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And Qin Feiyang can clearly capture that Young Master Hao looked at the room where the zither sound came out, and there was a trace of obsession in his eyes.

It seems that the son of Head Pagoda Lord really likes the person playing the zither.

zither sound came out shortly.

A chubby black clothed middle-aged man stepped out from the back floor of the first floor, then vacated and stood before the altar Dragon and Pheonix Wine.


He glanced at everyone up and down the Dragon and Phoenix Building, said with a smile: “I believe everyone can’t wait, but this time, Dragon and Pheonix Wine is not auctioned.”

“Do not auction?”

The Dragon and Phoenix Building rioted immediately.

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang does not understand Pei Yi.

“In the past, Dragon and Pheonix Wine were sold in the form of auctions.

“And this time, it should have changed the rules.”

Pei Yi whispered, and there was a little doubt in his eyes.

“Everyone is quiet.”

The slightly fat man reached out and pressed gently in void, and Dragon and Phoenix Building quieted again.


The slightly fat man took out a drawing axis from the heaven and earth bag, and shook slightly with the back-up arm, and the drawing axis slowly unfolded.

I saw on the scroll, a vast landscape of mountains and rivers.

There is lush jungle.

There are towering mountain ranges.

There are rushing rivers.

There are living creatures struggling to survive …

Above the mountains and rivers, there is a lifelike Five Clawed Golden Dragon, which looks like one Emperor, overlooking the world, showing ruthless and indifference.

“The rule this time is to write the true meaning hidden in this painting.”

“Whoever answers can please the lady, then Dragon and Pheonix Wine will belong to this one, and it will be given free of charge.”

“In addition, I have the honor of being received by the lady in person and can make a request to the lady.”

The fat man pointed to the room where the zither sound came out, said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, the entire Dragon and Phoenix Building immediately boiled.

Everyone looked towards the room where the zither sound came out, eyes full of desire.

“Not just a woman, what’s so nice about it? Don’t know what’s exciting?”

Mu Qing pouted.

“Of course they are excited.”

“Because it is said that the person playing the zither is beautiful like a celestial immortal, but someone has never seen her true appearance.”

Pei Yi said with a smile.

“Have you even seen Young Master Hao?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

Pei Yi glanced at the Young Master Hao across the eyes and shook his head: “No, this is more exciting.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Young Master Hao is a son of Head Pagoda Lord. Basically, everyone comes to Dragon and Phoenix Building. This kind of perseverance can be said that no one can.

But though is so, he failed to impress the heart of the person playing the zither.

Others are naturally more curious and more eager to see the woman’s true appearance.

The fat man said again, “Everyone, please hurry up, because you only have half an hour.”


Everyone looked at the painting again.

“Five Clawed Golden Dragon …”

“The mountains and rivers …”

“What exactly does this represent?”

“Is Heavenly Dragon born?”

“Or the reincarnation of Heavenly Dragon?”

“Or Heavenly Dragon world extinguishing?”

People are lost in thought.

Qin Feiyang is also looking at the painting.

But for some reason, his eyes gradually became cold.

Pei Yi noticed Qin Feiyang’s abnormality, turning one’s head looked towards him, in the dark and asked, “Junior Brother, what can you think of?”

“It’s nothing.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head, and his cold eyes softened again.

Pei Yi glanced at him in surprise, said with a smile: “Why don’t you try it?”

“Not very interested.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

Mu Qing frowned, sound transmission: “You have to try it.”


Qin Feiyang is puzzled.

“You didn’t hear that person say, as long as the answer satisfies the person playing the zither, you can make a request to her.”

“And that woman is the object of Young Master Hao’s admiration. If she helps, Young Master Hao will definitely help you with full power and become the head Pagoda Lord’s discipline.”

Mu Qing said.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes narrowed slightly.

This Mu Qing has several points of truth.

After a little groaning, he looked towards the slightly fat man and said, “Give me pen and ink.”


Everyone looked towards Qin Feiyang, including the Young Master Hao.


The slightly fat man was also quite surprised, apparently didn’t expect, so someone thought of the answer so soon.

“Come on.”

“At once, give the Young Master a pen and ink.”

As the fat man commanded, the two waiters hurriedly ran out from the back floor of the first floor.

Both waiters are holding a delicate tray.

One of the trays is pen, ink and ink.

The other tray is a blank scroll.

2 The waiter quickly ran upstairs and came to Qin Feiyang, respectfully saying, “Young Master, please write the answer in the elegant pavillion.”

This is done to prevent others from peeping.

Qin Feiyang nodded and turned into elegant pavillion.

The waiter followed, and closed the door tightly.

Tea room!

Two waiters set the tray next to the coffee table, one of them grinds the ink, and the other opens the scroll.

Qin Feiyang closed his eyes, and there was a hint of pain in his eyebrows.

After a while.

Two waiters, each holding one end of the drawing axis, lay flat in front of Qin Feiyang.

One waiter said, “Young Master, you can write.”


Qin Feiyang snapped his eyes open, grabbed the brush, and waved on the paper.

The whole process came down without any trace of drag, in one go.

At last!

2 lines of vigorous characters appear on the paper.

And between the lines, there was an imposing manner of imposing.

The two waiters were also shocked by these two lines of words, and they couldn’t return to God in half a ring.

They absolutely didn’t expect, unexpectedly someone would come up with this answer.

When the ink dries, the two people roll up the scroll and put it back in the tray.

One of the waiters said: “Young Master, the final result will have to wait for the lady to judge, please wait a moment.”


Qin Feiyang nodded.


The two people left the elegant pavillion holding the scroll and the pen and ink 砚.

Qin Feiyang didn’t go out anymore, sitting alone in the tea room, it seemed to remember something unbearable past events, and the whole person was immersed in a kind of painful emotion.

And outside!

Seeing the two waiters coming out, everyone looked at the scroll.

I was thinking, what was written in it?

Young Master Hao eyes flashed, saying: “Give me pen and ink.”

“Come, get ready.”

Slightly fat man shouted.


One by one, I thought of the answer that I thought was the most reasonable.


Half an hour passed.

The entire Dragon and Phoenix Building, with a total of half of them, gave the answer.

After the fat man announced the end, he took all the answers and entered the room of the person playing the zither.

Everyone did not return to the elegant pavillion, standing in the corridor, waiting for the fat man to come out to announce the result.

Time one breath one breath passes.

About an hour later, the fat man finally walked out of the room, stood by the corridor, and glanced at everyone.


He looked towards the elegant pavillion where Qin Feiyang is, arching: “Please also ask Young Master Mu to come out and chat with my family’s lady a.”


“Unexpectedly is him!”

“He gave the answer without even thinking about it. How could he be favored by the lady?”

People are boiling and full of incredibles.

Young Master Hao also frowned, obviously uncomfortable.

After a while.

The door finally opened, Qin Feiyang stepped out slowly, and the whole person appeared unemotional.

Pei Yi turning one’s head looked towards him, said with a smile: “Junior Brother, you are really unexpected!”

“It just happened.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, turned into a stream of light, and landed in front of the slightly fat man.

Slightly fat man said with a smile: “myself Dragon and Phoenix Building steward, Pang Su.”

“Meet Steward Pang.”

Qin Feiyang also bowed back.

Pang Su laughed and asked, “What about Dragon and Pheonix Wine?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Send to my elegant pavillion.”


Pang Su nodded, then turned around and walked to the door, pushed open the door, said with a smile: “Please in Young Master.”

Qin Feiyang went to the door and looked inside.

In the room, there were no ornate decorations, only some potted plants and murals.

In the left corner, there is a bookcase, and each book is neatly stacked.

Next to it is an ancient wood coffee table with only one seat.

The seat is also carved from ancient wood.

Although the decoration is not luxurious, it has a classic taste and makes people feel comfortable.

“Young Master please!”

Pang Su spoke again.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the Young Master Hao in a distant place, and strode in, and Pang Su closed the door immediately.

“hmph! ”

Just as the door was closed, the Young Master Hao coldly snorted turned and entered the elegant pavillion without turning back.

“It seems this Young Master Hao is angry!”

Pei Yi said with a laugh.

“A man who has been admiring for a long time now shares a room with other men. If it were me, I would get angry.”

“But I’m really curious, what exactly did Mu Zuzong write?”

Mo Feng looked at Mu Qing suspiciously.

“Look at me?”

Mu Qing frowned.

Mo Feng said, “Aren’t you familiar with him? You should think of his answer!”

Mu Qing was silent for a while, and pumps radiance flashed, “I do know his answer, but I can’t tell you.”

Having said that, he turned into the elegant pavillion.

Pei Yi and Mo Feng looked at each other in blank dismay, these two people are really not ordinary mysterious!


Besides Qin Feiyang.

When he entered the room, he smelled a faint fragrance.

This is the fragrance of flowers.

In the room, there are many blooming flowers, but they are all in snow white color, which seems clear as ice and clean as jade.

But in this floral fragrance, there is also a woman’s body fragrance, which smells good.

“Please sit!”

A crisp voice suddenly sounded in the room, like the empty valley Youlan, clear and beautiful.

Qin Feiyang walked to the coffee table and sat on that one after another seat, then looked up towards the opposite side.

I saw on the opposite side, a piece of snow white silk mantle hanging through the silk mantle, can be seen faintly, and then placed an ancient zither, and beside the ancient zither, sitting in a lithe and graceful silhouette, hazy Obscure, can’t see it real.

“I have a question in my mind. I wonder how the Young Master thought of this answer?”

The woman’s voice sounded again.

“The reason is not important, as long as my answer can get your approval.”

“do you think so?”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile.

The woman was silent for a while, said with a smile: “Young Master said it very well, but I was rude, so please make your request!”

“My request …”

Qin Feiyang lowered his head and groaned. After a little, he said, “My request is very simple. You just need to meet Young Master Hao and use your true appearance.”

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