
Chapter 214 - -215

Chapter 214: All Of You Must Die Here!

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou marched towards Duanren Institute with a visible murderous aura. Anyone who came across their path ran away in fright!

Before long, the four of them arrived at Duanren Institute, entered the grounds, and shocked the students with their killing intent.

“Isn’t that Huang Xiaolong? Why did he bring so many guards and outsiders into Duanren Institute?!”

“Doesn’t he know that students are not allowed to bring outsiders into the Institute?!”

“This Huang Xiaolong really thinks he can do whatever he wants just because Duan Wuhen is backing him? Bringing his guards and outsiders in here… in my opinion, he’ll be kicked out of the Institute by Duanren Emperor first thing tomorrow morning! Regardless of how great a talent you have, you cannot break the rules!” Teachers and students parted to the sides, fingers pointing at him from afar as they stated righteously amongst their friends.

“Huang Xiaolong, for you to dare bring your guard and outsiders into the Institute… what are you planning to do?” Very soon after Huang Xiaolong’s group entered, Duanren Institute’s patrolling guards appeared, blocking Huang Xiaolong’s path. The Patrol Guard Captain hollered at Huang Xiaolong with a finger pointed to his face.

Huang Xiaolong’s frigid gaze fell upon that Patrol Guard Captain. The killing intent coming from Huang Xiaolong and his group made the Captain’s heart nearly burst out from his chest. Huang Xiaolong pulled Duan Ren’s Golden Token out and commanded in an icy tone: “Scram!”

The Captain had a sour expression on his face from Huang Xiaolong’s attitude but with the Golden Token in front of him, he had no other option and retreated to the side.

Huang Xiaolong stomped all the way into the inner division with Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou.

At the same time, within the Heartless Hall, Xiao Teng faced Yao Fei with a beaming smile, “Young Noble, all of the Huang family members are now in our hands. However Young Noble wishes to play with Huang Xiaolong solely depends on Young Noble’s interest!”

“Let that little brat lick Young Noble’s toes in public!” Another guard supported with a suggestion.

“Hum, allowing him to lick our Young Noble’s toes? Our Young Noble would despise his smelly saliva dirtying him. Let him kneel and lick our toes instead!”

The guards surrounding Yao Fei broke out in unruly laughter.

Yao Fei snorted, “Letting him clean your toes is going easy on him. Knowing his parents and siblings are at my place, Huang Xiaolong will surely come barging over soon with his guard Zhao Shu. I want him to eat shit in front of everyone! Xiao Teng, go and prepare, not much is needed, one barrel is enough!”

“Yes, Young Noble!” Xiao Teng respectfully answered.

Then, Yao Fei spoke again, “Also, I told you to call Gu Ziming and Du Lan over, have they come?”

Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and Xiao Teng were three of the strongest people under Yao Fei. Like Yao Fei, all three of them were also students on the Heaven List in Duanren Institute. Each was a Xiantian Tenth Order expert, existences close to Saint realm warriors.

Yao Fei was confident that the three of them together were more than enough to kill Zhao Shu.

Just as Xiao Teng opened his mouth wanting to answer, a voice sounded from outside the hall, “Young Noble, we’re here!” Two figures were seen arriving, the wind whistling from their speed. These two were precisely the Gu Ziming and Du Lan whom Yao Fei had just spoken of.

Seeing them arrive, Yao Fei finally felt assured. The only thing left now was to wait for that doggy Huang’s arrival!

“Reporting to Young Noble, Huang Xiaolong brought Zhao Shu and two others. They have entered the inner division, moving straight to our Heartless Hall!” At this time, a student ran into the main hall, reporting to Yao Fei about Huang Xiaolong’s whereabouts.

Cruel excitement flitted across Yao Fei’s eyes when hearing this. He sneered, “I didn’t expect that doggy Huang to be so efficient. Still, this is good, saves me from waiting too long!”

“Let’s go, all of you come out with me, we’ll ‘welcome’ doggy Huang’s arrival!”

“Yes Young Noble!”

With Yao Fei leading at the front, Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and the rest followed him out from Heartless Hall’s main hall to the small square outside of Heartless Hall.

Yao Fei stood on the square with his eyes closed as if taking a nap, leisurely awaiting Huang Xiaolong’s arrival.

Moments later, Yao Fei suddenly opened his eyes. A sharp, bloodthirsty light shone from within his pupils as they focused on a group of people advancing boldly towards his Heartless Hall. The person at the front was none other than Huang Xiaolong. Behind Huang Xiaolong was Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, Fei Hou, and the Huang Family guards.

Apart from them, there was a large crowd of students trailing from afar who were coming to watch a show.

Catching the sight of Yao Fei leisurely awaiting his arrival on the square outside Heartless Hall, a strong killing intent reflected in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. Their gazes met halfway and an invisible pressure collided between them.

About a dozen meters away from Yao Fei, Huang Xiaolong stopped and stood still.

Yao Fei swept a cold glance at Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou who were standing behind Huang Xiaolong. He sneered with contempt, “Huang Xiaolong, you dared to come to my Heartless Hall with just these several helpers? Let me introduce you.” He pointed at Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and Xiao Teng at his back: “These three are Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and Xiao Teng. All of them are experts on the inner division’s Heaven List and all three of them are also peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order warriors!” Then, he pointed to the large group of around forty people to his side, “And they’re at Xiantian Seventh Order and above!”

Yao Fei turned back towards Huang Xiaolong, his voice cold: “I know you came to Heartless Hall today to rescue you parents and siblings, but do you think you can rescue them with your current power? As I said before in front of the Wind Facing Hall, I will keep your doglife to reduce my boredom!” Finishing his sentence, Yao Fei signaled Xiao Teng with a look.

Xiao Teng understood, replying: “Yes Young Noble!” He sent someone to bring out a big wooden barrel.

The moment the big wooden barrel was put out, a nauseating smell filled the air. The gathered crowd peeped inside and saw that the big barrel was filled to the brim with feces of a multitude of colors and shapes.

The students watching felt their throats twitch slightly, nearly causing them to vomit on the spot.

Pointing at the big wooden barrel, Yao Fei announced loudly, “As long as you eat all the shit inside this wooden barrel, I can consider sparing your family, and also spare your doglife for the time being! However, although your doglife can be spared, Zhao Shu and the rest must die here!”

Huang Xiaolong stood in silence the entire time. At this point, his frosty voice questioned as he stared at Yao Fei, “What last words do you have?”

The crowd was dumbfounded.

Last words?!

The proud expression on Yao Fei’s face sank,”What did you say?!”

Huang Xiaolong coldly replied, “I’m saying, all of you must die here today!”

Yao Fei exploded in laughter after hearing that. He pointed at Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu, mocking: “Relying on you and Zhao Shu?”

Behind Yao Fei, Gu Ziming, Du Lan, Xiao Teng, and the group of Xiantian Seventh Order and above experts chortled in raucous laughter as if they had just heard the greatest joke. The students that were waiting for a good show tried to stifle their laughter, shaking their heads.

In the next moment, an outbreak of majestic might came from Zhao Shu’s body. Yao Fei, Gu Ziming, Du Lan, Xiao Teng… everyone on Yao Fei’s side choked on their laughter. Their smugness was replaced with fear and they were given a terrible fright as they stared dumbstruck at Zhao Shu.

Yao Fei frightfully realized that with his level of strength, he was actually unable to breathe or move under Zhao Shu’s pressure. He was too weak to even raise a thought of resistance.

“Saint, Saint realm!”

“He, he’s a Saint realm expert!”

Shrieks sounded behind Yao Fei. Gu Ziming, Xiao Teng, and the others stammered with their shaky voices.

Saint realm expert!

Zhao Shu, who they thought was an existence infinitely close to someone in the Saint realm, was actually a Saint realm warrior!

The spectating teachers and students looked at Zhao Shu with apparent fear.

At this time, Zhao Shu raised his hands.

Chapter 215: Guo Family’s Ancestor Exits

Before everyone’s rounded and shocked eyes, they saw Zhao Shu grip at the ethereal void. In the next moment Xiao Teng, who stood close to Yao Fei, exploded!

Pop! A resounding crisp noise cut through the silence. Pieces of flesh and blood splattered in all directions.

Blood fell to the ground like rain from the sky.

One peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order expert had fallen!

Blood drops rained down from above, and they landed on Yao Fei, Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and the people in Yao Fei’s camp. Their faces and bodies were covered with what seemed to be bits and pieces of Xiao Teng’s flesh. It was even stuck in their nostrils!

The scent of blood quickly filled the air.

Even the teachers and students spectating from afar felt their hearts twitched at the bloody scene.

Xiao Teng―Yao Fei’s left and right-hand man, a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order expert, someone who was one of the existences closest to breaking into Saint Realm, died just like that!

Yao Fei stared at the tiny pieces of Xiao Teng’s flesh on his nose, breathing in the thick scent of blood coming from the air through his nostrils. While terrified, a wave of nausea shot up.

He had always maintained high standards of cleanliness, not even the edges of his robe were ever dirty. In short, he was slightly obsessed with hygiene. Feeling the sticky blood running down his face, body, staining his robe, and especially with pieces of unknown parts of flesh on his nose, it wasn’t hard to imagine the disgust he felt!

Next, Zhao Shu’s right hand gripped at the void and Gu Ziming’s body exploded. Another shower of blood and pieces of flesh splattered down from high altitude.

Another peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order warrior had fallen!

More pieces of flesh fell on Yao Fei’s face. In fact, a piece of exploded flesh hung on his lips, causing Yao Fei’s nerves to twitch unceasingly. He wanted to scream yet his voice wouldn’t cooperate. He was shaking from the inside out as if he had swallowed thousands of flies into his stomach.

The look in Zhao Shu’s eyes grew increasingly sharp and cold, one of his hands made another gripping twist. This time, Du Lan exploded.

The last of Yao Fei’s peak late-Tenth Order subordinates had also fallen!

It was as if Zhao Shu’s actions were instructed by Huang Xiaolong, unhurried in his killing of Yao Fei’s people. Instead, he allowed Yao Fei the honor of watching his subordinates die one by one, awaiting the impending steps of the Death God as it approached. Providing him with the fear of being cornered and having nowhere to run.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong signaled to Zhao Shu with a look. Nodding, Zhao Shu sealed Yao Fei and the rest of the people’s voices with a wave of his hands.

Yao Fei screamed before that.

“Me-, meat, quickly remove this damn minced meat from me!”

Piercing screams sounded in the square.

The first sentence coming out from Yao Fei’s mouth wasn’t to curse Huang Xiaolong, and wasn’t to beg for mercy. Instead, it was to order someone to remove the blood and flesh on his eyes, nose, and lips!

But Yao Fei was careless. In the midst of his screams, the piece of flesh hanging on his lips slipped into his mouth and got stuck in his throat.

Yao Fei turned deathly pale, once again opening his mouth but the piece of flesh was stuck there. He became unnaturally purple.

In the end, that piece of flesh slid down Yao Fei’s throat and into his stomach. Only then did he glared viciously at Huang Xiaolong, “Huang Xiaolong you mongrel, you damn mongrel I want to kill you! I’ll definitely kill you!” His pernicious gaze fixed on Huang Xiaolong as if he would swallow him whole.

“Really?” Without much change to his expression, Huang Xiaolong directed his words at Zhao Shu: “Continue.”

“Yes, Young Lord!” Zhao Shu nodded at Huang Xiaolong and extended his hands out, this time clapping instead of using a gripping motion. Two of the subordinates behind Yao Fei exploded.

Bloody rain bloomed in the air like fireworks, dispersing a bloodied omen of death.

“Huang Xiaolong, Young Noble Huang, please spare us!”

“Yes, that’s right Young Noble Huang, spare our measly lives. We, we’re willing to submit to you!”

The remaining experts belonging to Heartless Hall were terrified. One by one they began to beg Huang Xiaolong.

However, Huang Xiaolong remained cold and indifferent. Zhao Shu clapped a second time.

Every time he clapped, two of Heartless Hall’s experts would die from their bodies exploding. Even the observing teachers and students had stepped back unconsciously.

These fallen experts of Heartless Hall were all high-level Xiantian experts. In Duanren Empire, high-level Xiantian experts were considered scarce. Therefore, each of them possessed a noble status and identity, yet in front of Zhao Shu their death was swift and they appeared to be worthless.

Scarlet blood painted the square.

The students that trailed after Huang Xiaolong to Heartless Hall with the aim of watching him be played with and tormented by Heartless Young Noble like a toy had faces that were paler than white.

Thank God they did not mock or throw insults at Huang Xiaolong when they followed him, otherwise… !

In the end, the thirty to forty Xiantian experts behind Yao Fei exploded until none were left, leaving Yao Fei alone, standing in the square.

Every time his subordinates exploded, the blood and flesh would fall on Yao Fei, causing him to shriek and holler like a crazed madman. The usual proud, noble, arrogant, condescending demeanor that held others’ fates in his hands vanished from sight.

Witnessing this Yao Fei, the crowd shook their heads inwardly.

Standing amongst the crowd was one of the Five Young Nobles of Duanren Empire, someone of the same status as Yao Fei. Demon Sword Young Noble had a pensive expression on his face as he watched the scene.

When all the experts of Heartless Hall were dead, Zhao Shu stopped and retreated behind Huang Xiaolong. Looking at Yao Fei, Huang Xiaolong slowly took a few steps forward.

“Speak, where are my parents?” Huang Xiaolong stopped in front of Yao Fei, a biting chill in his voice.

By this time, Yao Fei was no longer screaming like a madman, but he laughed maniacally as he glared at Huang Xiaolong, “Huang Xiaolong, if you kill me your parents will accompany me in the afterlife! Moreover, my Yao Family Ancestor will be coming very soon, kill me now if you have the guts! Otherwise, when my Yao Family’s Ancestor and experts arrive, I will make you regret that you ever came to this world!”

Yao Fei laughed with reckless abandon, his face twisting with venomous hatred.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes scanned the area and they fell on the big wooden barrel Xiao Teng had ordered people to bring out earlier.

“Huang Xiaolong, what do you want to do?? You dare?!” Noticing Huang Xiaolong’s sudden interest being peeked, Yao Fei had a bad feeling. His face paled as he shouted at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong pointed calmly at the big wooden barrel, “Nothing much. Didn’t you want me to eat everything in there? Then, I shall let you have a taste first. Remember to tell me how it tastes later!” Huang Xiaolong flicked his hands the moment he finished talking, and from within the big wooden barrel, a piece of feces flew in Yao Fei direction.

At the same time, in the Guo Mansion’s secret underground chamber, a powerful aura soared into the sky with great momentum, influencing even the weather.

Guo Shiwen sensed the sudden burst of energy and joy filled his face, “Father finally succeeded in breaking through to Saint realm!”

The Guo Family’s Chief Steward, Zhang Yue, stepped up with a smile, “Congratulations Patriarch, Old Ancestor successfully broke through to the Saint realm! The Guo Family will prosper better than ever in the future.”

Guo Shiwen laughed heartily.

Guo Zhi was also in the main hall at this time, “Dad, since Grandfather succeeded in breaking into the Saint realm, you must ask Grandfather to avenge us. Kill Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu!”

“That’s right Dad, you must tell Grandfather to avenge us!” Guo Fei echoed his big brother’s sentiment.

Guo Shiwen snorted coldly, “Don’t worry. This time, Huang Xiaolong and that Zhao Shu can’t escape!”

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