A blood-colored figure seemed to gush out directly from the ground, without facial features, just a blood-colored human figure, about ten feet tall.

Its power is very weak.

"The Supreme Heaven, this trial has begun."

Chu Yuan glanced at it and evaporated it.

He still doesn't know exactly how this trial time and space proceeded.

In just an instant, two figures appeared, both of which were supreme, but Chu Yuan smashed the two figures with just one glance, and everything seemed easy.

But this is just the beginning.

Chu Yuan saw it, and three **** figures appeared in the next instant.

"Each defeat will be integrated into time and space, and in the next moment there will be an extra **** figure, and it will be of the highest level. I don't know how much will it increase before it will stop?"

Chu Yuan looked very relaxed and smiled: "Interesting, really interesting."

Of course he could tell.

The blood shadow in front of him after each defeat seemed to be defeated, but it was actually integrated into this space and time, and when he reunited next time, it would reappear from time and space.

This is the special law of trial time and space.

In the face of the Supreme Heaven, he didn't need to make a move, he was directly shocked by his breath, and it was all shattered.

The originally white space, with more and more **** figures, a scarlet color filled the sky, making it more and more bloody.

At the end, there were thousands of scarlet figures appearing at the same time.

Although they are only the cultivation base of the Supreme One Heaven, there are more, and Wan Zun attacking at the same time, still has the power to destroy the average Great Zun.

Chu Yuan was surrounded by **** figures in the middle.

The blood is boundless, and the ten thousand blood-colored beams hit Chu Yuan at the same time, locking him up in this trial space.

The breath spreads out like a circle of heart.

Chu Yuan's boundless aura caused the destruction of the sky and the earth. The ten thousand blood-colored silhouettes rumbling, they were all shattered. Although they could pose a threat to the general great ones, they were still too weak for him.

But Chu Yuan knew that was the beginning.

In this **** trial time and space, blood-red sea water appeared, thick as real blood.

This is a sea of ​​blood.

Chu Yuan also knew at the same time that he had smashed thousands of **** figures into this sea of ​​blood.

"After every level of realm, the Queen of Ten Thousand Sovereigns is the Ultimate Queen, and the next one is the Supreme Two Heaven."

Chu Yuan only waited for a moment, the sea of ​​blood expanded again, and as he expected, a supreme dual heaven appeared.

After he was defeated at any time, it was even more like before, and there were two supreme double heavens, and then three and four at the same time, increasing, and it didn't stop until Wan Zun was defeated.

The sea of ​​blood is raging!

After Wanzun Supreme Two Heaven was defeated, this sea of ​​blood also doubled in size.

"So that's it, I know."

Chu Yuan guessed it.

The limit of each realm is 10,000.

After every 10,000 masters are killed, they will turn into a sea of ​​blood.

Moreover, Chu Yuan noticed a more terrifying thing, that is, after he defeated these blood shadow opponents, their energy would not be lost, but would continue to gather in the sea of ​​blood.

He also understands.

It seems easy now, but in the end, this sea of ​​blood has gathered so much energy, I don't know why it will condense into a terrifying existence.

"Is it possible to swallow the sea of ​​blood and disintegrate this energy with the Great Swallowing technique?"

Chu Yuan's big swallowing technique instantly came over this sea of ​​blood.

The black hole and the sea of ​​blood confront each other.

But what made Chu Yuan's brows condensed was that a sea of ​​blood enveloped a special rule of heaven, which actually resisted his swallowing technique.

"Since I can't swallow it, let me see how intensely terrifying you will become in the end!"

Chu Yuan didn't panic, he expected this situation.

His divine power spread, standing calmly on the spot, just watching the blood sea condensing new blood shadows, this time he changed to the level of the Supreme Triple Heaven.

"All disappear for me!"

Chu Yuan was also fierce.

He wants to make a quick battle, directly defeat all the blood shadows that appear, and meet the final difficulty.

Wan Zun's triple sky blood shadow shattered.

Next is the existence of the four heavens and the five heavens.

Especially after reaching the Fifth Heaven, the power is even more incredible. Ten thousand forces bombard at the same time, and this fierce and terrifying mana will be shattered even if it is the peak of a half-day Dao.

"Are there still after the fifth heaven?"

At this moment, the sea of ​​blood is tumbling like a sea of ​​anger, and millions of feet of waves are rolling and flapping. Although you know that the more you kill, the more terrifying the sea of ​​blood will end up, but you can't help it.

The Great Venerable with the power of Half Heaven appeared.

This great statue is just an ordinary great statue.

To Chu Yuan, his attack seemed to be tickling, it could be shattered by raising his hand, and instantly turned into blood and melted into a sea of ​​blood.

The sky and the earth changed. At this time, there was a violent storm, surrounded by **** lightning, and the environment became worse and worse.

This **** trial was Chu Yuan, otherwise few people would be able to go to the present when Heavenly Dao God couldn't enter.

"What I want is not your trial, but your treasure!"

Chu Yuan had no plan to sharpen them in the sea of ​​blood, and immediately attacked with both hands, the world's supernatural power soared into the sky, and the vast sea of ​​blood was bursting.

Thousands of blood-colored light beams penetrated directly.

Thousands of Great Lords appeared, although they were the most common and weakest Great Lords.

But once united, this force is too terrifying.

Their power blocked the world and built a blood sea altar directly under Chu Yuan's feet, as if to sacrifice him.

The really violent killer was here, the previous ones were just appetizers.

Chu Yuan's body didn't even move, he seemed to have turned into a mirror-like existence, and a hundred forces directly penetrated his body.

The sky cracked, as if human skin was cracked, and endless blood gushing out of it, making the area of ​​the blood sea strengthen again.

Three hundred figures appeared again, but this time it was a hundred medium-sized figures.

Hundreds of figures appeared again, and their strength rose to the power of a high-ranking great-sage.

"Anything else?"

Chu Yuan's eyes converged, and finally ten people appeared, all of them at the pinnacle of great success, and the power against Dao could be exerted to ten percent.

One thousand and four hundred great masters!

And there are hundreds of high-ranking greats, and ten top-ranking greats!

This lineup is terrifying

This kind of strength, even if the Venerable Golden Sword reappears, will be blown into ashes. Only the real God of Heaven can deal with it calmly, but the God of Trial Space cannot enter ~www.ltnovel.com~ and Chu Yuan can also see it. come out.

These so-called appearances are not real beings, they are more like energy bodies.

The power of heaven in their cultivation is the same, it is a special trial space that gives them energy, and there is no life of their own.

Dealing with it alone is much weaker than the real great deity.

Just like the most common one, if someone of the same level comes over, one can count as ten.

But the number is too scary, and ants often kill elephants.

"It seems that only by smashing you four hundred and forty ways can you encounter the final existence. I don't know what surprises that final existence will give me?"

Faced with the persecution of these thousand and four hundred Dao Great Masters, Chu Yuan had a faint smile on his face.

And his words even revealed the horror of the **** trial, and the horrible lineup in front of him was not the ultimate difficulty.

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