a meteorite, his face was pale.

“So strong?”

Stormy seas surged in his mind.

“Even if it’s your Great Ancestor and Second Ancestor, I’m not afraid, let alone your little baby who is still drinking milk.”

Mysterious Madam is too powerful, not only makes Mo Tong feel scared, but even Qin Feiyang is scared from the bottom of his heart.

If this woman hadn’t changed her mind, it is estimated that he had already become a dead soul.

And this woman’s mind, he really could not guess.

On the one hand, he tried to frame him, even several times, and almost killed him.

On the other hand, he has been rescued many times, and has given him so many Perfection Battle Art for free.

Even the people around him, such as fatty, Wolf King, Two Winged Snow Eagle, have benefited a lot.

Qin Feiyang’s attitude like enemies but not enemies makes her feel confused.

He didn’t understand what the woman wanted to do?


at the same time.

Mo Tong escaped.

If you read it right, you are just running away.

in a difficult situation to the extreme!


There was a smirk on mysterious Madam’s face, and he stepped on the void, which was faster than lightning. In a few blinks, he crossed in front of Mo Tong.


Mo Tong growled.

The blood energy growled, condensed into a blood-red python, showing sharp fangs, and flung towards mysterious Madam!

This is a kind of Battle Art!

And according to Qin Feiyang, it is still Perfect Battle Art!

But in this regard, mysterious Madam still does not change his face, and has not even used Battle Art.


A jade hand waved in the air, a Battle Qi surged out, turned into a huge wave, and slapped on the python.

“hong long! ”


Python certainly crashed.

Mo Tong screamed like a blood-stained meteor, smashing into the glacier below.

In the land of several dozen li, the icy peak collapses, and the earth collapses, as if the end is coming.


When Mo Tong escaped earlier, he had already left the sky above the Heavenly Tiger Tribe. Otherwise, the place where he fell now is not the glazier, but the Heavenly Tiger Tribe.


Qin Feiyang waved, took Yan Wei, and flew towards the glacier.


Two people landed next to mysterious Madam, glancing down.

I saw a big pit below, and Mo Tong was lying at the bottom of the big pit at the moment, and he was also covered with blood.

“Are you satisfied?”

mysterious Madam lightly said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang two people looked at the same time, a smile on his face could not help.

Do they dare to say that they are not satisfied?

Yan Wei bowed, “many thanks Sir.”

“Thank me?”

“To thank, you should also thank Qin Feiyang.”

“If it wasn’t for his promise, I wouldn’t bother to care about your life and death.

said mysterious Madam, very indifferent.

Qin Feiyang heard that he shook his head helplessly. This favor was selling well, but he really couldn’t accept it.

“Thank you.”

Yan Wei was very honest, gratefully glanced at Qin Feiyang, then dived down and landed next to Mo Tong, releasing a strong murderous intention in his eyes.

“Can you kill him?”

He looked up towards mysterious Madam.


mysterious Madam faintly smiled, a powerful pressure emerged, imprisoning Mo Tong.

Yan Wei also immediately lowered his head, like one crazy wild beast, locked Mo Tong firmly, gloomy and coldly said: “didn’t expect it, plant it in our hands so soon.”

“I am didn’t expect, but do you dare to kill me?”

Mo Tong sneered, disdainful.

“I didn’t dare.”

“But now, not only do I kill you, I want you to taste better die than living!”

The thought of clansman’s death, the more intense intention in Yan Wei’s mind.

铿 clang!

He took out a dagger, without the slightest hesitation of the thorn bedevilment of the child’s lower abdomen, immediately bloodshed the sky!

Mo Tong couldn’t help but make a miserable howl, heart tearing pain, which deformed his face.

“This blade is for me!”

“And this blade is for the youngster who was killed by you!”

“This blade is for his parents.”

“This blade is for High Priest!”

“This blade …”

Yan Wei, like crazy, stabbed Mo Tong one by one.

Not a moment.

Mo Tong’s small body is like a sieve, with 1000 sores and 100 holes.

“A thing that is not as good as an ant should unexpectedly hurt me.”

“You wait, soon your Heavenly Tiger Tribe will be retaliated by my Mu Family!”

“At that time, I will kill everyone in your Tribe …”

“I want to absorb their blood …”

“I want to let them, even the chance to become a ghost!”

“You wait for despair!”

Mo Tong laughed and laughed, and his discourse carried the amazing Ominous Fiend Qi.

“Dare you be crazy!”

“Do you like to suck blood?”

“Okay, now I’ll let you bleed and die!”

Yan Wei is also fierce and stabbed into Mo Tong’s heart.


Mo Tong miserable howl.

“Does this feel good?”

“Is it better than drinking someone else’s blood?”

“Then I’ll make you feel better!”

Yan Wei grinned, and the bloody dagger in his hand once again pierced the heart of the bedevilment child.

It wasn’t until Wei Tong’s heart was chopped into pieces that Yan Wei stopped.

Those who arrive at the Battle Emperor have a broken heart that is not enough to kill.

and so.

Mo Tong still lives well.


Yan Wei grabbed Mo Tong’s neck again, said with a malicious smile: “Tell me now, cool?”


“Go ahead, little reptile.”

“Do you think this means will make me beg for mercy?”

“You’re naive too.”

Mo Tong laughing evilly again and again, full of irony.

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