Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1235: The star of national luck

After being promoted to the Dao for a long time, God of War gradually revealed his strength.

There is no problem and no bottleneck for him to become the pinnacle great master. In the future, he may even be ranked extremely high on the half-day Tao list.

With his talent in strength, any day in the 33rd day, he will be valued by the God of Heaven.

Just like this battle for the heavens, the heavenly gods on both sides did not obviously have the strength to suppress each other, relying on their subordinates.

That Great Venerable Liang Yu was invincible, and by slaying the Great Venerable Hanhaitian, he won a huge advantage for Zhenyangtian.

But the God of War knew very well that all his achievements today were given to him by the God Emperor. Without the God Emperor, he would have died long ago.

He doesn't care about other gods.

His way is the way of the **** of war and the **** of war, the way of the indomitable warrior.

"Your Majesty, the Fei Xing Sect has been basically eliminated. Just now, the minister felt a lot of prying thoughts. It is very likely that the people of the six major sects have felt the fluctuations here."

God of War.

"This is something that has long been expected."

Chu Yuan glanced at the three people in the army, and said, "The Sun, Moon, and Stars!"


The three gods of the sun, moon and stars will be out.

"This time, with the vitality of the three Bantian Dao laws, and with the assistance of the Heavenly Dao Divine Pill, I will allow you to break through to the Bantian Dao realm and become the great deity of our Divine Martial Arts!"

Chu Yuan created a piece of time and space in an instant.

In time and space, the Heavenly Dao Divine Pill hangs high like a bright moon, and the vitality of the three Half-Heaven Dao also hits the Sun, Moon and Stars at the same time.

It costs a lot to cut the three great lords and consume a lot of the vitality of the heavenly **** pill to re-train.

However, the Sun, Moon, and Stars will be absolutely loyal to him.

"The next step is to deal with these six cases, but they have already received the news, it can't be like dealing with Feixingmen."

Ares thinking about the next step.

"It's okay. First occupy the Feixing Gate and build a war base. Then, in my name, declare the imperial decree to these six major sects and surrender to me. I will wait for them at the Feixing Gate. Also released at the same time."

Chu Yuan's faint voice contained commanding domineering.

This time he will do everything in one fell swoop.

After occupying the Feixing Gate, Chu Yuan could clearly sense that the fortune of the Kingdom of God was greatly increasing, and his strength was getting closer and closer to the fifth heaven.

"I'm afraid no one will come to participate. After receiving the imperial decree, they will inevitably panic and think about countermeasures." The God of War sneered, "Leave these matters to the ministers."

The news spread very quickly in the Promise Xinghai.

Within a few days, many sect tribes received the imperial decree.

"The Fei Xing Gate was destroyed, and the Fei Xing ancestor was also beheaded!"

Xingquan Gate is also one of the seven strongest sects.

The ancestor of Xingquan, who had been in retreat for thousands of years, also exited urgently.

He looked at the imperial decree in front of him with a gloomy face, looked at the people in the temple, and said: "Everyone, what do you think of how this Shenwu imperial decree should be handled."

He has no pity for the demise of the Fei Xingmen, the world is cruel, and the sects are extinct and rising at all times.

What he worried about was what to do with his Star Spring Sect.

"Old ancestor, the Fei Xing Sect ranks sixth among the seven strongest sects. It is not a strong one, but since the opponent can destroy the Fei Xing Sect with fierce means, it means that the opponent is very strong!"

A great master walked out.

There are five great masters at Xingquan Gate.

The ancestor of Xingquan is a high-ranking grandeur who comprehended 80% of the law of Tao.

"What is the origin of Shenwu Shen Dynasty?" Xingquan ancestor was also confused.

"I don’t know, we don’t know much about them. It’s not my Wuji Xinghai. By the way, I remember it, it seems to be from Tianduan Mountain. Some time ago I killed a group of people. From their mouths, I learned that Tianduan Mountain has changed a lot. , Shenwu Shen Dynasty rises, they escaped."

A great master suddenly said.

Back then, when Chu Yuan dealt with the Kingdom of God Nirvana, Tianduanshan ran away a number of large and small sects.

"Tian Broken Mountain!" The old ancestor Xingquan frowned, inexplicably irritable, and said: "The Shenwu God Emperor issued the imperial decree, this is ordering us to surrender to him, otherwise we will end up like a flying star gate."

"It's impossible to surrender him!"

Xingquanzong powerhouse immediately shouted: "If you surrender to him, you have to listen to his orders. He is too domineering. Do you really think he can dominate the Promise Star Sea?"

"The other cases must have received the same news. They must be as furious as I am. Naturally, my family cannot deal with him. There is only one way. Together, I will go to meet the other ancestors and discuss Countermeasures."

The ancestor of Xingquan Sect contacted other sects immediately.

And in the Flying Star Sect.

Chu Yuan reversed time.


Billions of galaxies, stars rolling, sun, moon and stars, three incomparably bright lights suddenly impacted on the sky, deducting the power of the Dao for a long time.

And these three divine lights immediately formed three huge natal stars in Shenwu's national destiny.

This natal star is just like the stars, dazzling, as if it is a conferred god, becoming the **** of Shenwu.

Only the existence of Bantian Dao, who has comprehended the law of the heavens, can enshrine the gods, representing identity and strength.

Chu Yuan stared at the national destiny, a total of six stars turned into constellations, which represented the six powerhouses of the half-day path, and the others existed in the form of light As long as you break through the Great Lord, the light spots will immediately change. For the stars.

Chu Yuan is like the Lord of Conferred Gods, controlling the fortune of the country.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Your Majesty Congratulations, there are three more great lords in the gods!"

Jerei ruled over immediately.

"The ministers will join your Majesty!"

The three gods of the sun, moon, and stars will appear from time and space, with unconcealable joy on their faces. The strength of the Great Venerable, placed in the world of the thirty-three days level, is also the absolute main force of the battle.

"It didn't disappoint me."

Chu Yuan nodded.

The three gods of the Sun, Moon, and Stars united their magical powers, and the large formation of billions of stars, even though it was an ordinary great one, would not necessarily be their opponent.

He glanced at the heavenly **** pill.

The continuous consumption is only half the size.

But the value of the flower!

"Your Majesty, after your imperial decree was issued, the six major sects were really a little flustered. According to the news obtained by the minister, they have urgently reached an alliance and united to deal with this change."

God of War came to report.

"Huh! The people of those six sects are looking for death, they want to destroy the sect!"

Jerei snorted coldly.

"Just let them unite, everything is under my control."

Chu Yuan didn't care.

Simply extinguishing the Feixing Gate was not enough to make them afraid to resist.

"See the Emperor Shenwu!"

At this time, outside the Feixing Gate, a voice suddenly resounded.

"Oh? Someone came to take refuge, but it's not from these six sects, but it's normal. After all, some small forces don't have the courage to make the most correct choice."

God of War smiled.

"It's an acquaintance here."

When Chu Yuan met these people, he smiled and said, "Feiyu, you and I have been missing for many years."

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