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The mood of Pill Palace Three Great Giants, Qin Feiyang does not know now.


He has also left the border and is on his way back to Black Bear City.

Retreat for a month.

The Fourth stroke of Return Character Art has been successfully transcribed.

At the same time also entered the 5-Star Martial Master.

As for Ling Yunfei, although it failed to break through to the 6-Star Martial Master, it is not far behind.

But when he saw Qin Feiyang’s cultivation method, his inner shock was beyond words.

摹 Write a stroke, unexpectedly can increase the cultivation base?

It’s a strange talk in the world!

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t believe it.

In short, now in his eyes, Qin Feiyang is an out-of-the-box monster, no matter what strange things happen, it is not strange.

two people along the river, fast as lightning.

The Vicious Beast and Water Beast that I met were not very powerful, and they were swiftly resolved.

After half an hour.

They came where they were ambushed that night.


Bang bang bang!

As I was about to cross the river, a Wolf howl suddenly sounded in the jungle behind me.


There is also the sound of fighting!

Qin Feiyang was stiff, suddenly turning one’s head looked towards the jungle.

How could there be Wolf howl?

Could it be Wolf King?

Ling Yunfei also turned to look at that side, frowns saying: “I remember, snake hole seems to be over there, right?”

“Let’s go and see!”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, he launched the Gathering Smoke Step and stormed away.

“Haha, bastard, see how you escape today!”

“When I catch you, Qin Feiyang will definitely come to your rescue. At that time we will set a trap and solve you in the one fell swoop!”

Not a moment.

Two loud laughter came from deep in the jungle.

The sound of fighting also came to an abrupt end.

Suffice it to say that the battle is over.

But when Qin Feiyang heard these words, his body immediately shuddered.

It really is Wolf King!

And listening to this word, it is in a bad situation now!

“No matter who you are, die today!”

In his eyes, there was a sharp murderous intention!

Even Ling Yunfei next to it could clearly feel it.

In front.

300 metres away.

Wolf King lay on the ground, covered with bruises, blood dripping!

This is not all.

Its 4 legs were also interrupted!

Lie on a pool of blood, unable to move.

But its eyes were staring at the front, full of fierce expression!

There are 2 Chinese clothes where you look.

One of them is Mu Fei!

Two people looked at Wolf King and laughed.

The other man’s hand was screwed with a thick wooden stick, and the stick was covered with blood.


Wolf King’s 4 legs were interrupted by this man with this stick!

Mu Fei picked up a branch with a thick thumb, and stunned Wolf King. Seeing that he was motionless, immediately raised his thumb and complimented, “Big brother, you are really amazing. Effectively get rid of this badard.”

Mu Yang raised his head and proudly said, “You are not a nonsense? You big brother, I am also a 6-Star Martial Master, plus Martial Skill, is it not easy to deal with a wolf cub?”

“Yes yes yes, depending on your brother’s ability, let alone the bastard, even if Qin Feiyang sees you, he must have scared his pants on the spot.”

Mu Fei is nodded again and again.

Mu Yang said with a smile: “This big brother loves to hear, our two brothers have good luck today. It is difficult to come out, but they met it. When they take it back, father will be very happy.

“This is of course.”

“But we can’t give this bastard to the owner.”

“Because he will preempt our contribution.”

“We give it directly to Sir Lin Liang. In this way, even if our Mu Family and Yan City Lin Family climb up the relationship, then a meteoric rise will be just around the corner!”

Mu Fei said.

“It makes sense.”

Mu Yang nodded, patted Mu Fei’s head, said with a smile: “didn’t expect you brat’s head melon, it works!”

Mu Fei squinted his head and laughed.


Eyes cold!

He looked towards Wolf King, and said, “Large brother, last time I had a big loss in Qin Feiyang and this bastard. Could you teach me it first?”

Mu Yang said, “It’s up to you, as long as you don’t die.”

Mu Fei is overjoyed.


He lifted the branch in his hand and slammed it on Wolf King’s body.

“Wolf pup, didn’t you drag last time?”

“Do n’t say Bliss Flower, and ransacked all Gold Coins on me.”

“Stand up now and meet this Young Master great battle 300. Come on, what are you doing there?”

“Come on, you damn bastard!”

He scolded.

Wolf King frantically whipping!

This scene was just seen by Qin Feiyang.

Immediately !

He is so angry, murderous aura soaring heaven!

Without words, True Qi surges in the palm and kills two people!

“Jiang Haotian!”

“Ling Yunfei!”

Hear the movement.

Mu Fei and Mu Yang turned around and suddenly changed colors.

Did n’t you say that two people have been killed?

Why does it suddenly appear here now?


Mu Fei hurriedly threw the tree branch and hid behind Mu Yang.

“Even if he isn’t dead, he’s just a 4-Star Martial Master. What is there to fear?”

Mu Yang stared at Mu Fei, stabilized himself, turned and looked towards Qin Feiyang two people, said with a sneer: “Unexpectedly can escape from the hands of Sawtooth Crocodile King, I have to say, you are really dead!”

Qin Feiyang turned a deaf ear, and his face was so cold!

See you.

In Mu Yang’s eyes, a strong murderous intention also emerged!

Since it’s not dead, then it’s simply here to completely solve these two people!

“Savage Ox Fist!”

He threw away the stick in his hand and greeted Qin Feiyang one step closer. As he approached, True Qi sprayed thinly and one fist blasted away!

“Wind-Thunder Palm!”

Qin Feiyang yelled, his arm burst out, and one fist shot at Mu Yang’s fist.


For the first time, two people went backwards.

“6-Star Martial Master!”

Qin Feiyang pupil shrinks.

This person is performing only High Class Martial Skill, Savage Ox Fist.

The Wind-Thunder Palm he exhibited is a Perfection Martial Skill, plus his own 5-Star Martial Master’s cultivation base, which was just that fist, and has a full power of 9 savage elephants.

But this person was able to draw a tie with him, which shows that this person is 6-Star Martial Master!

But compared to Qin Feiyang, Mu Yang was even more surprised.

After stabilizing his body, he stared at Qin Feiyang, said solemnly: “What is your cultivation base?”

“As long as you know, enough to kill you!”

Qin Feiyang coldly said with a smile, murderous aura.


He stepped out and the ground was moving.

When the next step is taken, his speed will suddenly skyrocket!

——Gathering Smoke Step!

He is now four times faster than before.

Even though Mu Yang’s strength and his equals, he also has the confidence to kill each other!

“Fast speed!”

“Mu Fei, take that wolf, quick go!”

Mu Yang complexion greatly changed, and loudly roared Mu Fei, and then blasted towards Qin Feiyang with full power.


Mu Fei shivered and turned towards Wolf King.

Qin Feiyang shouted: “Ling Yunfei, stop him!”


Ling Yunfei looked at Wolf King and Qin Feiyang in suspicion if he didn’t hear it.

Caring about that wolf so much?

Should Jiang Haotian be Qin Feiyang?


Qin Feiyang cursed and shouted, “White-Eyed Wolf, please stand up for me soon!

While roaring!

He pedaled the Gathering Smoke Step, avoiding Mu Yang ’s full power, took out Azure Snow lightningly, plunged back into Mu Yang ’s right leg, and blood immediately stormed out!


Mu Yang knelt on the ground on the spot, screaming, tearing his heart.

The same moment.

Mu Fei reached for a take action and grabbed at Wolf King’s tail.

“It hurts, it hurts, what is it?”

“Can’t let Little Qinzi look down on!”

Wolf King angry roar in his heart, suddenly got up.

4 Where the limb is broken, the bone spurs tear flesh instantly, pierce the fur, and show up!

Blood arrogant!

It hurt so much that it almost choked and almost fainted.


It didn’t fall!

No more screaming!

It turned sharply and flew towards Mu Fei, snapping Mu Fei’s throat in one go.

peng ~ peng ~!

Then one man one wolf rolled on the ground.

Mu Fei lost his life on the spot and couldn’t help his eyes.

Wolf King’s consciousness is also being swallowed by darkness.

See you.

Qin Feiyang pulled out Azure Snow and hurried toward Wolf King.

Mu Yang took the opportunity and fled to Black Bear City without looking back.

Ling Yunfei next to him remained indifferent.

Looking at one man one wolf, my face is incredible!

When Qin Feiyang came to Wolf King, he took out a lot of Healing Pill and Bone Replenishing Pill, and stuffed his brain into Wolf King’s mouth.

“White-Eyed Wolf, you don’t need to do anything …”

He was anxious, looking at Wolf King who was breathing, his eyes were filled with mist and blurred his vision.

“Rest assured, you, Brother Wolf, I am so blessed that I will not die …”

Wolf King grinned and passed out on the spot, unconscious.

Qin Feiyang was frightened, hurriedly took his finger and placed it in front of Wolf King’s nostrils.

Have a breath!

He still doesn’t trust.

Hands lightly rested on Wolf King’s lower abdomen.

Have a heartbeat!


At this time.

Qin Feiyang just exhaled.

With a big wave, he took Wolf King into Ancient Castle, got up and glanced at Ling Yunfei, walked to the stick, bent down and grabbed, and chased Mu Yang.

Mu Yang’s thigh was stabbed and limped, not even half speed as usual.

and so.

Before ten breaths, Qin Feiyang catches up.

“Bastard, dare to bully White-Eyed Wolf, I, your father has ruined you!”

His angry roar was just a swipe away.

Ka-cha !

Mu Yang’s left leg was interrupted by a stick on the spot, one planted on the ground and took a bite of mud.

“What do you do with Wolf King, how do I treat you now!”

“No, I’ll double it!”

Qin Feiyang stepped up, covered with hostility, and was a hit, interrupting Mu Yang’s other leg.


Mu Yang screamed endlessly.

It hurts so much that his facial features have been distorted!

“Do you know the pain now?”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang’s arm, the stick fell and interrupted Mu Yang’s left hand.

“just kill me!”

Mu Yang screamed in horror.

“Kill you? How could it be so easy? I want you to taste better die than living!”

Qin Feiyang seething in anger.

The thought of Wolf King’s misery made him want to break the sky!

Ka-cha !

A stick fell, Mu Yang’s right hand was also interrupted.


Mu Yang is completely desperate.

This person is a demon right now, and it is absolutely impossible to let him go.

Qin Feiyang squatted on the ground, grinned, exposed his white teeth, and asked with a smile: “Where to fight next? Can you give me a suggestion?”

Looking at Qin Feiyang’s expression, Mu Yang could not help but feel cold as a whole body, his face ashamed.

That is the smile of the devil!

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