Zhong Han was beheaded?

   Chai Ning was also stunned when he saw this scene, and his heart was throbbing, unable to calm down for a long time.

   You must know that this is an existence at the same level as him, capable of destroying the power of the two-star power. Although his strength is not as good as him, he died in Chu Yuan's hands like this, which is simply appalling.

   Originally, he thought Dawu was a two-star dynasty with great potential. He personally came here to open up the continuous suppression of the Infinite Chamber of Commerce in the hanging space, but after this battle, the strength of this Dawu is probably comparable to some Samsung dynasties.

   "The general is dead!"

   "We can't be Dawu's opponent!"

   "How is this possible, the general would actually die in battle!"


The Hei Ming army below    saw that Zhong Han was beheaded and turned into a blood-colored fruit, completely stunned and panicked.

  Originally, they couldn't hold on under the conqueror of the Great Armed Forces, but Zhong Han's death was undoubtedly an important factor that caused them to collapse. One by one, they were completely defeated, and there was no way to show their arrogance before.

   Even the last half-step Zhaoshen was trembling, and hurriedly shouted the order to retreat and exit the molten desert.

   At this time, a large number of the army of the Black Underworld Dynasty was also heading for an orderless defeat in the molten desert.

   "Great swallowing technique, swallow!"

Seeing those people trying to escape, Chu Yuan's eyes fired again, and a swallowing vortex appeared around his body. Wherever he went, countless people were swallowed by him, condensing into the blood-colored fruit, increasing its volume. .

   At this moment, this blood-colored fruit, accompanied by Chu Yuan's swallowing, was already a head the size of a head, and it was illuminated by a mysterious blood.

   "Not enough, not enough!"

   Everywhere he walks, people are blank.

"you are not human!"

   Watching Chu Yuan perform the great devouring technique, the scalp of the half-step shining generals exploded. He only felt that Chu Yuan was next to the Demon God Realm. Once he entered, he would die without a burial place, and there would be no bones left.


   Chu Yuan's devouring whirlpool enveloped the half-step shining.

   This person didn't even make a scream, but merged into the blood-colored fruit, and suddenly expanded again.

   Not only that, Chu Yuan specifically killed the existences of the Hei Ming army who were prying into the gods, their flesh and blood, essence and soul were swallowed into the fruit, and they could grow at a speed visible to the naked eye!

   Great Swallowing technique, omnipotent swallowing, omnipotent, transformed into the energy required by Chu Yuan.

   It is rumored that even a large world can be swallowed by a mouthful of cultivation to the extreme level.

Consecutively swallowed, there are dozens of Peeping Gods in the Black Underworld army, two half-step Illuminating Gods, one true Illuminating God and a large number of Divine Powers beings were swallowed by Chu Yuan and transformed into one full of two heads. Bloody fruit.

   "Peek into the realm of the gods, the way to the realm of the gods, the way to get to the gods is the way of humanity, the way of godlessness, kindness to the inside, cruel to the outside!"

   Chu Yuan is very clear about his way.

  To build an immortal and eternal empire centered on people and emperors!

  The endless national fortunes turned into golden beams covering him!

   Tens of thousands of **** pills are dancing around him!

   A large number of magic crystals were also swallowed by him into shattered crystal powder!

   "A glimpse of the realm of God!"

   All the energy poured into his body in an instant, if it were not for the upgrade of the Great Devouring Technique, he would not be able to refine it so quickly.

   Peek into the gods!

   With a true shining **** as a medicinal introduction, Chu Yuan successfully broke through to the realm of voyeurism.

   Feel the power of this realm. When the mana moves, you can feel the laws that make up the world, and then use your own power to gently spy on them.

   to see the power of a trace of the path of the gods, this is to see the gods.

   Human Emperor Sword Realm's combat power increases by one, that is to say, without using any divine tools and supernatural powers, Chu Yuan's strength is comparable to a strong one with the highest level of God.

   "Happily, I can feel a completely different change from the supernatural power when I break through to the God Realm!"

   Chu Yuan's eyes were bright and he couldn't help laughing.

This time, the great gift that Hei Ming Dynasty gave him was too great. If it hadn't swallowed Zhong Han and a large number of Peeping God Realm and Divine Power Realm, even if Chu Yuan had a God Pill, he would not have been able to hit Peeping God in such a short time. Realm.

At this moment, this war with the Hei Ming Dynasty is about to end. With the magical powers, the top powerhouse such as Peeping God is swallowed by Chu Yuan, and the remaining ordinary soldiers have no strength to continue to resist. .

  The battle lasted from dusk until late at night.

In this battle, the two million troops of the Black Underworld Dynasty were beheaded and killed a total of seven or eight hundred thousand, and the existence of the gods was swept away. There were corpses everywhere, except for some who fled into the desert by taking advantage of the chaos and were captured. There are millions of people.

   A large number of materials from the Hei Ming Dynasty were also confiscated one by one.

  Although the Great Army Corps has some damage, it is not worth mentioning compared to the Black Underworld Dynasty.

Two million elites were swept away this time. Dozens of Peeping Gods, two half-step Illuminating Gods and one true Illuminating God were damaged, even for a powerful force like the Black Underworld Dynasty. .

   If the news goes back to the Black Underworld Dynasty, I don't know how wonderful the face of the Black Underworld Emperor will be.

   His face was not brilliant, Chu Yuan didn't know, but Dawu's big victory passed back to the country, almost all boiled, excited, and seemed to have nothing to do with them, but the stronger the dynasty, the invisible benefits exist.

   "It's over?" Chai Ning hasn't recollected the shock yet.

   "Chairman Chai, the elite of the Hei Ming Dynasty was defeated in one fell swoop, and it seems that our business will cooperate better in the future."

   Chu Yuan knew that this battle had completely shocked Chai Ning. In his heart, Dawu could not be divided into two-star dynasty, and he might soon be promoted to three-star dynasty.

   "Congratulations, Your Majesty for this victory."

  Chairman Chai's face twitched~www.ltnovel.com~ His previous preparations were not wrong, and the Dawu branch was built as Samsung, and it was the kind with potential.

   At this time, he felt that it was not enough, and even proposed to the five-star branch of the Hanging Domain to give the Dawu four-star branch the treatment.

   "Infinite Chamber of Commerce, this time you quit Dawu with short-sighted eyes, but give me a chance for Qiankun Chamber of Commerce. I don't know if you will regret it."

   Chai Ning was also a little grateful that the Unlimited Chamber of Commerce withdrew and gave him the opportunity to enter.

   "Your Majesty, the battlefield has been cleaned up, and all the prisoners have been removed from their weapons and armors. What should I do?"

   Lu Qianfu reported at this time.

   "The obedient stay, put in the crime death camp, and give them food, and the disobedient, and those who dare to resist, will kill them directly. I am not interested in surrendering them slowly."

   Chu Yuan said lightly.

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"

   Lu Qianfu nodded.

"In addition, you have won a big victory this time. Let Fuling organize the supplies. I will give her a standard. You will list your military exploits and reward the soldiers. If you have merit, you will be punished. I will not treat anyone wrongly. Soldiers who have done great service."

   Chu Yuan continued: "Tell the Ministry of Husbandry that I will give a celebration banquet this time, and reward every meritorious soldier, Chairman Chai, this time I will be hosting a celebration banquet. I wonder if I am interested in participating and give this face?"

   "Your Majesty personally invited me to do so."

   This is a good opportunity to get closer to Chu Yuan. Chai Ning naturally wants to participate and will not let it go.

   "So it would be better." Chu Yuan said: "If there was no invasion by the Black Underworld this time, it would be difficult for me to break through the God of Peeping in a short time."

   "He's just a glimpse!"

   Hearing Chu Yuan's words, Chai Ning's heart was completely broken.

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