"Great Yang Yuan, save me!"

Killing Zhan Yuan would never have thought that Chu Yuan would be so strong, and his instant shot left him with no resistance.

The appearance of the Great Master Yang Yuan was like a straw for life.

That is the great master on the Bantian Dao list, and it is still ranked forty-seventh, so powerful.


Great Master Yang Yuan came and took a few breaths.

Chu Yuan didn't pay any attention to it, and the big swallowing technique appeared, and Zhan Yuan was swallowed directly by him in the wailing, he would not listen to the big drink of Yang Yuan at all.

"The deity has already told you to stop, why did you kill him? Is this taking the deity's command as a deaf ear?"

Great Master Yang Yuan came and looked at Chu Yuan, with unbearable anger. In such a critical situation, someone dared to kill in front of him.

He doesn't care about the life and death of these people, but he is angry that at this critical time, there are others who are stabs.

"They provoked first!" Fen Xu said immediately.

"Shut up, there is no place for you to talk here!"

Great Master Yang Yuan stared at him and said coldly, "Give me an explanation."

"I need no explanation for killing."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

He is not a subordinate of this great Yang Yuan, do you still need to listen to his orders.

"Get out, no one can save you."

Chu Yuan directly pointed to the old antique.

"Does he want to kill again in front of Great Venerable Yang Yuan?"

Many people were shocked again.

This is too unscrupulous!

"Great Master Yang Yuan, I just said a few words, he is going to kill me, is it too unreasonable?"

Although this person is ruthless, but with the great Yang Yuan by his side, he is more at ease.

He said: "This time I have responded to the battle of True Sun Heaven to help you win the battle of the heavens. It is an alliance. If I were beheaded by him, what would other people think? The combat deployment is also very unfavorable. This person is too arrogant. It is a disaster to keep him. I am not convinced by the Immeasurable Heavenly powerhouse. I must give an explanation for killing the Meteorite Clan!"

At this time, he was actually still provoking other people's anger against Chu Yuan.

Great Master Yang Yuan was upset.

Of course he knows the whole story, this person is deliberately picking things up.

If it is not handled well today, it will cause the collapse of the alliance.

"Every step back, how about giving face to the deity?"

Great Master Yang Yuan didn't want to ruin his attack plan because of these things.

"I give this face, I'm afraid he won't give it."

This person was also extremely cunning, deliberately provoking Chu Yuan to the opposite side of the crowd, and seemed to give Chu Yuan a choice, but in fact it added fuel to the fire.

Chu Yuan was most annoyed with these people.

"Okay, don't worry about it. This person has a bad heart and deliberately provoked an internal fight. I think he is Han Haitian's internal response. Kill him, everything is well, I will deal with this scourge for you."

Chu Yuan's voice rolled and disappeared suddenly, and he stepped in the void before the old antique.

"Grand Master Yang Yuan, do you want to watch his strong action!"

This person was also taken aback.

"Don't do it!"

With a drink from Great Master Yang Yuan, he grabbed it with his palm, and a flame chasm also appeared in front of the two of them.

Boom! Chu Yuan's supernatural power shook the chasm directly, and he didn't care. Almost instantly, he arrived in front of this old antique, and a divine light swept down.

"Ah! Save me, Great Master Yang Yuan, many fellow Taoists of Wuliangtian!"

The old antique roared, and he repeatedly used his supernatural powers to burst this power.

But all his struggles were of no use. Chu Yuan's attack was too fierce, and he immediately killed him. His stalwart body suppressed it on the spot. With a palm of wind, fire and thunder gathered, he immediately caught this old antique.

The power of the world also frightened everyone present.

His eyes condensed, and the hand of the seal lifted him up and squeezed it directly in his hand.

"It is better to eradicate this kind of scourge in advance, so as not to wait for the war to start and destroy major things."

Chu Yuan was shrouded in blood mist, like a demon god, boundless emperor.

"The Great Master Yang Yuan also deliberately!"

How smart Fen Xu is.

He could see that Great Master Yang Yuan might save this old antique if he made a move, but he only made a false move and deliberately let Chu Yuan kill this person to end the conflict.

It is exactly as he guessed.

Great Master Yang Yuan didn't want to save this person at all.

He already knew the whole story, it was this old antique who was picking up things, deliberately saying that this person had the gods of heaven and pill, making many people greedy, causing self-fighting between the alliances and sabotaging his plan.

But this old antique was never counted. Chu Yuan killed him like a dog, ruining his life.

He could not stop Chu Yuan.

He could see that Chu Yuan was an overbearing emperor with a will like heaven, and it was impossible to change people if he wanted to kill him, and the mysterious and powerful strength of this person also made him very jealous.

Moreover, just let this person go to kill chickens and monkeys, so that some evils dare not jump out.

He was not afraid of Chu Yuan, but he was afraid that once a conflict broke out with Chu Yuan, things would get out of hand.

This is powerful.

If two ordinary great lords dared to jump around like this, he would have wiped them out.

But facing Chu Yuan, he could only choose one side.

"Great Master Yang Yuan, please give us an explanation. He even killed me the Immeasurable Heavenly Expert. Could it be that our people just died in vain?"

The immeasurable heavenly powerhouses are indignant.

"Huh! What do you want to explain?"

Fen Xu shouted: "This person is looking for death~www.ltnovel.com~ Great lords, can you not tell with your wisdom? He is deliberately instigating and letting us kill each other. He is Han Haitian’s internal response. A conspiracy, and Brother Chu is the one who disintegrated the conspiracy. He beheaded the inner response to serve us to attack the Azure Sea God Sect!"

Dazun Yangyuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He certainly knows that there are many internal responses in the team.

If Chu Yuan got the Heavenly Dao Divine Pill, he didn't care, just this time he attacked the Azure Sea God Sect and others got countless treasures, he didn't care.

He also hoped that more powerful and ambitious people like Chu Yuan would help them.

"What to explain is to come one by one, or to come together."

Chu Yuan didn't care about the indignation of Wuliangtian's heroes.

He will not give any explanation.

"Stop for the deity!"

Grand Venerable Yang Yuan shouted: "This deity is not here to listen to your quarrels, immeasurable people. If you want to fight, go to the side and fight with him. Explain that the deity didn’t, and see what the person is doing. The deity wants to explain? The matter is over. Now it is going to break the Azure Sea God Sect. The Azure Sea God Sect is the Heavenly Way God Sect. After breaking through, the deity will not say much. I think all the daoists present are For this purpose."

He is also extremely smart, and a single sentence brings the problem to the offense.

Everyone present knows that once the Azure Sea God Sect is destroyed, the value is definitely not comparable to that of a Heavenly Dao Divine Pill.

And Chu Yuan's strength is too strong, who dares to fight with him now?

The immeasurable person also shut up.

Feeling Chu Yuan's invincible emperor's prestige, they wanted to force Great Master Yang Yuan to take action, but they also knew that if the trouble continued, they would stand on the opposite side of the powerful.

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