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“Crushing …”

Qin Feiyang is very satisfied with this.

From now on, this Divine Dragon Art is undoubtedly another big killing move for him.

“Really strong!”


Golden Thunder Panther was also shocked by Qin Feiyang’s methods.

It also didn’t understand it until now. Before Qin Feiyang played against it, simply did not use full power.

This person is really deeply hidden!

Will he still hide other means?

Golden Thunder Panther couldn’t help but doubt it.

If Qin Feiyang at first uses these killing moves, I’m afraid it has already been defeated.

“I dignified King, how can I defeat you!”

For a moment, Wu Shan, suddenly angry roar, burst into an imposing manner stronger than before.


Followed by.

With a loud roar, one Qilin rushed out from behind Wu Shan.

That’s not really Qilin, it’s Wu Shan’s Battle Soul!

It’s not Fire Qilin, it’s Black Qilin.

The whole body burns a pitch-black flame, just like a Demon Flame, filled with a dark air.

But even so, it’s amazing enough.

Because Black Qilin, like Fire Qilin, belongs to the Divine Beast level.

And in Divine Beast, Black Qilin’s status can be comparable to the Golden Dragon.

“You are just an ant, and you dare to challenge my prestige and die for me!”

“Innate Divine Ability, Roaring at the Vast Sky!”

Wu Shan went crazy like crazy.

As soon as the voice came down, Black Qilin roared towards Qin Feiyang at high altitude.


An invisible sound wave emerged, like a torrent of torrents, rushing towards Qin Feiyang!

Hong long!


The already-broken earth cracked wildly again, and abyss spread out.

For a time.

The plains subsided, four rifts arose, and dust storms swept through the sky. The end was amazing!


Under the impact of that sound wave, Qin Feiyang’s ears were also spitting with blood, and his head was rattling.

“Damn, why is one better than the other?”

Golden Thunder Panther was so angry that he dragged his seriously injured body and fled frantically.

Sonic too terrifying, crushing the earth.

Even the mountain range outside the plain was devastated.

The towering trees stand up and fly all over the sky.

The mountains collapsed into pieces, and countless Vicious Beasts were hit, and they died on the spot!

“jié jié ……”

“You know how good I am!”

“Today, you will die!”

“No, I won’t kill you, I will abolish you, and then refining you into a medicinal pill, making you internally unable to reincarnate!”

Wu Shan laughed again and again.

“Refining into medical pill?”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised.

How could Wu Shan say such a thing?

Could it be that……

Qin Feiyang suddenly thought of Blood Fiend Pill!

Because only the Blood Fiend Pill requires the flesh of the major figure.

“I understand.”

“Why the blood-reeking qi on him makes me feel disgusted, familiar, and disgusted …”

“It’s because of this Blood Fiend Pill!”

Qin Feiyang suddenly looked up towards Wu Shan, with a strong murderous intention flashing in his eyes.

Purple Gold Dragon Qi is from his within the body crazy wild rushing forth, but in a flash, a Purple Gold Divine Dragon is born!

The body size is hundred zhang or so, whole body is covered with dragon scales, rays of light ten thousand zhang.

Although it is a collection of Battle Qi, its appearance and appearance are exactly the same as the true Purple Gold Divine Dragon.

“People like you can hardly dispel hatred, even if they are dead!”

“Is it a sonic attack?”

“You are still far away!”

“Divine Dragon Art 2nd-Style, Divine Dragon Roar!”

Qin Feiyang was angry.

The Purple Gold Divine Dragon turned in a volley, sending a loud dragon roar to Wu Shan and Black Qilin.



A sound wave was born, which instantly shattered the sound wave emitted by Black Qilin. It can be described as Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood!


Wu Shan was horrified.

This formidable power of a dragon roar is unexpectedly more terrifying than Black Qilin’s Innate Divine Ability?

Is it a dream?

To know.

This is Innate Divine Ability!

Battle Soul’s Innate Divine Ability is basically better than Battle Art.

Individually powerful Battle Soul, Innate Divine Ability is even stronger than Perfection Battle Art.

And his Black Qilin’s Innate Divine Ability belongs to this level.

Therefore, even if this ‘Divine Dragon Art 2nd-Style Divine Dragon Roar’ is Perfection Battle Art, it is impossible to defeat Black Qilin’s Innate Divine Ability!

Wu Shan couldn’t figure it out.

Why is Qin Feiyang’s approach so strange?

Qin Feiyang Bing coldly said: “Fight with me, being distracted will be fatal!”

Wu Shan was shivered and suddenly returned to his heart, and felt a deadly crisis right now.

The sound of the roar of Purple Gold Divine Dragon has rushed to him, and it is too late to hide now!



The sound wave shrouded, Wu Shan screamed in pain on the spot, his body flesh was blurred, and blood splattered.

That Black Qilin was also a wailing, directly smashed by sound waves!


Golden Thunder Panther in flight, seeing this scene back, immediately could not help but secretly murmur.

The fear of Qin Feiyang deepened a bit.

“No, it must not fall into his hands, or there must be no good fruit.”

It’s in the dark mumbled, it spreads fast, and heads away to the distant place.

“Want to run now?”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow and thought, and Two Winged Snow Eagle appeared out of thin air and said, “I want to live.”

“Small meaning.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle laughed, light wings emerged, turned into a bright streamer, chased towards Golden Thunder Panther.

That light wing is the Battle Soul of Two Winged Snow Eagle, which is comparable to Perfection auxiliary Battle Art.

And although the speed of Golden Thunder Panther is comparable to Perfection auxiliary battle art, it can’t play to the extreme because of serious injuries.

So now the speed of Two Winged Snow Eagle will be one level faster than it.

“What do you want?”

“And help?”


Seeing the appearance of Two Winged Snow Eagle, the Golden Thunder Panther eyeball glared and fled even harder.

“Look that you’ve run so hard, should this Sovereign give you a pair of wings?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle was approaching, and his eyes were full of fun.

“hmph! ”

“What is unbridled?”

“Is there a way you wait for this Sovereign injury to be better, and then compare the speed?”

Golden Thunder Panther coldly snorted, trembling to the extreme.

It can be seen at a glance that Two Winged Snow Eagle is a 2-Star Battle Saint. If it is not injured, at the speed of Two Winged Snow Eagle, simply only eat ash.

Two Winged Snow Eagle stared blankly, teasingly: “Why don’t you say wait for you to break through to the Battle Emperor and compare? I don’t know if there is a saying to kill you while you are sick? It’s stupid and cute.”

“Fuck, you’re stupid, not just you, your family is stupid!”

Golden Thunder Panther scolded again and again.

“Fuck, let’s talk about it!”

Two Winged Snow Eagle furious.

“What about that, bit this Sovereign?”

Golden Thunder Panther not to be outdone, looked back defiantly at Two Winged Snow Eagle.

Looking at the two beasts chasing one after another, Qin Feiyang could not help but feel physically and mentally weak.

This was supposed to be a wonderful chase, but now these two guys are forcibly turned into a shrew and scolded by the streets, all top grade!

Follow closely.

He looked cold and looked up towards Wu Shan.

I saw that Wu Shan was falling from a high altitude. Not only was his body scarred, but his life fluctuation was almost invisible.


With a loud noise, Wu Shan fell to the ground and smashed into a large pit.

The only remaining life fluctuation disappeared immediately.

“Is this dead?”

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched, wasn’t it too easy?

But think about it and feel relieved.

2nd-Style Divine Dragon Roar is also Divine Art, and it is not uncommon to spike Wu Shan.

He walked up, grabbed Wu Shan’s heaven and earth bag, and looked down carefully.

“found it.”

After a while.

He glanced up.

Several medical pill snatched the heaven and earth bag and hovered in front of him.

These medical pill whole bodies are blood red, and they have 2 Pill Marks, exuding a strong blood-reeking qi.

It’s Blood Fiend Pill!

“Didn’t expect this Land of Forgetfullness, unexpectedly also someone refining Blood Fiend Pill.”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang’s hand, several Blood Fiend Pills smashed in response, then crushed the heaven and earth bag and glanced at Wu Shan’s body.

For this kind of person, he is disgusted from the bottom of his heart, and chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades can’t be overstated.


Two Winged Snow Eagle is also screwing Golden Thunder Panther back.

Although Golden Thunder Panther has become a prisoner, but with a bad character, he is still scolding with Two Winged Snow Eagle.


After flying over, Two Winged Snow Eagle threw Golden Thunder Panther at the feet of Qin Feiyang.

Then Two Winged Snow Eagle became slap big, fell on Qin Feiyang’s shoulder, and harboring evil designs looked at Golden Thunder Panther.

“We’re gambling first.”

“Now you run away, what’s going on?”

Qin Feiyang looked at it, frowns saying.

“Huh, speak less nonsense.”

“Today this Sovereign bad luck is planted in your hands, to kill or to scrape, casually.”

Golden Thunder Panther stared at Two Winged Snow Eagle, watching Qin Feiyang coldly snorted and said.

“It’s pretty strong!”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, and said to Two Winged Snow Eagle: “It has abolished its cultivation base.”


Two Winged Snow Eagles waved their claws, a Battle Qi swept in, and sank into the Golden Thunder Panther within the body.


Golden Thunder Panther made a painful miserable howl, angry staring at one person and one eagle, roaring: “You can kill without shame, don’t bully intolerably!”

“Just bully you, howling?”

Two Winged Snow Eagle sneered.

Golden Thunder Panther immediately became mad and roared: “scoundrel, there is a kind of us fighting a duel!”

“Fighting a duel?”

“just to my liking.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle smirked again and again, rushing to face Golden Thunder Panther was a fat meal.

“Bastard, it’s not fair …”

Golden Thunder Panther growled, his lungs were about to explode.

Two Winged Snow Eagle slapped a paw on its mouth, immediately flesh blurred, then dismissed: “Just you scum still want fairness? Ridiculous.”

Golden Thunder Panther has no temper.

Because it’s finally seen, this Two Winged Snow Eagle is not a good bird.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed.

This Golden Thunder Panther is quite fun.

both of his hands quickly condensing a seal, a Slave Seal appeared quickly, and then ran into the top of the head of Golden Thunder Panther in a lightning flash.

After a scream, Golden Thunder Panther screamed, “What have you done to this Sovereign?”

“Brat, you’re lucky. This is the Slave Seal.”

“If you dare to mess up in the future, as long as Qin Feiyang is thinking, no matter where you hide, you can directly erase your soul.”

“And Qin Feiyang can look into your heart.”

Two Winged Snow Eagle taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.


Golden Thunder Panther is stunned.

Can this be called good luck? It’s just bad luck.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Don’t be nervous, as long as you obey me, I won’t hurt you.”

“What do you want this Sovereign?”

Golden Thunder Panther looked at him suspiciously.

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