"Brother Chu, Fen Xu and I have something to see."

Burning Heaven City, a continuous building, although the owner of this place, they will not directly enter it.

"Please come in."

Chu Yuan let the two of them in and said, "I almost know that what you are looking for is because the battle between Zhenyangtian and Hanhaitian is about to begin, so you hope that I and you will join this battle."

"It seems that I can't hide anything from Brother Chu. It is indeed because of this that the Mingren does not speak secretly."

Fen Xu smiled and said: "In two months, we will go to the True Sun Heavenly Court to gather. I don’t know if Brother Chu is interested. This is an ancient epic battle. God has issued strict orders. The True Sun Heavenly sects must send troops. This is a rare good opportunity. At that time, Brother Chu will participate as my God Sect Burning Heaven."

"Yeah, my blood boils at the thought of it. It's not a trivial matter, I'm fighting for thirty-three days."

Jiaotu geared up.

[Choice 1: Go to the Heavenly Palace of True Sun, get 40,000 Fate Points, random half-day Taoist Pill x1. 】

[Option 2: Don't go to the Heavenly Palace of True Sun, get 40,000 Fate Points, and designate a half-day Taoist Pill x1. 】

Chu Yuan had already sensed that the Heavenly Court's special envoy had arrived at the Burning Heaven Divine Sect. This was a vast battle, and he also felt the atmosphere of True Sun Heaven was different.

"This battle, I am naturally interested." Chu Yuan made a choice.

The battle to win the sky regained the original status of the true sun sky.

This battle is too vast.

Although not comparable to the Great Ancient War, even he could not imagine the two giants fighting against each other.

Once it really fought, it would be terrifying.

"We are relieved if Brother Chu said this."

Fen Xu smiled and said: "In normal times, how can there be a chance to enter the Vast Sea? This time, there will be God sitting on the town, and the strong will gather for one day. There will even be many powerful people who came from other places. Gate, take their treasures!"

"Yes, loot the treasure!"

Jiao Tu's face was grim.

"I know."

Chu Yuan didn't participate in the battle for the True Sun Heavenly Court, but also wanted to take this opportunity to plunder the treasures in the vast sea days, and wantonly bring the treasures of the day back to his own dynasty.

"Now I have to go back to the clan to make arrangements. This time, every clan and clan must have 60% of the strong, not enough."

Fen Xudao.

"I am waiting here."

Chu Yuandao.

Two months passed.

Chu Yuan received the news from Fen Xu and went to the Fentian Divine Sect.

He saw a large number of strong men wearing flame armor, forming a large army.

The battle with True Sun Heaven was extraordinary this time, and ordinary people were not qualified to participate, and the last time they had to have the cultivation base of the World God.

Taking the world **** as the most common soldier, one can think of how high the level of this battle is.

"Fen Yuan, Fen Hai, this sect is now going to the Heavenly Court. This battle is an opportunity and a dangerous one. Even this sect does not know whether or not it will come back. If I fall, the sovereign will be transferred to Fen Hai."

Fen Xu ordered.

Fen Hai was also a little surprised, but there was no joy on his face. Instead, he said firmly: "My sect will definitely get the greatest chance in this battle. The two-day battle is tragic, but it is also a good opportunity to create a strong person. I believe Fen From the eyes of the ancestors, you will not die."

"Haha, don't be so dignified. This is a good opportunity. Maybe we came back this time and brought back a large number of treasures. I heard that. There are treasures everywhere in Hanhai."

Jiao Tu eases the atmosphere.

"Some things still need to be instructed well. God has already issued strict orders to prevent internal wars, so I have no worries."

Fen Xu said, "Brother Chu, we are ready. Let’s set off. The True Sun Heaven is at the center of the True Sun Heaven. It will take a long time for the Great Lord to travel, but if there is a teleportation array, it will only take half a month. about there."

"Let's start now. The two-day battle will be more exciting than what I have experienced. Many great lords will fight, and there will even be a fight between the gods and the gods."

Chu Yuan was also looking forward to this battle.

"Go, let's go to Zhenyang Heaven!"

With a wave of Fen Xu's palm, the Fen Tian Divine Sect's army immediately stepped into the teleportation formation.

The true sun was too big, and it was very difficult to rush without the teleportation formation.

It is a huge expense to teleport to the heaven on weekdays, but in this war, all teleportation is free.

"Let me tell Brother Chu that there is no room for fire and water. Hanhaitian is an ancient enemy to us. Their system is similar to ours. There is a vast sea god, and the strong are like clouds. The cultivation power is mainly based on the water system, and the entire vast sea The day is enveloped by the boundless ocean. We went to the heaven to find out how to fight."

On the way of transmission, Fen Xu introduced to Chu Yuan.

"Han Haitian's situation will be known after the attack, but I am very interested in True Sun Heavenly Court."

Chu Yuandao.

"I've only been to the True Sun Heavenly Court a few times, and I can reach it after several hundred teleportation formations."

Fen Xudao.

It was still too big, and the teleportation array could not be reached instantly. A Heavenly Broken Mountain was placed in the True Sun Heaven, and it was an area under the control of the Burning Heaven Sect.

Half a month later, when Chu Yuan and the others appeared from the last teleportation formation, the True Sun Heavenly Court appeared in front of them.

In the hell-like sea of ​​fire, in the endless sky fire, there appeared a radiant shrine, vast and endless. According to the invisible end, it was full of ancient and majestic aura, which existed for eternity.

Majestic and spectacular.

"The Heaven of True Sun was built by the ancient gods back then!"

Fen Xu is in awe of ~www.ltnovel.com~ how many times I have been here, I will be shocked by this grandeur.

"Even if a **** of heaven trespasses, there will be no burial place."

Chu Yuandao.

Here is the core of Zhenyangtian.

In the Heavenly Palace of True Sun, thousands of teleportation formations have been arranged. At every moment, each teleportation formation will have a large number of strong people, and nearly 70% of the strong people have gathered here a day.

"This battle will win!" Fen Xu also uttered vicious words.

You know, once they are promoted to thirty-three days, it will be good for them, and there will be a mysterious original energy enveloped in good fortune.

Before the Great Ancient War, Hanhaitian was inferior to them, and because it was not one of the 33 days, they were also less affected by the war.

After being promoted, the number of strong people emerges endlessly.

"In the rumors, the most ancient and mysterious heaven is the gods, where the gods gather."

Chu Yuan saw that the Heavenly Palace of True Sun, which had fallen for thirty-three days, was already vast, what a sight the gods looked like in the day.

There must be gods everywhere.

Seeing Chu Yuan's thoughtful expression, Fen Xu said with a smile: "Brother Chu, the True Sun Heavenly Court is here, let's go in first. This is the Beitian Gate. Let's go in from the Beitian Gate."

"it is good."

Chu Yuan responded.

"Guardian of the Heavenly Gate, this sect is the Supreme Sect of the God Sect of Burning Heaven, Fen Xu, this time he was called by God to lead the strongest of my sect into the Heavenly Court to participate in the battle. This is the decree of the Heavenly Court."

Fen Xu said to the guardian deity of Beitian Gate.

"Head Fen Xu, you can go in, the place of rest for the Divine Fentian Sect is ready, and soon God will come and give combat instructions to each sect."

The guardian deity of Beitianmen read the order and directly let Fen Xu and the others enter.

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