"No need to count, surrender, we are willing to surrender, please don't do anything!"

   Zhao Kong, who was covered in charcoal, quickly yelled and drained all his energy!

   "Chen Zhao Kong is willing to take Wan Xuanzong to join Dawu, surrender to your majesty, long live your majesty!"

   quickly took a few pills to restore his vitality, Zhao Kong knelt down quickly and surrendered to Chu Yuan, his heart was also extremely bitter, there was no way.

I think that the masters who watched the Ninth Layer of God are not Chu Yuan’s opponents, and even if there is a large array of guarding sects, if this sacred cannon and the banner that can burn the sky and the sea are blown down, the entire sect will be flattened. What else can he resist, it is better to surrender.

   With Zhao Kong's surrender, the other sect elders also looked at each other, and then all leaned over and knelt.

   "Zhao Kong, you have made a correct choice. I don't mind, razing Ten Thousand Profound Sects. After all, destruction is stronger than existence for a power that cannot be used for oneself."

   Chu Yuan waved and removed the sacred machine giant cannon and the burning flag.

"Your Majesty, there are fifteen people in my Wanxuanzong who are strong in the divine realm, and 5,000 are masters in supernatural powers. Of course, most of them are supernatural powers of one or two levels. There are 50,000 in the original divine realm. One hundred thousand people, and we control thirty-six cities with a population of almost one billion. From there, we provide disciples and resources for our clan."

   Zhao Kong honestly stated all the details of Wan Xuanzong.

   "There are fifteen masters in the gods, and 5,000 supernatural powers, but as a two-star sect, the soul and soul forging are much less, and the population is actually not as large as the previous one-star dynasty."

   Chu Yuan is still very satisfied with the number of masters of God Peeping God and supernatural power possessed by Wan Xuanzong.

   It’s just that it’s a bit rare below the soul, you know, there are not only 50,000 yuan masters in the sacred war army alone.

"Your Majesty, after all, Zongmen is different from the dynasty. We want to build more high-level powerhouses. To maintain the city is just to use the ordinary population to recruit geniuses. The vulgar ones are not qualified to enter the sect, and the dynasty recruits soldiers with an infinite population. different."

  Zhao Kong proudly said: "If the legion is fighting against my Wanxuanzong, I am naturally not like the rank two-star dynasty, but if it is a high-level powerhouse, it is definitely difficult to be an opponent of the sect."

The difference between    sect and dynasty is vividly demonstrated here.

   This is the way of the individual and the way of beings.

   "Okay, I probably know your details. In the future, the Ten Thousand Profound Sect will be integrated into Dawu, and your sect laws will not continue to be implemented. I will send people to implement my Dawu laws, and your arrangements..."

Chu Yuan was silent, and said, "Although our Dawu is only a two-star dynasty, it will develop rapidly in the future. We must expand the army. The world is Xuanhuang. I am going to reorganize the Five Elements and Five Legions from now on. Lihuo Legion, you are the commander of the Wanxuan Army, now it is Wanxuan Prefecture, and you recruit troops from within Wanxuan Prefecture."

   The Five Elements Legion will be Chu Yuan dominating the suspended space, and even the eternal world!

   In the past, Chu Yuan was not prepared to disperse the Forbidden Army, and would allow them to develop, which can be used to hold on to the mainland.

   The Five Elements Army is specially used to open up territory and expand territory.

   As for the Shenwu Legion, it is the pro-army of Chu Yuanshen.

   "Listen to your Majesty's instructions!"

When Zhao Kong heard that Chu Yuan wanted him to be the leader of the Ten Thousand Profound Army, he felt better, but he couldn't be above the 10,000 people in the past. He couldn't help but feel a bit bitter: "Your Majesty, my Ten Thousand Profound Sect still has the manpower to dive. Mineral veins, do you want to send someone to let them come back immediately."

   "This is not in a hurry, I only come to your Wanxuanzong family, and Cangnanzong has not visited." Chu Yuan shook his head and said, "Zhao Kong, follow me to Cangnanzong."

   "Go to Cangnan Sect? Well, I would like to follow your Majesty to Cangnan Sect!"

   Knowing that Chu Yuan was going to Cangnan Sect, he would also encounter the same experience as his Wanxuan Sect, so he laughed a little gloating.

He said: "Wang Lun, there will be no more Ten Thousand Xuanzong in Dawu in the future. I will have two identities, one is a member of the great Wu, and the other is a member of the Ten Thousand Xuan Army. You quickly go with the elders of the sect to organize Ten Thousand Xuanzong, and Send someone to let the citizens of the 36 cities under his command know that they are now Dawu's citizens!"

"I know!"

   Wang Lun knew that since he had already taken refuge and was unable to recover, he had to recognize reality and do what he should do.


   The void bucket turns!

   Wan Xuanzong is not too far away from Cangnan Sect, only tens of thousands of miles.

   Otherwise, they would not share a vein together. Not long after that, two figures appeared from the vast sky and landed in a primitive jungle.

   If the mountain gate of the Wanxuan Sect is lined with peaks, then the Cangnan Sect is full of towering trees.

"Your Majesty, you see, the main gate of the Cangnan Sect is in the middle of this jungle. Most of them practice the wood system. In fact, in terms of strength, Cangnan is much stronger than my Wanxuan, just because they are both two stars. , The wastage is too great for fighting, and I have been in peace for so many years."

   Zhao Kong pointed to the middle of the jungle, a place lined with thousands of palaces, and said the truth.

   "It was okay before, but I will be okay as soon as I come." Chu Yuan said.

   "Sect Master Cangnan, your majesty is here, and he won't appear to meet your majesty quickly!"

   Zhao Kong shouted suddenly.

   "Your Majesty? Which Majesty? My Cangnan Sect has not visited for a long time."

Sure enough, as Zhao Kong roared, a large number of figures flickered in the jungle, and an old man in a green dress appeared in front of the two ~ www.ltnovel.com~ This old man had a breath of Cangmu, strong and tough. .

   With him as the center, the emerald vitality, the entire jungle is providing strength for him, the magic power is mysterious and steady, although it is not ten supernatural powers, it is not much worse.

"So young, presumably this is the Great Martial Sage." The old man was the Sect Master of Cangnan Sect, and said lightly: "Zhao Kong, if you stay in your own Sect, you will come to my Cangnan Sect. Rare customers."

   "Sect Master Cangnan, it's not that I came with your Majesty. Not long ago, I had decided that Wan Xuanzong would all submit to Dawu, and I am no longer the Sect Master of Wan Xuanzong, but the leader of the Wan Xuan Army of the Lihuo Legion."

   Zhao Kong sneered.

   "What? Would you actually join a newly promoted two-star dynasty?"

Sect Master Cangnan was taken aback, but then returned to normal, calmly said: "This is not like your style. If this sect has not guessed wrong, the Great Martial Sage is here today. It seems that he wants to make this sect surrender and take refuge in your Martial Arts. Ambitious, I swallowed the Four Kingdoms, and I want to swallow my sect."

   "You are very smart." Chu Yuan said.

   "There is not enough greed to swallow the elephant, be careful not to hold yourself to death!"

   Some elders behind Sect Master Cangnan were surprised when they learned of Chu Yuan's purpose, and then shouted in disdain.

"All right."

Sect Master Cangnan raised his hand, and then said: "Since the Great Martial Sage is visiting, no matter what his purpose is, this Sect cannot lose his etiquette and let others laugh. If the Sage doesn’t mind, it’s better to sit in my sect and serve as a guest. Everyone should discuss anything, there is no need to fight for life."

  【Choice 1: Enter Cangnanzong and get three hundred fate points. 】

   [Choice 2: Do not enter the Cangnan Sect, get 300 Fate Points. 】

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