He was playing with this blood **** sword, making a faint sound in his mouth, facing the wolves and tigers' eyes, he didn't care.

"This man is so overbearing, he speaks such crazy talk!"

The strong eyes flashed.

"What's wrong? You can seize this magic sword too!"

At this time, the dragon's eyes flashed, and the huge dragon body was like a mountain, suddenly tearing the sky and the earth, and beheaded to Chu Yuan in the air.

"A fire dragon dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

Chu Yuan shook, his voice rolled like a circular wave.

He stood on the spot, steadily still, facing the dragon claw, he blasted out with a palm, and suddenly there was a majesty of destruction. The moment the dragon god's dragon claw was fighting against him, he felt that it was about to split.

He slapped the hand of God, covering the audience, and the wild power fell on the dragon body of Long Heng.

Only in an instant, the dragon's blood spattered wildly, like a mountain smashed out.

"Hand over the Blood Divine Sword, this is my Liang family's fancy fetish, and you can get it whatever you want?"

When the Great Master Liang saw Chu Yuan hit Fei Long Heng, his face was ugly. They were meant to be captured, but Chu Yuan was one step ahead, which made them intolerable.

"Those who have opinions stand up."

Chu Yuan's eyes swept across, and his peerless demeanor exploded.

"Too domineering!"

Hearing Chu Yuan's words, Jiao Tu's blood boiled over.

"Of course there are opinions!"

A hole suddenly cracked in the sky, and divine light shone in. This was a high-ranking great eminent, who had at least 70% of Tao's comprehension. He opened the sky-fire purgatory, and endless flames enveloped him.

"Liang Jia Liang Xian!"

This is also an ancient great deity.

"The Great Master shot, suppressed this person, and regained the Blood Excalibur!"

The strong Liang family shouted.

"The deity will take action."

This Liang Xiantian fire gathered, his power was violent, and the gods of heaven had been born from his ancestors, and they were all very proud.

A giant sacred fire hand showed boundless majesty, and fell to Chu Yuan.

"It's Liang Xian doing it!" Fen Xu shouted, "Even if I use the Heavenly Dao God's skull, I can barely block his power."

Chu Yuan looked at the divine fire giant hand, and saw no resistance, letting the giant hand fall.

"He is so arrogant? How can there be such an arrogant person in the world if he doesn't even resist?"

The strong Liang family are very angry, this is the power of ignoring Liang Xian.

next moment.

The sacred fire giant suddenly collapsed with a bang ten feet before Chu Yuan.

"Endless Origin."

Chu Yuan attacked, the endless origin was condensed into one point.

There was a sudden explosion from this origin, and the power seemed to be seen by a mortal when the universe collapsed. The entire space-time collapsed, and Liang Xian was enveloped in one shot.

"With this supernatural power, you also want to deal with me? Shentian Purgatory!"

Liang Xian was not afraid.

The power of the two competed in an instant, and the realm of the Half-Heaven Dao was as strong as this, and the power burst brought by the inexhaustible origin.

Chu Yuan's ice-bound door contains his palm, urging his power to the extreme, eternal legendary light, his expression is too calm, he seems to control everything.

"The technique of freezing? He wants to use water to overcome fire, and the strength of the frozen beams is shown!"

"Huh! How can my Liang family's Secret Art of Heaven be countered by this kind of restraint? Water and fire can overcome each other, and naivety is naive."

"Don't worry, let's see how Liang Xian Dazun tears his magical powers."


Liang Jiaqiang is not worried.

Liang Xian didn't worry either. In the glorious family, he was born with arrogance, and the power of the sacred fire burned to the extreme, displaying peerless magical powers, facing the seal of the frozen gate.

But his face changed drastically when he came into contact with the frozen power.

His eyes couldn't help but looked towards Chu Yuan, and suddenly there was a soul secret technique that stunned his mind, his flame was actually extinguished, and the whole person turned into a huge block of ice.

Chu Yuan teleported in front of him and slapped a palm on the ice.

In an instant, the ice was broken, Liang Xian was blown out, the force of destruction spread all over his body, and blood was dripping.

"Shenhuo Purgatory, my heart is glorious, and the power of heaven will last forever!"

Liang Xian suffered a loss, and the anger and irritation in his heart can be imagined.

He roared, the sky broke and the earth broke, and the endless sky was occupied by his flame power, as if he had become a giant **** of heaven.

He stared at Chu Yuan like a beast, and as a high-ranking great lord, he was also an absolute powerhouse in this true sun.

"Liang Xian is angry, he is crazy and majestic!"

Everyone felt Liang Xian's strength at this moment.

Liang Xian forced him over, and every one of his strikes was an endless law of divine fire, heaven and earth purgatory, and the giant **** shot down, and the ordinary Great Lord could never resist.

But Chu Yuan always had the peace of controlling everything on his face.

His palm lifted slowly, although it seemed slow, but with a mystery of manipulating time and space, it made people feel uncomfortable to vomit blood.

The power of the Great Devouring Technique was covering Liang Xian, no matter what violent power he burst out, Chu Yuan swallowed him down, and in the next moment, he saw a black hole covering him.

"No, my strength was swallowed by him!"

The biggest feeling that Liang Xian had against Chu Yuan was that he had a kind of control.

Suddenly, his eyes stared out, and the sea of ​​thunder and fire swept across. The man manipulated the power of thunder and flames, and violently stormed him in, and Liang Xian felt that he was going to subvert every moment.

"The law burns!"

At the moment when Chu Yuan's destructive power fell, his decisive burning law erupted into a big collision.

Everyone suddenly saw that Liang Xian was struck in shock when the power controlled by the emperor fell.

Chu Yuan didn't show any mercy, and the blood divine sword was able to strike ~www.ltnovel.com~ with a single blow.

"Can't be cut by this sword."

Liang Xian wanted to avoid his edge, but in the next instant, he was suddenly sealed and he was unable to withdraw.

In an instant, the blood divine sword tore a hole in his body, the effect of bloodthirsty attributes.


He made a painful sound.

Under Chu Yuan's control, the Bloodthirsty Divine Sword was not only drawing blood, but also drawing his half-day principles.

"Oops, Great Lord Liang Xian is in danger, let's save Great Lord!"

Seeing this scene, the powerful Liang family also hurriedly shot, their power blasted Chu Yuan's seal.

"The Law of Combustion is not broken or standing!"

Great Lord Liang Xian was also forced to have no choice at this time. When the strong Liang family took advantage of the shot, he hurriedly burned his own laws to the strongest, broke the seal, and flew away.

But once the Blood Divine Sword was cut, one of his arms was still cut off.


Absolute silence!

Everyone could tell that if Liang Xian's family hadn't supported him, if Liang Xian had dealt with it alone, he would definitely be beheaded.

In other words, this person has the strength to kill the Great Lord!

Defeating the Great Lord and Slaying the Great Lord are two completely different concepts, and they are still a high-ranking great Lord like Liang Xian.

"Do you have any comments?"

On the Blood God Sword, the blood of Great Lord Liang Xian was dripping, shocking, and this person was like a demon god.

Who would dare to have this kind of time?

The Great Lord Long Heng shrank his neck, fearing that its huge dragon head would be cut off.

The Liang family gritted their teeth, but couldn't beat each other again, so they could only endure it.

Just when the audience was silent, a greater vibration occurred in the time and space of Heaven, and they heard the sound of shaking hands from the Great Master Yang Yuan.

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