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As soon as Qin Feiyang waved his hand, Battle Qi surged and instantly wiped out Pill Fire’s blood contract.

Mu Qing body trembling, the corner of his mouth also overflowed with one strand of blood.

Putting Pill Fire back into the jade box, Qin Feiyang looked towards Mu Qing again, saying: “What about the pill furnace?”

“Mo Feng gave me the pill furnace, which is still in the Pill Refinement Room. You can get it yourself.”

Mu Qing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and gnashing teeth stared at Qin Feiyang.

This scoundrel is simply a bandit.

“Don’t look at me with this expression.”

“Because even if you pay me a bunch of Grade 6 Pill Fire, you can’t recover my loss.”

“Now, don’t say I bully you, this Healing Pill will give you and hurry up.”

Qin Feiyang took out a Healing Pill of six Pill Marks and threw it to Mu Qing.


“Can you already refining out six Pill Marks?”

Mu Qing looked at Healing Pill, his expression was full of shock.

“how about it?”

“Do you adore me Boss?”

fatty evilly smiled.


Mu Qing raised his middle finger in disdain, took Healing Pill, raised his clothes, and looked towards Qin Feiyang and asked, “Are you busy?”

Qin Feiyang said, “Are you ready to go to Heavenly Scorpion Tribe?”

“Otherwise, do you think?”

“I kindly asked you to go to Heavenly Scorpion Tribe. If you didn’t expect it, you would beat me up. I tell you, it is definitely not over.”

Mu Qing coldly snorted and said.


Qin Feiyang coldly smiled, saying: “I still have to refining a medicinal pill, you go out and wait for me.”

Mu Qing’s heart moved, showing a feeling of feeling wronged, saying, “You’ve just stunned me, don’t you let me see?”

“Go out!”

Qin Feiyang looked cold.

“Okay, you’re ruthless!”

Mu Qing fiercely glanced at the fatty, brushed away with a big sleeve, turned and went away indignantly.

“Well, a pity medicinal ingredient.”

After Mu Qing left, Qin Feiyang was deeply sighed and entered the Pill Refinement Room again.

With a wave of back-up, for a moment the wind in this place rose suddenly, rolled up all the black smoke, and rushed out of the Pill Refinement Room.


fatty ran up and closed the stone gate.

And the two white clothed youth, who scolded for a while, may be bored, and have already left.

Yan Wei stood at the door of the Pill Refinement Room and asked, “Should we go outside and guard?”

“You can’t show up at Head Pagoda or you will be investigated.”

“Fatty, give me the medicinal ingredient.”

Qin Feiyang.

fatty immediately ran into the Pill Refinement Room and took out a copy of the Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill’s medical ingredient.

Qin Feiyang also took out Fierce Yang Cauldron and placed it on the Pill Refinement table. He closed his eyes and calmed himself.

About a few breathe in the past.

He slowly opened his eyes, without any distracting thoughts in his clear eyes.


He called Spirit Power and started Pill Refinement again.

With the first experience of refining, Qin Feiyang is already familiar with the heat control of various medicinal ingredients.

The whole process came down without any unexpected happening, very smoothly.

More than 500 interest passes!

All spiritual liquids are finally refined, and the next step is fusion.

“10000000 Stop someone from knocking on the door.”

fatty in the dark pray.

Yan Wei’s heart also mentioned his throat.

“Mu Zuzong, don’t be a turtle grandson, get out of here!”

“Tell you, if we don’t accept our challenge, we will find you every 3 to 5 times, leaving you no peace of mind!”

I am afraid of what comes.

The screams of those 2 white clothed youth rang out.


fatty and Yan Wei complexion changed and quickly looked towards Qin Feiyang.


However, they were surprised to find that Qin Feiyang was unexpectedly unaffected?

what happened?

two people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Hundred breaths again.


A bloody divine light flew out of Fierce Yang Cauldron.

Qin Feiyang explored the take action arm and grabbed it.


fatty two people looked simultaneously, hurried to Qin Feiyang’s side, staring at Qin Feiyang’s tightly clenched hands.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the two people and slowly spread out his palms, and Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill immediately entered the sight of the two people.

I saw this Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill, which is similar in size to other medicinal pills. The whole body is blood red, but there is no blood-reeking qi.

It is like a blood gem with a hazy sheen.

strong medicinal frangrance, flooding every corner of the Pill Refinement Room.

And this medical pill, with a touch of dragon might!

The most eye-catching is the six Pill Marks, like the halo of six angels, which surrounds the medical pill, and it is dazzling.

“Boss, how about I try it first?”

fatty binocular shines, Harako flowing directly.

He’s not kidding.

Because of Battle Ancestor and Battle Saint, you can take Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill.

“What are you worried about?”

“At your current cultivation speed, there is no need to rely on Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill to improve the cultivation base.”

“Let’s break through to Battle Saint.”

Qin Feiyang turned his eyes to him and passed Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill directly to Yan Wei.

Yan Wei took the medical pill and said, “Can you tell me now what is the use of this medical pill?”

“The role of Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill is to raise the cultivation base of Battle Ancestor and Battle Saint.”

“That is to say, as long as you serve it, you can instantly break through to 9-Star Battle Saint.”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile.


Yan Wei was stunned, unexpectedly there is such a medical pill in the world?

“However, in the end, it depends on your luck.”

“Because of Six Pill Marks’ Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill, there is only a 60% chance.”

Qin Feiyang said again.

“The 60% chance is already great.”

Murmured Yan Wei.

“Try it!”

“Success as much as possible to avoid wasting Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill.”

Qin Feiyang waved, took Yan Wei and fatty to enter Ancient Castle.

If it is really successful, the imposing manner of 9-Star Battle Saint will alarm everyone in First Pagoda.

So breaking through in Ancient Castle is the safest.

Yan Wei watched Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill, took a deep breath, quickly put it in his mouth, and then sat cross-kneeed.

A small piece of medicinal pill, but it contains immensely amazing energy.

Yan Wei feels it most.

The moment the Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill melted, the energy was like a torrent of beasts, rushing toward him within the body.

His internal organs, 4 limbs on 100 limbs, continued to tremble under the impact of that energy.

He felt his body was about to be burst.

At the same time.

He can also clearly feel that every cell in the body, every inch of flesh, gradually changes in the tempering of energy.

Time one breath passes.

The pores on Yan Wei’s entire body slowly overflowed with some black matter, exuding a foul odor.

This is the impurity in his flesh.

His fleshhy body is more refined than before.

His spirit and soul are also sublimated step by step.

And the imposing manner is getting stronger.

“It looks like it should be successful at once.”

fatty mumbled.

Last time.

When Two Winged Snow Eagle turned on the 6th-Layer of the Gate of Potential, the Lesser Good Fortune Pill that he took, only five Pill Marks, finally turned on successfully.

Now, the Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill that Yan Wei takes is six Pill Marks, and there is no reason to fail.

It’s a few ten breaths again.

Yan Wei’s imposing manner has climbed to the peak of 8-Star Battle Saint, and he can step into 9-Star Battle Saint in only half a step.

It is at this time.

His imposing manner suddenly slowed down.

Qin Feiyang eyelids twitched, is this a sign of failure?

“How could this be?”

“Is Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill low on energy?”

Fat couldn’t help but get nervous.

“Old Yan, come on!”

“Yes, don’t give up.”

“Although it’s a bit slower, your imposing manner is still rising and you have a chance.”

The Wolf King animals also cheered.

“Yes, Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill’s medicinal ingredient is so hard to find and you must not give up easily.”

“Must succeed!”

Yan Wei roared in his heart, his hands clasped tightly.


No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop the decline of the imposing manner.

Qin Feiyang frowned, decisively asked fatty to get a copy of the medicinal ingredient of Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill, leave Ancient Castle, and open Pill Refinement again.

The third refining was smoother than the second.

Less than 2 hundred breaths.

He reappeared inside Ancient Castle.

And at the moment.

Yan Wei has stopped rushing through the customs, and his imposing manner has fallen to the original level.

He sits listlessly on the ground, with a loss of frustration and frustration on his face.

Fat and the others whispered beside them.

Apparently failed.

Qin Feiyang walked up to Yan Wei and said lightly with a smile: “This is a matter of luck. There is nothing to be upset about, continue.”


Yan Wei looked up at the Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill in Qin Feiyang’s hand. He was very eager, but at the same time he was very shy.

He was afraid of another failure.

“You have already stepped out of this step, you must continue to go on, you ca n’t waste it for nothing, right?”

“Don’t burden yourself too much, even if it fails this time, I still have 7 medicinal ingredients.”

“I don’t believe it. Ten full medicinal ingredients won’t make you successful.”

Qin Feiyang said, his temper was up.

Even if he runs out of all the medicinal ingredients today, he will give Yan Wei 9-Star Battle Ancestor.

After hearing these words and looking at Qin Feiyang’s sincere expression, Yan Wei was moved.

“Thank you.”

He slowly raised his arm and grabbed Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill from Qin Feiyang.

At this moment.

Even though there are 1000 words and 10000 words, he cannot express his gratitude to Qin Feiyang.

Only full power is available to return this youngster in front of me.

The loss and frustration in his eyes finally disappeared, replaced by a firm will!

Without hesitation, he swallowed Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill.

The majestic energy exploded again within him within the body, like a wave of anger, pouring towards every part of his body.


His imposing manner soared again.

Before ten breaths, it soared again to the Peak Realm of 8-Star Battle Saint.


The previous situation happened again.

fatty and the others

But the most anxious is Yan Wei.

“I want to succeed!”

“I can’t live up to Qin Feiyang’s expectations!”

“break for me !”

both of his hands tightly clenched, suddenly shouted suddenly, his teeth cracked.


The next moment.

The gradual descending imposing manner, again like a volcanic eruption, roared out from within the body.


His black hair is flamboyant, his clothes are hunting, and he exudes an amazing pressure.

That imposing manner is soaring in a straight line!

“hong long! ”


He within the body blasted a dull bang, and the chant was finally broken!

His whole imposing manner finally climbed to 9-Star Battle Saint!


Qin Feiyang and the others simultaneously looked, both are expressing boundless happiness.

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