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“not dead?”


Young Master Hao and Wang You’er also looked at Qin Feiyang with incredible faces.

Follow closely.

Young Master Hao’s face climbed with ecstasy, hurriedly rushed to Qin Feiyang, looked up and down Qin Feiyang, and said, “Give me a slap and see if I’m dreaming.”


Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes, but his heart was warm.

But Wang You’er was not polite, and slap on the face of Young Master Hao.

“You really fight!”

Young Master Hao immediately covered her face and glared at Wang You’er, and the pain was contorts one’s face in agony.

“Knowing the pain, that’s not dreaming.”

Wang You’er said, then looked at Qin Feiyang, his eyes were full of surprise.

“Brother, how did you do that?”

Young Master Hao asked.

Qin Feiyang glanced at him without any explanation, and looked down at the mountain river below again, looking for the dark shadow.

it’s actually really easy.

The moment he entered the jungle, he hid in Ancient Castle, so the Battle Qi didn’t hit him at all.

But about Ancient Castle, you can’t tell Young Master Hao and Wang You’er.

“Who is who?”

Wang You’er is also looking for that shadow.

The shadow standing on the mountain finally returned back to his senses, and his eyes immediately revealed a strong murderous intention.

“Not dead, then I will kill you again!”

He mumbled, and was preparing to take action, but at this moment, an amazing Emperor’s might burst into the depths of the mountain range.


The dark shadow pumped down, immediately turned, and blended into the jungle in the night without looking back.


Qin Feiyang three people also looked towards the mountain range, and their eyes were full of suspicion.

This Emperor’s might be familiar to them, it is Shen Feiyun.

Isn’t Shen Feiyun dead?



They sensed that Shen Feiyun’s Emperor’s might skyrocketed.

“No way!”

“Not only did you die, but you broke through?”

three people looked at each other in blank dismay.


When Shen Feiyun reappeared in their sight, the imposing manner emanating from his body was stronger than before!

But his injuries were serious.

Not only was there an arm missing, the body was bloodied, like a blood man.

Wang You’er greeted, full of smiles said: “If you don’t die, you will have blessings, Big Brother Shen, congratulations!”

Shen Feiyun stopped at void, glanced at Wang You’er, and looked at Qin Feiyang and Young Master Hao again. Expression seemed lonely.

Wang You’er secretly sighed and comforted: “Big Brother Shen, if you die, you can’t be resurrected. Please also mourn.”

Shen Feiyun didn’t answer, looking up at the dark sky, the whole portrait looked a few 10 years old.

After a long time, he only looked back and said, “I believe you all know what I did in Divine City.”

Qin Feiyang three people nodded.

“In fact, I also understand that this is my fault. I can’t blame Head Pagoda Lord and Gongsun Bei, but I can’t handle this hurdle in my heart.”

“I don’t even know how to face it, so in these years, I have not been drinking day and night and never stopped.”

“Because only being drunk can make me forget those things.”

“But because of this, I forgot a responsibility to be a father.”

“I haven’t cared about him since Long’er was born. Over time, he started to rebel.”

“Even if I discovered this, I didn’t restrain him so much that it caused the disaster today.”

“Actually I killed him. I don’t deserve to be his father.”

Shen Feiyun said in pain.

Qin Feiyang three people looked simultaneously, all chose to be silent.

After a while.

Shen Feiyun looked up towards three people, said with a smile: “But I also want to thank you.”


Three people wonder.

Shen Feiyun said: “Because of your arrival and the death of Long’er, I finally wake up.”

Wang You’er said, “What are your plans next?”

“I’m going back to Divine City to make up for the mistakes I made before. I want to let the world know that I’m Shen Feiyun back!”

Shen Feiyun murmured at the night sky, showing an invisible domineering body.

Wang You’er smiled comfortably.

She can already predict that Divine City will soon set off a big storm because of the return of Shen Feiyun.

Shen Feiyun suddenly thought of something, looking at the three people and asking, “I just sensed that there is an Emperor’s might here. What is going on?”

Young Master Hao looked cold, said solemnly: “Someone wants to assassinate Old Brother Mu.”


Shen Feiyun looked towards Qin Feiyang, saying, “Did you offend anyone?”

“I have offended too many people, and it’s really hard to tell which clown is playing havoc in the dark.”

Qin Feiyang shrugged, helplessly said, but the three people did not notice that he had one strand radiance flashing deep in his pumps.


Shen Feiyun’s face twitched, and the opponent’s dignified one Battle Emperor, unexpectedly, was said to be a clown, and this youngster is too personal!

“wait for me.”

Shen Feiyun closed her eyes and sensed carefully.

After a while.

His eyes opened, saying: “Circumference of 100 li, except for the aura of Vicious Beast, I did not sense the aura of other people, and should have left.”

Young Master Hao and Wang You’er are both relaxed.

Shen Feiyun said, “Okay, I’m going to bury Long’er. Be careful yourself.”


Three people nodded.

After Shen Feiyun opened the transmission gate and left, Young Master Hao immediately looked towards Qin Feiyang, frowns saying: “Brother, why do I suddenly feel that I can’t see you?”

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart, wondering: “What do you mean?”

“You say you, not only can you refining the magical medicinal pill of Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill, but you can also escape safely under the assassination of the Battle Emperor, which is not something an average person can do.”

Young Master Hao.


When Young Master Hao said Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill, Qin Feiyang hurriedly coughed to remind him.

But Young Master Hao learned it later, and then realized that it was leaking.

no doubt.

Wang You’er heard it.


“Did you refining Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill?”

She stared suspiciously at Qin Feiyang.

“I blame you for talking.”

Qin Feiyang glared at Young Master Hao, feeling very upset.

Young Master Hao is guilty turning one’s head looked towards elsewhere, a look I don’t know about you.

“Don’t try to divert your attention, just say, did you refining?”

Wang You’er asked.

“What about me refining?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at her, differently said.

“My embarrassment.”

Wang You’er immediately seemed to discover a new continuous, beautiful pumps splendor, Qin Feiyang looked at her expression, uncomfortable.


Wang You’er teased a smile, full of meaningful pats Qin Feiyang on the shoulder, and said with a smile: “It’s very deep hidden, yes, really nice.”

With that said, he flew in the direction of Azure Sea City.

“Elder sister, wait a minute me.”

Young Master Hao hurried after him.

He was afraid, and Qin Feiyang continued to blame him.

Qin Feiyang looked at Wang You’er’s back, his brows tightened.

For some reason, when you saw the smile on Wang You’er’s face, he couldn’t help but feel anxiety.


He flashed his pumps radiance and said loudly to two people: “I have something to leave for a while and wait to meet at the city gate.”

“Anything to leave?”

Wang You’er two people stared blankly, quickly stopped at void and turned to ask Qin Feiyang.

But when they turned around, they found out that Qin Feiyang had disappeared.

“What about people?”

“Why is the blink of an eye gone?”

Glancing at the empty void, two people’s eyeballs almost stared out.


Inside Ancient Castle!

Qin Feiyang stood in the middle of Ancient Castle, lowering his head, his eyes flickering.

Lu Hong has also awakened from cultivation and is thinking about something.


Lu Hong’s eyes lightened and he looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “The person who sneak attacked you is actually very easy to guess.”

“is it?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, looked up at Lu Hong full of interest, lightly said with a smile: “Talk about it.”

“It’s true that you offended many people at Forgotten Continent, but you, ‘Mu Zuzong’, can be counted on one’s fingers.”

“I think, except Fu Anshan, Heavenly Scorpion Tribe, it’s Qilin Tribe.”

“And Fu Anshan is definitely impossible, because if it was him, watching Fu Xiong be killed by Shen Feiyun, he would not die.”

“Heavenly Scorpion Tribe is even more impossible because the people at Heavenly Scorpion Tribe are dead.”

“Then only Qilin Tribe.”

Lu Hong said with a smile.

“This Little Lass is really getting smarter.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

What Lu Hong said was basically the same as he thought.

After thinking about it, Qin Feiyang asked, “Is there anyone who could be the Mu Family?”

“Are you trying to test me on purpose? Surely it’s impossible. If they were they, they would have dealt with you already when they got Heavenly Astral Flame.”

Lu Hong frowned, expressing dissatisfaction.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, “Okay, I can leave you alone in the future, I can rest assured.”

“Can I be alone?”

Lu Hong’s lips were red and looked quite charming.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed, then turned around and took out the image of crystal stone.

Wu Yang’s illusory shadow quickly emerged.

Although in Ancient Castle, because Qin Feiyang deliberately adjusted the downward direction, Wu Yang could only see one wall of Ancient Castle.

Qin Feiyang did not have nonsense, and said directly: “At once, under investigation, has anyone Tribe left today.”


Wu Yang expression stared blankly, puzzled: “Investigate this? What’s more, I have as many as 1000000 clansmans in Tribe. I don’t know how many people go out and back every day.

“Others don’t need to investigate, just investigate people above the Battle Emperor.”

“As for the reason, I will tell you later.”

Qin Feiyang.

“If it’s just investigating people above the Battle Emperor, it’s a lot simpler. Give me a day, and when I investigate clearly, I will give you summoning.”

Wu Yang said.

“it is good.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, then turned off the image crystal stone, and gave Yan Wei summoning again.

After the illusory shadow appeared, Yan Wei asked: “Is the journey smooth?”

“There was some unexpected, but it was resolved.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, his face was immediate, and he said, “There is something, please pay more attention to me.”

“You said.”

Yan Wei said.

Qin Feiyang said: “I worry that Fu Anshan may be bad for Li He, so pay more attention in the future.”

“Not good for Li He, does he dare?”

Yan Wei was surprised.

“After some people are mad, there is nothing they dare not do.”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

Yan Wei pupil contracted, nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll pay careful attention.”

“Then please, please.”

Qin Feiyang said, put away the crystal stone, then left Ancient Castle, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards Azure Sea City in a hurry.

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