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Middle-aged man looks down at Long Aozi, it seems difficult to make a decision, and sighs: “Virtuous nephew, how hard are you, let alone, for your so filial piety, my uncle will help you one time.”

“Thank you Uncle Fu.”

Long Aozi is overjoyed.

Middle-aged man laughed, “Don’t kneel, get up!”

Long Aozi got up, returned to his seat, and asked, “Uncle, what can you do?”

“Let me think first.”

middle-aged man groaned.

Time is just one breath.


Middle-aged man radiance flashed in his eyes, and he got up and said: “You wait a minute first, I’ll come and go.”

He said he could not wait for Long Aozi’s response, and hurried out of the lounge.

He did not return until hunted breaths, holding a delicate and small jade box in his hands.

“With this thing, you are guaranteed to win instant success.”

The middle-aged man sat on a chair with a smile and then pushed the jade box in front of Long Aozi.

Long Aozi grabbed the jade box with doubts and opened the lid. At first, there was a little doubt in his eyes, but he was soon replaced by one strand radiance.


At the same time, inside the VIP lounge.

Qin Feiyang three people chat while chatting and waiting for the auction to start.


at last.

With the ringing of the bell, the auction began.

Apart from the VIP lounges, it is already overcrowded.

When the bell rang, the original noisy auction house immediately quieted down.


Followed by.

A white clothed married woman came out of nowhere on the platform in the middle of the auction house.

Looking around the audience, white clothed married woman said with a smile: “I believe most people are no strangers to me, so I don’t need to introduce myself and start the auction.”

Words fall!

A white clothed married woman waved, a small boat with a big slap, appeared in front of her out of thin air, treasure light was hazy, and aura was amazing!

“This ship, named Saint King Ship, is a Sacred Artifact that can isolate the waves from the sea and prevent the attack of Sacred Beast.”

“It can be said that as long as you have it, everyone in the ‘offshore’ can basically be unblocked …”

white clothed married woman introduces with a smile.

“Sacred Artifact!”

For a moment.

The entire auction house boiled.

Qin Feiyang was also surprised, turning one’s head looked towards Wang You’er, saying: “Even Sacred Artifact is auctioned, is this too great generosity?”


Wang You’er glanced at him.

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched, unexpectedly being despised by this woman.

Looking at the appearance of Qin Feiyang, Young Master Hao shook his head and said, “Old Brother Mu, this time the elder sister is not really targeting you intentionally.”

“How to say?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“Although Sacred Artifact is precious, Divine City’s Business Pavillion will auction one or two every few years.”

“So it’s not unusual for us, Divine City, to auction Sacred Artifact.”

Young Master Hao said with a smile.

“so that’s how it is.”

Qin Feiyang seems to be nodded.

But even this is amazing!

After all, this is Sacred Artifact, which is comparable to 9-Star Battle Saint, and it is impossible to measure its value with Gold Coin.

Seeing through Qin Feiyang’s idea, Young Master Hao lightly said with a smile: “Sacred Artifact cannot be measured with Gold Coin, and Business Pavillion did not expect these Sacred Artifacts to make money, and did not care about this money, it was purely A means of doing business. “

Qin Feiyang nodded.


With Business Pavillion’s wealth, it doesn’t matter if you give away a few Sacred Artifacts in vain.

Wang You’er suddenly said: “This ‘Saint King Ship’, we have to grab it.”

“With it, we get into Azure Sea and it will be a lot easier.”

“But the point is, who pays for this money?”

Young Master Hao looked at Wang You’er and Qin Feiyang.

“Look at me?”

Wang You’er raised an eyebrow.

Young Master Hao shrugged: “I have no money, of course it depends on you.”

Head Pagoda Lord son has no money?

If these words are circulated, they will definitely be laughed at, but this is a fact.

Because usually, apart from pocket money, he basically does not carry money with him.

And pocket money is obviously not enough to bid for this Saint King Ship.

“I do not have either.”

“Even if there is, I won’t come out.”

Wang You’er is not salty.


Young Master Hao was dissatisfied.

Everyone came out and practiced together. Anything that we must share together!

“In my capacity.”

“Without me, even if you get Saint King Ship, you will not be able to recover. Sacred Artifact, which is not recoverable, has no value at all.”

Wang You’er indifferently said.

Young Master Hao stared blankly. Immediately could not help but grow up, then looked towards Qin Feiyang, evilly smiled, “Brother, it seems that this thing still depends on you.”

As Alchemist’s Qin Feiyang, he can also refining a medicinal pill like Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill. If he has no money, he won’t believe it.

But Wang You’er didn’t know that Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill was Qin Feiyang refining.

Upon hearing the words of Young Master Hao, she immediately rolled her eyes and said, “As a bird like him, can you afford Sacred Artifact?”

“What kind of bird am I?”

“I tell you, don’t look down on people.”

Qin Feiyang’s face turned dark.

Wang You’er disdain: “Then you prove it to me!”


“But I have a condition.”

“If I finally buy this Saint King Ship, on the way, not only will you obey me, but you will also be my servant girl for 2 years.

Qin Feiyang.

“You are not small, unexpectedly also want me to be your servant girl, you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue!”

Wang You’er immediately glare incisors.

“Don’t dare?”

“It turns out that you are too.”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

“Who said I didn’t dare?”

“I bet on you, I’ll take a look, you have several points of ability!”

Wang You’er coldly snorted, he looked towards auction house and never spoke again.

Young Master Hao glanced at Wang You’er, thumbed up Qin Feiyang in the dark, and chuckled, “Brother, good means!”

He had no doubt about Qin Feiyang’s ability.

As long as Qin Feiyang wins, they can not only regain the right to speak, but they can also surrender to this Demoness.

That way, there will naturally be a lot of peace.

Can be described as kill two birds with one stone.

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled and asked, “I just heard that married woman talked about the open sea. Where is the open sea?”

“I don’t know, you are too inferior!”

Young Master Hao glanced at him silently, explaining: “The Azure Sea consists of two parts, the outer sea and the inner sea. Relatively speaking, the outer sea is relatively safe, and the inner sea is basically Sacred Beast.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

At this time.

The white clothed married woman standing on the high platform was finally introduced. Immediately also said: “The starting price is 10,000,000, and the price increase must not be less than 1,000,000. The ceiling is not capped. Now!”

“11 million.”

“12 million.”

“13 million !”


“30,000,000 !”

“50 Million !”

“90 million !”

“200000000 !”


The auction house immediately shouted loudly, and the hunted breaths broke through the 200000000 million mark before the price.

Everyone was fighting with blush and thick neck.

But Qin Feiyang has remained steady, just quietly watching those crazy bidders.

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