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“Two years into Battle Saint?”

Qin Feiyang stumbled.

“I know it’s hard, it’s almost impossible to complete, but to become a Disciple of Head Pagoda Lord, you have to do it.”

Gongsun Bei said.


Qin Feiyang couldn’t help laughing.

Entering Battle Saint in 2 years is indeed an impossible task for others.

But for him, it shouldn’t be too easy.

“Don’t be too reluctant.”

“Actually, with your Pill Refinement innate talent, you can make a difference without the guidance of Head Pagoda Lord.”

Gongsun Bei said with a smile.

Seeing Qin Feiyang hesitant to speak, he thought that Qin Feiyang had no confidence.

“it is good.”

“Disciple will definitely step into Battle Saint within 2 years!”

Qin Feiyang nodded, solemnly said.


Gongsun Bei stumbled.

He thought Qin Feiyang would give it up, but didn’t expect, unexpectedly agreed.

He really couldn’t figure out, where’s this brat’s confidence?

“In that case, try hard!”

“One more question, Pill Recipe from Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill, where did you get it?”

Gongsun Bei asked, pumps radiance blinking.

“This is disciple’s personal privacy. It may … be a bit inconvenient to disclose.”

When Young Master Hao took away Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill, Qin Feiyang had already thought that Head Pagoda Lord would definitely ask Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill’s origin.

Therefore, he has already figured out how to deal with it.

The only thing he was worried about was whether Head Pagoda Lord would force him to surrender Pill Recipe?

Gongsun Bei hearing this, also silent.

A pair of eyes stared at Qin Feiyang.

The atmosphere of the scene gradually condensed.

“Ha ha.”


Gongsun Bei smiled and said: “I guessed a long time ago that you would answer me like this, rest assured, my Head Pagoda will not force any disciple to do anything.”

“many thanks Sir.”

Qin Feiyang bowed his thanks.

“Try Harder!”

Gongsun Bei pats opened a transmission gate on his shoulder.

Qin Feiyang arched: “Sir, disciple can refining Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill, and I want to keep it secret.”

“We know that.”

“Except for me and Sir Head Pagoda Lord and the Young Master, no fourth person will know.”

Gongsun Bei faintly smiled, then turned and entered the transmission gate, and disappeared quickly.


The worry did not happen, and Qin Feiyang was finally relaxed.


He took out the image of crystal stone and gave fatty summoning.

As soon as fatty’s illusory shadow appeared, Qin Feiyang asked, “Would you like to go back?”

“Where are you going?”

fatty looked at him suspiciously.

“Great Qin Empire!”

Qin Feiyang word by word.

Fat said, “So, Mu Qing is hooked?”

“Don’t waste time, make a decision.”

Qin Feiyang urged.

Fat said, “I want to go back, but if by any chance, what happened to the person who bought the medicinal ingredient?”

“Aren’t there Yan Wei?”

“Let him stare more.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Okay, I go to him once, you wait for me.”

fatty nodded, turn off the image crystal stone.


Black Clouds Mountain!

The morning sun rises and 10000 things recover.

Shua! !

two figures descend over Black Clouds Mountain.

One of them is Mu Qing!

The other, wearing a black robe and a hat on his head, wrapped his entire body.

On the face, there was also a black mask covering the entire face, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Looks unusually mysterious.

“Why haven’t you come?”

Mu Qing glanced all around, not seeing the silhouette of Qin Feiyang, and frowned.

“Qing’er, I can’t figure it out, why should I bring Qin Feiyang on purpose?”

black robed man asked, his voice was slightly hoarse, apparently an old man.

Mu Qing said: “Take him just in case, because the Emperor and Imperial Preceptor of the Great Qin Empire want him, and if Lu Xingchen is really trapped, give him away.”

“This is a good idea …”

The black robe old man looking thoughtful of nodded, and said, “But he has a great effect on us!”

“I know.”

“But Lu Xingchen is more important than Qin Feiyang …”

Mu Qing said solemnly.

But without saying anything, black robe old man eyes flashed, looked up towards the sky, and said, “someone is here.”

Mu Qing immediately sounded and looked up.

Shua! !

The next moment, two figures are manifested at high altitude.

It’s Qin Feiyang and fatty!


When they saw the black robe old man, two people’s eyes flickered.

This person has no aura at all, but gives them a sense of crisis like never before.

Mu Qing frowned, said: “Can you stop doing things this way?”

“Just you talk a lot.”

fatty glanced at him.


Two people fell on the mountain summit.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the black robe old man, looked towards Mu Qing and asked, “What is this?”

“Just call him Old Yi, don’t ask others.”

Mu Qing said.

“Old Yi.”

Qin Feiyang two people arched the black robe old man.

The black robe old man is also nodded to two people.

Mu Qing glanced all around, respectfully: “Old Yi, please also open the Space-Time Gate.”


The words fall.

A terrifying aura rushed out of Old Yi within the body.

Immediately after, I saw Old stiff eyebrows, grabbing out a streak of divine light.

It was a big stone gate with a slap, and the whole body was bronze, and it dazzled.

“quickly retreat !”

Mu Qing shouted and quickly retreated suddenly.

Qin Feiyang two people glanced at the Space-Time Gate in surprise, and then retreated to the distant place.

The black robe old man asked, “Should we go directly to Imperial Capital, or somewhere else?”

“Go to Imperial Capital.”

Mu Qing did not hesitate to think.

Fat said, “No, go to Yun Prefecture first.”


Mu Qing turning one’s head looked towards fatty, his brows slightly raised.

“Some accounts, it’s time to go to settling accounts.”

fatty said solemnly, with an amazing cold glow in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang glanced at him, then looked at Mu Qing, and said, “Go to Yun Prefecture first!”

Why fatty should go to Yun Prefecture first, he understands.

Kill Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord!

Perhaps this is the main reason why fatty returned to the Great Qin Empire.

Mu Qing glanced at two people and said, “I think I need to make it clear to you that Space-Time Gate can only be transmitted once a day.”

“Don’t you still have a fake Space-Time Gate?”

“When we go to Yun Prefecture and complete the fatish wish, we will use the fake Space-Time Gate to Imperial Capital. It won’t take much time.”

Qin Feiyang.

“That’s a lot.”

Mu Qing’s irritable mumbled sentence, no blackded to the black robe old man.

The black robe old man said, “Give me the coordinates.”

Qin Feiyang gave the black robe old man the coordinates of Yun Prefecture Prefecture City.

The black robe old man raised his arm, his index finger against that Space-Time Gate, a piece of resplendent Battle Qi, gushing from his fingertips, and continuously injected into the Space-Time Gate.

And when Battle Qi emerged, three people felt that a mighty divine power emerged and rushed to all directions in 4 directions!

“this is……”

Qin Feiyang eyeball glared.

This kind of prestige, he has encountered, is facing the Imperial Preceptor.

“Don’t you say that your Mu Family doesn’t have a False God? Then who is he?”

He looked towards Mu Qing, with radiance 4 shots in his eyes.

Mu Qing glanced at him coldly, saying nothing, and staring at the black robe old man again.

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow, looked at the same time as the fatty, and didn’t keep asking.



A loud blast exploded in this place, like a thunder rolling, rolling.

I saw that the big Space-Time Gate slaps against the wind, exuding the brightness of ten thousand zhang, as if a scorching sun is coming, and one strand is gradually pervading.

And the bigger the Space-Time Gate, the more terrifying it is.

The mountain and river trembled.

The Vicious Beast of the mountain stream is even more lingering on the ground, panic-stricken.

Qin Feiyang glanced over the trembling mountains and rivers, looking towards the back of the black robe old man, and there was a peek of rays of light in the depths of the pumps.

Regardless of whether you can save mother this time, but at least you have figured out the details of Mu Family.


He noticed that the body of the black robe old man was also trembling slightly, as if feeling a little tired.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang looked towards Mu Qing.

“Restoring the Space-Time Gate requires a huge amount of capacity, and Old Yi can barely recover.”

Mu Qing’s mouth was low, and there was a hint of worry in Meiyu.

Time one breath passes.

Old Yi shivered more and more.


His body has also lost weight.

This is caused by excessive consumption of blood qi.

Fat said: “If he can’t recover anymore, I’m afraid he will be sucked into it by Space-Time Gate.”

“rest assured.”

“Although struggling, it can still recover.”

“Because last time, Xue’er and I went to Nine-Nether Yellow Spring, which is the Space-Time Gate of Old Yi’s revival.”

“But afterwards, you need to cultivate yourself.”

Mu Qing said.

Qin Feiyang and fatty looked at each other in blank dismay, didn’t expect even one False God, and it was so difficult to revive Divine Artifact.


Probably hunted breaths left and right.

Old Yi suddenly suddenly shouted, and the Space-Time Gate went up to a few zhang high with a loud noise, releasing the aura that was amazing.

this moment.

void Broken, the earth sinks!

Black Clouds Mountain also broke instantly and turned into a gray fly.


Follow closely.

Old Yi shouted in a low voice, it turned into a stream of light, and swept into the Space-Time Gate without looking back.

“Does he go too?”

Qin Feiyang asked.


“Imperial Preceptor already knows that you are in the transmission altar on the Forgotten Continent, Butterfly Valley. There must be heavy guards.”

“If Old Yi doesn’t go, how can we come back?”

Mu Qing gave him a big white eye and darted toward the Space-Time Gate.

Qin Feiyang and fatty looked simultaneously, and quickly followed along.

At last.

Three people have entered the Space-Time Gate.

And it is at this time.

The repeatedly appearing golden silhouette is again manifested in the distant place void, overlooking the Space-Time Gate.

The golden light enveloped his entire body, not able to see clearly his true appearance, let alone guess what he was thinking at the moment.

When the Space-Time Gate disappears, he disappears again without a trace without a trace.


at the same time!

Yun Prefecture, over Prefecture City!

Hong long!


One after another, a loud noise rang out suddenly.

On the sky, there are rising winds, scudding clouds.

“what’s the situation?”

People from Prefecture City gathered on the street and looked at the sky.

“Look, that void is broken!”


Someone pointed to somewhere in the sky, and saw void there, cracking wildly every inch.

“Void is broken, is there any rare treasure born?”

People were surprised.

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