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Hong long!


Not a moment.

Jungle outside the valley sounded one after another.

Big, thick trees, falling down piece by piece.

Mammoth, shocking all directions!

“what happened?”

The 15 people who were drinking, stood up, staring through the valley entrance and looking towards jungle.

But because the sky was too dark, nothing could be seen.

One of the oldest old man, shouted: “Old Fourth, Old Fifth, you go and see, no matter who is, just kill!”


2 old man nodded, immediately run towards the valley entrance.

Not a distant place, there is a small hillside, Qin Feiyang lies on the grass, looks at the valley entrance and sees that only two people come out, and immediately frowns.

It seems that this trick is useless.

What else can I do to get them all out?


“Aren’t I the best bait myself?”

He squeezed his throat slightly and yelled, “Qin Feiyang, don’t run!”


“Qin Feiyang!”

The two old men who came out first went wildly shooting towards the jungle as if they had beaten chicken blood.


The people in the valley are also radiance!

“Hurry up, as long as we catch Qin Feiyang, we will not only be able to return to Black Bear City, we will definitely get the reward from Yan City Lin Family and King Yan!”

“This is a great opportunity and you must not miss it!”

Sou! ! !

Ten several people seemed to take stimulants and ran towards the valley.

Including those 2 guards!

“Sure enough, I’m a popular person.”

Seeing that all of them ran out, Qin Feiyang’s mouth was raised, sneer, and went directly into Ancient Castle.

After the footsteps went away, he left Ancient Castle again and went to meet Ling Yunfei.

at the same time.

Ling Yunfei also quietly slipped into the valley, poured the venom into the wine jar of 15 people, and then quickly exited the valley, hiding in the original position, looking at jungle, and couldn’t help but start worrying.


A hand emerged from behind Ling Yunfei, put it on his shoulder, and startled him!

“Don’t say anything, it’s me.”

Qin Feiyang’s voice followed.

Ling Yunfei relaxed, and asked, “Where are they?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Find Qin Feiyang.”

Ling Yunfei shook his head and laughed, and said, “I just saw only 2 people coming out. I thought the plan would fail, but didn’t expect you to be unexpectedly witty and use Qin Feiyang as a bait.”

How could he know that the person standing in front of him was the Qin Feiyang true body of owned.

“I also temporarily thought about it, just wait for them to come back now and solve them in one fell swoop!”

Qin Feiyang’s murderous intention surge.


“As soon as the roar rang, we chased it out, unexpectedly failed to catch up, it’s futile!”

“It is said that Qin Feiyang is also 15 or 16 years old, but his speed is too fast, right?”

“People who can’t look down on. Those who can be warranted by the Royal Family are definitely not easy.”

“Although we didn’t find it this time, at least we already know that he is near Black Bear Mountain. As long as he is near, he cannot escape our palms.”

“Yes, we will look carefully after dawn.”

Count hundreds of breaths in the past.

The 15 people walked out of the jungle and talked towards the valley.

When they entered the valley, Qin Feiyang two people followed silently, hiding behind the original rock.

15 people sit down around bonfire again.

After chatting for a while, the oldest old man stood up and said with a smile: “Come and come, let’s celebrate.”

“It was very difficult to kill the two little bastards, and it should be celebrated.”

“Wait tomorrow, we’ll go to the snake hole, slaughter the bastard, dry it into a snake jerky, and drink.”

The two guards also stood up and said with a smile.


Qin Feiyang two people hiding in the dark, their eyes became extremely cold.

That old old man said with a smile: “That’s right, come, let’s have a drink tonight.”

15 people twisted the jug, and the cows of gu lu gu lu drank.



The old man whose one arm was cut off by Qin Feiyang suddenly trembled, and the jar of wine fell to the ground in his hand and shattered!


“Does toxicity come on so soon?”

Qin Feiyang two people stared blankly.

Originally they thought that it would take a while for toxicity to occur, after all these people were Martial Ancestor.

But didn’t expect, the venom of Single Horn Python, unexpectedly horrible!

In fact, the real reason is that the old man had bleed too much before, his body was weak, and his resistance decreased, so the toxicity happened so quickly.

“Old Eighth, what’s wrong with you?”

The remaining 14 people who do not understand the complete truth are all puzzled to see that old man.

“There’s something wrong with this wine. Hurry up!”

Old Eighth growled and lay down on the ground first, clenching his throat with his fingers and throwing up.

“what is the problem?”

Everyone was shocked.


Old Eighth shouted.


Others turned pale with fright.


But it is at this time.

Old Eighth screamed, fell to the ground with a scream, foamed his mouth, and twitched all over his body!

“Yes, it’s poisoning!”

The rest of the faces were immediately pale.

peng ~ peng ~!

what! !

The two guards also fell to the ground at the same time, clutching his neck with both hands, painful miserable howl, lips turned black at the speed visible by naked eye!

Obviously, toxicity hit!

It also proves that their strength is not as good as other Clan Elder of the Ling Family.

“Now, hurry up and prevent them from taking Detoxification Pill!”

See you.

Qin Feiyang drink low.

He and Ling Yunfei rushed out from behind the rock at about the same time.

The scene was a mess.

No one noticed them.

“Whoever has Detoxification Pill, take it out!”

The older old man yelled.

“I have got……”

One of the guards, exhausted the full power of the roar.

The older old man hurried over, tearing off the heaven and earth bag tied to the guard’s waist, and was preparing to take out Detoxification Pill.

“Jiang Haotian, Ling Yunfei!”

“How are you here?”

At this time.

There was a Clan Elder, who found Qin Feiyang two people behind him and exclaimed immediately. That old face was instantly incredible!


The others were shocked and turned around to look.

unexpectedly not dead!

“Grab heaven and earth bag!”

Qin Feiyang suddenly shouted, slamming on the ground like a one eagle, jumping high.

The old old man suddenly realized, shouted: “The poison is from them, stop him!”

Eleven people have not had toxicity.

Hear this.

They saw murderous aura and jumped up to stop Qin Feiyang.


But just jumped up.

Ten of them screamed, rolled to the ground, twitched, and sprayed foam on their mouths!

Toxicity is on!

But one other person is fine.

no doubt.

This person and the old old man are the two 2-Star Martial Ancestor in Ling Yunfei’s mouth!

“Go to death!”

He grabbed Qin Feiyang’s ankle, sawing in anger, and threw it hard!

Qin Feiyang, like a meteorite, slammed and hit a nearby rock. Immediately spurting blood, and the rib broke on the spot!

The same moment.

Ling Yunfei took the opportunity to step over bonfire and pounce on the heaven and earth bag in the hands of the old man.

“unfilial son !”

Elderly old man angry roar, one fist slaps on Ling Yunfei’s left shoulder.



Ling Yunfei was slaped by one fist, vomiting blood, comminuted fracture of the entire right shoulder, torn skin and gaping flesh, flesh is blurred, and consciousness is quickly dizzy!

“Kill you later!”

The older old man smiled faintly, took out a Detoxification Pill, and prepared to take it.

But this time!

Ling Yunfei clenched the teeth, awake a lot of consciousness, and then strove to the old old man, struggling with his left hand, flapping Detoxification Pill and heaven and earth bag, and biting the old old man’s ear again!

He actually bit his ears down!


Severe pain, distorted the elderly old man, miserable howl!

The man who seriously injured Qin Feiyang saw this and hurried to help.


Qin Feiyang also gritted his teeth, endured the sever pain, his legs glared sharply, and flew out, throwing the man to the ground!

Immediately take out Azure Snow and stab into the back of the man without the slightest hesitation!

That man died on the spot!

“You two damn little bastard, let me die!”

The roar of the elder old man sounded at the same time.

Followed by.

I saw Ling Yunfei and was shot again by his one fist. He flew several meters away and hit the ground. Now he closed his eyes, life and death unknown.

“Old bastard, I fight with you!”

Qin Feiyang with red eyes, holding Azure Snow, like one crazy wild beast, fling towards the old man.

Whole body, hostility soaring heaven!

Seeing this, the old man, regardless of Qin Feiyang, ran towards Detoxification Pill.

But didn’t run a few steps!

Then he stumbled and one fell to the ground.

Foam comes out of my mouth!

The body also twitched.

His eyes were unwilling, and he struggled to crawl towards Detoxification Pill.

Seeing, Detoxification Pill is coming!

However, at this time, Qin Feiyang came running and grabbed Detoxification Pill.

“Give me, please …”

The elderly old man immediately begged in despair.

But Qin Feiyang turned a deaf ear and quickly ran to Ling Yunfei, putting Detoxification Pill into Ling Yunfei’s mouth.

Because of the toxicity of Single Horn Python, it will infiltrate the blood.

Ling Yunfei has just bitten off the ears of the older old man. He must have swallowed blood. If he does not take Detoxification Pill in time, he will also be poisoned!


He hurriedly checked Ling Yunfei’s situation again.

Fortunately, I didn’t hurt my heart, and fortunately saved my life, now I just passed out.

After serving Ling Yunfei with Healing Pill and Bone Replenishing Pill, Qin Feiyang got up and turned to look towards the older old man.

This person hasn’t given up yet, crawling towards heaven and earth bag.

Qin Feiyang grabbed Azure Snow and walked step by step. The severe pain caused by the broken ribs made his murderous intention even stronger!

When the old man heard the footsteps, he crawled and begged, “please do me a favour, save me.”

“save you?”

Qin Feiyang sneered, stepping on the heaven and earth bag, and said, “A few hours ago, when you killed me and Ling Yunfei, why didn’t you see your mercy? Want me to save you? OK, as long as you can climb over, I put Detoxification Pill in your mouth. “

The older old man crawled hard.

But climbing the old half a day is still in the original position.

He has no energy left, only despair and resentment!

Qin Feiyang walked over and looked down at the old man, saying, “In fact, I would like to thank you, otherwise I really can’t help you to solve the problem in one fell swoop.”

There was a hint of doubt in the expression of the elderly old man, which was full of loosening.

Qin Feiyang said, “Do you know what’s in the snake hole? There is a Single Horn Python. I almost lost my life in order to kill it, but fortunately, I not only successfully killed it, but also got its venom.”

The old old man hearing this, beyond remorse, asked intermittently: “How did you … give us … poisonous …”

Qin Feiyang 讥 said with a smile: “Qin Feiyang, you are no stranger to these 3 words!”

The older old man suddenly realized.

Qin Feiyang continued: “To tell you the truth, I am the Qin Feiyang you are looking for. Jiang Haotian is just a pseudonym.”

A pair of eyeballs of the old man, immediately stared out!

“You can glance now?”

Qin Feiyang leaned down and grinned, revealing his white teeth.

With a wave of Azure Snow in his hand, the elderly old man’s neck immediately appeared a knife edge!

blood 4 Splashes, dyed Qin Feiyang all over!

It makes him look like Rakshasa in one night, amazing!

[Ps: Brother sisters, please vote for a few referrals, thank you. 】

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