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Besides Qin Feiyang.

Along the way, his eyes flashed with thought.

About a few ten breaths in the past.


He drew back and quickly converged to Aura, hiding in the sea below.

Not a moment.

Dozens of silhouettes, majestic passing over the sky.

The leader is the old man with white hair!

After a group of people went away, Qin Feiyang came out of the sea and stood in the air, looking at the back of the white-haired old man, his eyes flickering.


He turned and galloped away.


He came over the beach again.

“How come back?”

The man on the beach stared at Qin Feiyang puzzled.


Qin Feiyang landed in front of a young man and said with a smile: “brother, I have a question for you.”

Youth The man thought that Qin Feiyang was going to be bad for him and seemed quite nervous, but as soon as he heard a question, he immediately relaxed.

“what is the problem?”

the young man asked.

Qin Feiyang said: “Do you know the white-haired old man who talked to me just now?”

“do not know.”

young man shook his head.

Qin Feiyang frowned and asked, “When did he come here?”

“do not know either.”

“Because he was here when I came.”

young man said.

“Then when did you come?”

Qin Feiyang.

The young man said, “Before dawn.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyebrows tightened, and the young man’s answer was worthless at all.

“I know when he came.”

But at this moment, a hoarse voice sounded.

Qin Feiyang looked at the sound, and saw an old man wearing red-clothed, sitting in a crowd in a non-distant place, looking old, but very sharp.

A closer look will reveal that it’s empty in his left hand robe, apparently a broken arm.


This one-armed old man’s aura made Qin Feiyang invisible.

Qin Feiyang raised a hint of vigilance in his heart, strode forward, said with a smile: “Please also tell the old fellow to tell the truth.”

One-armed old man said: “They came left and right last night.”


Qin Feiyang stared for a moment, and said, “Excuse me, old fellow, have you seen them before in the Azure Sea?”

“This old man is certain, absolutely not.”

“Because the old man has been in the Azure Sea for many years, anyone who has been here will basically have an impression.”

One-armed old man said.

“Many thanks old fellow.”

“This is a little thank you from Junior. I also ask the old fellow to smile.”

Qin Feiyang took out a Regeneration Pill and handed it to the one-armed old man.

The one-armed old man looked towards Regeneration Pill, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly is the Regeneration Pill of four Pill Marks!

But the one-armed old man did not reach out to pick it up, said with a smile: “For some reason, the broken arm of the old man can no longer be regenerated, but I still want to thank the little brother for his good intentions.”

“Can’t reproduce?”

Qin Feiyang looked in wonder at the left arm of the one-armed old man.

“Do you have any other questions?”

One-armed old man asked with a smile.


Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Think about it too.

The strength of the one-armed old man is even stronger than him. Regeneration Pill is nothing to the old man.

If it could be regenerated, the old man would have been reinvented with Regeneration Pill long ago, and he wouldn’t wait until now.


He put away the Regeneration Pill and was leaving.

One-armed old man suddenly said: “Little Brother, wait a minute.”

“Is old fellow okay?”

Qin Feiyang looked back towards the one-armed old man.

One-armed old man said: “The old man wants to give you a piece of advice. After entering the inner sea, 10000000 should be careful of ‘Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea’.”

“Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, which is again the hell?

“I don’t even know Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea. It seems that my friend is indeed the first time to come to Azure Sea.”

“Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea are ten people. Each of them has the best innate talent. It is the invincible King of inner sea younger generation.”

“As for their detailed information, old man is inconvenient to say more, you slowly discover it.”

One-armed old man said.

“Thank you old fellow, Junior will definitely pay more attention.”

Qin Feiyang thanked him, and then swept towards the others on the beach, but saw that everyone was very daunting when they heard ‘Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea’.

It seems that this so-called Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea is really not a simple character.

Then Qin Feiyang didn’t stay anymore, said goodbye to the one-armed old man, and turned and disappeared at the end of Sea Domain in a lightning flash.

“An interesting Little Brat.”

The one-armed old man looked at the direction where Qin Feiyang disappeared, and a strange splendor flashed in his old eyes.


the other side.

Young Master Hao and Wang You’er also discovered an island.

The island is not large, half a mile left and right.

There are no vegetation, only bare rocks, and all year round is eroded by seawater, 1000 sores and 100 holes.

Young Master Hao said, “elder sister, should we go to the island and wait a minute for him?”

“Do you know when he will return? Waiting for him, wasting time.”

Wang You’er coldly snorted and flew straight over the island.

Young Master Hao glanced at the island and had no choice but to follow.

“When did Azure Sea come to such a beautiful little beauty?”

Just then, a surprised voice sounded somewhere on the island.


Wang You’er and Young Master Hao looked at the same time, paused for the silhouette, and glanced down at the bottom.


two people pupil contracted.

I saw a young man sitting on a rock in the middle of the island.

Youth is about 25-26 years old left and right. It can be 1.8 metres left and right. The upper body is exposed and 8 chest muscles are exposed.

The lower body is also only wearing a pair of large pants, and the whole body is bronze. It is not a very strong body, but it is full of an amazing aura.

Young Master Hao sound transmission asked: “elder sister, what is his cultivation base?”

“9-Star Battle Saint!”

Wang You’er whispered.


Young Master Hao was stunned.

This person seems to be about the same age as him, but how could he be so strong?


The young man looked at Young Master Hao two people and suddenly got up and landed in front of the two people.

“Little beauty, Young Master fancy you, have fun with Young Master.”

He stared at Wang You’er unbridled, his desire unspoken in his eyes.


Young Master Hao stumbled.

There is something wrong with this person!

Others saw this Little Demoness too late to hide, but this person unexpectedly dared to come and provoke him?

Looks like something good.


Faced with such a frivolous discourse and attitude of this young man, Wang You’er was angry.


The pressure of 9-Star Battle Saint burst out.

She stepped forward, jade hand stormed out, and one fist glared at the young man.

“Yi! ”

“Are you unexpectedly also 9-Star Battle Saint?”

The young man was amazed, but his movements were not slow at all, and he ducked quickly to avoid it, avoiding Wang You’er this one fist, then reached out his big hand and grabbed Wang You’er’s wrist.

Feeling the tender skin, the young man swayed God One, and chuckled, “It’s a ridiculous Small Fox.”

“Again babbling nonesense, I ripped your mouth!”

Wang You’er’s gaze was cold, his arm trembled, and Battle Qi surged, shaking his young man away.

“I haven’t encountered such a hot little beauty in a long time, Young Master likes it.”

“From now on, you are the young master’s woman. Come to the arms of the young master.”

young man opened his hands and laughed.

“This is playing with fire!”

Young Master Hao mumbled, glanced at Wang You’er, but saw Wang You’er face as cold as ice and frost.

But suddenly.

She smiled, sexy bearing and charming temperament.

The young man couldn’t help but be fascinated.

“Do you really like me?”

Wang You’er looked at the young man and asked with a smile, his eyes dazzling in autumn.


young man nodded.

Wang You’er said, “Will you do something for me?”

“Don’t say one thing, 100 pieces are not a problem.”

young man said shortness of breath.

In his eyes, Wang You’er at this moment exudes a fatal temptation.

Wang You’er’s eyes flashed a hint of crafty, saying: “Take off your pants and run naked around the sea.”

“Running naked?”

Young Master Hao was startled.

But Wang You’er’s voice seemed to contain an irresistible magic. The young man really took off his big pants and passed by two people, running naked without looking back.

But when young man took off his big pants, Wang You’er also looked away.

Young Master Hao looked towards young man The undisguised back, his face couldn’t help twitching, turning one’s head and looking at Wang You’er said: “elder sister, wouldn’t you be a little moral?”


“I didn’t let him be killed.”

Wang You’er coldly smiled, ignored the young man, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the sky.

“You cannot live by yourself!”

Young Master Hao turned one’s head again, glanced at the young man, shook the head funny, and quickly chased toward Wang You’er.


Looking at the young man again, although running naked, he still looks obsessed.

“Look at it, is that someone running naked over here?”

“Yeah, really.”

“Mental illness!”

Dozens of people flew over, and when they saw the young man, each and everyone was stunned.

It was the group of white clothed old man.

The young man was totally unaware and ran straight past a group of people.

The white clothed old man expression was weird, and the companion looked towards, asked, “Is Azure Sea so popular?”

“do not know.”

Everyone shook their heads with a look of ignorance.

Soon, another silhouette flew from the distant place, it was Qin Feiyang who went back and forth.

“What do you mean?”

Seeing the running naked young man, Qin Feiyang was also aggressive.

Running naked under broad daylight, right?

When the young man passed by Qin Feiyang, Qin Feiyang grabbed him and asked, “Hey hey hey, brother, what are you doing? Are you doing any performance art?”


Qin Feiyang’s sentence, like Overhead Bang, makes the young man suddenly sober.

“what’s the situation?”

He glanced confusedly all around.

“Don’t you know you’re running naked, right?”

Looking at the young man’s response, Qin Feiyang’s face was strange.

“Why is it cold?”

Next moment.

The young man suddenly felt that there was something chilly below.

He looked down and was dumbfounded. What about pants? Why is it gone?

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