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“Oh it’s you.”

Fat suddenly realized, “Are you going to help them?”

The old man said, “I won’t help anyone, just to resolve this hatred.”

“The seeds of hatred have germinated, and you can’t resolve them by saying that you can resolve them.”

“Fat Master would also like to ask you, what were you doing when they slaughtered my Situ Family?”

“You are so kind, shouldn’t you come out and stop it?”

Fatty road.

“The old man was blocked, but when the old man got the message and rushed, it was too late.”

Old man sighs.


fatty extremely angry smiled and landed in front of Mo Jun.

Mo Jun’s body and mind were tight, and he was about to run away. Fatty’s arm burst out, grabbing his neck.

“Sir, save me!”

Mo Jun quickly called for help.

“No one can save you now.”

Fat sneered, looking towards the old man, saying, “You didn’t take action to help me with the Situ Family. Now I also advise you, it is best not to get involved.”

Let me talk about it.

His five fingers began to gather, and Mo Jun was gradually choking.

“Sir, I don’t want to die yet, help me!”

Mo Jun looked at Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord roar.


Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord did not respond.

If there was a way, she would have made a move long ago, and she would not wait until now.

“Yes, I still have a hole card in my hand!”


What she seemed to think of, hurriedly looked towards fatty, shouted: “at once let him go, otherwise I would kill Situ Hai!”

“Uncle Hai?”

Fat was startled, staring at Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord, angrily: “How did you treat Uncle Hai?”

“That year, after you went to Imperial Capital, I guess it would be that day.”

“So I asked Mo Jun to investigate Situ Hai’s hiding place.”

“Huangtian deserves someone who cares.”

“Last year, we finally found his whereabouts and found the graveyard where you clansman was buried.”

“At that time, we caught him.”

“As for his safety, it’s okay now, but if you dare to continue impudent, it will be difficult to say.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord Icy said with a smile.

As soon as fatty eyes fell, Mo Jun was released, and Mo Jun immediately ran towards Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord, and his body was already cold sweat.

Fat said, “Give Uncle Hai out, Fat Master will leave you all dead.”

“No, you have to promise that you will never hurt us again, and you will never step into Yun Prefecture, and I will return Situ Hai to you.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord.

fatty’s eyes flickered, and he struggled, and finally nodded and said: “Okay, I promise you, at once let go!”

“It’s impossible now.”

“Because of your words, you can’t make me believe it.”

“You leave first, I will open the transmission gate later, and let Situ Hai go to Ling Prefecture Prefecture City, and you will find him there.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord.

She was also delaying time.

As long as she cheats Qin Feiyang and the others to Ling Prefecture, she will have time to report the matter to Imperial Capital.

“haha ……”

“Old witch, do you think Fat Master is stupid? So easy to cheat?”

fatty laughed.

Follow closely.

He looked towards Qin Feiyang, nodded to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang laughed, a thought, and Two Winged Snow Eagle appeared.

Qin Feiyang said: “Someone in the Imprisonment Prefecture City.”


Two Winged Snow Eagle laughed, the terrifying sacred might just like a raging wave, immediately enveloped the entire Prefecture City.

All of them are imprisoned at this moment.

“this is……”

Yun Prefecture previous Mansion Lord pupil contracted.

Unexpectedly is Sacred Beast!

Even Sacred Beast is around me. What has this several people experienced in these years?


Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord and Mo Jun’s faces were also incredibly creepy.

The panic in my heart is even more so!

“Did you take us away by threatening Uncle Hai?”

With a contempt smile, fatty walked step by step to the Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord.

“What do you want to do?”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord was completely scared and wanted to run but was prestige imprisonment and couldn’t run again.

Fat said: “Lastly give you a chance and tell me where is Uncle Hai?”


Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord 6 God is Lordless and cannot even speak.

“Don’t you say?”

“Then go to hell!”

In the eyes of fatty, cold light flashed, and the dragon claw suddenly lifted up, one fist directly blasted the head of Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord.

The blood flew across, and Mo Jun splashed all over.


Mo Jun whole body is cold, face pale, and the soul is scared.


fatty turning one’s head looked towards Mo Jun, said with a laugh: “Don’t you say it?”

That smile, in Mo Jun’s eyes, was like Death God beckoning him.

“I said I said …”

Facing the bloody means of fatty, his inner defense finally collapsed.


fatty asked.

“He’s in the backyard of Mansion Lord.”

“We didn’t hurt him a bit of hair, but we treated him like a guest and welcomed him.”

“You just please do me a favour, can you let me go?”

“I swear, I will be honest in the future, I will never be against you again.”

Mo Jun begged.

“Don’t say it so dignified.”

“If it wasn’t because Uncle Hai could threaten me, would you be entertained?”

“But Fat Master talks and keeps you a whole body.”

Fat smirked and raised his hand, a Black Dragon Battle Qi emerged, like a sharp blade, running across Mo Jun’s neck.


Mo Jun screamed immediately, a wound on his neck, blood spurting like a column!


He is dying.

Fatty, instead of having the slightest joy on his face, climbed up and fell into a loss.

He stood in void and did not speak for a long time.

Qin Feiyang stepped forward and asked, “Why are the murderers and the accomplices dead?”

“Yeah, they’re all dead. I should have been happy, but I just don’t raise.”

fatty looked up towards Qin Feiyang, eyes full of confusion.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Is it empty!”


“It looks like you have lost your goal and have no motivation.”

fatty nodded and said.

“I can understand.”

“All these years, what keeps you going is the hatred in your heart.”

“Now that you have revenge, what’s missing in your heart?”

Qin Feiyang.

“Yeah, it feels.”

Fatty road.

Qin Feiyang immediately slap in the flace and patted it on the head of fatty, angrily: “It’s still not brother, your vengeance must be reported, what about me?”

fatty slightly stared blankly.


His revenge is revenge, but Boss’s revenge is not yet!

Boss’s business is his business.

That’s right!

Fight up spirit and continue fighting!

However, there is still a little pain in this forehead.

“Your Fat Master trifling matter? Don’t bother me to tell you.”

He glared at Qin Feiyang, hummed, and turned to fly towards the Central City District with a smile on his face.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed, glanced at the previous Mansion Lord, said differently: “You don’t have to report this to Imperial Capital on purpose, because soon we will go to Imperial Capital in person.”

Anyway, Qin Feiyang is nodded to Two Winged Snow Eagle.

Two Winged Snow Eagle understood it, and immediately put away sacred might.

“I’m old, I can’t control so much, now it’s your youngster’s world.”

The old man glanced at Qin Feiyang three people, with a sigh, turned and left.

Mu Qing, who has n’t spoken from beginning to end, frowns saying, “I ’m busy now, can I go to Imperial Capital?”

Qin Feiyang groaned and said, “I’ll go to Ling Prefecture again, you guys wait for me here.”

“Go to Ling Prefecture?”

“Are you crazy?”

“Ling Prefecture now, there must be someone at Imperial Capital keeping a watch.”

Mu Qing angered.

“I know, but I have to find out.”

Qin Feiyang said, opened a transmission gate and strode in.

“This scoundrel is really my own way.”

Mu Qing was rather angry.

“Don’t worry, we have to wait until tomorrow, before we can open the Space-Time Gate and return to Forgotten Continent.”

The black robe old man sound transmission, and the Space-Time Gate behind him was already included in the body by the fat killing all directions.

Mu Qing raised an eyebrow, turning one’s head, looking at the black robe old man, and whispered, “Old Ancestor, are you all right?”

“It’s okay, it’s that the Divine Force is exhausted, just take a break.”

black robe old man.

Mu Qing worriedly said: “Then open the Space-Time Gate tomorrow, can you stand it?”

The black robe old man thought for a while and said, “By tomorrow, Divine Force should recover a lot, and the problem will not be too big.”

“It won’t work.”

“Still stay a few more days and wait for your Divine Force to fully recover before we go back.”

Mu Qing said.

“Okay, you arrange.”

black robe old man said with a smile.

From this conversation, we can see that this person trusts Mu Qing very much and also loves him.


Ling Prefecture Prefecture City!

Eastern City Treasure Pavillion.

In a lounge, a dignified white clothed married woman is sitting at a desk, looking down and writing something.



A white clothed youth descended on the lounge.


white clothed married woman black eyebrows, looking up towards youth.


She froze, and expressions were incredible.

“Aunt Xue, it didn’t take long to see this, wouldn’t you recognize it?”

Qin Feiyang grinned.

That’s right!

This white clothed married woman is the mother of Luo Qingzhu, Luo Qianxue!

“Is that you?”

Luo Qianxue body trembling, put down the pen in his hand, looked at Qin Feiyang, and slowly got up.


Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Luo Qianxue immediately walked in front of Qin Feiyang and looked at the familiar but weather-beaten face in front of her, tears could not help but shed in her eyes.

That is a mother, caring for a son.

But suddenly.

Luo Qianxue seemed to think something and bowed down, “I’ve seen Your Majesty!”

“Aunt Xue, what are you doing?”

“I said it all, in front of you, I am your son.”

Qin Feiyang quickly leaned down and supported Luo Qianxue.


“Anyway, as long as you come back safely.”

Luo Qianxue was very happy and excited, took Qin Feiyang’s hand, walked to the coffee table and sat down.

“Feiyang …”

Luo Qianxue was trying to ask what, Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “Aunt Xue, this time I am back, I can’t stay too long. The experience of these years can only tell you slowly later.”

Luo Qianxue stared blankly, nodded asked: “Okay, then why are you coming back this time?”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “I met the Imperial Preceptor yesterday and he told me that the Old Master was taken to Imperial Capital. Is it true?”

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