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Qin Feiyang three people walked through the golden light curtain and appeared in a dim corridor.

The corridor extended to the opposite end.

2 sides, every ten meters, there is a stone gate.

Each stone gate is tightly closed and each has a number on it.

Hong long!

As Qin Feiyang looked at these stone gates, the pagoda gate behind them suddenly closed.


“Scared me.”

“When Old Ancestor asked your name just now, my heart almost popped out.”

Qilin Army Commander immediately pats his chest, turning one’s head and looking at Qin Feiyang, his face is full of embarrassment.


“He asked too unexpectedly.”

Old Yi nodded.

“One of you is a Battle Emperor and the other is False God. This scares you all, it’s so useless!”

Qin Feiyang looked scornfully at two people.

“We are useless?”

Two people looked at the same time, and could not help climbing a trace of anger.

“Since you’re so powerful, why are you looking terrified?”

Qilin Army Commander.

“Did you see it? I just pretended it.”

Qin Feiyang sneered.


Qilin Army Commander looked confused.

“If I act too calm, it’s really suspicious.”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him slightly, then glanced at the stone gate on the 2nd side of the corridor.


Qilin Army Commander and Old Yi simultaneously looked, and there was a faint dread in their eyes.

The person just now, but the 9-Star Battle Emperor of geneuine, if you want to replace it with another youngster, you will definitely have no God.

But this child can be so calm.

This calm temperament is really scary!


Two people sensed another cold current.

The temperature here plummeted, as if entering the cold winter moon.

two people looked towards Qin Feiyang again.

Found that Qin Feiyang’s expression changed.

With a hint of murderous intention in the cold, like a pair of sharp eagle eyes.

And the cold current that appeared was also within the body from Qin Feiyang.

“Which prison room is my mother in?”

Qin Feiyang asked, and his voice seemed cold and bitter.

“The last prison room.”

Take Qilin Army Commander, take Qin Feiyang to the end of the corridor and stop in front of the stone gate on the left.

“Quick open!”

Qin Feiyang said hurriedly, staring at the stone gate sternly.

“You need to be mentally prepared.”

Qilin Army Commander hesitantly said.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Qilin Army Commander held the golden token in his hand and faced the stone gate of the prison room.


A golden divine light immediately shot out into the stone gate.

Hong long!

The stone gate opens slowly now.

A terrible and devastating wave also surged out of the door.

Ka-cha !


One after another thunder, coming from behind the stone gate, was deafening.

Through the door gap, Qin Feiyang can clearly see that there is a sea of ​​purple under the sea.

Before the stone gate opened, Qin Feiyang couldn’t wait to rush in.

The whole picture of the prison room was immediately in his sight.

The prison room can have hunted zhang left and right, nothing, only purple Thunder Tribulation.

The one after another lightning flooded every corner of the prison room, exuding aura like a world extinguishing.

“Those Thunder Tribulations can kill even 1-Star Battle Emperor. You just run in like this, don’t you die?”

At the same time!

Watching Qin Feiyang break into the prison room like this, Old Yi is also complexion greatly changed, rushed in, and angered.

As he spoke, a wave of his old big hand, a Divine Force Array quickly condensed out, protecting Qin Feiyang.

Hong long long !


That one after another Thunder Tribulation, fiercely split on Array, making a deafening noise.


Qin Feiyang didn’t seem to hear the scolding of Old Yi.

His gaze was fixed on the center of the prison room.

There, impressively sat a white clothed married woman.

Looking at the white clothed married woman, a mist of water emerged from Qin Feiyang’s eyes, which blurred his vision.

Isn’t that his mother?

He clearly remembered.

When I saw mother last time, although mother had taken off the phoenix crown, shed the phoenix robe, and lost the nobleness and elegance of the past, the spirit looked very good.

But now, her very old white dress had become shabby.

That one’s black and beautiful hair is like straw at the moment, withered and messy.

And the original look that looks like a young woman is even more wrinkled.

Appearance is old and dim.

The whole person looks worse than a woman who is 4 5 10 years old.

Qin Feiyang is torn with grief.

It’s only been a few years, and mother unexpectedly became like this?

He can imagine how much pain mother has experienced here in the years he left Imperial Capital!


For the arrival of Qin Feiyang, the white clothed married woman did not seem to be found, and there were no eyes opened at all.

That one after another Thunder Tribulation, continuously chopped on her, destroying her body and torturing her spirit.

“oh! ”

Qilin Army Commander also walked into the prison room, stood inside the Divine Force Array, looked at the white clothed married woman, and finally sighed deeply, bowed and said, “I have seen Empress.”

But the white clothed married woman still had no eyes opened, as if she didn’t hear it, her face didn’t change at all.

“Mother, it’s me!”

Qin Feiyang stepped forward, Lightly said.

“Tian’er !”

White clothed married woman body trembling, finally opened her eyes.

But Qin Feiyang is easy now.

Looking at this strange face, the mood of the white clothed married woman quickly stabilized, and expression showed a hint of indifference.

“Mother, it’s really me.”

Qin Feiyang quickly took out a Restoring Appearance Pill, shoved it into his mouth, and restored the true appearance in a blink of an eye.

“Tian’er !”

The indifference in the eyes of the white clothed married woman melted instantly, and two drops of clear tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

Looking at the tears in the corner of mother’s eyes, Qin Feiyang’s heart broke down.

He rushed over, kneeling in front of mother, and raised his hand as a slap fan on his face, blame himself: “mother, child is useless, let you suffer here …”

The white clothed married woman quickly grabbed Qin Feiyang’s wrist and shook her head: “Tian’er, don’t blame yourself, it’s not that you blame …”

“Blame me.”

“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have been trapped here, suffering from this Thunder Tribulation …”

Qin Feiyang felt guilty and wished that one had died in front of mother in return for his death.

“Stupid child, as long as you can live well, it is the greatest comfort to mother.”

white clothed married woman reached out and touched Qin Feiyang’s face, her eyes full of love.

The slightly old-fashioned look is more like a recovery of youth and a brighter look.

Those dim eyes finally showed color.


Qin Feiyang looked at the white clothed married woman, bleeding in her heart.


He turning one’s head looked towards Qilin Army Commander, and shouted, “Not ready to take these Thunder Tribulations to me!”


white clothed married woman stared blankly, looking up towards Qilin Army Commander, with a hint of doubt.

Qin Feiyang saw mother’s doubts, said with a smile: “mother, he is now under my control.”


white clothed married woman surprised.

“Child at Forgotten Continent, mastered a secret art that can enslave others.”

“Now as long as I think about it, he can erase his soul, so you don’t have to worry about mother.”

Qin Feiyang.

“And this secret art?”

white clothed married woman shocked.

“For details, wait until we leave Divine Prison and child will explain to you slowly.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile, turning one’s head looked towards Qilin Army Commander again, angrily: “Did you not hear what I said?”

“Not that I didn’t hear it, but I couldn’t do it at all.”

“Those Thunder Tribulations, they have to be the 2 Old Ancestor outside to remove them.”

Qilin Army Commander is not.

Old Yi glanced at Qilin Army Commander, with a big flick of his hand, Divine Force Array immediately became larger, and white clothed married woman was included in it.

“Yi! ”

white clothed married woman looked at Old Yi in surprise.

“Thank you.”

Qin Feiyang looked towards Old Yi, thanked him gratefully, and then looked at Qilin Army Commander, Bing coldly said: “Then you bring me Lu Xingchen, Old Master and Zhu Yue.”


Qilin Army Commander nodded, turned and left Divine Force Array, and walked outside.

Although Thunder Tribulation here is terrifying, after a short while, Qilin Army Commander can still do it.

The white clothed married woman looked at Old Yi and asked, “Tian’er, is this?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “He is from the Forgotten Continent. This time I can come back and dive into Divine Prison, thanks to his help.”

The white clothed married woman was suddenly nodded, then stood up with the help of Qin Feiyang, and paid a tribute to Old Yi, saying, “Thanks Thanks to Tian’er for his care.”

Although Old Yi controls the cultivation base at 1-Star Battle Saint, this Divine Force Array exposes his true cultivation base.

“Thank him?”

Qin Feiyang’s face rose with disappointment, and said, “mother, he and I just use each other’s relationship and don’t need to thank him.”

“Tian’er, you can’t be so rude.”

“Even if they use each other, he should help you now, you should say thank you.”

white clothed married woman.

Qin Feiyang is feeling wronged.

Over the years, the Mu Family has not harmed him, especially the Mu Family Great Ancestor and Second Ancestor, who have repeatedly wanted to kill him.

But didn’t expect, mother now scolded him instead?

of course.

He also knew that mother didn’t know these situations, but he was a little uncomfortable.

Old Yi glanced at Qin Feiyang, and couldn’t help but laugh, then looked towards white clothed married woman, said with a smile: “Madam is polite, as Little Brother Qin Feiyang said, we really use each other, but if he can If you are as general as Madam, then there must not be so many contradictions between us. “

“Are you kicking nose yet?”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, glaring at Old Yi.

Old Yi grinned, and then fell silent again.

Qin Feiyang stared at him, turning one’s head at mother, and frowns saying, “All these years, father … hasn’t he seen you?”


white clothed married woman shook her head, expression a bit lost.

“This ruthless meaningless scoundrel, sooner or later, I want him to pay!”

Qin Feiyang burned in anger.

No matter what happens, it ’s also a husband and wife. What can we take a look at?

“You can’t say that, after all, he’s your father.”

white clothed married woman sighed.

“He’s so ruthless, do you still speak for him?”

“A man like him is not worthy of being my father!”

“I don’t want to climb him now.”

Qin Feiyang snorted from nose, his eyes full of disdain.

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