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Heavenly Scorpion Tribe has been a Super Tribe for so many years, and secret treasury must have accumulated a lot of treasures.

Probably hundred breaths passed.

Lu Hong and Wolf King, several beasts, landed next to Qin Feiyang one after the other, with unparalleled excitement in their eyes.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Is it over?”

Lu Hong nodded.

The medicinal ingredient harvested this time can hardly be calculated by numbers. “

Various rare medicinal ingredients are available.

And most of them are 10,000 years.

If we talk about value alone, it is no exaggeration to say that it is more than the sum they have accumulated over the years.


Qin Feiyang is also very happy, saying: “Except for White-Eyed Wolf, you all go to Ancient Castle and sort them out as soon as possible.”

“it is good.”

Lu Hong and Black Dragon Snake are nodded.

With a wave of his hand, Qin Feiyang sent everyone to Ancient Castle, then he took the next Restoring Appearance Pill, restored his original appearance, and then took Wolf King out of the great valley towards the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe.

They were very fast and came to a majestic mountain before hunted breaths.

At this point, the battle fluctuations are more obvious!

The mountains up to several hundred zhang are also trembling violently, cracking a crack, which will collapse at any time.


One man one wolf swept up like lightning, stood on a commanding height, and looked forward.

Under their eyes is a scene like Asura Hell.

The mountains are falling, the ground is cracking, living creatures make charcoal!

The horrible qi waves, like a tsunami, roll in that void.

In the mountain range, there are many Vicious Beasts.

And not weak, even Sacred Beast.

But under that qi wave, they are like dead wood, seemingly unable to withstand a single blow.

Bleeding everywhere in the sight of the sight!

Standing here, you can already see the city of Heavenly Scorpion Tribe, but it is very vague.


Qin Feiyang waved his hand and was about to jump down the mountain and approach the city.


But just then, a harsh breaking the sky came.

Two people turning one’s head Looking at it, they saw a dark streamer, carrying the devastating aura, from the wild place wildly shooting.


Wolf King was surprised.

“It’s Sacred Artifact!”

Qin Feiyang looked at it with astonishment.

It’s a Dualbladed Halberd, more than 3 meters long, whole body pitch-black like ink, exuding a blazing black light!

Supposedly, there is a Sacred Artifact flying towards this side, and Qin Feiyang should be happy.

But this Sacred Artifact is in a state of full recovery at this moment.

If it finally came here, it wouldn’t stop him and Wolf King’s current cultivation base.

It will even be killed on the spot, and there will be no bones left!

and so.

I can’t get my head hot now, run to catch the Dualbladed Halberd.

Hong long! !

Ka-cha! !

In front of one man one wolf, there are several giant peaks across, up to several thousand zhang.

But the Dualbladed Halberd, all the way like a hot knife through butter, all smashed into pieces, and then blasted into the mountains under their feet.


Qin Feiyang couldn’t hesitate, caught Wolf King and hid in Ancient Castle.


This place was immediately flooded with dust, accompanied by a loud noise.

About ten breaths in the past.

one man one wolf appears again.

The mountains have disappeared, and there is a huge tiankeng on the ground, all around the dust.

Qin Feiyang brushed away with big sleeves. This place was immediately immediately, and the dust was quickly blown away.


one man one wolf looked at the bottom of the pit.

I saw the Dualbladed Halberd, now inserted in the dirt at the bottom. The sharpness and sacred might emanating from it had disappeared, and the whole body seemed dim.

“what’s the situation?”

Wolf King was surprised.

“I think this Sacred Artifact should be from Heavenly Scorpion Tribe.”

“And the master of this Sacred Artifact may have encountered an accident.”

Qin Feiyang thought.

“What are you waiting for?”


Wolf King’s eyes glowed with green light, and he ancitivelyly swept towards the bottom of the pit.


Just then, another breaking the sky sounded.


Qin Feiyang complexion changed, and quickly looked up, and saw a black silhouette, coming towards this side.

Wolf King also noticed that he quickly landed at the bottom of the pit and spit his blood directly on the Dualbladed Halberd.

The Dualbladed Halberd also appeared a layer of hazy blood light.

This is in the drop of blood recognizing master!

When the blood light has dissipated, the blood contract is complete.

“Make big.”

Wolf King laughed, with a wave of his paw, Dualbladed Halberd turned into a stream of light and entered its Qi Sea.


It jumped up, landed next to Qin Feiyang, looked up towards the black silhouette.

There is a hint of vigilance in the expression of one man one wolf.

As the distance got closer, Qin Feiyang and Wolf King finally saw the true colors of the man.

It was a black clothed robust man with blood all over his body, filled with an amazing baleful qi.

But no wounds could be found on his body. Obviously, the blood belonged to someone else.

Qin Feiyang and Wolf King are also in the dark sighed in relief.

Because this person, not the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe, is one of the 30 robust men in the Mu Family.

The black clothed robust man also found Qin Feiyang and Wolf King.


He landed in front of Qin Feiyang, looked at the tiankeng beside his eyes, and said, “Did you see a Dualbladed Halberd flying over?”


one man one wolf shivering in my heart.

It turned out that this person came after Dualbladed Halberd.

“What Dualbladed Halberd?”

“I didn’t see it!”

one man one wolf shaking his head while tacit understanding.

“did not see it?”

“But why am I here and feel the aura left by Sacred Artifact?”

The black clothed robust man was suspicious, seeming to suspect that Qin Feiyang and Wolf King were lying.


“So Dualbladed Halberd or Sacred Artifact?”

Wolf King pretended to be surprised, and immediately also angered, “What do you mean? Do you suspect we stole your Sacred Artifact?”

Then it added, “Don’t you know, do we also have Sacred Artifact?”

“Not rude.”

Qin Feiyang reprimanded, then looked towards black clothed robust man, said with a smile: “Not long ago we met a Heavenly Scorpion Tribe who was slightly better than us, so we took out Sacred Artifact to fight with him This deep pit was created during the fight. “

“Is it really?”

black clothed robust man mumbled.

He certainly knew that Qin Feiyang had 2 Sacred Artifacts on him.

Among them, Heavenly Thunder Sword was originally from his Mu Family.

But now, apart from the aura of Sacred Artifact and Qin Feiyang two people, he does not sense the aura of others.

“The people of Mu Family are really not so easy to fool.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered a little, and he hurriedly shifted the topic, saying, “How about the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe?”

“The big picture is under control.”

The black clothed robust man only said this sentence, showing a complete domineering.

Qin Feiyang nodded, and said: “Although the situation is under your control, you must be careful not to let them run away.”

“You can rest assured.”

“With the Second Ancestor, let alone the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe, even if it is a fly, it is impossible to escape the Heavenly Scorpion Mountain Range.”

black clothed robust man self-channeling.

“This is fine.”

Qin Feiyang is outfit relaxed.

In fact, this incident did not come to light, and has little to do with him.


From entering the Heavenly Scorpion Mountain Range to the present, except for the Mu Family, the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe has never seen him.

In other words.

Heavenly Scorpion Tribe doesn’t know about him yet.

and so.

Even if this matter comes to light, Pill Pagoda and other Super Tribes will only go to the Mu Family to settle accounts, not to him.

“Did you really see that Dualbladed Halberd?”

black clothed robust man asked again.

“Are we just untrustworthy? Really not.”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

“That line, be careful.”

The black clothed robust man said, and turned to breaking the sky.

Qin Feiyang seemed to think of it, and asked aloud, “Yes, what is Mu Qing doing now?”

“Young Master went to secret treasury at Heavenly Scorpion Tribe.”

The black clothed robust man did not answer back.


“He was one step ahead.”

Wolf King exasperated.

“He can think of it, we can think of it.”

Qin Feiyang is deeply sighed.

Mu Qing went to secret treasury, and now they go again, it has no meaning.

Because they were rushing away, Mu Qing had swept away.

However, even if they do not get the treasure of the secret treasury, they are not too bad.

After all, they harvested the entire medicinal ingredient of the medicine field and got an additional Sacred Artifact.

“What shall we do next?”

Wolf King asked.

“Heavenly Scorpion Tribe and Mu Family battle, we can’t get in.”

“Medicine field and secret treasury are gone, and now we have nothing to do.”

Qin Feiyang groaned a little and said, “Just go back and retreat!”

“It’s time to retreat and cultivate.”

Wolf King nodded.

The people we meet now are getting stronger and stronger. With their strength, they can no longer go to the left and right.

The assassination of the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe continues.

The corpses are everywhere, and the blood flow becomes a river!

But all this has nothing to do with Qin Feiyang.

He opened a transmission gate, sent Wolf King to Ancient Castle, and returned directly to Head Pagoda.

Shortly after Qin Feiyang returned, fatty returned to the Pill Refinement Room in a hurry.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang was washing, looking at fatty’s most urgent look, couldn’t help asking.

Fat said, “Hurry up and refining a Lesser Good Fortune Pill.”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly slightly, wiped off the water on his face, turned to look at the fatty, frowns saying: “Did you fail?”

fatty nodded and said: “Old Yan is not very good. He failed when he turned on 7th-Layer.”

7th-Layer, also known as Battle Saint Extreme Realm.

“That’s an overstatement.”

“This Lesser Good Fortune Pill has a success rate of only 60%. It can successfully start the 6th-Layer, which is already a character outbreak.”

Qin Feiyang blanked his fatty and strode toward the Pill Refinement Room.

Fat followed closely and asked, “What about the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe?”

Qin Feiyang said: “I don’t know, but according to Mu Family people, there should be no unexpected.”

“Not sure?”

Fat staggered, suspiciously, “Did you not go too? Why isn’t it clear?”

Qin Feiyang said, “I went, but I didn’t participate in the battle, and I didn’t go to the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe.”

“Then what are you doing?”

fatty puzzled.

“Racking the medicinal ingredient of the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe medicine field and getting a Sacred Artifact.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Fuck, aren’t you making big money?”

fatty stunned.

Although he didn’t see the medicine field of Heavenly Scorpion Tribe with his own eyes, but also thought about, how could a super Tribe’s medicine field have fewer medicinal ingredients?

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