"Who are those people? How dare you rush directly to the main temple, is this a life-threatening? Even if the Great Lord rushes over, there will be no place to be buried!"

At this moment, when Chu Yuan suddenly rushed out, someone made a surprised voice.

"Don't worry about him. Recently, there are more people who are not afraid of death. There is no shortage of him. I want to monopolize the treasure while we are attacking. I really don't know whether he is strong or stupid."



Chu Yuan was fierce and powerful, and possessed tremendous power to control the world.

Since reaching the Supreme Four Heaven, this kind of power has become even more terrifying.

It is difficult to suppress him in the half-day Tao.

A palm breaks the gate of the temple, and what you see inside is an extremely vast space and time.

He stepped directly in.

"Someone broke into the main temple!"

"Don't worry, immediately activate the banning formation, seal him inside, and the great master will clean him up!"

"There have been several daring rushed in, but their fate is to be beheaded and die sadly!"

When Chu Yuan broke into the temple, they didn't panic, instead they closed the door and beat.

"The temple is closed!"

In the outside world, some people saw this scene, their complexion changed constantly, and sneered: "Okay, it's good to break in. The three human lords feel the extraordinary strength, but this time they break in, a lot of power must be separated from the inside Suppression, if the fish die and the net is broken, it will cause huge turbulence and create opportunities at the same time!"

"Follow me."

Chu Yuan's gaze swept across, and the inside of the temple looked larger than the outside world. It was an independent space and time, with palaces inside.

"Come to die again, so brave, the king has a way, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you just rush to the door, you will end up like them."

A great statue guarding the temple stepped forward, wearing a dark blue armor, exuding a monstrous ferocious aura.

The void suddenly changed, and what made people's eyes condensed was that hundreds of **** **** pillars appeared.

A sad corpse was tied to each sacred pillar, some of them were tortured to death.

The weakest person who can be tied to the **** pillar must have the highest strength.

"It's him!"

Fen Xu suddenly looked at the tortured blood corpse on a sacred pillar, and said in astonishment: "Zhuo Yan, he died here. A great deity died so miserably and sadly."

This Zhuo Yan was in the Holy Ancient God City that day, the great sovereign of the Xuyan Shenzong who had also clashed with Fen Xu.

When he died like this, Fen Xu also shook his head.

"Hmph, I think this is a treasure place, but I don't know that this place is your grave. Have you seen these three sacred pillars? Your bodies will be hung up soon."

Another great deity walked out coldly. He waved his hand and three sacred pillars thundered up, like a tomb prepared for the three of Chu Yuan.

"What nonsense, I think this is for you!"

As long as Chu Yuan was there, Fen Xu had no fear.

"When you die, you still have a hard mouth. A person who is really sunny is a dead duck with a hard mouth!"

Another great lord, he holds a deep-sea trident, and his face is densely covered with fish scales.

The three great lords stared at Chu Yuan with murderous aura. The time and space in the temple was closed, and there was the origin of belief in Han Haitian, and they all turned into strong beams of light radiating on them.

"I saw that there are many treasures in the temple that are sealed!"

Chu Yuan shot.

He stepped into the air, his intense eyes constantly sweeping.

"Get me down!"

Boom! The origin of the vast sea was condensed into a big deep blue hand and slapped it down, tens of thousands of divine light penetrated Chu Yuan.

But all the power disappeared in front of Chu Yuan, the gate of the sky thunder was ever-changing, appeared in his hand, and with a fierce grip, there was actually a thunder halberd, hundreds of thousands of thunder lasses.

The emperor was domineering and suppressed the sky with a blow, and the Leiguang Euphorbia slammed it.

Wow! The entire temple was in turbulence in time and space, a large void was torn apart, and a strong force penetrated a place, revealing an old man in dark blue clothes sitting there, manipulating power.

"You can find the main hall!"

The old man was surprised.

He is the master of Qingya Temple.

"This person is fierce, so be cautious!"

Palace Master Qingya did not dare to be careless, the blow just now showed Chu Yuan's strength.

"I went to kill him!"

Chu Yuan was calm and domineering, his eyes suddenly condensed to the old man.

Palace Master Qingya suddenly felt that his soul was about to be drawn into the endless abyss, eternally degenerate, and then gritted his teeth fiercely, "It's a bit of a doorway, but this is the home of the main hall, you are still far from being fierce!"

"Sword of the Sea God!"

This is not a real physical divine sword, but an energy phantom, but in the vast sea days, there is indeed a sea god's sword, which is the sword of the vast sea god.

The sword of the sea **** is the most supreme artifact of Han Haitian.

Just like Chu Yuan's human emperor sword.

The Qingya Hall Master blessed his power on the Seagod's Sword, and the faith of the entire temple was infused. He said in a pious tone: "With the Seagod's Sword, kill all kinds, all invaders!"

Suddenly, the dazzling **** pattern was densely covered on the Seagod's Sword, and the power of a sword was cut down in the air.

"Seagod's sword? I don't know if I can withstand this sword."

Chu Yuan's eyes widened, and he reigned over the heaven and earth, like the master of all gods. He waved his hand ~www.ltnovel.com~ The infinite humane will, the divine martial arts and national destiny, also turned into a sword in an instant, and the internal time and space rumbled and shattered.

The Seagod's Sword and Chu Yuan's Humane Divine Martial Sword immediately collided, and both broke apart.

"What kind of power can actually block the Seagod's Sword!"

Palace Master Qingya was surprised, but not panicked.

Although his strength can't be ranked in the top 1,000 of the half-day Taoist list, how can his strength be weak if he can hold a palace, and he immediately shouted: "Everyone will kill this person with all their strength!"

"Hahaha, great, Fen Xu, let's also take action to create opportunities for Brother Chu!"

Jiao Tu shouted.

Their role in fighting with Chu Yuan is to kill those troubles that interfere with the battle.

"The Sea God's Great Formation, countless swords, this time this temple uses the power of faith that has accumulated billions of years to kill you here!"

When the host of the Qingya Palace drank, there was a splash of sea water in the time and space.

It was also the Seagod's Sword, but this time tens of thousands of handles appeared at once, and each of them contained tyrannical and invincible power. Palace Master Qingya was also fierce, urging the power of the large formation to the strongest.

Like a sword buried in the sea, sword light flies.

Sect Master Ruins Yan came in like that, he would definitely be cut into meat sauce.

"The main hall depends on how you block it!"

Palace Master Qingya yelled violently, intending to attack Chu Yuan's mind and make him lose his composure.

Chu Yuan stood indifferently on the spot. He had the domineering aura to swallow the world and did not see any movement, but all the Seagod's swords disintegrated automatically in front of him, and his vitality was plundered by him.

Palace Master Qingya's eyes widened, how could this be so.

Chu Yuan clenched a fist, and the Leiguang Euphorbia standing in front of him collapsed, hitting hundreds of millions of thunder lights, and Time and Space shattered into **** in front of him.

He slashed with his big hand in the air, and the void shrank into a ball, directly slashing towards the Palace Master Qingya.

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