"God... the temple is gone!"

The magnificent main temple suddenly disappeared, and everyone's expressions were astonished. It was difficult to react for a while. What happened?

"They did it!"

Chu Yuan and the others appeared.

And their existence attracted everyone's attention.

Before, they directly entered the main temple, but now they disappear, and they must have an inescapable relationship with them.

"A lot of people are watching us."

The rugged man Jiao Tu grinned.

"Hall Lord, they are all dead!"

The strong men of the Qingya Temple who were still fighting outside frantically contacted the Qingya Temple owner and the others, but they all fell to the sea without any response, with a terrified expression on their faces.

Some people even made panic sounds.

"It's really them!"

"This group of people actually had to kill Palace Master Qingya and wiped out all the treasures. Oh my God, what kind of strength this is, we haven't broken the siege for so long, and they actually took other people's nest directly!"

"Treasures! Countless treasures are gone. We have worked hard to attack and cost a lot of losses. This time, all of them are cheaper."

"Calm down, being able to slay Palace Master Qingya is enough to show his strength, and watching the changes, this group of **** demons won't let it go!"

The strong people present were staring at Chu Yuan and the group of people.

"The disappearance of the Qingya Temple must be done by you. You are really brave enough to find death, hand over, hand over all the things, I am wailing the **** of heaven and wave down Lord Hisa!"

Sure enough, the first person who couldn't stand it was the Hell Heavenly Powerhouse, a demon who stood like a human, but with hideous spurs all over his body stepped out, with hideous spurs on his back.

Countless army of **** also gathered around at this moment, murderous.

This time they attacked the Qingya Temple because they knew there was a Heavenly Dao God Pill, which they wanted to break and seize and dedicated to the great Wailing Heaven Dao God.

"A good dog doesn't stand in the way!" Jiao Tu screamed, "Get out of here!"

He is not afraid at all.

"You guys are looking for death!"

Hearing Jiao Tu call him a dog, the Lord Hisa had a grim face and said cruelly: "You will be killed by the **** army the most cruel!"

"Those who have the strength will get it."

Fen Xu looked at Lord Hesar, "But those who stand in the way, die!"

"Let the **** army try their power. I know this group of people from the Burning Heaven Sect, but the only thing that makes me feel jealous is that mysterious man, such a strong coercion, I am not sure of his strength!"

Many people don't plan to do it first.

The strong who can destroy the temple in one fell swoop is easy to provoke.

"Kill, besie them!"

Hell powerhouses take action in the harsh environment of hell. Fighting and fighting are just as commonplace for them. They have never seen any kind of people.

"Let's kill too!"

Fen Xu knew that there would be a fierce battle.

"Come whatever you want."

Chu Yuan looked at the group of strong men who looked at him and didn't care at all. If he wanted to grab food, he would kill him.

He raised a palm, originally wanting to obliterate it directly, but suddenly changed his mind. At the moment when countless **** army rushed over, his palm moved and smashed, splitting the road.

The space was cut open, and the rolling space storm blew out.

There are a large number of **** troops who have not yet reacted, and the space storm rolled them up and absorbed them in groups.

"He is taking the initiative to attack the **** army!"

Chu Yuan's hands shocked many strong people present. Although the space cracks just appeared and swallowed a lot of **** army, there are too many hells, and it can consume you to death.

"All for sacrifice."

Chu Yuan's expression at this time was too cold and merciless.

Killing and refining these **** demons has little effect on him. He wants to capture a large number of demons, seal them, and use them to sacrifice the fire at critical times and summon the power of the gods of heaven.

Although he was standing in place, his thoughts spread out, and the space cracks suddenly appeared in front of the **** army, directly swallowed by thousands.

The whole world is cracking.

More than one black hole is appearing...

"Brother Chu's methods are so amazing and powerful, we don't need our loyalty."

Fen Xu and they all laughed.

To cast the Great Devouring technique by means of the void, this is simply a nightmare for the **** army.

"Lord Hisar, can't let him continue, gather the power of the lord, attack him, and turn the sacrifices of a large number of demons here into our power to kill this person!"

A **** demon with a pair of **** wings.

"Sacrifice to the great wailing god!"

Lord Hisa is also cruel.

As soon as his expression changed, a large number of **** demons burned all over. The biggest function of this group of cannon fodder was to consume, and it didn't hurt to die.

The wailing voice resounded, howling in the wind, time and space chaotic, and a hand of heaven representing heaven patted over.

The hands of the Heavenly Dao, which has gathered countless **** demons, are shot out, and they are sacrificed into the wailing Heavenly Dao God's Heavenly Dao law, which truly contains the power of the Heavenly Dao, and the power is incredible.

"court death!"

Chu Yuan went up against the sky, blasted out with a palm, the hand of Heavenly Dao slammed his body, but he declared collapse in an instant, and he did not waver.

Chu Yuan waved his big hand, eternally becoming empty, and directly obliterated, he suddenly stared at the blood-winged man and teleported over.

"No, he wants to kill me!"

The bloodwing demon's face changed.

He flapped his wings and was about to fly, but the time and space around him suddenly turned into a copper wall and iron wall, and he did not fly out.

Chu Yuan clenched into a fist, and shot the mighty thunder light vitality on the blood wing demon.

boom! The blood wing man collapsed ~www.ltnovel.com~ Every piece of his demon body still contained strong vitality, but it had no effect. He was completely sealed by a wave of both hands.


Lord Hisa shouted angrily.

Although the blood wing demon next to him is just an ordinary lord, the lord is the lord, and they are all swept down by the wailing gods.

"I want to summon more demons and kill you!"

Lord Hisa was angry.

"The army of **** is going to be violent. They are not so easy to deal with. This time you have got so much benefit and you are unwilling to share it with others. If there is such a good thing to take away, eating alone is a price."

A strong man who does not belong to **** is sneering, "And I, Wanggu, is watching the show. When you are the most intense, you may still have the possibility of seizing a lot of treasures and taking 10,000 steps. Even if I can't get it, I can leave immediately!"

This kind of strong is not just Wanggu alone, but the idea of ​​many people present.

Everyone could tell that Chu Yuan was powerful, and it was definitely not something ordinary people could resist.

Chu Yuan's gaze swept across the four directions, and his thoughts on these people were clear.

He suddenly locked onto the person called Wanggu, who was the one whose mind fluctuated most sharply, teleporting in one step, shattering the sky with big hands, and the invincible power directly slashed and killed.

"You want to kill me!"

This Wanggu was also afraid, and quickly fought back and was about to run away.

But as soon as he fell, he was smashed into flight.

"Help me, if I die, he will deal with you too!"

The king drum roared in surprise.

But Chu Yuan would not give him a chance to survive, and the shattering blade slashed across the void.

This odd-shaped weapon blade burst into light, as if putting a king drum into a sieve, squeezing it, and cutting it.

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