"To my life? I really thought I had become a two-star emperor, so I thought of myself as a great person. In fact, in my eyes, you are a small person. If you get the chance, you can't see the reality, and you are proud of it. "

Prince Feng spoke with strong self-confidence, from the honor of the Samsung dynasty: "Now he is even more blinded by greed, but he is getting closer and closer on the road to death. It is sad. I really think that the world is the greatest. Up!"

   Chu Yuan was unmoved: "There are only people who should and should not be killed in my eyes!"

   "Looking for death!"

  Prince Feng's eyes were cold.


   The air was violently distorted, and the power was like a mountain torrent erupting. Prince Feng shrouded in bright light with his hands, pushing forward, and a torrent of torrents swept in.

   "Large cutting technique, cutting hand!"

   Chu Yuan always behaved calmly when facing Prince Feng's shot.

   With a wave of his palm, the imperial **** ring formed a field and enveloped it, and his hand was carrying a sharp cutting light, which actually cut his torrent into pieces.


   The two hit each other in an instant. Prince Feng spoke arrogantly, but in terms of strength, he used his full strength every time he shot, and he saw him hit Chu Yuan's palm with one palm.


  As soon as he touched Chu Yuan's palm, Prince Feng suddenly felt a pain, and quickly separated, looking at his palms, they were incisions, leaving blood.

   "Huh? I'm a little bit capable. I can only get cuts under my big incision, and my hands are completely useless when replaced by ordinary people."

   Chu Yuan made a sound of appreciation.

   But the voice fell in Prince Feng’s ears but it was extremely harsh, thinking about him, half-stepping the gods, the prince of the Samsung Dynasty, just got such an appreciation.

   "You make me want to kill you more and more!" Prince Feng said.

   "The Emperor Wu!"

   "The Emperor Wu!"

   "The Emperor Wu!"

   The 200,000 Shenwu army under the command of Lu Qianfu watched the battle from a distance, seeing Chu Yuan gain the upper hand, and a tsunami-like sound erupted. The sound was as if it were condensed into substance, roaring with a powerful cultivation base, and the earth was shaking!

   Emperor Dawu, remove the big and imperial characters, it is Emperor Wu.

   In the minds of the gods and warriors, Chu Yuan is the omnipotent god, and the emperor Wu rules the general existence.

   "Emperor Wu? Absurd, you are also worthy of being Emperor Wu. You are not afraid of being struck by lightning and dying from heaven."

   Prince Feng shouted.

   "Kill in one step, kill!"

   Prince Feng suddenly displayed a great magical power.

   He stepped forward, and his power condensed into a finger light, distorting the light, messing people's eyes, and almost invisible the fluctuation of his shot, the force pierced through the head of Chu Yuan fiercely.

   "Ten thousand melody, the hand of the emperor!"

   Chu Yuan performed the emperor's quake.

  The power of the national movement and the humanity converged, showing that in addition to the incomparable majesty, that power rose to the sky and formed an ancient giant hand. Any human beings will have a sense of awe in their hearts when they see it.

   "What kind of power is this!"

  Prince Feng was frightened.

  Because under the cover of the emperor's hand, he actually had a humble and insignificant idea of ​​surrendering to this person, which is simply impossible.

   boom! The big hand fell, and his instant kill was broken in an instant. The whole person was severely hit by the giant hand, and the mana in the body showed a state of shaking and breaking.

"what happened?"

   Although he is half-stepping to the gods, but he can't fully display his due strength.

   Chu Yuan's big hand grabbed it again, not giving Prince Feng any chance to breathe. This time, the belief of Dawu Wu hundreds of people formed a power that belonged to him, such as the oppression of a huge pillar from the sky, bringing earth-shattering fluctuations.

  Prince Feng is a good prince of the Samsung Dynasty, but he is not qualified to gather humanity and majesty and the power of national luck.

   In front of this power, he also looked very small, just seeing the big hand falling from the sky, covering it fiercely, hitting him fiercely and spraying a stream of blood, embarrassed.

   "Hands of all kinds!"

  Prince Feng did not dare to care anymore, the strength of this Emperor Dawu was beyond his imagination.

   His power was distorted, it turned out to be as if he had imaginary a thousand giant hands, his mana surged to the limit, a bright light shone, and he played a world-shaking killer move.


   Chu Yuan is just a backhand palm.

  The power of thunder and fire, the great technique of thunder and fire!

   He combined the power of the big thunder and lightning technique with the big flame technique, like a doomsday natural disaster!

   "Ah! How dare you hurt me!"

  The thunder fire was too violent, and Prince Feng was screamed screaming.




   The two hundred thousand Shenwu army roared loudly.

   "Who dares to kill me, I am the prince of Emperor Feng, a noble body!"

   was rushed by this momentum, and his aura was a little vacant. He was actually defeated by pushing out his background and pressure.

   "I care about what dynasty you are, what prince, and those who are enemies with me will all die!"

   Chu Yan moved the imperial **** ring, and the **** ring slammed his head.

   "Why does a two-star dynasty have such a character? I can't fight him anymore, or I will most likely die here!"

Prince Feng was already scared at this time, Chu Yuan’s image was too tall, even more majestic than the emperor of the dynasty~www.ltnovel.com~ immediately yelled: "It is impossible to kill me, I will come back. Then it will be your end!"

   "The world is sealed!"

   Just as Prince Feng ran away, the ring of the gods became infinitely larger, and a ray of divine light shone on him.

   Seal the world, this is a domain skill.

   I immediately saw that the divine light turned into substance, no matter how much Prince Feng bombarded it, it couldn't break it. After all, the exquisite artifact, it was a divine object that the Samsung dynasty would not even dare to think of.

  The area of ​​the Ring of Gods is getting smaller and smaller!

   "I won't give in, don't think about making me give in!"

   Prince Feng shouted.

   "I didn't make you surrender either!"

   Chu Yuan folded his hands together, and the Royal God Ring suddenly became smaller and dropped, as if a collar was tightly wrapped around Prince Feng's neck. Not only his body was locked, but also his earth-shaking mana.

   "You...you want to kill me!"

   When death is about to come, Prince Feng will eventually pay the price.

   His throat gurgled hard like a rooster, and his eyes seemed to say something threatening.

   However, Chu Yuan no longer gave him a chance.

A man walked in front of him, grabbed his front face with one hand, and the destructive mana impacted Prince Feng’s soul, directly causing his head to become a paste, and the soul also turned into a paste. The sound.

  Poor Prince Feng, who was still aggressive just now, but now he has become a dead body.

   [Choice 1: Absorb the power of Prince Feng with the Great Swallowing technique to gain 300 Fate Points. 】

   [Choice 2: Use Prince Feng's flesh and soul to quickly cultivate spiritual rice and get 300 fate points. 】

   At this moment, two strange choices were placed in front of Chu Yuan.

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