Chu Yuan's voice resounded.

A fire is like a fire, it looks very weak and seems to be extinguished at any time, but there is indeed a tenacious vitality to make it immortal.

Boom! The sacrifice began.

In the black hole, Chu Yuan burned a large number of sacrifices and sacrificed to this group of fireworks.

boom! A blow from the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao God in Canghai killed Chu Yuan, and was blocked by a huge force. The infinite flames instantly expanded, actually supporting the incarnation of the heavenly path.

The sudden blow out also made the incarnation of Heavenly Dao show a puzzled expression.

"what is that?"

Fenxianjiao Tu also looked in shock.

"The passing gods, I sacrificed you with a large amount of sacrifices, burst out the power that originally belonged to you, and reappeared in the heavens and the earth, the never-passing heaven, one day you will reappear in the colorful world, Your true spirit will have a short life at this moment."

Chu Yuan looked serious.

He prepared an extremely large number of sacrifices this time.

From the time he entered to Han Haitian, he had been hunting and preparing.

Wow! A long river of heaven like magma appeared, rushing and flowing.

Because the power of sacrifice touched the deeply hidden rules in the multiverse, the strong power of the heavens actually caused the incarnation of the heavens to retreat again and again.

The fire flame flew over the long river, running through the past, present and the future, and turned into a body composed entirely of flames.

Summon the dead existence by sacrifice, but this method can only be used to summon the gods of heaven, because they left their own heaven.

"This is a sacrifice!"

Fen Xu exclaimed, "I understand, Brother Chu hunted so many **** creatures to prepare for this sacrifice. He has a vehicle for offering sacrifices to the God of Heaven. My God, the power of God of Heaven is amazing. ."

"The gods who have passed away can only temporarily appear in the world in the form of sacrifices, and the deity is not afraid!"

The incarnation of Tiandao stared closely at the fire.

He could feel that this **** of heaven was a more powerful existence than him.

"Hmph, a dead existence, but the original **** exists in the world!"

He is fearless.

He did not fall, and the deity outside the Azure Sea God Sect could bless his strength in.

A azure blue light suddenly appeared, and Heavenly Dao incarnation shot the momentum, violently bombarding the sky fire.

But the river of fire swept across, and suddenly flooded the power of the incarnation of the heavenly path.

This is no longer mana, but a match of heaven.

"I am immortal and immortal, the way of heaven will last forever, I am the ancestor of all fires, and I will surely reappear in the world."

Xinhuo is his last spiritual knowledge only left in the world. After being awakened by a large number of sacrifices, he roared with anger, like a flash flood, the world is angry, and the power suppressed the incarnation of the Tao of Heaven.

"The sky is falling apart, this is the power of the heavenly gods!"

This kind of power made Jiaotu Fenxu trembling, trembling with the power of Heaven.

He saw this vague figure struggling in the long river of fire. A giant was about to cross out and descend into this real world, but the power of sacrifice was not enough for him to recover.

"To deal with the incarnation of Heaven, it is not enough, more sacrifices are needed!"

Chu Yuan's eyes flashed, and he felt the desire for the fire.

"It's you, your greatest role in the inheritance time and space is to become my sacrifice!"

Chu Yuan hit somewhere in the void with one palm, and the hidden time and space was immediately broken, revealing the boundless existence, which was under the command of the hideous and terrifying heavenly gods.

"No, he found us, what is he going to do?"

"Run, his purpose is to sacrifice us and use our lives against the incarnation of Heaven."

"What, how dare he dare to have such courage, we are under the command of Heavenly Dao God!"

"Run, the long river of heaven is overwhelmed, we are not opponents at all!"

This group of **** demons was frightened, and they were also afraid of death, especially the high **** lords.

But it was too late for their escape, and the long river of heaven swept over. This was the power of the heavenly gods, and their struggle was extremely fragile in front of the heavenly way, and they were immediately submerged.

"My way will live forever!"

After Xinhuo was sacrificed, it was like regaining a new life, and his endless fire of heaven immediately enveloped the incarnation of heaven.

The incarnation of Tiandao was also roaring and roaring, but in the power of this kind of fire, he could only retreat steadily, and his understanding of the way of heaven was nothing compared to fire.

"You, God remembered, I won't forgive you!"

Canghai Tiandao God also issued the most angry roar.

Originally, if it hadn't been for the bombardment of the power of the Heavenly Dao stronger than him, he would have been completely unafraid, but when the fire was attacked, he would collapse and disappear into the dust.

In fact, Canghai Tiandao God still wants to reincarnate Tiandao.

Unfortunately, he can't do it.

The way of heaven here has been controlled by Xinhuo, and there is no place for him.

To maintain the long river of heaven, every breath requires a lot of strength, and the fire is getting more and more illusory, and it is about to return to the original state.

"Sacrifice sacrifices! I want more sacrifices to reproduce from the law of life and death!"

The fire was roaring.

At this time, he is wise, knowing that after a few breaths, he will fall asleep again.

"Young people, give me more sacrifices. I am an ancient way of heaven, and my artifacts of heaven are hidden in mystery. I can teach you insights into heaven, establish an immortal dynasty, and believe in me!"

The fire broke out with eager He really didn't want to be silent again.

"There is no faith, but there will be sacrifices in the future."

Chu Yuan could see that this Heavenly Dao God was not an ordinary Heavenly Dao God. If he reappeared in his true form, Canghai Heavenly Dao God would be far from his opponent.

Even if you really want to resurrect the **** of heaven from the way of heaven in the future, you must control it in your own hands and become his subordinate.

"Tell me your history." Chu Yuan asked.

"I am the fire ancestor."

His voice became more and more illusory, "I have left many gods, as long as you summon me from the long river of heaven next time, and temporarily break free from the law of life and death, you will be told where the treasures are, and there will be some you want. Heavenly Dao artifact!"

A ball of flame fell on Chu Yuan's palm again.

"Sacrifice? Sacrificing you once is not so easy. How much money did it cost me this time to collect enough sacrifices to give you a dozen breaths in this world."

Chu Yuan looked at the fire in his hand, which was a bit stronger than before.

But if you really want to resurrect him, you need a sea of ​​sacrifices.

And the more powerful the God of Heaven, the more difficult it is to summon the resurrection.

The fire of fire belongs to this kind.

"But deliberately tempting me to search for treasures. I know that you have more than one artifact of the Heavenly Dao. You need sacrifices again and again, so I am willing to speak out slowly. When I need you, I will continue to sacrifice."

Chu Yuan grasped the fire and looked at this inherited time and space.


Fen Xu, Jiao Tu was still a little confused.

The impact of the two heavens was too shocking.


Chu Yuan said indifferently.

He opened the system space, and the Big Devouring technique appeared, and countless inheritances were sucked in uncontrollably.

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