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For a moment, the place fell into a deadly stillness.

All of them looked towards fatty and Imperial Preceptor.

Including Qin Feiyang and Yan Wei.


Facing this sudden ‘sneak attack’, the Imperial Preceptor was also a little embarrassed.

The first response came from the waiter of Purple Cloud Building.

He quickly grabbed a clean towel from the counter and ran to the Imperial Preceptor.

“Old Senior, this little brother is definitely not intentional, don’t be angry.”

He rubbed the drink on the Imperial Preceptor while offering with a smile.

The other waiters also came up immediately to apologize.

Although this matter was done by the fatty and has nothing to do with them, they are all guests of the Purple Cloud Building after all.

It’s not easy to offend.

What’s more, they didn’t want to see any guests fighting in the Purple Cloud Building.

Imperial Preceptor also returned back to his senses, turning one’s head looked towards fatty, his eyes sinking slightly.

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow, and said in the dark to Yan Wei: “Let’s go if we don’t know him.”

He left without saying a word.

Yan Wei shook her head and laughed, and glanced at the fatty inadvertently, the expression was somewhat meaningful.

meaning is.

You ask for blessing!

Then Yan Wei strode towards Qin Feiyang.

fatty A face is immediately green.

Unexpectedly, he left alone and slipped away, too wonderful!

He turned his eyeball, turned to the waiter who looked towards Purple Cloud Building, and said angrily, “What’s up with your Purple Cloud Building, why set such a high threshold?”


waiter is a bit aggressive.

“Did you not see?”

“That was the threshold just now. I stumbled the Young Master, and it also affected the Old Senior. Do you have your heart?”

fatty gloomy shouted with a face.


“Yes yes yes.”

“It’s our fault. We’ll remove the threshold later.”

“Don’t be angry with both.”

Several waiter looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately laughed.

“Forget it.”

“Even Young Master I’m bad luck today.”

Fat waved his hand impatiently, turned and looked towards Imperial Preceptor, and said with a smile: “Old Senior, it’s really sorry to look at you as a body, otherwise, Young Master will buy you a new dress? “

“No need to!”

Imperial Preceptor gloomy said a word, then turned and walked upstairs, his face was quite ugly.


fatty in the dark smirked, took out a heaven and earth bag from his arms, threw it to the waiters, and turned to chase after Qin Feiyang two people.

A waiter reached out and grabbed the heaven and earth bag, glanced suspiciously at the back of the faty, and sank his mind into the heaven and earth bag.

“what happened?”

Several other waiter curiously asked.

The waiter murmured: “It’s all Gold Coins, at least there must be several millions!”

“Good several millions!”

“What does he give us so many Gold Coins?”


The waiters were dull and puzzled.


“Boss, wait a minute me!”

on the street.

The traffic was crowded and people were moving.

Among the crowd, fatty yelled while chasing Qin Feiyang two people.

After the fatty caught up, Qin Feiyang frowns saying, “You said you were young?”

“Is it childish?”

fatty stared blankly.


“The wine was bought with money. How wasteful is it to spill him?”

“If you really want him to show up in public, pour him with feet washing water.”

Qin Feiyang narrowed his eyes.


fatty wrong.

Dare to feel that Boss is not angry with him, but is distressed about money?

He quickly said with a smile: “Okay, okay, next time I’ll splash him with feet washing water.”

“Don’t use feet washing water.”

“I tell you a good way.”

“The next time you meet him, you will be in the eyes and spray him with Perfume.”

Qin Feiyang’s face turned dark, said.

“What is Perfume?”

Yan Wei well strangely said.


Qin Feiyang was black.

Yan Wei twitched fiercely.

fatty is awkward.

It turned out that Boss was not distressing the money, but was really angry with him.

“This one……”

“Boss, I was wrong.”

“Don’t be angry, okay …”

He held Qin Feiyang’s arm, coquettishly.


Qin Feiyang was angry.

Goose bumps are out.

Is a big man still coquettish? Not disgusting!

If you do n’t know, you may still misunderstand. There is something wrong with his orientation!

Yan Wei laughed and said nothing.

Although he was forced to follow Qin Feiyang, but after getting along, he found that this group of Little Brat is quite interesting.

After a while.

Three people came to the square.

Because three people all have adjusting one’s head and turning one’s face, everyone does not know that they are the object of Pill Pagoda arrest warrant.

But in the square, they only saw Mu Qing’s Second Grandfather, but did not see Mu Qing.

But beside the white-haired old man, he stood in a strange youngster.

He is 1.7 meters left and right, almost 20 years old, skinny, and can blow down when the wind blows.

She is also very ordinary, wearing an old black dress.

In short, this is a very humble youth.


When Qin Feiyang three people entered the square, they were stopped by 2 black armored guards.

They are the guards of the Ice Crystal City City Lord Mansion and are responsible for assisting Head Pagoda.

And now.

Everyone who enters the square must go through the Heavenly Eye Stone.

“Let them come in.”

But this time.

White hair old man opened the mouth and said.


The 2 guards answered respectfully and stepped aside.

Pedestrians on the street also stopped and looked curiously at the three people.

Unexpectedly do not accept inventory?

These three people are certainly not small.

Qin Feiyang three people approached the white-haired old man and bowed to salute.

With so many eyes, the necessary courtesy is still there.

Old man nodded with white hair, turned and waved, Battle Qi surged, and quickly turned on transmission altar.

“I can’t go back yet, so you can only go to Central Divine Kingdom yourself.”

“This is my identity token.”

“When you get to Head Pagoda, give this token to Deacon Elder and he will settle you.”

The white-haired old man took out a big slap token and handed it to Qin Feiyang, in the dark sound transmission.


Qin Feiyang nodded, took the token.

The token whole body is red, with a flame pattern engraved on the front and a name on the reverse.

——Liu Xingfeng!


This is the name of the white-haired old man, but it must be a pseudonym.

As for the real name of the white-haired old man, Qin Feiyang didn’t bother to ask, taking fatty and Yan Wei directly to the transmission altar.

“Be careful.”

Liu Xingfeng looked towards the humble black clothed youth next to him, in the dark.

Black clothed youth nodded, followed the transmission altar, and stood next to Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, turning one’s head looked towards black clothed youth.

Black clothed youth grinned, and sound transmission said, “Even if you don’t find it, it means my camouflage was successful.”

Qin Feiyang frowned, it turns out that this guy is Mu Qing.


The altar blood light was in full swing, and the four people quickly disappeared.


at the same time.

Central Divine Kingdom, Divine City!

This city has an area of ​​several hundred 100 li, as far as the eye can see!

Tall buildings, like a steep giant peak, tower into the sky.

Every street and every alley is silhouetted and bustling.

And the most remarkable place is the Central Region of the city.

That place is located in an ancient building complex.

There is Ancient Castle.

There are tall buildings.

There are palaces.

And the house!

There are ten Ancient Pagodas, towering above the earth.

From a distance, it looks like ten giants are standing in the center of the city, exuding the majestic spirit of incomparable.

Although this city is very big, no matter where you are, you can clearly see the ten Ancient Pagodas.

They are like one King, attracting worldwide attention.

And in the up ahead of ten Ancient Pagoda, there is a tall stone tablet!

On it are carved 2 magnificent characters!

——Pill Pagoda!

Above, there is also a flame logo.

Whether it’s the Pill Pagoda 2 or the flame logo, it releases an aura of force.

And just under the stone tablet, there is a big square.

In the center, there is also a transmission altar.

At the altar, a black clothed old man sat cross-legged.

At this moment, he is looking at that blood light’s huge transmission altar, and the sharp rays of light radiate from the old eyes, and his aura is unfathomable!

Of course!

The 4 silhouettes manifested above the altar.

It is Qin Feiyang four people!

When they appeared, Qin Feiyang, fatty, and Yan Wei looked curiously about all around.

Especially Yan Wei, there is still excitement among expressions.

He has always been yearning for Central Divine Kingdom.

But before, it was limited to longing.

It is basically impossible to enter Central Divine Kingdom.

He even thought that in this life, he had no hope of entering Central Divine Kingdom.

But didn’t expect, now unexpectedly standing on this sacred land.

and so.

He was very excited at this time!

“Hey hey hey, I said, can you guys be a little bit prosperous and see how you look now? Is it different from country bumpkin?”

Mu Qing looked helplessly at the three people.

“Off your trifling matter.”

Fat fiercely stared at him.

“Nonsense, of course it matters to me.”

“Now we are together, I am ashamed of you!”

Mu Qing unhappy.

“Fat Master, who is mad with you?”

“Don’t be mistaken, you are you, we are us, 2 are irrelevant.”

fatty angered.

Of course, the conversation between two people is in the dark sound transmission.

“You are who?”

The black clothed old man glanced at the three people, with cold light shining in his eyes.

“Huh, Young Master, I’m a lot of Sir, I don’t care about you as much.”

Mu Qing glanced at the fatty coldly, then jumped off the altar, fell to the ground, and saluted the black clothed old man respectfully, saying: “Junior Qin Daye, I have seen Senior.”

“Qin Daye?”

Hearing the name, Qin Feiyang three people couldn’t help stared blankly.

Fat sound transmission: “Boss, is he taking advantage of you indirectly?”

“Take advantage of me?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly and looked at him puzzled.

“you think.”

“Qin Daye, doesn’t that mean Grandpa Qin?”

“If you go deeper, it would be Pro Grandpa.”

“In other words.”

“He’s taking this name is tantamount to saying that he is your dear grandpa.”

Serious analysis.

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched. This dead fatty imagination is also rich, right?

“My personal opinion is that fatty makes sense.”

“After all, you see, there are so many surnames in the world, but why did he choose the same surname as you?”

Yan Wei pondered, sound transmission said.

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