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“Convince them?”

Mu Qing is speechless.

I can also think of Qilin Army Commander and Vice Commander as trusted aide around Emperor.

It’s better to persuade them than to break in directly.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “I know it’s difficult to convince them, but I have certainty.”

“you sure?”

Despite Qin Feiyang’s solemnly vowed appearance, Mu Qing still has some doubts.

“Follow me.”

Qin Feiyang turned around and walked down the street on the left.

Mu Qing chased after him, wondering, “Where is this going?”

“Qilin Army Commander and Vice Commander, although staying at the Imperial Palace, they also have family.”

Qin Feiyang.

“so that’s how it is.”

Mu Qing sounded nodded.

After about red breaths, two people entered an alley and entered the opposite street.

Then Qin Feiyang stopped in the middle of the street and looked all around.

The massive Official Residences are located side by side on Street 2, but they are all Martial Marquis Mansion.

Mu Qing stood in silence, seeing Qin Feiyang hesitating, frowns saying, “Did you remember?”

“In one’s childhood, I have been there a few times and it should be here.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

“In one’s childhood?”

Mu Qing immediately lined a line of black lines on his forehead.

Qin Feiyang’s in one’s childhood, 10 years old.

After so many years have passed, things have remained the same, but people have changed, how could it still be found?

This scoundrel is really unreliable!

“I remember, the Official Residence of Qilin Army Commander, next to a cross section.”

“Official Residence has 2 sides of the gate, and two stone carved puppets.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Cross section …”


Mu Qing glanced at the street on both sides and pointed to the right, saying: “There is a cross section there.”

“Go, look at the past.”

Qin Feiyang.

Two people lurked silently.

Before they approached, they found two stone statues in front of the gate of an Official Residence.

Two stone carvings lifelike, with a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, full of anger, vicious aura is compelling!

“Just here!”

Qin Feiyang stopped under the big tree by the street, like a ghost, looking at the Official Residence opposite.

In front of the door, there were 4 guards, all dressed in black clothes, looking steadily forward.

aura is not very strong, 5-Star Battle Ancestor.

And above the gate, he dared to cling to six golden light characters.

——Qilin Army Commander’s Mansion!

Each stroke of these 6 words is like a silver hook with an iron hook, exuding an amazing murderous aura.

Mu Qing swallowed saliva and said, sound transmission said: “How about the Great Commander’s cultivation base?”

“do not know.”

“But definitely, it’s definitely Battle Emperor.”

“So bear in mind be careful.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark urged.

Mu Qing nodded.

But as if suddenly thinking of something, his face changed slightly and he was startled: “Are you planning to break in like this?”

“You treat me stupid!”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him.

Although Qilin Army Commander is not in the Official Residence, don’t think about it, there must be a powerhouse keeping watch in the Official Residence.

Break in this way, simply is courting death!

“What are you going to do?”

Mu Qing asked.

“I remember Qilin Army Commander. It seems like there is a daughter, about the same age as me. What’s the name?”

“Not so impressed, I forgot.”

“In short, if we can get her, Qilin Army Commander will naturally come to us.”

“Just don’t know, is she in the Official Residence now?”

Qin Feiyang.

Mu Qing’s eyes brightened and he asked, “Do you remember where she lives?”

“I’ve met her a few times. How could she know where she lives?”

Qin Feiyang gave him a big white eye.

Mu Qing said: “Then lurk in first, and then find it slowly.”

Qin Feiyang glanced at the wall of the Official Residence, and looked at the 4 guards at the door, and whispered, “Be careful, don’t find them.”

Mu Qing nodded.

Two people slowly backed away.

They stopped when they backed out of sight of the four guards.


Two people quietly swept across the street and came under the fence.

Mu Qing 2 said nothing, just ready to enter the wall.

“No hurries?”

“Look at it first.”

Qin Feiyang dragged him down, then leaped forward, grasping the edge of the top of the fence with both hands, the probe looking inward.

Into the sight is a garden with lush vegetation, a hundred flowers blooming, filled with a strong floral fragrance.

There are also several rock gardens, as well as a clear stream. The stream flows slowly and makes a crash-bang sound.

On the path of the intestines in the garden, a black clothed guard stood.

Judging from aura, the cultivation base is at least 5-Star Battle Ancestor.

Mu Qing jumped up, looked inside, glanced at those guards, pump shrank slightly, and sound transmission said, “This is too much!”

According to his calculations, there are no less than 20 guards in this garden alone.

Basically it is three steps one mound and seven steps one sentry.

“That’s why I asked you to take a look first. If you dig in like you just did, you will definitely be found.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.


He aura converged to the extreme, and he was very careful. He climbed up the fence and lightly fell on the grass underneath.

Mu Qing also turned in. It was also unprecedentedly careful, even breathing and heartbeat were controlled to the minimum.

Then two people hid behind a small tree and looked towards those guards.

Mu Qing secretly thought: “I wasn’t found, quickly go!”

two people are about to step forward.

But suddenly!

In the small tree in front of them, 2 green rays of light rushed out!


Two people couldn’t get cold from the whole body.

Before I could see what the green light was, I quickly suddenly retreated.


And because their movements were too big, they alarmed the guards, turning one’s head looked towards two people.

“You are who?”

“What’s the purpose of sneaky diving into Commander’s Mansion?”

A dozen guards immediately cut through the sky and surrounded Qin Feiyang two people.


Qin Feiyang two people glanced at those guards, their faces were extremely glomy.

It was just after diving into the Official Residence that unexpectedly was exposed.

“Not yet come and announce your name!”

See Qin Feiyang two people silent, one of the guards shouted loudly.

And at the moment.

The movement here also alarmed the guard in a more distant place, and swept away one after another, all eyes sharp!


It is also at this time.

Those 2 green lights stopped at void.

The unexpectedly were 2 green snakes.

It is very small, similar to chopsticks, snake letter is full, and the whole body is green like jade. If it blends with leaves and grass, it will be hard to detect.

On the surface, the two snakes are not a threat at all.

“Specter Snake!”

But when Qin Feiyang and Mu Qing saw the true colors of that little snake, they were bewilderement.

Specter Snake is a very rare and very terrifying Vicious Beast.

But what terrifying is not their strength, but their physical characteristics.

Not only are they small, they can also change the color of the skin as the environment changes.

in short.

They are just like chameleons.

But this is only secondary!

The most terrifying thing about them is that they don’t smell a bit.

For example, other snakes have a fishy smell.

Not to mention snakes, even other Vicious Beasts, even humans, will definitely have some odor.

But Specter Snake is completely absent.


Not only do they have no smell, they also have no aura.

Not because they converge on aura, they are born naturally, and have nothing to do with cultivation base.

Even if they are cultivated to Battle Ancestor, Battle Saint, or even Battle Emperor, they will not reveal a little bit of aura.

Like their names, they are like a ghost.

without any exaggeration.

If they don’t show up, you won’t find them, even at your feet.

Mu Qing’s face was gloomy to the extreme, and his eyes were full of anger, secretly thought: “Why don’t you say earlier that there is Specter Snake here?”

“In one’s childhood I’ve been here and I haven’t heard of Specter Snake!”

Qin Feiyang sound transmission is also big for a while.

Specter Snake’s attack power is not high, but they are colorless, tasteless, and good at camouflage.

Their venom, although not fatal, can paralyze human nerves.

It can be said that they are born guardians.

These Qilin Army Commanders are also clever, unexpectedly letting them guard the Official Residence.

“What now?”

Mu Qing was anxious.

It is unrealistic to hide in Ancient Castle at this time.

Because once they disappear out of thin air, what might these guards think of?

“Don’t worry, there will be a way.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought, trying to calm himself.

“Don’t confuse yourself by not saying why.”

“I tell you, if you don’t make it clear today, you will all die!”

“Don’t try to escape, we have more than 2 Specter Snakes in our Official Residence.”

“Look at your feet!”

One of the guards sneered.

And more and more guards came around, now there are enough 30 several people.


Qin Feiyang two people stared blankly, and quickly looked down, his face was instantly white.

I saw Specter Snake in the grass under their feet.

They are only as long as chopsticks.

Densely packed.

Two people couldn’t help scalp.

“what happened?”

It is at this time.

A black clothed old man breaking the sky came and landed in front of a group of guards.

“Steward, you came just right, we caught 2 little hair thieves.”

“Yes, they sneaky into the Official Residence and don’t know what to do?”

A group of guards said.

“Little hair thief?”

Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, immediately made a plan.

Steward heard that it was stared blankly, looking at Qin Feiyang two people, said with a sneer: “You courage is not small, do you know where this is?”

“do not know.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.


Steward and a group of guards were stunned.

I don’t even know Qilin Army Commander’s Mansion unexpectedly, where did these two little hair thieves come from?


Steward coughed and said, “Listen to you, this is the Official Residence of Qilin Army Commander.”


Qin Feiyang complexion greatly changed, and his body trembled. He was afraid and desperate.

“Why? Cramps?”

Mu Qing looked at him suspiciously.

“Draw your uncle!”

“If you want to survive, do it with me.”

Qin Feiyang scolded.

What was this guy thinking in his head, and he didn’t see that he was posing?

Mu Qing raised his eyebrows without a trace, and lowered his head, revealing a look of horror.

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