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If I can’t think of a half day, I can’t think of a reason, so Qin Feiyang puts down this question for the time being and calmly comprehend Concealment Art.

time flies.

In the evening 3 days later, Qin Feiyang eyes opened, and a vague aura permeated the body.

Next moment.

He disappeared on the terrace.

And even aura disappeared, as if it had never appeared here.

In fact, the others were still on the terrace, but they just opened the Concealment Art, and others couldn’t see it.



A silhouette descended on the island from the sky, it was Young Master Hao.

These 3 days.

He goes to Dragon and Phoenix Building on time every morning and returns on time in the evening.

I saw Qin Feiyang retreating on the terrace, and I haven’t disturbed Qin Feiyang in 3 days.

But at the moment.

Seeing that there was no one on the terrace, and there was no candlelight in the attic, Young Master Hao could not help climbing a little doubt.

Where did this guy go?

He dived and landed in the courtyard of Qin Feiyang, loudly said: “Old Brother Mu, are you there?”

No one answered.

In fact, Qin Feiyang is standing in front of Young Master Hao and waving his hand to Young Master Hao’s eyes.

But Young Master Hao didn’t notice it.


“This scoundrel is too impassioned to go chic and not call me.”

After waiting for half a day and without Qin Feiyang’s response, Young Master Hao thought Qin Feiyang was out, and foul-mouthed mumbled, he returned to his own courtyard.

After Young Master Hao entered the attic, Qin Feiyang’s silhouette emerged out of thin air.

“It’s amazing!”

He looked at himself, his eyes full of surprise.


He seemed to be thinking, looking up towards Wang You’er’s courtyard.

Because it was not too far away, he could clearly see that there was a one strand of candlelight in the attic where Wang You’er was located.

“If you don’t give it to me, I’ll take it myself.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, opened Concealment Art again, and walked into Wang You’er’s courtyard grandly.

In the hospital.

a hundred flowers blooming.

The rich floral fragrance permeates every corner of the courtyard.

Qin Feiyang stood among the flowerbeds and looked at the attic.

The doors and windows were tightly closed, and the candlelight came through a window on the left side of the first floor.

Can clearly capture the sound of water coming from inside.

“How come in?”

Qin Feiyang hesitated.

Although Concealment Art can be invisible, if you open the windows and door, it will definitely make a noise.


He glanced up.

A window on the second floor did not close and was partially hidden.


He rose into the air and slipped in lightly.

“here is……”

When entering the room, Qin Feiyang became stiff.

The room is small but warmly furnished with a bed next to it and light pink bedding.

There is also a dressing table next to the bed.

In addition to various decorations, there are a bunch of dresses and even a pair of underwear!


This is Wang You’er’s lady’s chambers.

“See no evil.”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly looked away.

But just as he was about to leave the room, he looked again towards the dresser.

Because under that lingerie, he found a delicate heaven and earth bag.

He has seen this heaven and earth bag, which is the heaven and earth bag that Wang You’er usually uses.

“There are dresses and lingerie here, as well as heaven and earth bag …”

“Did she underneath bathe?”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, eyes glowing.

This is a good opportunity!

of course.

This so-called good opportunity is not to peep at Wang You’er to take a bath, but to take the opportunity to retake the tenth part of Soul Refinement Art.

He walked to the dresser, grabbed the heaven and earth bag, and started searching.


After looking for a moment, he could not help but frowned.

In heaven and earth bag, there are a lot of medicinal ingredients, medicinal pill, and even Sacred Artifact, but jade slip is not found.

“No, no!”

Qin Feiyang murmured to himself.

Da da!


A footstep sounded downstairs.

He quickly put the heaven and earth bag back to the original position, and converged aura to the extreme, standing quietly aside.

After all, this Wang You’er is a 9-Star Battle Saint, and even a little carelessness may be noticed by her.

Not a moment.

A lithe and graceful silhouette entered the room.

Qin Feiyang immediately turned his head and looked towards elsewhere.

Come here is Wang You’er.

But now Wang You’er is a major figure.

Nothing was worn on his body, only a white towel was wrapped.

Two long legs, and the majestic twin peaks, half exposed.

That jade-like skin, that wet long hair, that lazy appearance, touching eyes, everywhere exudes a fatal temptation.

“What a hell.”

Qin Feiyang scolded.

Since meeting this woman, I have always encountered this situation. Fortunately, he has a strong determination, otherwise it would have been nose-bleed.

After entering the room, Wang You’er glanced at the clothes on the dresser and heaven and earth bag. Nothing unusual was found. Then he walked to the storage closet and found a clean towel and wiped his wet hair.

In that closet, in addition to various long skirts, there was a piece of petite exquisite underwear.

“It’s too much.”

Qin Feiyang just glanced casually, and his heart became restless.

but now.

He didn’t dare to move.

Can only stand there, try not to look at it.

But it is not over yet.

After Wang You’er wiped off the water, he dropped Qin Feiyang’s face in front of him and took off his towel.


Qin Feiyang felt an irrepressible evil fire in his heart, and his mouth was dry.

The woman in front of him was standing in front of him at a glance.

That small waist with a grip, that tender skin …

When did he see such a picture?

The most tortured person was that Wang You’er wasn’t in a hurry to get dressed yet, and swept around in the storage closet. I didn’t seem to know which one to wear?

“I shouldn’t break in at this time.”

Qin Feiyang was very upset.

If you are discovered by Wang You’er, I am afraid he will not only gain a reputation of peeping tom, but also be fully retaliated by Wang You’er.

Probably a few ten breaths in the past.

The torment is finally over.

Wang You’er found a long azure dress and wore it on the body, which added a little more elegant elegance to everyone.

“Every color of clothes can wear a completely different taste, this woman is really a natural stunner.”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

Then Wang You’er sat next to the bed and lowered his head, not say a word.


With a wave of her hand, a stream of light, leaping from her within the body, it was a jade slip, hovering in front of Wang You’er.

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched.

No wonder it was found that Wang You’er was in Qi Sea.

Also didn’t expect this woman unexpectedly so cautious.

But the magic is one foot high.

This great opportunity is now in front of him.

He walked up silently, grabbed jade slip, and put it into heaven and earth bag.



Wang You’er expression stared blankly, immediately straightened, glanced at void in suspicion.

what happened?

What about jade slip?

Could someone?

She quickly swept across the room.

But in the end, as if he’s gone, a look of panic creeped up.

Because in the room, she didn’t find anyone, not even a little other aura.


“How can there be ghosts in this world?”

“Even if there is a ghost, it is impossible to steal this jade slip.”

“It must be someone in the dark!”


She suddenly got up, her face full of angry look, swept out of the window like lightning, closed her eyes, and sensed carefully.

But on the island, except for the aura of Young Master Hao, the aura of the three people was never found.


“Get me out!”

She was extremely angry, she could not help but suddenly shouted, resounded in all directions, her eyes were even colder.

“What’s wrong, elder sister?”

Young Master Hao hurried out and looked at Wang You’er in horror.

Wang You’er said solemnly: “Someone stole the tenth part of Soul Refinement Art in front of me.”


Young Master Hao was a little embarrassed.

How could it be possible to steal the tenth part of Soul Refinement Art in front of this female devil?

After returning back to his senses, Young Master Hao said with a smile: “elder sister, are you kidding me!”

“Do you think I am joking?”

Wang You’er bowed his head sharply, staring at Young Master Hao, expression extremely sharp.

Young Master Hao shivering in his heart, it really does not seem to be joking.


He flickered next to Wang You’er and asked, “What the hell is going on?”

“Just now, I took out jade slip and sat on the bed thinking about it, but suddenly, jade slip disappeared before my eyes.”

Wang You’er said.


Young Master Hao expression for a while.

It just disappears in front of you, which is too bizarre!


He glanced at the island in astonishment, and only a haunted situation could make sense of this situation.



Wang You’er looked towards Qin Feiyang’s courtyard, his eyes flickered.

Young Master Hao saw this, frowns saying: “elder sister, shouldn’t you suspect your fiance?”

“The one who knows Soul Refinement Art tenth part, except you, is him.”

“Isn’t he still who?”

Wang You’er gnashing teeth has targeted Qin Feiyang.

“It won’t be him.”

“Because when he came back, he was not there, it should be out.”

Young Master Hao.


Wang You’er eyebrow raised, “I watched him before I took a bath. At that time, he was obviously on the terrace. Why wasn’t he?”


Young Master Hao.

Wang You’er didn’t believe it, flew over the courtyard of Qin Feiyang, shouted: “Surname Mu, don’t pretend to be me, I know you’re inside, get out of me!

“Elder sister, he’s not there.”

“Will I lie to you?”

Young Master Hao looked at her helplessly.

Wang You’er turned a deaf ear and continued to shouted: “Aren’t you very difficult to deal with? How dare you act now, what kind of man are you like?”


There was a deathly stillness in the courtyard, not even a ghost shadow.


Wang You’er raised an eyebrow.

Isn’t this scoundrel, is who?

The island all around is guarded by Emperor Beast. If someone really sneaks into this place, it’s impossible to have nothing at all.

“Elder sister, this thing is too weird, we at once went to find the old man.”

Young Master Hao said solemnly.

The top secret sneaks in here, and under Wang You’er’s eyelids, steals the tenth part of Soul Refinement Art.

This is by no means average person.

Wang You’er nodded.

Two people opened a transmission gate and were about to walk in, but just then, at high altitude, Qin Feiyang appeared out of thin air.

“It’s getting dark, where are you going?”

looked towards Young Master Hao two people, Qin Feiyang asked suspiciously.

“Where have you been before?”

Young Master Hao frowns saying.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Going out and shopping, what’s wrong?”

“A ghost event just happened.”

Young Master Hao.

“Ghost incident?”

Hearing these words, Qin Feiyang couldn’t help but laugh, but he seemed to be surprised.

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